I think I’ll take a break from attacking one evil corporation, to go back to attacking another. (So many evil corporations… so little time.)
I’ve already blogged a couple times about Sinclair Broadcasting, and their blatantly propagandistic plans to pre-empt primetime programming on their 62 network affiliates to air a 90-minute documentary-cum-infomercial attacking John Kerry, a week before the election. Most recently, I deconstructed Collin Levey’s pathetic defense of Sinclair (Ein gef
i got the biggest guestion, does sinclair who wants four more years of bush know doing this is hurting bush
Sinclair is evil. They know exactly what they’re doing. They even fire employees who protest the plans to air the documentary as unfair. The boycott is an excellent idea.
Boycott update – until David posts: http://www.nwprogressive.org/weblog. Interestings are happening to Sinclair as a result of their right-wing agenda.