Apparently, Florida Republicans have a Katherine Harris problem: she’s so divisive and hateful that she can’t possibly win the general election for US Senate… yet the GOP faithful are still so thankful to her for helping to steal the 2000 presidential election for George Bush, she’s nearly impossible to beat in the primary.
At least, that’s the analysis of the folk at The New Republic, who also reveal this breath-taking fit of honesty on the subject from a member of WA state’s GOP royalty:
Meanwhile, a Fox News analysis of the race this morning delivered a real gem. Former Republican Congresswoman Jennifer Dunn of Washington was sticking up for Harris, whom she described as a friend. Among her talking points was that Harris had done “yeoman’s service for president Bush”* during the 2000 recount. Of course, the official GOP talking point has always been that Harris served no one but the law. “I was just doing my job,” Harris likes to say. Nice to hear someone finally say what we know they’re thinking.
Oops. That’s the sort of thing you’re allowed to think, but not say. And Dunn used to be so shrewd.
Let that be a warning to other elected officials looking forward to a cushy, lazy semi-retirement as a high-priced lobbyist — it addles the mind.
“Meanwhile, a Fox News analysis..”
This should mean the opposite is actually true, right?
I’ll bet she wins!! One large Hershey bar. Any takers???
You lib Democrats just hate a strong women. You are all sexist!!! hehe, JCH Kennedy
I remember when the libs were screaming that she could NEVER win her US House race. But…………..You wacko libs were wrong the, and she’ll win again, and you lib Dems will eat shit.
She’s only down 48 points in the polls so yes I’ll take the bet. And by the way, Janet S thinks she shouldn’t run since a woman’s place is in the home. You ignorant fuck.
Just more ‘cracks’ in the facade. . .take yer meaning as you will.
5.Done…..You are sexist and hate women, just like GBS. Very sad that you libs are racist and sexist.
Two takers already, JustCravesHead? Your’re faded for a third–with almonds, please. Given you pitiful state, I’ll lay you three to one.
Who sez liberals don’t have heart?
-Former Republican Congresswoman Jennifer Dunn of Washington was sticking up for Harris, whom she described as a friend.-
Just compare pictures, shopping and makeup habits of the two.
Shopping appears all either of them were ever good at.
Oh yeah – and stealing elections that changed the course of history (in a very bad way)
And just how well is “W’s henchwench” doing these days? I’m sure JCH is terribly worried about this rotting stench:
Ex-staffers say Rep. Katherine Harris told them to OK contractor’s appropriation request
ORLANDO — Former senior members of U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris’ congressional staff say they initially rejected a defense contractor’s $10 million appropriation request last year, but reversed course after being instructed by Harris to approve it.
Harris insisted that Mitchell Wade’s request for funding be given to a defense appropriations subcommittee, despite the request’s being late and difficult to understand, according to two former staff members and Harris’ former chief political strategist.
“She said, ‘It’s important to me, so submit it,’ ” said an ex-staffer who was involved in the process. “She wanted it in.”
Wade is the contractor at the center of a congressional bribery scandal that has landed a California lawmaker in prison.
In the weeks before Harris submitted Wade’s appropriations request, Wade spent up to $2,800 entertaining Harris at one of Washington’s most expensive restaurants.
There, he and Harris discussed the request and Wade — whose company had contributed thousands to her 2004 congressional campaign — offered to have a fundraiser for her 2006 Senate race.
-Very sad that you libs are racist and sexist. –
Given all the racist, sexist and anti-semitic crap you routinely post here, JCH, wouldn’t that make you like the “libs” more, if it were true?
Actually, Florida Governor Jeb Bush recently said that Katherine Harris couldn’t get elected. Straight from the horse’s mouth.
Oops, I forgot – JCH can’t possibly be serious. Nobody can be this dumb or insane….
“I remember when the libs were screaming that she could NEVER win her US House race.” posted @ 4 by JustCravesHead.
No, you don’t remember any such thing. Geez, she won a seat that was practically custom gerrymandered for her.
Katherine Harris is an embarrassment to women everywhere, JCH.
You don’t need to be a ‘libber or a sexist to figure that out.
That said, I’m dang glad she’s still in it for the long haul. Her tainted ethics and nosediving campaign will certainly entertain us Democrats for months to come.
The fact you defend her also proves how completely devoid of values, and unserious you really are.
JCH is an embarrassment to multicelled organisms everywhere. The average amoeba has more going for itself than JCH does. I assume he’s not a single-celled organism as single-celled organisms can’t masturbate. He seems able to do that.
Well, it’s a bit easier for retired Republicans to tell the truth.
Katherine Harris is an embarrassment to women everywhere, JCH.
Commentby LiberalRedneck— 5/10/06@ 5:44 pm ……………What a hateful thing to say. LR, You hate women; therefore, you are sexist.
Also, note that Republicans will AGAIN control the House and Senate after the 06 elections, and the lib Dems will howl and bitch like 2nd graders. Even with dead Democrat voters, illegal alien votes, and black districts AGAIN voting at 115% of registration votes the Republicans will win!!
Required IDs at voting polls will cut Democrat votes by 20%. Democrats: the Party of massive voter fraud
Required IDs at voting polls will cut Democrat votes by 20%. Democrats: the Party of massive voter fraud
Commentby Patches [JCH]Kennedy— 5/10/06@ 6:13 pm
A certification of moral terpitude will, on the other hand, disqualify 100% of republican voters.
Proud to be an ASS, Why do you think Dems are sueing to prevent valid ID voter requirements? Are black democrats unable to get an ID? Hell, when Democrats cash a welfare check, they need an ID. What’s the deal? [THE DEAL IS DEMOCRAT VOTER FRAUD!]
Proud to be an ASS, Why do you think Dems are sueing to prevent valid ID voter requirements?
Because it costs money and is therefore a poll tax.
Not everyone has a passport, or access to their birth certificate.
It is fundamentally exclusionary in nature; which is very bad. Inclusionary voter rolls can always be cleaned up in the case of a close or doubtful election, but it is impractical to add extra voters if voters are improperly excluded.
I don’t know why I’m replying to JCH. He practically define the words ‘Troll’.
At least the GOP is doing its part for youth employment by hiring bored 14-year-olds.
Katherine Harris deserves to be nationally humiliated for her role in the 2000 election. With any luck she can drag Jeb down with her.
Proud to be an ASS, Why do you think Dems are sueing to prevent valid ID voter requirements?
Because it costs money and is therefore a poll tax.
Commentby TheDeadlyShoe— 5/10/06@ 7:19 [TheDeadlyShoe, Somehow black Democrats have ID for food stamps, WIC, social security, welfare, and other “guvment” programs. You libs will do ANYTHING to maintain masiive voter fraud. And I mean anything!! Bring in a few million Mexican illegals…..New York “Upper East Side Jews” voting in NYC as well as Miami and Palm Beach, and 115% black Democrat turnout in black urban areas. [Any questions about 115% turnout are racist and hateful!!] You are parasite libs, and need to be exterminated.
I don’t know why I’m replying to JCH. He practically define the words ‘Troll’.
Commentby TheDeadlyShoe— 5/10/06@ 7:22 pm […………………….I don’t know why I’m educating TheDeadlyShoe. He He practically define the words “Democrat liberal voter fraud parasite dumbass”.]
The rethugs aren’t interested in people voting. In fact, the GOP has spent the last 40 years doing everything it can to reduce, restrict and restrain voting. Why? Because every credible shred of research shows Dems outnumber Rethugs. So the only way Rs win is if they keep Ds away from the polls. The only way that they can do that is to try to restrict all voting. Simple as that.
Katherine Harris is a nightmare for Florida Republicans … but they can’t run her out of the race. Why is that?
Is it because she, um, knows something about Florida 2000?
Is it because a scorned Katherine Harris is an even bigger nightmare for even bigger Republicans?
The dems in Florida blew it in 2000. They didnt cheat well enough and fell short. Katherine prevented the dems from pulling out their “bag-O-ballots” to find votes on a recount and the rest is history. It not like the good ol days when my brother got elected in 1960. We had every dead person east of the Missippi voting on our side. Oh for the good ol days.
28 Democrats: the Party Of MASSIVE Voter fraud, and proud of it!!!!!
Commentby Malachi Humberto— 5/10/06@ 8:55 pm
Once again, a more intelligent comment than most of your fellow LIBERAL PINHEADS.
Mr. Pope appears to have given up attempting to maintain credibility with the more liberal readers of this blog. Instead, he has increasingly focused on showing solidarity with more sociopathic trolls.
In the past he would at least make a logical argument, but his comment at 31 he adopts the empty, adolescent put-down rhetoric of a JCH, Mr. Cynical or Rufus.
Richard’s new public persona is that of someone who energetically embraces the behavior of his new friends. Privately, however, he is too sensitive to not feel ambivalence about becoming so closely associated with a bunch of bullies. Someday this tension will bubble to the surface and cause Richard serious difficulties. In the meantime, he will maintain a facade of control.
Well, this is it — Bush’s Justice Department is NOT going to investigate the NSA’s domestic spying program. WHAT are they HIDING??? — obviously, law abiding people don’t act this way.
Equally obviously, it will take Democrats to get the job done, starting in January 2007, with Congressional investigations, subpoenaes, and hearings; and the only hope now of defending the Constitution and the rights of the American people is to throw the Republicans out of office.
“Justice Department Abruptly Ends Domestic Spying Probe
“National Security Agency Denies Security Clearances to Federal Investigators
“WASHINGTON (May 10) – The government has abruptly ended an inquiry into the warrantless eavesdropping program because the National Security Agency refused to grant Justice Department lawyers the necessary security clearance to probe the matter.
“The Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility, or OPR, sent a fax to Rep. Maurice Hinchey, D-N.Y., on Wednesday saying they were closing their inquiry because without clearance their lawyers cannot examine Justice lawyers’ role in the program.
“‘We have been unable to make any meaningful progress in our investigation because OPR has been denied security clearances for access to information about the NSA program,’ OPR counsel H. Marshall Jarrett wrote to Hinchey. Hinchey’s office shared the letter with The Associated Press.
“Jarrett wrote that beginning in January, his office has made a series of requests for the necessary clearances. Those requests were denied Tuesday.
“‘Without these clearances, we cannot investigate this matter and therefore have closed our investigation,’ wrote Jarrett.
“Hinchey … said lawmakers would push to find out who at the NSA denied the Justice Department lawyers security clearance. ‘This administration thinks they can just violate any law they want, and they’ve created a culture of fear to try to get away with that. It’s up to us to stand up to them,’ said Hinchey.”
For complete story and/or copyright information, click here:
As always, Roger Rabbit quotes material that is, or may be, copyrighted under the Fair Use Doctrine with proper attribution. If you want me to tell you whether this is legal, either pay me $250 an hour or hire your own lawyer — I’m not here to give free legal advice to wingfucks!!! Furthermore, if you don’t like my quoting news stories and posting them on HorsesAss, go pay more attention to your girlfriend:
Darcy Burner has already hugged a rabbit. Reichert doesn’t even have a plan to hug a rabbit — and Mark the Welsher still owes Goldy a $100 campaign contribution to Maria Cantwell.
What do Dave Reichert and Mark the Welsher have in common? Answer: They’re both DO-NOTHING Republicans.
“Let that be a warning to other elected officials looking forward to a cushy, lazy semi-retirement as a high-priced lobbyist – it addles the mind.”
Ha! Don’t give ’em ideas, Goldy. I can hardly wait until all these arrogant Republicans retire, try to turn a buck by writing books and going on speaking tours — and start running off at the mouth. The Government Printing Office will have to build a new printing plant to print all the indictments that will come down after a whole forest full of canaries starts singing.
Bush’s Justice Department is NOT going to investigate the NSA’s domestic spying program. WHAT are they HIDING???
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 5/10/06@ 9:40 pm
Well it depends on what your definition of what is “is” wabbit. Let’s be fair now. I am sure whatever it “IS”, it “IS” for a good reason.
It must give people like Kevin Carns, John Carlson, Stefan Sharansky, and their ilk heart-swelling pride to know they’re doing yeoman’s service for a criminal enterprise.
Joyce Brothers sez:
“Mr. Pope appears to have given up attempting to maintain credibility with the more liberal readers of this blog. Instead, he has increasingly focused on showing solidarity with more sociopathic trolls.
In the past he would at least make a logical argument, but his comment at 31 he adopts the empty, adolescent put-down rhetoric of a JCH, Mr. Cynical or Rufus.
Richard’s new public persona is that of someone who energetically embraces the behavior of his new friends. Privately, however, he is too sensitive to not feel ambivalence about becoming so closely associated with a bunch of bullies. Someday this tension will bubble to the surface and cause Richard serious difficulties. In the meantime, he will maintain a facade of control.
Commentby Dr. Joyce Brothers— 5/10/06@ 9:40 pm”
Ummmmmmm, I’m afraid Richard is more guilty of stating the obvious. Just because you take offense at being referred to as a LIBERAL PINHEADED doesn’t mean you ain’t a LIBERAL PINHEAD!!
As a Psychologist, you know YOU are the one who desperately needs the constant Psychoanalysis that juices you up. You analyze and analyze and analyze….but are so paralyzed by analyzing that you cannot possible produce anything of value. Perhaps in your childhood you were never spanked or ridiculed. Your parents likely isolated you from all criticism and sarcasm…hence, you morphed into the LIBERAL PINHEAD you are today.
Here’s some food for thought: Is Bush immune from civil suit for his acts in office, or … if he authorized illegal spying on law-abiding Americans for political reasons … can be BE SUED like McDermott under federal wiretap laws?
Let’s see … 2 million plaintiffs X $1,000,000 each … that’s, um, TWO TRILLION DOLLARS … instead of spending his retirement cutting brush and catching bass on his former Texas ranch, he’ll be panhandling for spare change in downtown Dallas and waiting in the food stamp line.
I want to see THAT.
Man Dufus that’s such a great comeback to stark evidence of OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE and COVERUP!!! When did you decide to run with a criminal crowd? Are you connected with the Russian Mafia? naaah … you’re too stupid to be either a commie or a mafiosi … a live one, anyway.
Mr. Pope appears to have given up attempting to maintain credibility with the more liberal readers of this blog. Instead, he has increasingly focused on showing solidarity with more sociopathic trolls.
In the past he would at least make a logical argument, but his comment at 31 he adopts the empty, adolescent put-down rhetoric of a JCH, Mr. Cynical or Rufus.
Richard’s new public persona is that of someone who energetically embraces the behavior of his new friends. Privately, however, he is too sensitive to not feel ambivalence about becoming so closely associated with a bunch of bullies. Someday this tension will bubble to the surface and cause Richard serious difficulties. In the meantime, he will maintain a facade of control.
Commentby Dr. Joyce Brothers— 5/10/06@ 9:40 pm
Ahhhh yes. You have it son. You have the gravitas to make it. Have you ever though of lying…. cough hmm…I mean reporting for the MSM. Courage JB, courage.
Our resident trollfucks are so lacking in moral compass they would even be apologists for this:
Man Dufus that’s such a great comeback to stark evidence of OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE and COVERUP!!! When did you decide to run with a criminal crowd? Are you connected with the Russian Mafia? naaah … you’re too stupid to be either a commie or a mafiosi … a live one, anyway.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 5/10/06@ 9:54 pm
Donks cant handle being donked. Dont you love it.
Mark the Redneck is a deeply troubled man who shows a striking inability to interact with people different from himself, particularly women. The core of this inability is low self-esteem. Instead of addressing his problems, Mr. Redneck masks them by bragging about his wealth and projecting his internal turmoil into hatred of others. His emotions are so highly guarded that he is completely unable to show empathy. He could not say “I love you” on this blog if his life depended upon it.
The underlying reason Mr. Redneck spends so much time here is because he lacks a healthy social life. By beating up on liberals, that makes Mr. Redneck feel better himself. Alas, this activity functions like a drug that can never fill the hole in his psyche for long.
Another words MTR likes to make fun of pussies. Got it.
Rufus, another poster has already established that you are mentally ill. As such, your defense of Mr. Redneck is hardly a ringing endorsement.
Rufus, another poster has already established that you are mentally ill. As such, your defense of Mr. Redneck is hardly a ringing endorsement.
Commentby Dr. Joyce Brothers— 5/10/06@ 10:13 pm
That would be the Kennedy in me. It is the booze. Hey I would take the word of a drunken repub over the psycho babble that you post any day.
Good grief! I used to think Dunn at least had the smarts to know when to keep her mouth shut.
Yet more democratic voter fraud. Now that is more like it. Make an old Kennedy proud.
[“How Democrats Shop”, or “A Little Democrat Looting After Katrina”]……………..A recently unsealed document outlines an organized shoplifting scam centered in Clay County that may have fenced more than $400,000 worth of stolen goods over the Internet./Snip/ An investigation began in August 2004 after two women were caught trying to shoplift $700 worth of disposable razors from a Cash Wise store.
@43, Roger, Roger, Roger,
YOU should know by now that Republicans don’t apologize for much! This Republican certainly won’t apologize for that or anything like that.
The crazed liberal moonbats in Olympia who think Rachel Corrie is a saint might apologize for those pictures since they all seem to hate Israel.
I would bet if I had time, I could find dozens of pics of dead bodies piled up in mass graves in Iraq too. And China, and Russia and a hundred other countries around the world. Genocide is never nice and neither is war. Darfur is a nightmare, along with dozens of other countries in Africa. Do you know that there are some groups in Africa who roam the countryside with machetes chopping up entire families????
The world is a terrible place and it’s mostly done for power and control.
Perhaps in your childhood you were never spanked or ridiculed. Your parents likely isolated you from all criticism and sarcasm…hence, you morphed into the LIBERAL PINHEAD you are today.
Commentby Mr. Cynical— 5/10/06@ 9:49 pm
So, by the Konservative Krime Klowns analogy, the way to raise a republican is to: Spank, ridicule, criticize, and project sarcasm on your children.
Well, that explains everything about Bush, Cheney, JCH, Mr Cynical, Rufus, Janet S. and the rest of the conservatives. They were humiliated children who grew up to be angry, spiteful, anti-social, hateful adults.
If this doesn’t validate the study done in Berkeley that well adjusted children grow up to be Liberals, while whiny snot nosed piss ant kids grow up to be Konservative Krime Klowns.
Thanks, Mr Cynical.
Goldy, can you believe it???? Another republican has just told the TRUTH!!!
PS, Mr Cynical:
You’ll be seeing my post above reposted frequently. Now we know exactly why you still live in your mother’s basement with the same urine stained mattress you had since you were 6.
Does your mom still spank you every time you wet the bed?
Does she ridicule you by hanging your “soiled” GI Joe bed sheets in the front yard for everyone to see?
Does she criticize you for not having a job?
Is she sarcastic when she says “Oh, yes honey, some day you can join the Army.” Knowing that the Army won’t take a 53-year old, bed wetting, high school drop out, with an IQ of Bush’s approval ratings?
Yeah, you’re the epitome of a Konservative Krime Klown.
-Katherine Harris is a nightmare for Florida Republicans … but they can’t run her out of the race. Why is that?
Is it because she, um, knows something about Florida 2000?
Is it because a scorned Katherine Harris is an even bigger nightmare for even bigger Republicans? –
Good point, RonK. I say we just give her Limbaugh’s leftover OxyContin pill collection – then, she’ll sing like a bird.
“Donks cant handle being donked. Dont you love it.” Commentby Dan Rather— 5/10/06@ 9:58 pm
So, Dan, when did you become an apologist for criminal conspirators and corrupt politicians, and what drove you to it?
Speaking of pussies, I remember a poster calling himself “prr” who wanted to meet Roger Rabbit at Drinking Liberally, saying “I’ll be there,” and then lying about being there when he wasn’t and I was. Yeah, Dufus, if you want to talk about who the real pussies are, we could have an interesting discussion about that.
Here’s a real pussy for you: Mr. Five Deferments (click here for mug shot:
You think it’s a badge of honor that Republicans don’t apologize for their lies, corruption, constitutional violations, torture camps? You think I’m flattering them by implying they’d defend a Belsen death camp if Bush ran one? Your post at #52 doesn’t speak well for your judgment.
Perhaps in your childhood you were never spanked or ridiculed. Your parents likely isolated you from all criticism and sarcasm…hence, you morphed into the LIBERAL PINHEAD you are today.
Commentby Mr. Cynical— 5/10/06@ 9:49 pm
So, by the Konservative Krime Klowns analogy, the way to raise a republican is to: Spank, ridicule, criticize, and project sarcasm on your children.
Well, that explains everything about Bush, Cheney, JCH, Mr Cynical, Rufus, Janet S. and the rest of the conservatives. They were humiliated children who grew up to be angry, spiteful, anti-social, hateful adults.
This statement certainly validates the study done in Berkeley that well adjusted children grow up to be Liberals, while whiny, snot-nosed, piss-ant kids grow up to be Konservative Krime Klowns.
Thanks, Mr Cynical.
I can’t believe it!!! A republican has just told the TRUTH!!!