From President Bush’s speech today before the National Endowment for Democracy:
“Evil men obsessed with ambition and unburdened by conscience must be taken very seriously, and we must stop them before their crimes can multiply.”
by Goldy — ,
Well…he WANTED a different legacy than his father, and BOY does he have one.
If you had set your bong down for one moment back in the 70’s, you’d remember the Carter years. Talk about a miserable failure.
It sounds more like he was talking about a certain wannabe King… err… Prince of All Liberal Media blog publisher from Seattle.
What is Bush thinking when he says these things? Its kinda crazy how terrible he actually is as a public speaker.
hate to hijack, but did anyone hear Dave Ross in the 4 O’clock hour yesterday? He was all over Chris Vance on the subject of I-912. Vance admitted that it was about ‘getting back’ at the dems, and Ross even pulled a ‘where’s Rossi?’ bit out of it… Good stuff!
Now we can return to our regular scheduled “Bush shouldn’t be allowed in front of a microphone” program.
PS: Pacman emailed me just now, he said that he was very dissapointed with Bush’s speech.
Mark @ 2 Please tell us first why when we talk about the CURRENT US PRESIDENT, all the Republicans want to talk about is history. Secondly, please list these purported failures of President Carter. After all, I can list ALL of the failures of our current Chimpanzee in Chief.
Bush is a lot of things but he’s not evil.
Any suggestion otherwise reduces your credibility.
I’d say he’s more pointing out the massive irony of bush’s speech. I’d say “Obsessed with ambition and unburdoned by conscience” is exactly descriptive of these people, and what a surprise, their crimes have multiplied.
Focusing on 1 word out of 24 to nitpick is a classic trick, but is kinda sad. I just think its great that He’s using the word “evil” to describe the actions of his own administration and cronies.
Anyways, its funny.
Let’s see:
Carter- advanced the cause of peace and understanding among people…Bush, not so much.
Carter- Negotiated draw down of world wide nuclear armament. Bush, can’t pronounce “nuclear”.
Carter- normalized realtions with China for improved security for all the citizens of the world. Bush uses Chinese money to finance his reckless foriegn and domestic economic policies with a country that competes with us economically and ideologically, potential of economic calamity for US and the world economy if said competitor calls the notes.
Carter- works for the causes of human rights and free and fair elections. Bush, not so much.
Carter- negotiated peace accord in the Middle East.
Bush- ……………….blows up the middle east.
Natch. Bush is better.
umm rujax, I”m on your side, but didn’t Nixon normalize relaitons with China? Carter was really against them because they were anti human-rights.
If I’m wrong, sorry
Windie @ 8
I see your point. Goldy could have left out “evil” — it is a strong word that sets the tone for the entire point.
Also, do you think Bush has no conscience?
I think the effect of the attempted irony is reduced by the strength and intensity of the quoted words.
fire_one @ 6: “Please tell us first why when we talk about the CURRENT US PRESIDENT, all the Republicans want to talk about is history.”
Because I was responding to rujax’s assertion of “ever.”
Another of President Jimmy Carter’s foreign policy accomplishments was his normalizing relations with the People’s Republic of China. Over the winter of 1977-1978 Carter cultivated relations with Chinese officials in Washington, and solicited an official invitation to visit China himself. However the president pulled back after his advisor Mondale stated that it was too much to ask the senate to handle the Panama Canal treaties and any new agreements with China at the same time. President Carter was thus told not to be explicit about normalization, and that his visit to China was inconclusive. In the Spring of 1978 president Carter decided that the Secretary of State Vance would visit China. Vance would visit China but would not be authorized to negotiate about normalization because Carter was afraid it might hurt developing relations with Russia and Japan. The United States and the Soviet Union were beginning to negotiate a S.A.L.T. (Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty) treaty, and President Carter was determined not to delay any SALT negotiations. Vance was not authorized to negotiate in China, but did a good job of laying the groundwork for future agreements. In the summer and Fall of 1978 president Carter negotiated the terms of normalization directly with the Chinese through the United States ambassador to China, Leonard Woodcock. Jimmy Carter believed that having better relations and stronger ties with China would help bring negotiations with the Soviet Union to a successful end.
The relations precident Carter set with China was also an important step in resolving world peace matters. By giving China full diplomatic recognition, it gave the United States a more neutral stance throughout the world.
windie @ 8
‘…He’s using the word “evil” to describe the actions of his own administration and cronies.’
Any fair reading of the phrase would indicate Bush is speaking of his enemies. Are his enemies your enemies, or your friends?
Bush has really become the ultimate broken record. My informal “terror(ist)” word count is 31 for this speech. We’ll just have to wait to see if he can save his failed presidency with more quasi-fascist rhetoric.
Trainwinder@7: “bush is a lot of things, but he is not evil”.
However, bush is: Banal. Completely, inexorably, inescapably, unrelentingly banal. Banality is not benign. It is simply uncomprehending of its own rot, You’ll recall Arendt’s thesis on the banality of evil.
Mark @ 12. Oh. I see. But no actual defense of the Pres…
Speaking of inpeachment, who hired Craig Livingstone? [Remember Hillary’s 1000m FBI files? Hmmmmmmmmm??] hehe
Thats the irony, silly! Aside (arguably anyways, lets leave it out for the sake of peace) from the word evil, its an apt description of Cheney/Rove/Delay/Frist… In attempting to describe his enemies, he was describing his friends.
Get it now?
@11 I think Bush has a weak conscience at best. Even in his public policy, you have to admit that he takes a strong ‘the ends justify the means’ attitude.
fire @ 6
Carter? Domesticaly? One word: malaise. OK, how about “stagflation,” too?
Foreign policy? His weakness toward C**muni*m, the Ayatollah, the PLO, etc. And his views on nuclear disarmament couldn’t have been more wrong. He said that we were “silly” to believe the Soviets would quit the arms race. Oopsie!
poor carter: Destroyed by the fact that he actually VALUED human rights, and dictated his foreign policy based on the idea that we should punish those who disregard them.
Windie @ 10
I got something about Carter and China in the filter. It’ll be out soon.
So what about this administration isn’t evil, obsessed with ambition and unburdened by conscience?
fire @ 16
You don’t have to rabidly and blindly hate the President to disagree with things he does. That is something the Left needs to learn.
windie @ 20: “poor carter: … his foreign policy based on the idea that we should punish those who disregard [human rights]”
Poor windie. Are you actually twelve or do you just have a case of amnesia? Carter was a limp noodle when it came to the Soviet Union. And I have plenty of relatives who can (or at least could have) given you firsthand accounts of the “human rights” in the USSR. Not to mention his weak position re: fundamentalist Islam.
fire_one @ 6
‘Please tell us first why when we talk about the CURRENT US PRESIDENT, all the Republicans want to talk about is history.’
Perhaps you should direct your ire towards the “guilty” party:
rujax206 – ‘Worst.President.Ever.’
Emphasis on “Ever”.
Poor Mark…poor wingnutz.
EVERYTHING about this administration is turning to shit before their very eyes. Even THEY can’t deny it any more. They got so PLAYED by the Bushies and they are so powerless to stop the deterioration and the way their treasured “trickle ’em down and beat ’em up with God on OUR side” philosophy is being thoroughly discredited and destroyed. It’s an old fashioned Mafia style “bust out”…and they’re left holding the bag.
EVERYBODY who cuts deals with this mob gets burned. EVERYBODY.
Mark @ 16 .. and exactly where did I say I hate the Pres. I don’t actually hate anyone. Hating this Administration is quite a dangerous proposition these days….
23- I repeat…EVER!
(from the wikipedia, how I love that thing!) (
“President Carter initially departed from the long-held policy of containment toward the Soviet Union, as first articulated in the Truman Doctrine and held to by all subsequent American presidents, both Republican and Democrat. In its place Carter promoted his foreign policy as being one that would place human rights at the forefront. This was intended to be a break from the policies of several predecessors, in which human rights abuses were often overlooked if they were committed by a nation that was allied to the United States.”
PS To rujax, I was wrong, you were right, sorry :p
Either way, the point is the same: Carter’s weakness was that he was too good a person to be President. He was competant and intellegent, but too idealistic. Bush is the opposite of Carter in every way…
But thats not a good thing.
Should change it to: “evil women” and apply to Queen Christine………
23 – I am addressing the “guilty” party. You. The one who brings up BETTER presidents when we are actually talking about the worst president… (cmon, you know who we are talking about, you can say it, I know you secretly want to… Yeah that’s right, Bush)
fire_one @ 28
‘..I know you secretly want to…’
Not even close.
Looks like your other buddy may be raising his standing behind Carter.
“Freeh has taped an interview with Mike Wallace and CBSNEWS ’60 MINUTES’ to be broadcast Sunday”
Mark @ wherever … so what successes can President Rove, er umm I mean Bush boast of? Anything?
Drudge excerpting Louis Freeh’s book, criticsm of Clinton, recounting Clinton whiffing on grillng the Saudis and instead asking for $$ for his library…
from: The Power Elite, by C. Wright Mills
“America– a conservative country without any conservative ideology– appears now before the world a naked and arbitrary power, as, in the name of realism, its men of decisionen force their often crackpot definitions upon world reality. The second rate mind is in command of the ponderously spoken platitude.”
Coulda been written today….
Louis Freeh sucked!
Josh Marshall has the goods:
(from The Washington Monthly)
“Facing this potential onslaught, Freeh made a tacit arrangement with the new Republican barons on the hill, as David Plotz of Slate and others have written. Freeh would focus on multiple investigations of his nominal bosses in the Clinton administration–Whitewater, Henry Cisneros, Mike Espy, Vince Foster–in exchange for a free pass on his and the bureau’s many failings. That left problems in counter-intelligence free of either internal or congressional scrutiny. If Clinton administration officials were alarmed about the FBI’s compartmentation problems and had plans to fix it–and it’s not clear that they were–there was little they could do because of the Republican power on the Hill. Any attempt to rein in the bureau would be seen as an effort to stymie those investigations. In that climate of malign neglect, the bureau’s ills were allowed to fester.
The failure of the FBI or Congress to act on the recommendations of the Bromwich Report enabled the career of yet another damaging spy, FBI counterintelligence agent Robert Hanssen, who’d worked as deputy director of the bureau’s office of Soviet counterintelligence and FBI liaison to the State Department. He spent two decades pinpointing American informants for Soviet counterintelligence, in exchange for diamonds and cash. By the time he was finally caught, in March, 2001, he’d helped Russian intelligence capture more than 50 American informants.”
Last time I looked…Clinton wasn’t President.
Has something changed?
I thought the thread was on “the worst president”
ouch, that’s funny
I finally replied to you all on the ballots “found” post.
Oh Gee…now Cheney’s got a SPY on his staff. Where’s it gonna end?
OK, conservatives, in earnest, trumpet the greatest success of the Bush administration.
Go ahead, feel free to gloat.
GBS @ 41
It may not be the greatest success, but getting all the Lefties’ panties in a bunch and nearly making their heads explode is kinda fun to watch! :)
windie @ 29
Carter was either to stupid to know what the USSR was up to or too weak and blinded by his own agenda to see the people they were torturing on a daily basis. He chose to IGNORE human suffering and human rights abuses when dealing with them would prove difficult.
And, BTW, Wikipedia isn’t exactly an authoritative source. It is a collaborative effort of both experts and non-experts that is a good STARTING POINT for research. I could include a section on “windie” and write whatever I want and it will stay until or unless someone challenges it. It is by no means the last word on anything.
And all ya had to do was start a war, kill a buncha people and bankrupt the country to do it.
Hey…ho…lotsa fun!!!
Re: “evil”
The Bush administration sure seem genuinely evil to me. On the other had, I have to admit that this may be a case of extreme incompetence being indistinguishable from evil.
… most likely a mixture of the two.
@42 I never said it was authorative… Its useful and quick, and often has very good entries.
You attacking the source aside, do you dispute what it says?
Of course it doesn’t matter, the real point is Bush’s deliciously ironic statement.
marky mark @ 42
Wow. Getting our panties in wad. Is that the best you can come up with?
No wonder we have the largest deficit in the history of the planet, our military is plummeting into a state of disarray, our allies can’t stand us, Americans are divided, cronyism is killing Americans, taking away constitutional rights from citizens and all for a chuckle.
Your priorities are seriously in question.
You know what else is a sad commentary is that Republicans had over an hour to cite one great accomplishment about Bush, and you know what?
They couldn’t do it.
That is testimony to the fact that George W. Bush will be remembered as the WORST PRESIDENT EVER in American history. Now and in the future.
What a pathetic, narrow-mined, un-American man George W. Bush is. So, too, are his loyalists, followers and supporters.
One consolation, at least as a country we’ve hit bottom and we can only go up from here — hopefully.
in plane…………..will answer most questions
Sorry guys can’t post during my day job. I know, I know, something you libs don’t need with all that public assistance you’re on. Glad I could help you out today by doing my duty.
Let’s see, oh yeah, probably the greatest accomplishment that our God fearing President has done. Well he freed over 50 million people by toppling dictatorships in Iraq and Afghanistan. Remember, those places where raping, killing and burning women in the street for fun happened. Oh yeah that’s right; you all think he did all that work for money. Halliburton is that great a company, quite a business plan and strategy kill a few people and make a billion or two. It’s very realistic, believable and “true”, just keep telling yourselves that!
Since the News is now vindicating the lack of racism in the Bush Administration FEMA on Katrina, where is Goldilocks (remember he’s Goldy, locked in liberal thoughtlessness) on correcting the record? Nowhere to be found. More leftist lies left uncorrected at the hands of Goldilocks!
News of Pandemonium May Have Slowed Aid
Unsubstantiated Reports of Violence Were Confirmed by Some Officials, Spread by News Media
By Robert E. Pierre and Ann Gerhart
Washington Post Staff Writers
Wednesday, October 5, 2005; Page A08
“Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honore, commander of Joint Task Force Katrina, said that reporters got bogged down trying to tell people how bad the situation was rather than “gathering facts and corroborating that information.” With 85% of them voting liberal, they were stuck on stupid General!
Fox News, a day before the major evacuation of the Superdome began, issued an “alert” as talk show host Alan Colmes reiterated reports of “robberies, rapes, carjackings, riots and murder. Violent gangs are roaming the streets at night, hidden by the cover of darkness.” – Just can’t trust those liberals on Fox News!!!
Times-Picayune Editor Jim Amoss cited telephone breakdowns as a primary cause of reporting errors, but said the fact that most evacuees were poor African Americans also played a part.
“If the dome and Convention Center had harbored large numbers of middle class white people,” Amoss said, “it would not have been a fertile ground for this kind of rumor-mongering.”
Some of the hesitation that journalists might have had about using the more sordid reports from the evacuation centers probably fell away when New Orleans’ top officials seemed to confirm the accounts.
Nagin and Police Chief Eddie Compass appeared on “Oprah” a few days after trouble at the Superdome had peaked.
Compass told of “the little babies getting raped” at the Superdome. And Nagin made his claim about hooligans raping and killing.” – I guess those lies led to Eddie Compass resigning? Imagine this recent conversation between Nagin and Compass. “Now Eddie it’s you or me, now that we were on Oprah and she looked bad. It ain’t gonna be me,” said Ray Nagin. “I’ll go”, Eddie said sadly!;ei=5070
OK I will
Invaded Afghanistan- Killed terrorist
Invaded Iraq- Killed Terrorists
Cut Taxes
Got a constitutionalist on the Supreme Court
Got moving on drilling in Alaska
Got the economy out of recession- see tax cuts above
Restored pride to the people who serve in the Military with the highest reenlistment rate in years.
Flipped the bird to the UN by selecting the right person as UN Ambassador.
United a majority of people for the first time in 20 years in the 2004 election.
and much more. And all this without one single blow job in office.
OK I will
Invaded Afghanistan- Killed terrorist
Invaded Iraq- Killed Terrorists
Cut Taxes
Got a constitutionalist on the Supreme Court
Got moving on drilling in Alaska
Got the economy out of recession- see tax cuts above
Restored pride to the people who serve in the Military with the highest reenlistment rate in years.
Flipped the bird to the UN by selecting the right person as UN Ambassador.
United a majority of people for the first time in 20 years in the 2004 election.
and much more.
Another post eaten by the dumb ASS filter. I have it saved for later try again Goldy.
GBS @ 48
“You know what else is a sad commentary is that Republicans had over an hour to cite one great accomplishment about Bush, and you know what?”
I guess the Republicans who frequent this blog, don’t have the free time at 1:00 pm on a weekday to be waiting for you to post challenges to them. Apparently you do have the free time, and use to monitor threads on someone else’s blog pretty closely. Who’s that a sad commentary on?
Oh Gee…now Cheney’s got a SPY on his staff. Where’s it gonna end -Comment by rujax206— 10/6/05 @ 12:57 pm
Yep, HIRED and LEFTOVER FROM …. ta da… GORE!
Pertinant info:
“In 2000, Aragoncillo worked on the staff of then-Vice President Al Gore. When interviewed by Philippine television, he remarked how valued Philippine employees were at the White House.”
“Aragoncillo began working at the White House in 1999. Officials are now trying to learn how he landed the job, when he started spying, and how he escaped detection for so long.”
OOPS Rugrat: Pull down drawers and plant head firmly up ass.
Rufus @ 51
Invaded Afghanistan- Couldn’t find ass or bin Laden–Taliban back in control
Invaded Iraq– Killed, imprisoned, and tortured thousands–reasons for war not found—terroist recruiting skyrocketss
Cut Taxes to BOTH eliminate record surplus AND spark record budget deficits
Managed to get a Supreme Court justice confirmed despite decisive Republican control of Senate
Drilling in Alaska poised to contribute drops of oil after a few years of $4/gallon gas
Got the economy out of recession after slowest “recovery” in a century and even slower job growth
Restored “pride” to the surivors serve in the Military with the worst re-enlistment shortfalls in years.
Flipped the bird to the UN. Yup. Good one. We’ll never need any friends.
damned cheap ASS filter
Invaded Afghanistan – let Bin Laden and Zawahiri get away.
Invaded Iraq – kicked butt and got us into a quagmire
Cut taxes – for the rich’s benefit and put generations of the not so rich into debt.
Stacked the Supreme court to cover his butt for the time when his crimes become public.
Set into motion the destruction of a national treasure.
Worst record on job creation – can’t hold a candle to Clinton’s.
Pulled every trick in the book to keep soldiers enlisted in his fantasies of conquest and hegemony.
Bankrupting the country by going it alone on foreign policy. Acting alone because he wants to and not because he has to.
Stole the 2004 election in Florida and Ohio.
Wingers…73% of the country thinks Chimpy sucks.
Wow, appropriately named clueless parrot, you can copy and paste!… What flavor is your Koolaid?
Not exactly a true interpretation there rugrat… more public school math?
Nice try.
CBS News Poll
Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president?”
Approve 37%
Disapprove 58%
Unsure 5%
Zogby America Poll
“Is your overall opinion of George W. Bush very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable, or very unfavorable, or you are not familiar enough to form an opinion?”
Favorable 49%
Unfavororable 50%
Not Familiar/ Unsure 2%
damned cheap ASS filter
“Since that arrest, officials say Aragoncillo has started to cooperate. He has admitted to spying while working on the staff of Vice President Cheney’s office.”
You are stupid beyond belief. You might be able to read, but you refuse to comprehend. You have no apparent critical thinking skills. You seem to be the prototypical Bush believer.
Fortunately a growing majority…now 73%…of the American people are waking up from this long, awful nightmare.
wrong again rugrat.
damned cheap ASS filter.
Before this whole thing is over, I predict Bush will try to declare martial law under some pretext. He would do that. That’s why we must spare no effort in the attempt to poitically weaken him.
From CBS News:
“President George W. Bush’s overall job approval rating has reached the lowest ever measured in this poll, and evaluations of his handling of Iraq, the economy and even his signature issue, terrorism, are also at all-time lows. More Americans than at any time since he took office think he does not share their priorities.”
FDR, LBJ and the stupid peanut farmer.
And falling.
Good night.
If New York Jews are murdered by terrorists in the New York subways [9/11 Part Two], will American Jews support the War on Terrorism? Goldy……..Your thoughts??
Hey Rugrat602: In Post 61 you say 73% of people hate GWB. In Post 69 you say 37% of people like GWB. Well my math says that’s 110%. So rugrat602, I suggest another dose of Fukitol. You must need the extra strength tablets.
If you think Carter was worse than Bush, you are seriously in need of mental counseling.
Carter – for peace
Bush – for war
Carter – gas 87 cents a gallon
Bush – gas $2.89 a gallon
Carter – for conserving energy
Bush – spends energy wasting taxpayer money
Carter – practicing Christian
Bush – practicing thief, liar, and boozer
Carter – decent man
Bush – lying fascist warmonger
so, with no lucy in this thread…
RIGHTIES! Do you support JCH’s Racist statements? Would you ever think of condemning what he’s saying there?
Goldy, take a deep breath. Your hatred of President Bush is driving you crazy!
OK Asshat, I was WRONG!
Only 23% of the American people agree with the policies of captian codpiece, chickenshit-in-chief.
I’m SURE that makes you feel better.
It’s 67%
Still…Fuck You.
proud @63
Well, there’s a problem with your interpretation of the polls as well. You are suggesting a comparison between dissimilar questions: the Zogby poll is a general question (i.e. “is your overal opinion of GWB”), whereas the CBS poll question is specific (“handling his job as president”). There is a HUGE difference between the two questions. The wording of the former suggests that the respondent is free to choose any criteria in forming an opinion of Bush: job performance, speech manerisms, personal hygiene, etc.; the latter suggests a specific criterion for judgment (job performance). If a respondent were to ask what “overall opinion” meant, (s)he should be told something like “whatever it means to you”.
You’d have done much better to have compared the CBS poll question with the Zogby poll question underneath it at the site you linked to — the latter question DOES ask about job performance, and the result was 43% favorable.
WIth that said, these general poll figures are really only so revealing — you can get a more accurate view by looking at the breakdowns. For instance, the Rasmussen poll you linked to does give a 48% favorable rating, evenly split between somewhat and very favorablde (24% each). The unfavorable, however, skews markedly (38%) towards strongly unfavorable. With that in mind, the poll says something quite different.
Moreover, the demographic breakdowns CBS gives on its poll tell even more (this is where the most revealing information usually is). (The article is here: Scroll down a bit, and you’ll see that, among the 37% that approve of Bush, this skews strongly Repub (79%); conversely the 58% disapproval skews even more strongly Dem (84%). That probably shouldn’t be too surprising, considering the commentary you read hear from both the left and right.
What’s more important, though, is how the independents fall in here: 64% disapprove, whereas only 29% approve. I would think this would be important to a political strategist, who would probably see that swing voters need to be aggressively targeted.
Curtis at 58
Invaded Afghanistan- Couldn’t find ass or bin Laden–Taliban back in control
Response: Where is the taliban back in control? Total BS
Invaded Iraq– Killed, imprisoned, and tortured thousands–reasons for war not found—terroist recruiting skyrocketss
Response: More democratic talking points. If you call what we have done to terrorists torture it is no wonder the American people dont trust dems to protect them.
Cut Taxes to BOTH eliminate record surplus AND spark record budget deficits
Response: Bush hasn’t cut spending. That is his major downfall. He needs to cut spending. Start by eliminating the NEA. Taxes are still too high.
Managed to get a Supreme Court justice confirmed despite decisive Republican control of Senate
Response: The republicans dont hold 60% of the votes though. With the new rules on confirming judges brought on by you dems this is an accomplishment. By filabustering judges 60% becomes the new majority.
Drilling in Alaska poised to contribute drops of oil after a few years of $4/gallon gas
Response: The reason why gas is so high is mostly democtats fault. We have plenty of oil in the Gulf and Alaska that we cant get too because dems have blocked drilling for the last 30 years. You have got to start somewhere.
Got the economy out of recession after slowest “recovery” in a century and even slower job growth
Response: Even slower than the “Great Depression” Wow do tell.
Restored “pride” to the surivors serve in the Military with the worst re-enlistment shortfalls in years.
Response: Re-enlistment shortfall is just flat out right lie. More mis information for the democratic machine. You dont know what you are talking about here.
Flipped the bird to the UN. Yup. Good one. We’ll never need any friends.
Rsponse: With friend like Germany and France and others who needs enemies.
Favorable 49%
Unfavororable 50%
Not Familiar/ Unsure 2%
Hey a 49% favorable rating isn’t good. It is not as low as Clinton’s 1992 rating in that one poll…. ah … I cant remember it… oh yes the national election poll! Hopefully Bush can bring his up to the 53% he won with in 2004.
Bush will see 53% again when pigs fly.
rufus @ 79
My post on this Zogby poll will eventually make it through the spam filter. For now, be sure to read the wording of the question — it starts with “is your overall opinion…” So, it’s not a job approval rating, it’s a general opinion of Bush that could be formed on many criteria, e.g. how well he buttons his shirts, his exercise and sleeping habits, the way he pronounces “nucular”, etc. No criteria are specified, so it’s largely meaningless to take this to be an indicator of his job approval.
rufus @ 79
My post on this Zogby poll will eventually make it through the spam filter. For now, be sure to read the wording of the question — it starts with “is your overall opinion…” So, it’s not a job approval rating, it’s a general opinion of Bush that could be formed on many factors, e.g. how well he buttons his shirts, his exercise and sleeping habits, the way he pronounces “nucular”, etc. No such factors are specified, so it’s largely meaningless to take this to be an indicator of his job approval.
My 2 other posts on this will eventually come through, but for now, you’re comparing apples and fruit: job approval vs. general opinion.
I’m still trying to figure out what held up my last 3 posts.
‘Pubes – say bye-bye to the Bush-dolt.
say hello to John McCain – an actual hero/statesman.
say bye-bye to retarded Pubes & piggly-wiggly politics.
Your nightmare begins.
Breaking Windie Fartman: I believe in the laws of chronology. Head-up-de-ass Lucite racist commentary occurred before anything remotely close to JCH. When the left condemns Lucite, we on the right will begin to consider JCH. Until then STFU!
JCH, you do push the envelope. They can’t deal when we push the envelope as only their side can say Hymietown, Nigg*r, etc. and do in with impunity.
RUFUS @ 80 “The republicans dont hold 60% of the votes though. With the new rules on confirming judges brought on by you dems this is an accomplishment.”
RUFUS you get ONE chance. What “New Rules’ do you speak of?
Remember, you are about to have your ass paddled and then handed back to you.
Go Ahead RUFUS… make my day.
It use to be an unwritten rule that Federal Court nominees would be debated but not filabustered. Each nominee would get a up or down vote. That has not happened for the Bush nominees. You need 60% to overcome a filabuster. Get it.
That, dear RUFUS, is complete BULLSHIT! The filabuster on federal court nominees has been a tradition for over 200 years. It has been used by Repugs dozens of times against federal court appointments. It was the Neo-Cons who wanted to change the rules making a filabuster (A tradition put in place by the first congress) impossible. Those fuckers have been so greedy for power they wanted to change how congress “advises and consents” n federal appoinments. The Democrats, trying to save America from the fascist wing of the Republican party, comprimised on two of the more outlandish Bush Appointments, and reserved their constitutional right to filabuster any others.
So you see, RUFUS, you spread Neo-Con LIES, and you get your ass spanked. Now go sit down and read the fucking constitution, asshole, and quit clogging this blog with more wingnut lies.
The filabuster on federal court nominees has been a tradition for over 200 years. It has been used by Repugs dozens of times against federal court appointments.
You are lying out of your ass!! Name me some names you lying asshole. How was Abe Fortas blocked from the Supreme Court you lying aack of shit. You dont know what you are talking about.
The Democrats, trying to save America from the fascist wing of the Republican party, comprimised on two of the more outlandish Bush Appointments, and reserved their constitutional right to filabuster any others.
We call the shots on which nominees get voted on not you donks. Got it! No one is more outlandish than Ginsburg so who gives a fuck what dems thinks of Bush’s nominees.
I am waiting for those names. Who’s ass is getting spanked now. You better name the senators who filabustered them too. Remember you have a dozen names to come up with. Oh your going to get your ass slamed if these nominees were not voted on because of lack of support.
You know, RUFUS, the funny thing is that I really believe you think you are correct? How must it feel to be so incredibly ignorant, and so willing to Parrot the lies you hear from the right wing MSM?
“Since 1789, the Senate has rejected nearly 20 percent of all nominees to the Supreme Court, many without an up-or-down vote.
In 1968 Republican senators used a filibuster to block voting on President Lyndon B. Johnson’s nominee for chief justice of the Supreme Court. During the debate, a Republican senator, Robert Griffin, said: “It is important to realize that it has not been unusual for the Senate to indicate its lack of approval for a nomination by just making sure that it never came to a vote on the merits. As I said, 21 nominations to the court have failed to win Senate approval. But only nine of that number were rejected on a direct, up-and-down vote.”
Between 1968 and 2001, both parties used filibusters to oppose judicial nominees. In 2000, the last year of Bill Clinton’s presidency, Republican senators filibustered two of his nominees to be circuit judges. They also prevented Senate votes on more than 60 of Mr. Clinton’s judicial nominees by other means.
So much for the assertion that filibustering to prevent votes on judicial nominees is a new tactic invented by Senate Democrats.”
RUFUS DUFUS @ 94 “We call the shots on which nominees get voted on not you donks. Got it! No one is more outlandish than Ginsburg so who gives a fuck what dems thinks of Bush’s nominees.”
You see, RUFUS, you are not onlycompletely wrong, but you are also setting yourself up for major dissappointment. You do “not call thde shots”. Why? Because this is still America, and you facists are not going to have your way as long as the constitution of the United States still stands.
You are a filthy un-American scum bag, but you have a right to state completely ill informed nonsense and then get your bottom spanked.
Wanna try for another spanking?
Since 1789, the Senate has rejected nearly 20 percent of all nominees to the Supreme Court, many without an up-or-down vote.
Hey lying sack of shit asshole. Were any of these filibustered? Name some names. Who give a flying fuck if a nominee didn’t get out of committee because he lacked support. I am going to define a filibuster for donna and I will give you one more chance:
I know your problem Donna… you don’t know what filibuster means. Here I will define it for you:
a. The use of obstructionist tactics, especially prolonged speechmaking, for the purpose of delaying legislative action.
b. An instance of the use of this delaying tactic.
I am glad to educate you on this. Next time don’t flap your trap until you know what your are talking about.
man, that rufus really sounds angry !!
haha must be good news.
say bye-bye ‘Pubes.
WOW…Donna, you really got DUFUS’ panties in a wad this time! I bet the reason hes posting only halfassed comments back is ’cause hes gott to clean the spittle off his monitor. I can see it now…