You know it’s a bad political climate for Washington Republicans when even the man at the top of their state ticket has chosen to officially deny his affiliation with the party. Dino Rossi filed for governor this week, and under the bizarre rules of our new top-two primary has declared his affiliation as “Prefers G.O.P. Party.”
The G.O.P. Party…? What the hell is that? The “Grand Old Party Party” …?
State Attorney General Rob McKenna has declared that he “Prefers Republican Party,” as have Secretary of State Sam Reed and Commissioner of Public Lands Doug Southerland. And so have US Representatives Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Doc Hastings and Dave Reichert, as in fact has every other Republican declaring for federal or statewide office.
But Rossi, no, he’s too ashamed (or savvy) to have the Republican brand attached to his name. What a weasel.
(H/T Richard.)
Just to be clear, Dino Rossi filed as a “Republican” in 2004, so it’s not like he doesn’t know how to spell the word.
Maybe, he’s just stupid and couldn’t fill the form out correctly.
This is hilarious, and interesting.
Is this because most of the non-liberals and non-Democrats in Washington are libertarians?
I prefer to think that most non-liberals, non-Democrats in Washington State are sadly mistaken.
do goldy’s trollz do top post commenting? if so, not only did i learn con law from bazooka joe, i learned how to do a victory dance on lil’ piper and his sorry ass doomsaying republican party from tha heights.
access to civilian courts. please. how about access to a criminal charge for the alleged crime of 9-11? greatest crime in history, right mr. cheney?
Slow news day??
Better than discussing O-blah-blah’s lack of credentials, position on issues, position choice of people he affiliates with (Rezko, Ayers, Wright and that other kook) and even whether he can legally run for President or not.
And better than discussing the latest DSHS fiasco which occurred under who’s watch??
But noooooooooooooooo, yet another day of our ‘lil Goldy pickin’ flyshit outta pepper.
Dear Dickwad:
What? Obama can’t legally run for President Of The United States? This I need to know more about. Pray tell, asshole, where did this come from? Cite your source, point me to it on the web.
Cyniclown, why did you break your promise not to post here? Why did you lie to us? You have no honor. But that was to be expected.
Fuck you.
Maybe black people can’t be president of the U.S.? I don’t know, I assumed they could, but I’m obviously not cynical enough to be up-to-date on the latest real, fast news.
I just think Rossi thought it’d make him sound cooler to be part of the party party.
How about we talk about the primary elections where Obama came in second and still got double the votes McCain did?
Dino’s dimwittedness on display.
yeah Rossi’s no Republican.
Right before this was posted, I was wondering why Rossi even decided to run this year. The polling must have been pretty discouraging, and the prospect of a nationwide “blue wave” is something most professional Republican politicians would prefer to sit out.
The only conclusion I can come up with is (
a) the Republicans are really weak in the “bench”, and can’t find any credible challenger willing to be the sacrificial lamb this time around;
(b) Rossi is so insular that he has come to believe the wingnuts who assure him that “we wus robbed last time, so we have at least a good of a shot this time, and everybody hates Gregoire anyway”.
2004 was a soft year for Democrats, which contributed to Rossi’s relative surprise showing. That’s not going to happen this year. McCain has no coattails in this state, the Republican base is split, “Leans Republican” voters may sit this one out or swing towards Obama, as well as most of the Independents. Rossi will be trying to fight the tide with a teaspoon.
Cynical @ 5. Goldy can write about anything he dang well wants to write about. This is his blog. He pays the hosting bills, not you. He puts the effort into maintaining the site, not you. He is not under any obligation to waste space talking about the “non-issues” you regularly throw out in order to try to change the subject. You are just another Republican freeloader trying to take advantage of Goldy’s generosity of allowing you to post on his site.
If you want to see writings on other subjects, feel free to read the latest rantings from any number of right-wing nuts with which you obviously agree. Or better yet, learn how to progam, start your own blog, pay your own hosting fees, and then go right ahead and do so. Otherwise, stay on topic, or just shut up.
Oh, I forgot, nobody would read your rantings on your own web site – that’s why you have to insert them here in between other, more thoughtful commentary. It’s certainly not worth bookmarking, or taking the 30 seconds or so it would take to look for it online.
Well, that’s YOUR problem, isn’t it?
Shut the phuck up nimrod. We’re not supposed to be talking about it yet. We are waiting until the last minute and he can’t refute it. Now hush, don’t say any more about it.
More breaking news:
By Ann Scott Tyson and Josh White
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, June 5, 2008; 5:37 PM
Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates today announced the resignations of two top Air Force officials because of what he said were serious leadership problems involving the security of U.S. nuclear weapons and components.
Can O-Blah-Blah legally be President??
You KLOWNS are in love with the law so chew on this–
Barack Obama is not legally a U.S. natural-born citizen according to the law on the books at the time of his birth, which falls between ‘ December 24, 1952 to November 13, 1986’? Presidential office requires a natural-born citizen if the child was not born to two U.S. citizen parents, which of course is what exempts John McCain though he was born in the Panama Canal. US Law very clearly stipulates: ‘.If only one parent was a U.S. citizen at the time of your birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for at least ten years, at least five of which had to be after the age of 16.’ Barack Obama’s father was not a U.S. citizen and Obama’s mother was only 18 when Obama was born, which means though she had been a U.S. citizen for 10 years, (or citizen perhaps because of Hawai’i being a territory) the mother fails the test for being so for at least 5 years **prior to** Barack Obama’s birth, but *after* age 16. It doesn’t matter *after* . In essence, she was not old enough to qualify her son for automatic U.S. citizenship. At most, there were only 2 years elapsed since his mother turned 16 at the time of Barack Obama’s birth when she was 18 in Hawai’i. His mother would have needed to have been 16+5= 21 years old, at the time of Barack Obama’s birth for him to have been a natural-born citizen. As aforementioned, she was a young college student at the time and was not. Barack Obama was already 3 years old at that time his mother would have needed to have waited to have him as the only U.S. citizen parent. Obama instead should have been naturalized, but even then, that would still disqualify him from holding the office.
*** Naturalized citizens are ineligible to hold the office of President. *** Though Barack Obama was sent back to Hawaii at age 10, all the other info does not matter because his mother is the one who needed to have been a U.S. citizen for 10 years prior to his birth on August 4, 1961, with 5 of those years being after age 16. Further, Obama may have had to have remained in the country for some time to protect any citizenship he would have had, rather than living in Indonesia. Now you can see why Obama’s aides stopped his speech about how we technically have more than 50 states, because it would have led to this discovery. This is very clear cut and a blaring violation of U.S. election law.
@15 As if anybody could give a flying monkey fuck what you think.
@13 Pathetic, Marvin. Dumber than a fucking Piper is what you are.
Marvin, you truly are a piece of work. You really believe that a sitting United States Senator has not been vetted to legally run for POTUS?
He is black, is that why? His father is of foreign birth? Check out the constitution, dumbass.
Article Two of the Constitution sets the principal qualifications to be eligible for election as President. A Presidential candidate must:
* be a natural-born citizen of the United States;
* be at least thirty-five years old;
* have been a permanent resident in the United States for at least fourteen years.
Tell me what part of that Mr. Obama, the next President Of The United States, does fulfill.
I know you just like to throw red, and every other color of, herring all over the place, but, please, keep it to the realm of this universe.
I would suggest you put down the crack pipe.
Rats fleeing a burning ship prefer non-flammable environs, too. So Rossi is at least as clever as a plague spreading rodent.
I see where they are getting this. What a bunch of crap. Obama was born in Hawaii. Before it became a state.
(slapping knee, laughing)
Hawaii became a territory of the United States in 1900. Obama’s momma was a United States citizen. She gave birth to a United States citizen.
Now, go back to your crayons and pablum.
NOTE: McCain was born in Panama. HMMMMMMMMMM…..
Maybe we could also talk about McCain’s inability to grasp reality regarding Iraq, or his basic inability to name the players there (does he really think al Qaeda are Shiites?). Or how even he admits that he knows nothing about economics. Or about his navy record of crashing planes. Or about how he SOUGHT the endorsements of religious kooks Hagee and Ron Parlsey? Or his ties to lobbyists, and how half of his top staff has had to resign over the past month due to their ties with lobbyists. Or about how “Mr. Straight Talk” has flip-flopped on issues since 2000. Or about how “Mr. Stray Cock” had to have staff tell him to knock off his inappropriate behavior towards the lobbyist who wasn’t his wife, and how he calls his wife a ‘cunt,’ and in front of other people! And maybe we could talk about whether it is really such a good idea to have such an old man, who might have some PTSD and certainly has a documented bad temper, and who makes jokes about bombing a country that he is busy whipping up sentiment against, having his finger on the trigger of the US nuclear arsenal.
From the following site:
“Barack Obama is not legally a U.S. natural-born citizen according to the law on the books at the time of his birth, which falls between “December 24, …”
Sound familiar, Mr. Cynical? Mr. Cynical ought to credit the original author and quit pretending that he’s capable of stringing more than a handful of words together. After all, we already know that the pathetic slob is dumber than a fucking duck.
Re 5: The Keating Five. We haven’t even opened that can of worms yet.
But it’s only a matter of time.
Rezco Ha! You don’t even know about McCain and Ron Popeil.
Um, to be fair, the Web site says Reichert “Prefers the Republican Party” — not the “G.O.P., as you wrote. It also says Burner “Prefers the Democratic Party.” And just for clarification’s sake, anyone unaffiliated with the Reds or Blues “States No Party Preference.”
Back on topic: This can only be an attempt to fool some percentage of real mouthbreathers who can’t figure out GOP = Republican = Party of Bush.
I watched the movie ‘Idiocracy’ last week, and all I can say is Rossi is going for the crowd that would be watching ‘Ow! My Balls!’
The dumbass comedy duo of Cynical and Stamm will have EIGHT YEARS to bitch about PRESIDENT OBAMA.
Have fun shitheads.
President Obama should prosecute every single GOP traitor when he takes office. It would be interesting to see how the so-called law and order types from the G.O.P. would react.
…saw a license plate holder:
“I want my next license plate to be made by Bush and Cheney”
Verrrrry cool!
@27 We can start by rounding up all the treasonous fucking trolls and giving them the ol’ Gitmo treatment.
Hawaii was a state when Obama was born there. Cynical is so far from reality with his analysis that perhaps we should take up a collection to send him to a shrink.
@15: Hogwash. Read the 14th Amendment. You’re probably the kind of nutcase who uses legal mumbo jumbo to likewise argue that the Federal Reserve System is “unconstitutional” or that the 16th Amendment was passed “ilegally”. Pure fucking nuttery.
Stay on the ranch, sir. A lawyer (or whomever you cut that from without attribution) you (they) are not.
Some say Dino did not fill out the form in 2004 himself. He wasn’t sure how to spell ‘republican’. The fact that he relies on nutters like Lou Guzzo for “ideas” should be a dead giveaway.
Dino please say it’s not so!!!
While I don’t dispute the U.S. citizenship of BHO, good liberal that you are…how do you contend with the argument that Hawaii was unlawfully stolen from its hereditary monarchy such that the original annexation of the territory was illegal, ergo Hawaii isn’t a legit part of the U.S.?
Are you saying, by virtue of your strong contention that BHO is a U.S. citizen, that the U.S. was correct in quashing the rights of indigenous peoples, stealing their birthright, and forcing them into second-class citizenship?
Read more here:
The Piper
So, you fellows also support the theft of Hawaii from its indigenous peoples and its possibly unlawful annexation by the U.S.?
I never realized you were colonial imperialists!
Ditto Aloha!
The Piper
The Rujax suggests “The Piper” has forgetten “Manifest Destiny”…or…
…how and/or whether: “the U.S. was correct in quashing the rights of indigenous peoples, stealing their birthright, and forcing them into second-class citizenship?” Not to mention confiscating land from Missouri to the Pacific Ocean.
Just sayin, asshole.
Piper, the thread’s about what an ass-wipe Dino is. Please get with the program.
@35: Piffle Scott, the 21st century’s answer to Mark Twain? I think not. For one thing, who could imagine Tom Sawyer in kilts?
For the sake of argument, you answer your question first.* We’ll gladly go from there.
*Piffle’s question is the same rhetorical ploy as “So, you supported Saddam Hussein staying in power?” Fucking wingnutz can never engage in an honest discussion of the issue at hand.
Hey, piffle. Exactly WHEN did you stop beating your wife?
I demand an answer.
hahahaha These liberals just can’t get over the fact that the repubs effectively demonized the word “liberal”. Try as they might, they will never do the same to “republicans” or “conservatives”. hehehehe
repubs effectively demonized the word “liberal”. Try as they might, they will never do the same to “republicans”
They just did cur. The Republicans demonized themselves so bad by their own ineptness and corruption. So much so even Dino Rossi can’t call himself a Republican!
Eat shit mutt!
Right after you did…
The Piper
@40 Could you possibly be any more lame? Please keep up with current events. Republicans have self-demonized themselves with their utter failure to govern and their horrific disaster that is Iraq. That’s the short list. One fuckup after another – like a constant stream. It’s why your asses will be whupped in November. Bend over and bark for me, Rover.
Is that why McCain is neck an neck with Obama after he won the nomination??? Yeah we have gone down hill. We should be up by 10% points.
#40, why should we even try when you do it to yourselves?
It seems others have jumped on this obvious point while I was typing that…
Yep, yep.
This will be an interesting year in Washington State. I think it would clearly be a hoot if my man Dino came in third in a top two primary!
That would make my day!
@44 “Yeah we have gone down hill.”
Can’t argue with that. C’mon, bark for me.
#44, aside from the fact that polling methodology has not caught up to reality, the rather enjoyable process of exposing McCain as a fraud has just begun.
You’re all blowing smoke. The problem is the way people are being asked to enter their party preference. I wrote about it here:
Candidates used to just indicate their party affiliation. They used to simply respond “Democrat” or “G.O.P.”. However, the new rules and form take what they enter and insert it in the canned phrase “(Prefers ______ Party)”. So many candidates not paying close attention have been caught out by the subtle difference and filled out the form as they had in the past without realizing the result.
This is a problem at the Secretary of State level. This kind of confusion may be comical now, but demonstrates a complete lack of understanding about how small things can have big consequences. These are the same people in the Secretary of State office that want to design our ballots. Confusion on a filing form is one thing, but confusion on a ballot could lead to another Florida controversy.
I have been contacting every Democrat that has been caught out by this and I’ve also contacted the SoS (without any response from them as yet) urging them to contact candidates, correct this error and improve the filing forms.
After the GOP embarrassed itself miserably at the state convention, Rossi may be trying to distance himself without actually having the integrity to publicly denounce what the McCainites tried to do. The Ron Paul supporters seriously outnumbered the McCain supporters, but the Cainites had control of the proceedings and played dirty tricks because that was all they had to offer. It was pathetic and ridiculous. But it sure did create a lot more Ron Paul supporters, and exposed and identified the party NWO weasels, so it was worth it. If Rossi likes those kind of tactics, he is only half a notch less evil than Gregoire. Let’s see what he does from here.
@48 I once saw him as a decent guy. I’m not sure who the fuck he is anymore. I don’t think he knows who he is anymore himself.
Why aren’t trolls in 24/7 outrage mode because of his flip-flopping on every issue imaginable?
THANK YOU to all the wing nuts who don’t know Hawaii is a state in the United States of America, and therefore think Obama isn’t a natural born citizen!! THANK YOU! ROFLMAO. Keeps on proving, whether it’s the environment, war, sex education, or any other topic, Republicans are ALWAYS wrong and make up facts, anti-science and anti-reality. You can use faith and BELIEVE Hawaii isn’t part of the United States, but it is…and was when Obama was born there. LOL. Panama on the other hand is not part of the United States. But the ‘zone’ was a military protectorate area so McCain is being given a pass even though he is foreign born.
He’s not the only one who did the GOP trick….
The word “Republican” does not appear anywhere on the front page of Rossi’s website.
A google search for “Republican” in his domain brings up just a little over a page of references.
Just another cowardly “Republican” hiding from the ugly legacy of his party.
So my response @#1 was the correct one then.
Keep up the good work.
Daniel K @ 49
Good job for you!
I think the Secretary of State is allowing minor grammatical corrections. Early on Monday morning, I saw that Brian Baird had filed as “Prefers Democrat Party”. I e-mailed his campaign contact e-mail (listed on the SOS website) about this apparent error. Several hours later, the SOS website said that Baird now “Prefers Democratic Party”.
And several other folks managed to be awarded an ICee after careless filing, as far as I can tell. For example, Fred Jarrett added an ICee to his party preference, from what I can tell.
I think every ad Rossi ran in 2004 was with the tag “Rossi for Governor GOP”
His signs all said that, not Republican.
What cracks me up is that “GOP” stands for… Grand Old Party.
So what Rossi’s really saying is that he “prefers Grand Old Party Party”.
Party squared. That’s a partyboy for sure! Nobody tell W Bush, he’ll come and drink all the booze.
34 and 35:
And we should give back Manhattan and the Louisana Purchase too.
Come on, Scott, you know better. We could make a case for the colonies having to pack it up and head back to Britain. Puerto Rico, Guam, US Virgin Islands?
If your post was meant as humor, I am sorry I missed it.
I’m surprised he didn’t file as “non-partisan.” That’s how Repugnants advertise themselves nowadays.
@60 So now Piper, in addition to his other qualifications and talents, is also a self-appointed advocate for dispossessed indigenous peoples? That’s rich!!
@50 You’re confused. Dick Cheney is evil. Christine Gregoire is not evil.
@52 Don’t you understand? We need the Republican Party! The GOP is the trash bin into which we throw all the ignorant fucks who vote wrong on every issue, so we won’t have them fucking things up in our party.
Run away! Run away, brave republics! Just when I think this election couldn’t get any better, Rossi won’t even call himself a republic. Wow.
BTW, Hawaii was admitted to the Union on August 21, 1959, making it the 50th state. Wingnuts, please, keep trying! This is the best entertainment evah!
What is the difference if you call yourself a “republican” or a “GOP’er”. They both mean the same thing, have for the last 100 plus years. No one would be giving the dems crap if they called themselves “commie” or “bleeding heart” instead of “librul”. Two things you can count on when it comes to the general election for POTUS:
Real GOP’ers/Republicans never run away from the label “conservative”
Real conservatives always win (unless you have an asshole like Perot splitting the vote).
That is not threat or a promise but reality. Sorry. But I love the entertainment anyway. heheehehee
Why are the wingies making a big deal of Obama being born in Hawaii? Have they forgotten that McCain was born in Panama?
Roger Rabbit Quiz
Ok, wingnuts, this geography quiz is just for you! Liberals need not take it; their role is to be amused by your answers. Put on your thinking caps, wingnuts! Like all Roger Rabbit Quizzes, it might be tricky for persons with your intellectual capabilities, so take your time, don’t rush your answer, and cheat if you have to! Ready? Heeeere weeee gooooo!
Which of the following is a state?
[ ] 1. Hawaii
[ ] 2. Panama
(Note: There is only one correct answer! So don’t mark both answers! You will get a failing score if you do!)
You pegged Dick right. Obviously you don’t know Christine very well. The fact that she is a player on the state level rather than the national level is of little consequence, dear. She is just as evil, only somewhat less successful at it. Or perhaps more successful, since apparently not everyone knows about it yet.
I guess this means Goldy is scared to death of the GOP takeover of the Governorship in this state in November, and he should be.It’s going to happen.
This time, when he wins, he’ll actually get to govern from Olympia where he’ll turn this hellhole called Washington State around.
Now, back to regularly scheduled mouthbreating from the HA trolls.
Puddydick posting as Rick D is still delusional. Remember when he talked all this shit during the 06 election and Democrats destroyed, no obliterated, no flat out terrorized the GOP by winning back control of the Congress? Remember? Remember?
It’s going to be soooooo much fun watching these inbred cowards cut and run from this board (as most of them did then) when we do it again.
Rossi’s got a better chance of making REAL ESTATE BROKER (something he already got caught lying about) than toilet cleaner to the Governor. HEHE!
bybygooper@71: Wrong, as usual.
Post my comments goober. You can do it. Prove to us you are cro-magnon.
Bye @ 71
If Dino Rossi had ever become a Real Estate BROKER (as opposed to a Real Estate SALESPERSON), that would actually have given him much more relevant experience to be Governor. A Real Estate BROKER actually has to manage and supervise other people, since they are in charge of running an office full of Real Estate SALESPERSONS.
re 72: As opposed to your Neanderthal? Why won’t you denounce the Republican governor of South Carolina for flying the confederate battle flag on the state capitol building? Why do you enable white racists?
Um… #70
Hate to break it to you, but you’re the troll here .
Notice how easy it was to get Puddydick to admit he’s also Rick D.? Man the right needs a MUCH better class of inbred idiots representing it. This is too fucking easy.
Puddy rest assured – I’ve fucked your wife in every hole and to the point that I can no longer stomach her. So you have have her back – but she’s full of my man juice so take care!
@73 Now I’m thinking of the complete asshole that was played so well by Kevin Spacey in ‘Glengary Glenn Ross.’
I think somebody needs to tell Rossi that he doesn’t get any more leads until he closes some deals! Heh.
As a woman, aren’t you impressed with the salacious comments of BBGOP @76 and throughtout HA? Doesn’t he show respect for women? And never degrade or debase them?
Wouldn’t you just love to hang out with a guy like that?
Or have you other thoughts on the matter?
The Piper
And it’s so good of you to remind us of playwright David Mamet, who wrote an article for the Village Voice this past March entitled, Why I Am No Longer a ‘Brain-Dead Liberal’
Thank you so much for causing us all to remember and rejoice in the conversion of one who crossed over from the dark side after being mugged by reality.
“There is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” Luke 15:10
The Piper
66 JBD
Because when a conservative loses, Republicans will always say it’s because the person wasn’t a “real conservtive” because real conservatives always win. And the tautological fantasy continues…
For example, who doesn’t know that Tom Delay wasn’t really a “real conservative?”
70 RD
Congrats again. You have come even closer to an on-topic post. Cheers!
Yeah, an incumbent governor with 30 years’ experince in WA government, in a Democratic-majority state that went nearly 70% for Obama in the caucuses, will be upset by a bitter wingnut-in-sheep’s-clothing who never got out of the legislature and who hasn’t held a job in state government in five years.
Yeah, buddy, it sounds like a fucking lock.
Oh Pooper. Mamet ends his piece pining for a vision of small town America.
A mid-life crisis indeed.
Resolved by reading Sowell, Friedman, Johnson (yecch), etc..
In the meantime, the Enrons/Blackwaters/KBRs come and go, men/women die/are maimed in Iraq, bridges collapse and venal politicians make disastrous decisions that the rest of us have to pay for. Nothing to see here, move along…
The day of reckoning is put off and people find a way to get ahead or get along…
Pfft.. I think I’ll wait for Redbelt on DVD.
66. Jane Balough’s Dog spews:
I like it when you bend over and bark like a dog for me.
I think this helps expose Rossi as a politician who has trouble telling people the truth in the most basic ways.
Rossi is often promoted as the chief strategy to save the Republican party in the state. The fact that he’s chosen to use an aniquated reference to his party on the ballot says a lot about how straightforward Rossi is.
His party preference is misleading in three respects: 1. he could have been upfront and called himself a republican, or 2. he could have used the Grand Old Party spelled out, but it is hard to be a “change” candidate while running as an “old” party candidate or 3. he used reference to “party” twice on the ballot, leaving the “P” (for party) in next to G O but also adding “party.” Rossi is saying on the ballot that he prefers the Grand Old Party party.
(Republicans are notorious for throwing bad parties.)