From The Seattle Times: “Judge refuses to clarify revote rulings.” And talk about stating the obvious, don’t you just love this sub-headline from the Times’ home page?
But agrees that standards of proof for illegal votes is an important issue.
Well duh-uh. Judge Bridges said this issue should be decided in pre-trial hearings, and refused to set an April court date as requested by Republicans. More news later… assuming there is any.
Someone posted this at SP (although I cannot find the release at the campaign site), and I thought it quite hilarious:
One has to believe that Dino Rossi would claim starting his car each morning a victory. I can’t imagine what kind of victories we’d all be hearing about each day were he our Governor.
That was Josef.
Actually, it was someone who calls himself “Not Erik”. I see that Josef posted it here and at his site too. Still nothing at the site. Campaign incompetence?
Funny… I’d been thinking of writing a mock press release to the effect that Rossi claims it a victory just to get out of bed in the morning.
But don’t you just love attorneys? It doesn’t seem like it should take till April to get the blasted thing started. And I would say it is the Democrats’ strategy to do the Clinton “shuffle”- “delay, delay and delay”.
This is done under the assumption that poltiics are volatile and two weeks is a long time for us poor schmucks with the short attention spans. So, you can imagine two months of delays.
That last hearing was a joke as to content. And this one seems pretty trite as to content also. Except it was nice that the Republicans got the judge to list his decisions. I suspect the Dem attorneys were arguing the defintion of “is”. Again, that is another Clinton tactic.
Swatter @5
Actually, what happened today was pretty simple, and the result was the status quo. The Dems wanted the judge to elaborate on his previous rulings, specifically, they wanted the judge to come out and say that Rossi must prove disputed ballots changed the outcome to set aside the election. The Republicans filed a motion attaching a partial transcript from the previous hearing, and asked the judge to rule that this was what he ruled. That’s exactly what the judge did today… he left his previous ruling in place, with no further elaboration.
At least that’s my understanding. I’ll whip off an email to Lawyer X.
I prefer the Y chomosome myself.
But isn’t the Republican request kind of weird? I mean why was it necessary to ask this question? There is something going on behind the scenes to make this important to the Rs. The Ds I can understand, but the R request seemed real mundane to me. As did the last hearing that was held.
Why should Rural County Sunny Days In Process Judge Bridges be wagged by the hot shot party attorneys – to run, run, run.
Dino is in a hurry…..oh, gosh. Look the apple tress are budding. The fields are greening. Pot roast and fresh biscuits tonight at family feast. Voici Chelan, la belle terre.
Justice has nver been in any hurry in any court I have ever observed, and so hard for the R’s to comprehend. The world is turning on a proper axis, laws being enacted, policy set, staff hired, Gregoire is functioning OK.
Slow, judge, slow judge, —slow is OK. No hurry at all.
Take your time and run your court as you see fit. And, as the canny judge seemed to say- the evidence gathering is not complete. How do you have a big time trial with incomplete discovery and fact finding….
Oh, facts……what an inconvienct to justice, says Dino spokesperson, twit nobody Riding Hood.
swatter @ 5
You obviously know nothing about litigation. Whatsa matter, jealous of attorneys? Couldn’t get into law school? Nyaaah!
bby @ 8
I do think if Judge Bridges doesn’t speed things up the lights may go out in Wenatchee before he gets done, though. Wouldn’t surprise me if Bush sells BPA to China.
Don, Since you are from Milwaukee, might you be one of the Marquette students who bragged about voting Democrat four or five times in 2000? [Got to love the values at the liberal Jesuit schools. Too bad a few years in jail, expulsions, and six figure fines didn’t add to their resumes!]
Okay, you all, let’s have some fun:
“We are very happy with the judge’s ruling and we look forward to getting the contest to trial so we can get to the bottom of this flawed election.”
Secretary of Defense Mary Lane
Now, I may have done something not okay for using the first-ever img src HTML code but I had to try…
josef, you must have better pictures than that, but okay, I’ll go out on a limb- Marummy for US Senate.
I saw on one of the talk channels, Don, the two attorneys who liked to crack attorney jokes. Funnier than yours, I am afraid.
I was 25 at the time and a respected attorney wanted me to clerk in his office while I went through law school. If I had known then what I know now, I could have changed the world. Instead, I chose to remain in my math field.
And you must not be serious when you think highly of the legal field. Polls seem to put it as a not respected field. Lucrative, but not respected.
That’s right, Swatter. Everybody hates lawyers, except his own. Ah, we get no respect.
JCH @ 11
You can take your insinuation that I would engage in dishonest/illegal conduct and shove it up your wazoo.
swatter @ 13
“If I had known then what I know now, I could have changed the world. Instead, I chose to remain in my math field.”
If you think attorneys can change the world you have rocks in your head. A mathematician has a better shot at it.
“And you must not be serious when you think highly of the legal field. Polls seem to put it as a not respected field. Lucrative, but not respected.”
What makes you think it’s lucrative? For a small percentage, maybe. But then, I suppose a small percentage of mathematicians enjoy lucrative careers, too. But I can’t imagine a harder way to make a modest living than being today’s average attorney.
As for getting into law school about 5% of those who apply make it — the unlucky 5%, as I learned too late.
How much will the lawyers make from all these lawsuits?
I’m not sure the Democrats’ lawyers are getting paid. They may be doing it pro bono. I really don’t know.
Hey Democrats. Rather than “redistributing” someone else’s wealth, here’s an offer that you can’t refuse!! Don, it’s from Africa so it must be “politaclly correct” !! MRS. SUSAN SHABANGU.
Official Email:
Deputy Minister of Safety and Security
South Africa.
Dear Sir/Madam,
After due deliberation with my family, l decided to
contact you for your assistance in standing as a
beneficiary to the sum of US$ 12. 000.000.00 (Twelve
Million United States of American Dollars Only).
First, let me start by introducing myself, l am MRS.
SUSAN SHABANGU, a mother of three children and the
Deputy Minister of Safety and Security. Since 1st
April 1996 to date under the President of South
Africa, MR. THABO MBEKI. You can view my profile.
www. gov. za.
After the swearing in ceremony making me the Deputy
Minister of Safety and Security, my husband Mr.
Ndelebe Shabangu died while he was on an Official
trip to Trinidad and Tobago in 2002.
After his death, l discovered that he had some funds
in a dollar account which mounted to the sum of
emanated as a result of an over-invoiced contract
which he excuted with the Goverment of South Africa.
Though l assisted him in getting this contract but l
never knew that it was over-invoiced by him. l am
afraid that the Government of South Africa might
start to investigate on the contracts awarded from
2000 to date. lf they discover this money in his
bank account, they will confiscate it and seize his
assets here in South Africa and this will definetely
affect my political career in government.
l want your assistance in clearing this money from
FINANCE AND SECURITY COMPANY. As soon as the fund is
cleared, you are expected to move it immediately
into another personal bank account in your country.
l will see to it that the account is not traced from
South Africa. As soon as you have confirmed the
fund into your account, l will send my eldest son
with my Attorney to come to your country to discuss
on business investments.
For your assistance, l am offering you 30%, As the
Account owner, while10% is for any expenses that
maybe incured. However, you have to assure me and
also be ready to go into agreement with me that you
will not elope with my fund.
lf you agree to my terms, Kindly as a matter of
urgency send me an e-mail. Due to my sensitive
position in the South African Government, l would
not WANT you to call me on phone or send a fax to
me. All correspondence must be by e-mail to my
Please l do not need to remind you of the need for
absolute confidentiality if this transaction must
succeed. YOU MUST NOT CALL ME ! lf you do not feel
comfortable with this transaction, do not hesttate
to discontinue.
Thanks for your anticipated co-operation and my
regards to your family.
Thanks and God bless.
Deputy Minister of Safety and Security
South Africa.
What I suggest is creating a “Rant Room” where you could move or copy the more ridiculous raving lunatic fringe comments.
Keep everything as it was perhaps, just collate the more ridiculous rants in another page where people can post to.
Soon enough, one of two things happens. Either that page becomes your most popular spot, or the ridiculous rants of some go bye-bye…
Sorry, I am an eight-track mind in a DVD world…
20, Marks, “….where people can post to”. I remember something about ending a sentence with a ……..what?? Anyone?? Anyone who completed 6th grade? Marks, Rewrite your above post. JCH
19. JCH, The offer from Susan Shabagu is from Africa, so anyone who may question the honesty of Ms Shabgu financial consideration would be racist. [hehe]
MW – Preposition: a function word that typically combines with a noun phrase to form a phrase which usually expresses a modification or predication.
Unfortunately, the world changes, JCH. I am just not sure you are ready for it to.
JCH @19
It’s enought that I tolerate your junky comments. But please keep your junk mail to yourself, okay? This is a forum where people on both sides of the divide are free to speak their minds. So please show a little respect and refrain from littering.
Goldy @ 24
I agree with you. For the second time this week. The first time being when you did not publicly shun me from your blog for my levity at liberals’ expense. (This post is not to be perceived as “brown nosing.” However, a little justifiable genuflection is good for the soul.) I hope I left no participles dangling with my prepositions running to and fro.
“Junky comments”? At least I don’t end sentences with prepositions! [see post 20, Marks] BTW, you must not make fun of post number 19 as the offer is from Africa, so ANY negative comments would be racist. As blacks vote 115% Democrat, you really should refrain from calling Ms Shabagu’s letter “junky”. I feel your comment was mean spirited. [hehe]
JCH @ 19
Is there a correlation between visiting porn sites and subsequently receiving Nigerian scam e-mails? I don’t know, but thought you might.
JCH @ 22
When did you begin posting responses to your own posts? Have you talked to a shrink about that? Did he offer any explanation of this behavioral syndrome? What’s the diagnostic code? I’ curious because there has to be an insurance angle to this somewhere.
Don, Working in the private sector and being a taxPAYER rather than a “guvment” hack tax receiver can give a person insight. You should give it a try!! Don: “guvment employee union hack”. JCH
The answer is: Pay more taxes so parasites like Don, who can’t make it in the private sector, can continue to get his “guvment” check. Just like a welfare hack, another loser.
apparently jch thinks people in the government work tax free. I wonder if he feels that way about our soldiers, who of course are also merely “tax receivers.” After all, there’s nothing good that ever comes from government expenditures.
TirridJoe……Military/police/fire not included……..The rest of you “guvment” employee hacks are NET tax receivers, NOT NET tax payers. Some would call you parasites.
Goldy, Don……BTW, LT, USN [75-84]…….I’m willing to bet a Hershey Bar [large, with almonds] that BOTH of you never served a day in the military. You bitch and complain, and post “fuck you”, but when it comes to serving your country IN UNIFORM, you both prefer than “someone else” do the heavy lifting. [Don, was that you at UW running the ROTC of campus?]
A spoonful of JCH helps the Cynical go down.
Goldy, pussy……..You didn’t answer the question. [Kind of what I thought]
JCH @ 28
The truth hurts, doesn’t it? Ha! :)
JCH @ 32
You would owe me a Hershey bar but for the fact I’m not about to give you my address. I don’t want some mentally unstable nut job showing up at my front door. I served 13 months with a combat unit in Vietnam. That’s a fact, and if you don’t believe me, I don’t give a shit. I don’t have to prove anything to you.
JCH @34,
Hey JCH, great news… I just checked it out, and the domain name is still available. So why don’t you go start your own blog, and maybe I’ll stop by occasionally and disrupt your threads by posting comments about politics…?
Goldy @ 36
Now, THAT was funny!
Gee…JCH makes me look like Mother Teresa!
I don’t think even I can be that mean.
I think a lot of people are tired of being lectured by folks that spent their lives at the trough and have clearly lost contact with the real world of folks that have to make it every day….as self-employed small business people. Hence, you will see folks like JCH hammer on the Honest…but stupid..Don’s of the world.
People that are really trying to make it are sick & tired of regulators & tax-and-squander losers like Don trying to wreak vengeance on them because they have wasted their lives sucking off the system. In Don’s Leftist world, the government gives handouts to losers who won’t work to maintain it’s power base…and demonizes taxpaying, hard-working, risk-takers like JCH.
Don–when you are a career Leftist Government Attorney…it’s adios reality, huh?
Don…….Right, You fought the Communists, then became one? I don’t think so. I think it much more likely that Goldy and you went to Canada in the 70’s to find “true socialism”, came back, and recently lead a bunch of dumb ass U of W students in a charge to throw the ROTC recruiters off campus.
Posts are now blocked by Goldy. Gee, I wonder why?
Fought my way back! Don, You fought the communists, and now you are one? Right…….I think it is more likely that you went to Canada with Goldy, returned when the heat was off, and now are leaders helping to rally U of W students to attack the ROTC and throw them off campus. [I think I see you in the student picture on the SOUNDPOLITICS website.] Don “Where’s My “Guvment” Check?], and Goldy,War Hero [I’m heading to Canada]: True American Heroes!! [gag]
Kennedy seeking clear run in ’06
He’s raising funds to stem challenge…….He’s ready, so gas up the Oldsmobile, have another drink, make sure Mary Jo is looking good, and put the pedal to the metal!! America’s leading Democrat, Teddy [D-Chevis Regal] is ready to go!! [If only WASH state Democrats had such bold, talented leadership!]
JCH @40,
As you can clearly see by the fact that your post complaining about posts being blocked was immediately posted…. your posts have NOT been blocked. If you read the little notice in the comment window, you will see that some posts are held for approval if they are caught by my blog spam filter. I don’t know what keyword it was that blocked your post, but I do find it appropriate that so many of your posts are mistaken for spam.
Trust me… if I ever decide to block you, I’ll let everybody know.
Kennedy, Hillary, Castro, Don, Goldy, Jung [Dear Leader], and Jesse Jackson. Leaders of today’s Democrats!!
Cynical @38,
As I assume you well know, I am also an entrepreneur and small businessman, and have been self-employed for most of my adult life. I also cofounded InterAct, an award-winning, not-for-profit theater company in Philadelphia, that has managed to become quite financially sound (in my absence.)
I have also worked closely with giant telecommunications companies, and learned the lesson early on that a bureaucracy is a bureaucracy is a bureacracy, regardless of whether it is in the public or private sector.
So your efforts to stigmatize “lefties” as public sector parasites falls on deaf ears.
A tiny pic. Even a more tiny mind
back to reality here……
the Judge gave the ok to allow evidence to be shown, right?
Does this mean that all of King County elections dirty laundry will be aired for us all to see? Not that I am a peeping tom, but this is going to get really good. Did you ever think we would get to see King County squirm?
And the miracles of all miracles is about to happen, it will squirm in front of the entire nation. Thank You God and John Fund for the revised version of your book “Stealing Elections” with the additional 2 fat chapters dedicated to WASHINGTON’s Governors race. Can’t wait for America and Ukraine to read it.
dirty laundry? Are you just making stuff up now?
Cynical @ 38
“I think a lot of people are tired of being lectured by folks that spent their lives at the trough and have clearly lost contact with the real world of folks that have to make it every day”
An excellent description of Bush’s cabinet. Full of ex-CEOs whose companies live off tax breaks, subsidies, and public contracts. Not one of them has any experience competing
in real markets. So why do you vote for them?
Cynical @ 39
“Don–when you are a career Leftist Government Attorney…it’s adios reality, huh?”
Yeah, pretty much. I got paid to deal with people like you. It’s a burnout job.
JCH @ 39
I’ll bet you were jerking off as you typed that. C’mon now, fess up — you were, weren’t you?
chardonnay @ 47
“Does this mean that all of King County elections dirty laundry will be aired for us all to see?”
I certainly hope so … so everyone sees how little the GOPers were making such a big fuss about.
JCH @ 39
Be careful you don’t go blind, JCH. You don’t want to turn into a not-see, do you?