Dr. Jack Kevorkian’s life was controversial, but never should have been. It takes an extraordinary amount of courage to risk your livelihood simply because you know you’re right and you feel compelled to stand up for the freedom of others. Kevorkian was a giant among men – and as many extraordinary men did before him, he ended up sacrificing his own freedom so that others may one day have more of it for themselves.
Rest in peace.
Hear, hear.
The ultimate question that Kevorkian posed that remains unanswered: do we own our own bodies?
It would appear that we do not.
Yep, it’s still that way. It hasn’t even been 24 hours since he passed and the hit pieces are already up on the web (I won’t link to them).
Agree with the Doc or not, you gotta admire his conviction.
Yes, but he’s not in the same league as, say, Raoul Wallenberg.
The right to die, with dignity, is the right to life with dignity.
While I’m supportive of right to die measures, I was never completely comfortable with Kevorkian. But in the end, all you can really ask of people is to leave the world a little better than it was when they found it and I do believe that Dr. Kevorkian did that.
R.I.P. Dr. Kevorkian.
He started the conversation that nobody wanted to face. As a result, we here in WA have a right to die with dignity. A truly courageous man.
I thought Kevorkian was a little eccentric, but I certainly did not disagree with life ending in a dignified manner for those faced with the sad state of ending his or her life or living in a hellish existence until Death finally decided to take him or her.