Perhaps this will teach shady attorneys like Bradley Marshall from screwing with bloggers by threatening us with bogus libel suits:
A unanimous state Supreme Court today disbarred Seattle civil-rights attorney and sports agent Bradley Marshall, concluding that he squeezed clients for fees and bullied others into settlements against their wishes.
The court, in a detailed 51-page opinion, said that Marshall committed numerous ethical and legal violations, any one of which would have justified disbarment. The justices also ordered him to pay $7,500 to each of two clients as restitution.
I’m not saying that Marshall’s libel threat had anything to do with his disbarment, but it certainly did earn him any good karma.
It’s not 500 dickless pussies in the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, but it’s a start.
@1 Let’s see him sue me for that — especially now that he has to pay someone else to file his lawsuits! HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR
It took an act of the WA Supreme Court to disbar him.
That is a profession that just don’t impress me as the kind to police themselves well (14 years of that guy) or choosing who should be a judge.
Hey, whatever happened to the public defender that slep with her defendant, about 5 years ago, lost her job. Is she still a lawyer?
“It took an act of the WA Supreme Court to disbar him.”
It takes an act of the state supreme court to disbar any lawyer for anything. The state supreme court has sole authority to license, supervise, and discipline Washington lawyers.
“That is a profession that just don’t impress me as the kind to police themselves well (14 years of that guy) or choosing who should be a judge.”
Your impression is dead wrong. Pick up any issue of the Washington State Bar News of the last 60 years and read the disciplinary notices. The WSBA is responsible for investigating complaints, holding hearings, and making recommendations to the state supreme court; and its disciplinary function is the WSBA’s largest and most expensive program, which is paid for entirely with lawyers’ license fees, not tax dollars. Anyone who thinks that either the WSBA or the court coddles misbehaving lawyers doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
“Hey, whatever happened to the public defender that slep with her defendant, about 5 years ago, lost her job. Is she still a lawyer?”
She was suspended for 2 years, but apparently hasn’t complied with conditions for reinstatement, because she’s still suspended. (I suspect she may have left the state.) The two libertarian members of the court, Richard Sanders and Jim Johnson, dissented arguing the suspension was too harsh.
In response to number 3, which profession do you think does a better job of policing its members–the legal or medical? Indeed, is there any profession that polices its members than the legal profession?
@5 Hands down, the legal profession. In this state, at least, doctor discipline as administered by the Medical Quality Assurance Commission is a joke.
Well…using Jimmy Carter, Walter Cronkite and Bill Clinton’s gold standard, it’s very apparent that Goldy is a raving, mouth breathing, racist since Mr. Marshall (whom is black) has been repeatedly criticized on this blog.
Don’t you hate when that saloon door swings back in and smacks you square in the ass, Goldy?
ESO @ 7
Could you please tell me the industry in which you work that rewards idiocy? What the hell does Brad Marshall’s skin color have to do with anything? You apparently think it’s important, given that you brought it up.
Does anyone have the slightest idea of what this fuckhead is raving about?
Fucktards @ 8 and 9.
Apparently you two brainiacs aren’t keeping up with current events. Wow, I wonder what the collective IQ from the HA faithful would amount to if tested.
Could you please tell me the industry in which you work that rewards idiocy?
My industry doesn’t reward idiocy, so I doubt we have a position for you proud leftist. sorry.
Brad Marshall got disbarred for screwing his clients. The bar association doesn’t take kindly to people doing that. His disbarment has nothing to do with “current events.” Apparently, you think anything that involves a person of color must be extrapolated into a bigger picture that involves race. That, of course, marks you as a racist.
Again, for the uneducated, I’m using the Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Walter Cronkite model for exposing racism. They have recently come out in opposition to this kind of criticism over the last 2 months or so. This isn’t my model, but the Democrat model for exposing racism.
Goldy is white and is criticizing Mr. Marshall, whom is black and therefore, using the “carter doctorine”, one can only assume that Goldy is therefore a racist for criticizing Mr. Marshall.
Proud Leftist
ESO delivering the smackdown.
bwaaaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa
There is big time humor here but the leftist pinheads can’t figger it out.
BTW Marshall is a turd but that’s beside the point. Oh yeah, Puddy can say that cuz he’s black!