I think it is fair to say that as a blogger, I cut my teeth and made my reputation covering the 2004 gubernatorial election contest. In fact I probably spent more time researching, analyzing and covering Borders v King County than the lawyers arguing the case. And so it was with some amusement that I read an email from my friend Richard Pope (a man for whom I do indeed hold an odd affection) about the outcome of the race for Republican Precinct Committee Officer in Seattle’s 43rd Legislative District Precinct 2064.
It turns out that Timothy Borders, the namesake for the Republican plaintiffs in the election contest lawsuit, narrowly lost his bid to become SEA 43-2064’s Republican PCO. To add insult to injury, he lost by only a single vote. His own.
52 ballots were cast in last month’s SEA 43-2064 primary — 47 with a Democratic preference, four without party preference and only one Republican. And of that single Republican ballot, Borders received exactly zero votes.
According to King County rules, a PCO must receive at least 10 percent of the total votes cast for the precinct’s top vote-getter in his or her party’s primary. And since there was only one Republican ballot cast, a single vote for Borders would have gotten him the job.
Or should I say, a single vote from Borders, since apparently Borders either didn’t vote, chose a Democratic ballot, or cast the sole GOP ballot in the precinct… but declined to vote for himself.
Hey Tim, if you decide to contest this election too, I promise I’ll be all over it.
Actually, if Borders had filed with King County (and paid his one dollar fee) at the appropriate time, a single vote would suffice no matter how large the Republican total was. The 10% rule applies only to write-in PCO candidates.
I should note that at least one such write-in candidate was successful in gaining election as a PCO in the 46th LD this year.
He probably lost because he didn’t pay the $1 fee. I’ll bet WSRP has a heck of a time trying to collect a buck from each of their PCOs. After all, they represent the FREELOADER elements of society.
Roger Rabbit is on vacation. Don’t read any fake “Roger Rabbit” posts or accept any wooden nickels while I’m gone! I’ll be back in about a week or so. Hey trollfuck traitors — I’ll see you when I see you, unless the hangman sees you first. Au revoir.
So now it turns out that ABC lied about the age of the page. The page was 18 when the IMs happened.
So here’s what we know: Foley did not have sex with the page, but he resigned. Clinton did have sex with an intern and did not resign.
Can any of you reconcile this?
Didn’t think so…
And now they’re gonna do an end to end search of ALL representatives. And now the dems are starting to get worried because who knows what kind of dirty sheets they have. Could it blow up in their faces? We’ll see…
Dear Mark the Red Nekkid Asshole:
Here you go: Monica of age, consenting. Nothing illegal.
Foley: Texting several pages, some of whom are indisputedly underage. Illegal to to solicit sex with a minor in every state of the Union. Republican leadership protected a known pedophile, is continuing to lie about the coverup and steping on the their own dicks trying to cast blame everywhere.
Consider is reconciled.
Funny how that works.
Should read consider IT reconciled.
So now it turns out that the righties are trying to make it look like their gay hero Tom Foley only had sex with one boy. Turns out that at least four have come forward. Three of which were between the ages of 15-17 when the gay republican attacked them.
How do the righties reconcile this? I thought they were the moral majority? I thought they didn’t like gays? I thought they were against peds? Guess not!
Commentby Mark The Redneck KENNEDY— 10/7/06@ 5:16 pm
“So now it turns out that ABC lied about the age of the page. The page was 18 when the IMs happened.”
References, please. Other than NewsMax which seems to consider anything a Republican does as being ok, and is willing to make up facts to suit their stories.
Still doesn’t make it right, but I’d agree that if all of the pages he IM’d and e-mailed were over 18 at the time of the incidents, it does put the situation in a slightly better light.
Certainly some of the IMs were to young men over 18, but from what I understand, those relationships started earlier, and some of the IMs were to boys who were under 18 at the time.
Odd that neither Mr. Foley nor Mr. Hastert seem to have made that allegation. It would certainly go a long way to defusing the calls for Mr. Hastert’s resignation. Also odd that at least one state Attorney General is considering filing criminal charges against Mr. Foley.
And if there are Democrats that have done the same thing, they should also face the consequences, not to mention the wrath of the voters.
My representative is Norm Dicks, and I’m rather pleased with his performance. I plan to vote for him, and he has only a token Republican candidate opposing him. However, if it turns out that he did anything like this, I will personally join in and work to help elect his opponent. That kind of corruption has no place in my party, and I will not tolerate it.
So, let’s see the references. Remember, all of the pages over 18 at the times of the incidents. Even one of them aged 17 years, 11 months and 29 days, makes him a dirtbag that should go to jail.
Oh, and LauraBushKilledAGuy, Tom Foley is the former Speaker of the House, and has been out of office for several years. Mark Foley is the fellow that apparently has a taste for young boys.
The Republicans would very much like to have people confuse these two (since Tom was a Democrat).
Thomas Stephen Foley, Honorary KBE, former Speaker of the House of Representatives and also former Ambassador to Japan is a thoroughly honorable man from eastern Washington, where he represented the Fifth Congressional District, which we have some small hope of winning back, now that the Republicans seem to be self-destructing.
Interesting that people believe the magic age is 18, when in fact, the age of consent varies by state.
I also find it strange that all of a sudden it is a mortal sin for teenagers to have sex and our society is becoming more and more prudish while the media becomes more and more saturated with sex, sex, and more sex!
In the 50’s and 60’s, it was very common for girls to get married at 16 and many did the Loretta Lynn, getting married at 14.
What is the percentage of virgins walking across a stage at their high school graduation? One percent?
That said, I don’t agree with Foley targeting these young teens and the Congress needs to pass ethics rules that forbide Congressmen and Congresswomen from fraternizing with interns and paiges.
Senators shouldn’t sleep with lobbyist either……….
Left Foot, Do you remember REP Gary Condit, DEMOCRAT, CA? Just “axing”……………………hehe, DR JCH, ESQ
This JCH guy is hilarious! At first I thought – ban the bum. But then, I realized, he just needs a little more rope and not only will he be a joker, but he can do a little dance, too! Gack! Wretch! Kick-Kick.
BTW, Millions of people are either out the other end of Unemployment Benefits, like me, and not in the statistical base for the UnEmp %, OR, they have shit Wal-Mart style jobs – it’s called underemployment. You have to look closer to understand the jobs non-market. But, JCH, that would take effort, much harder than being a mimic. Even parrots can repeat what their masters say. [RichRandal]
RichRandal, From your post, you are probably over employed. Try picking up cans for more income.
Commentby sgmmac— 10/7/06@ 6:18 pm
“Interesting that people believe the magic age is 18, when in fact, the age of consent varies by state.
No, while the age of consent is an issue here, a larger issue is the point that they are minors in the temporary care and custody of the United States House of Representatives.
“That said, I don’t agree with Foley targeting these young teens and the Congress needs to pass ethics rules that forbide Congressmen and Congresswomen from fraternizing with interns and paiges”
And such rules are in place, and should be well known to all the House members.
We can debate whether 18 should be the age of majority, but that is the law. These minors are entrusted by their parents with the assurance from the Speaker of the House (it is his program) that they will be properly cared for. I doubt that the current situation would fall under anybody’s definition of “proper care”.
“Senators shouldn’t sleep with lobbyist either……….
And with that little comment, we see that your post really isn’t one of indignation that some member of your party would do something like this. It’s just another excuse for the inexcusable.
Oh, and at the time of the consensual relationship between two adults, Ms. Cantwell was not a Senator, and Mr. Dotzauer was not yet married (although he was engaged).
If you have some evidence that Ms. Cantwell was having an affair with Mr. Dotzauer while she was in office, then it would be a different matter. While it would not be illegal, there would be an “appearance of impropriety”.
I think you’re just trying to shift some blame from Mr. Foley and Speaker Hastert, while somehow saying that what Mr. Foley did was ok. That is simply disgusting.
A fight between two total strangers led to a fatal shooting in downtown Seattle Saturday morning. It happened at Fourth Avenue and Pine Street, at 11:30 a.m., in the heart of the shopping area. Police said a man who was visiting downtown and minding his own business was brutally attacked by a stranger. But the victim of that attack had a gun and license to carry it. So he shot his attacker [ ………….One less Democrat vote in Seattle [King County], unless the election is close and the Democrat dead and illegal alien votes need to be tallied.]
REP Gary Condit, DEMOCRAT, CA [hehe, JCH]
I want Buch and bunch “imeached” and sent to the Huag were they belong.
Commentby The Socialist [………………………………………………….I want “guvment” union NEA public schools to turn out kids who can read, write, and spell.]
UP to two-thirds of children in some areas of England are failing to get regular dental treatment as thousands of youngsters have been dropped by dentists no longer willing to provide free National Health Service care. This weekend dentists have warned that children will find it even more difficult to get free dental care in the future as fewer dentists undertake NHS work. [……………………………………………..What? These evil Dentists will not work for free? But…but……..but……..How will Democrats get dental care if they have to pay? What about 42 inch Sonys, and KFC, and Marlboros, and Black Velvet?]
Quick run down on the score card
Claude Allen (R) – Convicted
Mark Foley (R) – Resigned In Disgrace – Indictment Pending
Tom Delay (R) – Indicted
Bob Ney (R) – Convicted
Deke Cunningham (R) – Convicted
David Safavian (R) – Convicted
Jack Abramoff (R) – Convicted
James Tobin (R) – Convicted
Ernie Fletcher (R) – Indicted
Scooter Libby (R) – Indicted
George Ryan (R) – Convicted
Tom Noe (R) – Convicted
Ken Lay (R) – Convicted
Rush Limbaugh (R) – Arrested Plea Bargain
These are just SOME of the PROMINENT republicans with DEEP ties to Baby Bush in trouble in the PAST FEW YEARS. We’re not talking about going back 10 or 20 or 30 years. We’re talking during the Bush regime.
Is NC fire a terror attack? If so, along with the Anthrax attacks that happened on Bush’s watch, it is one more piece of proof that Bush has NOT kept America safe from terror attacks since 9.11. Just another piece of shit lie from a piece of shit and the pieces of shit who shill for him.
John Barelli,
There is NO excuse for Foley’s behavior…… None whatsoever!
I hadn’t heard of these paige incidents before now and they disgust me. If there is a rule, then why am I reading about 3 different people having affairs with paiges????? (Two are in the past.)
My crack about Cantwell was another thought – not related to Foley, although it is along the same lines…….. Cantwell was in State office, a candidate for Senator, and a Senator, she also worked with the guy……… They have a very improper relationship whatever it is, the press seems to be slacking on asking her the tough questions.
1. I think you’re just trying to shift some blame from Mr. Foley and Speaker Hastert, while somehow saying that what Mr. Foley did was ok. That is simply disgusting.
Commentby John Barelli— 10/7/06@ 6:42 pm
John a good Christian should embellish the truth to make a point. Mr. Foley is the one who made the mistake and not Speaker Hastert, plus you wouldn’t want to persecute a person without due process. Now from what I have been reading the Democrats knew about this sin before anybody else. Now why did they wait till the last minute to start singing the songs of hate?
No, while the age of consent is an issue here, a larger issue is the point that they are minors in the temporary care and custody of the United States House of Representatives.
Except that in the IMs that ABC posted and claimed were with a minor, the “victim” was not a minor, or a page, at the time. I don’t think he was in the care of the Speaker of the House after he returned home and turned 18.
What we need is a good wiretapping program for all gay congressmen. Wait, Democrats are against wiretapping.
John Barelli what say you? Should those who cross our borders should assimilate into our fabric?
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger says some Mexican immigrants “try to stay Mexican” when they come to the United States and he urged them to assimilate into the fabric of American society.
Recalling his own experience emigrating from his native Austria, the Republican governor said Thursday that immigrants should learn English and U.S. history and “make an effort to become part of America.”
“That is very difficult for some people to do especially, I think, for Mexicans because they are so close to their country here so they try to stay Mexican but try to be in America, so there’s this kind of back and forth,” he said.
“What I’m saying to the Mexicans is you’ve got to go and immerse yourself and assimilate into the American culture, become part of the American fabric. That is how Americans will embrace you,” he added.
Schwarzenegger’s comments were condemned by several Democrats supporting the candidacy of his rival in the November election, Phil Angelides. They depicted his remarks as part of a pattern of statements revealing insensitivity toward immigrants and others.
k lake, As long as illegal Mexicans vote Democrat, the TB, polio, crime, felonies, drugs, welfare, food stamps, medical and education costs are not to be discussed. Look for ANOTHER 25 million illegals to enter the US and vote Democrat over the next 5 years. Illegals plus Jew lawyers equal the death of America.
27, cont….Atlas has Shrugged. Any taxpayer left in California is an idiot. Move out of Baja Norte ASAP!
California: Democrat “Baja Norte”. [yhird world Mexican shit hole Hillary Village]
You need to listen to JCH and me. Trust me, we both know what it is like to be tempted by little boys. But it is all the Democrats fault. And we have both been driking a lot, but JCH and I are checking in to rehab. Plus we were both molested by the clergy. [hehe]
Atlas has shrugged! He does that when ever he is fucking me up my as [hehe]. I don’t know why he insist on calling me Hillary though.
Doctor JCH:
Yep, there is nothing worse than those Jew Lawyers, except for them Arabs, Blacks and Spics.., Justice Scalia is right, them Hispanics just want to drink Tequila. Of course they gave you a Dirty Sanchez last night, JCH, so as long as they pay, I guess we can put up with them.
For the first time since 2001, the NEWSWEEK poll shows that more Americans trust the Democrats than the GOP on moral values and the war on terror. Fully 53 percent of Americans want the Democrats to win control of Congress next month, including 10 percent of Republicans, compared to just 35 percent who want the GOP to retain power. If the election were held today, 51 percent of likely voters would vote for the Democrat in their district versus 39 percent who would vote for the Republican. And while the race is closer among male voters (46 percent for the Democrats vs. 42 percent for the Republicans), the Democrats lead among women voters 56 to 34 percent.
Meanwhile, the president’s approval rating has fallen to a new all-time low for the Newsweek poll: 33 percent, down from an already anemic 36 percent in August. Only 25 percent of Americans are satisfied with the direction of the country, while 67 percent say they are not.
The scandal’s more significant impact seems to be a widening of the yawning credibility gap developing between the President, his party and the nation. While 52 percent of Americans believe Hastert was aware of Foley’s actions and tried to cover them up, it’s part of a larger loss of faith in Republican leadership, thanks mostly to the war in Iraq. For instance, for the first time in the NEWSWEEK poll, a majority of Americans now believe the Bush administration knowingly misled the American people in building its case for war against Saddam Hussein: 58 percent vs. 36 percent who believe it didn’t.
Klake @ 22
WASHINGTON — A senior Republican aide on Capitol Hill who was close to disgraced former Rep. Mark Foley, R-Fla., on Friday backed up a former aide’s contention that House Speaker Dennis Hastert’s office was alerted to Foley’s behavior toward underage pages more than three years ago.
Yeah, it’s the Democrats’ fault.
Doctor JCH at 12:
Yeah, can you believe Condit? He liked women. [hehe]
If only he knew the pure love of a nice young boy like we do. Really makes Atlas Shrug!
Thank God the USA does not have a common border with Zinbabwe, or the Democrats would have another 20 million illegals climbing the fence to vote Democrat. Democrats: turning the USA into a Detroit “Harare”, on Democrat voter at a time!!!!
If 99% of AIDs cases are black Democrats and homo Democrats, why should I give a shit?
100% lovely Democrat cities: Detroit, Gary, South Central LA, and Harare, Zinbabwe. Not an evil Republican around for miles to ruin the Democrat fun of murder, rape, crack, coke, dope, drugs, welfare, and trashing “guvment” and Section 8 housing. All great places for you HA.ORG posters to visit at night with your families!!!!!
Some foolish (and repetitive) blather @ 38-40. Easy enough to ignore.
ST. PAUL, Minn. — It may seem like a distant memory now, but Democrats not so long ago dominated the battle between the parties to get their voters to the polls. Over the past half-dozen years, Republicans reinvented the system, using sophisticated computer modeling and vast amounts of consumer data. In 2002 and 2004, they demonstrated their newfound superiority — to the dismay of Democratic Party officials and their allies. [……………………………………………………………How to get Democrats to the polls? Food stamps, KFC, cocaine, cases of Marlboros, and Black Velvet.]
Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean yesterday said that Maryland’s Democratic ticket should have had a black or other minority at the top, but added that the national party isn’t to blame for the lack of diversity. […………………………Maxine “Fuck Up The White Boys” Waters? Cynthia “BitchSlap The MoFo!” McKinney? Hillary “Fucking Jew Bastard” Clinton? [If her husband was the first black President……….?] Sheala Jackson “Mars Rover” Lee? hehe, JCH]
I keep getting static. Cannot seem to make any sense of it @42, 43
Wow. Impressive. Not as impressive as this:
Drug trafficking (3), racketeering, extortion, bribery (4), tax evasion, kickbacks, embezzlement (2), fraud (12), conspiracy (5), fraudulent loans, illegal gifts (1), illegal campaign contributions (5), money laundering (6), perjury, obstruction of justice.
– Number of individuals and businesses associated with the Clinton machine who have been convicted of or pleaded guilty to crimes: 47
– Number of these convictions during Clinton’s presidency: 33
– Number of indictments/misdemeanor charges: 61
– Number of congressional witnesses who have pleaded the Fifth Amendment, fled the country to avoid testifying, or (in the case of foreign witnesses) refused to be interviewed: 122
Number of Starr-Ray investigation convictions or guilty pleas (including one governor, one associate attorney general and two Clinton business partners): 14
– Number of Clinton Cabinet members who came under criminal investigation: 5
– Number of Reagan cabinet members who came under criminal investigation: 4
– Number of top officials jailed in the Teapot Dome Scandal: 3
The only president ever impeached on grounds of personal malfeasance
– Most number of convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates*
– Most number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation
– Most number of witnesses to flee country or refuse to testify
– Most number of witnesses to die suddenly
– First president sued for sexual harassment.
– First president accused of rape.
– First first lady to come under criminal investigation
– Largest criminal plea agreement in an illegal campaign contribution case
– First president to establish a legal defense fund.
– First president to be held in contempt of court
– Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions
– Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions from abroad
– First president disbarred from the US Supreme Court and a state court
Bank and mail fraud, violations of campaign finance laws, illegal foreign campaign funding, improper exports of sensitive technology, physical violence and threats of violence, solicitation of perjury, intimidation of witnesses, bribery of witnesses, attempted intimidation of prosecutors, perjury before congressional committees, lying in statements to federal investigators and regulatory officials, flight of witnesses, obstruction of justice, bribery of cabinet members, real estate fraud, tax fraud, drug trafficking, failure to investigate drug trafficking, bribery of state officials, use of state police for personal purposes, exchange of promotions or benefits for sexual favors, using state police to provide false court testimony, laundering of drug money through a state agency, false reports by medical examiners and others investigating suspicious deaths, the firing of the RTC and FBI director when these agencies were investigating Clinton and his associates, failure to conduct autopsies in suspicious deaths, providing jobs in return for silence by witnesses, drug abuse, improper acquisition and use of 900 FBI files, improper futures trading, murder, sexual abuse of employees, false testimony before a federal judge, shredding of documents, withholding and concealment of subpoenaed documents, fabricated charges against (and improper firing of) White House employees, inviting drug traffickers, foreign agents and participants in organized crime to the White House.
Showing once again that Clinton is the standard bearer when it comes to corruption. hehehe
re 43: Yes. In Ohio and Florida they were so successful at getting out the Republican vote that in many districts thousands more people voted for Bush than there were voters in the district.
George W. Bush was no more the elected President than the man in the moon
re 43: Yes. In Ohio and Florida they were so successful at getting out the Republican vote that in many districts thousands more people voted for Bush than there were voters in the district.
George W. Bush was no more the elected President than the man in the moon
Commentby headless lucy— 10/7/06@ 9:29 pm
To bad you dems dont want an independent investigation of Ohio or Florida. I know I would. I know it would uncover thousands of illegal democrat votes. I am not worried about any illegal republican votes cause there isnt any. Remember which party is against voter IDs. hehehe
re 45: That would be impressive if there were any truth to what you’ve regurgitated.
I suggest that you read David Brock’s book, Blinded by the Right. He deconstructs each and every lie your fevered brain has been fed. And he has great credentials in that he wrote (for profit)the lies lies. So, there! Fruitcake!!
re 45: That would be impressive if there were any truth to what you’ve regurgitated.
I suggest that you read David Brock’s book, Blinded by the Right. He deconstructs each and every lie your fevered brain has been fed. And he has great credentials in that he wrote (for profit)the lies lies. So, there! Fruitcake!!
Commentby Monkey Jr. Pophalous— 10/7/06@ 9:36 pm
David Brock….hahahahahahaahahahahaahaha Anyone who takes David Brock serious is an idiot or a lefty. He is no better than that fat fuck Micheal Moore. You truely are a monkey arent ya. hehehehehehehehehehehehehe
Commentby k lake— 10/7/06@ 7:44 pm
“John a good Christian should embellish the truth to make a point. Mr. Foley is the one who made the mistake and not Speaker Hastert, plus you wouldn’t want to persecute a person without due process. Now from what I have been reading the Democrats knew about this sin before anybody else. Now why did they wait till the last minute to start singing the songs of hate?”
First, the only folks saying that the Democrats knew about this in advance are some partisan types that have no evidence, just supposition. The only Democrat in the group tasked with responsibility in this program was deliberately kept “out of the loop”.
Next, and more important, Speaker Hastert either knew or had reason to know that there was a problem. I will grant him the benefit of the doubt that he did not know the extent of the problem, but it was his job to find out.
I doubt that he broke any laws, but there is little doubt that he failed spectacularly in his responsibility to these young people. He allowed a member of his party to continue to act in a very inappropriate, and quite possibly illegal manner towards a number of minors placed in his care.
Did he do this because he approved of Mr. Foley’s actions? I sincerely doubt it, and pray that it is not so. Did he allow his partisanship and desire to avoid political scandal taint his judgement in this case? It appears so, and it appears that he continues to do so.
Mr. Foley has admitted to behaviour that is, at the very least, reprehensible. That is not a rush to judgement, as he has admitted to the behaviour. Whether it is also illegal is for the investigators and possibly a court to decide.
Mr. Foley should answer for his actions, but he did not do this in a vacuum. Others involved bear some of the responsibility. The House Page program is under the direct supervision of the Speaker. As one member of the Republican party has noted, it happened on his watch. His resignation from the position of Speaker (at the very least) seems entirely appropriate.
re 49: That’s why the book he wrote trashing Hilary Clinton was a bestseller in RIGHTYWORLD. BECAUSE RIGHTIES ARE CREDULOUS IDIOTS WHO WILL BELIEVE ANY GARBAGE, as long as it’s a poisonous diatribe against someone they’ve been taght to hate by their monied Masters who use their simple Skinnerian brains to GIVE THEM THE BIG ‘FRAIDY and vote against their own best interest.
Thanks for being so eagar to make my point for me — idiot.
I can only hope, JCH, that your child ends up in the “care” of another Republican monster like Mark Foley and that Speaker Hastert performs the same due diligence he has in this case — none.
Maybe if you Republican Pervert Pedophile protectors throw out a few dozen more straw men, and red herrings, the people that think the pages should have been protected may forget a pervert was trying to have sex with these children. Maybe we will forget a bunch of Republicans knew he was attempting to seduce these children…..
Then again, maybe not.
Maybe we would want to have every Republican, or Democrat for that matter that knew he was seducing children ARRESTED!!!!!
The problem with the wingnut trolls, is that they will protect Republicans no matter how bad their behavior, crimes, or dishonesty. Us “Liberals” want to get rid of all scumbags, on both sides of the aisle.
That is what makes us Americans, and you traitors.
Hey monkey shit fer brains:
David Brock Group Backpedals on Soros Funding
By Marc Morano
CNSNews.com Senior Staff Writer
March 03, 2005
(CNSNews.com) – Media Matters for America, the group headed by conservative turned liberal writer David Brock, has changed course on its stated association with billionaire liberal financier George Soros.
After initially claiming on Dec. 1, 2004 that “neither Media Matters nor its president and CEO David Brock has received any money from Soros or from any organization with which he is affiliated,” the group is no longer disavowing any connection with groups “affiliated” with Soros.
The Media Matters shift came after Cybercast News Service questioned the group’s financial ties and demonstrated that there were numerous and extensive links between Media Matters and several Soros “affiliates” like MoveOn.org, the Center for American Progress and Soros ally Peter Lewis.
Media Matters for America (MMA) spokeswoman Sally Aman responded to Cybercast News Service’s questions with an e-mail. “In response to your query regarding donor funding Media Matters for America has never received funding directly from George Soros,” Aman stated, no longer denying any relationship with organizations affiliated with Soros.
She went on to reference the “early support from Moveon.org, and the New Democrat Network,” that Media Matters had received.
In its role as a liberal media watchdog, Media Matters for America takes on some of the biggest names in media. Brock also authored the 2002 book, “Blinded by the Right, The Conscience of an Ex-Conservative,” in which he denounced the conservative movement where he first gained fame and disclosed his homosexuality.
‘Typical of Brock’s operation’
“It’s good that they are now being honest by [this new statement regarding Soros],” said John Carlisle, director of policy for the conservative National Legal and Policy Center. “Clearly MMA worked very closely with Soros-funded groups. There is definitely a Soros connection there.”
Carlisle told Cybercast News Service , “While there is no evidence Soros gave directly to Brock and Media Matters, clearly Soros-funded groups have been instrumental in getting MMA started.”
Horowitz charged that Media Matters’ original claim that it had taken no money from Soros or groups affiliated with Soros was “a lie.”
“This is typical of Brock’s operation,” Horowitz told Cybercast News Service . “They split hairs to present an untruth.”
Media Matters can no longer deny its Soros affiliation because “once you have the names (of donors), once you know that Peter Lewis is involved, you can’t deny it,” said Horowitz, who as a conservative, co-founded the Los Angeles-based Center for the Study of the Popular Culture and Front Page Mag.com, a news and commentary website.
Horowitz said he is not surprised that Brock’s group altered its statement after being questioned about donations. “[Brock is] a guy who turned on his friends. He was a sleazy gossip sort of writer when he was on the right, and he’s a sleazy gossip writer on the left, and an unscrupulous one on both sides,” Horowitz said.
David Brock cant even keep a lie straight on his association with other liers (Soros). hehehehehehehehe
Hey trolls.
How would you feel if it was your child being secuced by a sex predator?
What if it was your son being seduced along with other children, while the Speaker Mr. Hastert determined if he could keep the attempted molestations quiet, and out of the press, the Republicans may have a better chance of keeping control of the House.
If you don’t have a problem with Hastert’s inactions, just send your kids over to the pervert’s house down the street, and let them play doctor, or hide the sausage.
Reality sucks when you are a wingnut.
You tell em facts.
David Brock used to be a Republican, until what he saw turned his stomach, and he came into the light…..
George Soros loves America far more than George Bush, and his minions. And hell he wasn’t even born here.
America is a dream, and experiment, an ideal.
Everything Bush stands for is exactly the opposite of what America stands for.
Corporate rule, aristocracy, dishonesty, secret government, fearmongering, more dishonesty, corruption, more dishonesty, and even more dishonesty, torture, warrantless wiretapping, and on, and on.
Everytime you claim you are a “Republican” these days it is the law that you also say “And I hate America” too.
The Republican Party is exactly the opposite of what Thomas Jefferson envisioned when he wrote the constitution. It is also what he tried to prevent from crawling out from under rocks, by creating 3 equal branches that oversee each other. That is now dead. Our country is almost dead.
When our president does not have to follow the law, and it obvious that he doesn’t even try, we have a dictatorship. Get it?
The facts are that those in power are Republicans. They had information which would laed a reasonable person to question whether there was a problem. THey withheld this information from the Democrats and from the American people in the interest of maintaining a seat in Congress.
Can you challenge any part of that? With facts, of course.
You tell em facts.
Commentby Mr. & Mrs Lewinski— 10/7/06@ 10:15 pm
If I remember right, your daughter was a grown woman…..
Not sweet 16….
You tell em facts. You conservatives are held to a higher standard because you are conservative. We dont need to clean our house, hell we elect suspected rapists into office and are proud of it. It sucks being a repub doesnt it.
David Brock used to be a Republican, until what he saw turned his stomach, and he came into the light…..
You mean like Zel Miller is a democrat. Yeah I guess your right. Give em hell Zel. The only democrat woth a shit in congress. Honorable mention to Lieberman.
Any more straw men? Any more red herrings?
It is called defending the indefensable.
What happened in the past dealt with itself, and those people paid their prices.
We now TODAY need to deal with the crime of not reporting sexual abuse of children by the House Leadership. Mr. Hastert et. al. These pieces of human feces who are now trying to get re-elected, and convince us we should let them run our country.
The more light is shed on this coverup, and scandal, the more sleaze oozes out of the Republican Party.
And I thought we were off to a good start with all the convictions listed above. Better get busier….
Commentby k lake— 10/7/06@ 7:59 pm
“John Barelli what say you? Should those who cross our borders should assimilate into our fabric?”
Depends entirely on what you mean by “assimilate”.
My Great Grandparents and Great-Great Grandparents came to this country generations ago from Ireland and Italy. My father wouldn’t listen to any singers that didn’t speak Italian. (He loved Dean Martin.)
My mother was as Irish as if she had just come off the boat herself. Thank God my father taught her to cook. Have you ever eaten Irish food? :-P
I make a pretty good pasta sauce, and my favorite beer is Guinness. I’m proud of both my Italian and Irish heritage.
Should immigrants learn to speak the major language? As a purely practical matter, yes. It is to their benefit, as many things will be much more difficult for them if they do not, regardless of bilingual signs or any other help we give.
Should they give up any of their culture? Harder question.
There are some things that other cultures do that are completely unacceptable in American society. Given that they came here voluntarily, I’d have to say those things must be either modified or abandoned. These are things like female genital mutilation and forced marriage of young girls.
Should they abandon things that are foreign to our culture, but cause no permanent harm? No. A veiled Muslim woman may seem odd, but does no harm. People maintaining their native language and traditions (while adding English) just makes our entire American culture richer and more diverse.
And, should it ever come to the point where the majority of Americans decide that Spanish is the primary language, well, I guess I’ll just have to brush up on my Spanish. Little actual chance of that happening, however. (Mandarin perhaps, but probably not Spanish.)
As to the Governor’s race down in California, that is the Californians’ problem. Gov. Swartzenegger will never be able to run in any election that I an likely be voting in. If he wins in California, I hope he does a good job for them.
Will some people attack his statements? I hope so. It is important that politicians be very careful about what they say. Words are powerful. Opposing opinions should be heard. Did his comments make sense? Beats me. I really haven’t been following the California Governor’s race. I don’t live there.
Now for the real fun.
Mr. Foley was a busy, busy, busy bee.
You want me to believe that after seducing children for 10 years he never scored?
He probably had more teenage tail than most senior classes….
Nothing in post 45 is true but ALL the convictions, arrests and indictments I listed for the CURRENT regime are verifiable.
No administration in history has had as many arrests, convictions and indictments as Bush’s. Not even close.
For you, a stupid, sick joke:
Q: Why don’t Republicans use bookmarks?
A: They bend pages over instead.
We now TODAY need to deal with the crime of not reporting sexual abuse of children by the House Leadership. Mr. Hastert et. al. These pieces of human feces who are now trying to get re-elected, and convince us we should let them run our country.
The more light is shed on this coverup, and scandal, the more sleaze oozes out of the Republican Party.
And I thought we were off to a good start with all the convictions listed above. Better get busier….
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 10/7/06@ 10:26 pm
Dont you love it when lefties get moral. This is dripping with realism folks. The party of NAMBLA scolding child molestors. hahahaha
No administration in history has had as many arrests, convictions and indictments as Bush’s. Not even close.
And yet the feebleminded in the welfare red states keep votin’ his ilk in on “moral values.” Maybe larceny, alcoholism, cocaine addiction, graft, bribery, corruption, warmongering, chickenhawkism, fraud, lechery really are American values and Congress and Senate are giving them what they want. Maybe many, many people think that government and business would just grind to a halt if none of those vices or crimes were present at all. Maybe hundreds of Americans give themselves nightmares thinking how awful and unlivable their way of life would be without larceny, alcoholism, cocaine addiction, graft, bribery, corruption, warmongering, chickenhawkism, fraud, lechery. Could they ever salute their flag with pride again? Could they manage to sing their national anthem without bile rising in their throats? Could they accept their Constitution as is? Could they rearrange their priorities to elect someone who actually could relate to them for a change? How horrifying would that world be for them?
Nothing in post 45 is true but ALL the convictions, arrests and indictments I listed for the CURRENT regime are verifiable.
No administration in history has had as many arrests, convictions and indictments as Bush’s. Not even close.
Commentby LauraBushKilledAGuy— 10/7/06@ 10:31 pm
Bullshit. Most of my post is part of the public record dipshit. Convictions are convictions idiot. When it comes to crime and corruption, Clinton is tops.
Bullshit. Most of my post is part of the public record dipshit. Convictions are convictions idiot. When it comes to crime and corruption, Clinton is tops.
Commentby Dan Rather-Whats the frequen— 10/7/06@ 10:42 pm
And who in the Clinton Administration outed a CIA agent, or destroyed a company like Brewster Jennings?
Bullshit. Most of my post is part of the public record dipshit. Convictions are convictions idiot. When it comes to crime and corruption, Clinton is tops.
Commentby Dan Rather-Whats the frequen— 10/7/06@ 10:42 pm
And who in the Clinton Administration outed a CIA agent, or destroyed a company like Brewster Jennings?
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 10/7/06@ 10:48 pm
Who/what is Brewster Jennings and who gives a shit? Clinton never outed a CIA agent or outed that a CIA agent was related to a democratic hack so you are right on that.
Who/what is Brewster Jennings and who gives a shit? Clinton never outed a CIA agent or outed that a CIA agent was related to a democratic hack so you are right on that.
Commentby Dan Rather-Whats the frequen— 10/7/06@ 11:01 pm
Who gives a shit? Obviously you don’t, and if you don’t know what Brewster Jennings is, you probably shouldn’t be commenting on blogs, and go back to kindergarden.
Brewster Jennings was the front company Valerie Wilson worked for, while searching for “real” WMD’s. When Novak printed her name, and the name of the fake CIA front company she worked for, the whole operation was destroyed. We still do not know the damage this did to our CIA, because they won’t make public the damage outing her, and destroying all “our” contacts caused.
I know, outing a CIA agent, and blowing her cover for a political attack is fine with wingnuts.
We don’t need folks looking for WMD’s anyway. We have got plenty of imaginary ones to go kill people over….
but then there is that whole LAWS thing to contend with. but i guess dave is above all that right?
(1) It is a gross misdemeanor for a person to examine, or assist another to examine, any voter record, ballot, or any other state or local government official election material if the person, without lawful authority, conducts the examination:
(a) For the purpose of identifying the name of a voter and how the voter voted; or
(b) For the purpose of determining how a voter, whose name is known to the person, voted; or
(c) For the purpose of identifying the name of the voter who voted in a manner known to the person.
(2) Any person who reveals to another information which the person ascertained in violation of subsection (1) of this section is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
(3) A gross misdemeanor under this section is punishable to the same extent as a gross misdemeanor that is punishable under RCW 9A.20.021.
Brewster Jennings was the front company Valerie Wilson worked for, while searching for “real” WMD’s. When Novak printed her name, and the name of the fake CIA front company she worked for, the whole operation was destroyed. We still do not know the damage this did to our CIA, because they won’t make public the damage outing her, and destroying all “our” contacts caused.
I know, outing a CIA agent, and blowing her cover for a political attack is fine with wingnuts.
Thanks for clearing that up. For some reason I thought they were the publishers of that photo showing Wilson and Plame in Vanity Fair. Yep good PR is important when under cover.
this may be the very moment when a certain radio station discovers that they hired a loose cannon that isn’t at all worried about breaking the law.
this should be very interesting……….
The 10% requirement applies to all PCO elections, not just the write-ins. see RCW 29A.80.051
I guess all the trolls went away.
Watch your children…..
Thanks for clearing that up. For some reason I thought they were the publishers of that photo showing Wilson and Plame in Vanity Fair. Yep good PR is important when under cover.
You listen to Rush too much. You are thoroughly confused. They did their interview with Vanity Fair after Robert Novak told the world she worked for the CIA, after being told twice not to print her name by the CIA.
Ol traitor Novak sure has some high up cover to disregard CIA warnings to not print the name of someone they could not tell him was a NOC.
All facts work against wingnuts.
Just make your arguments, and I will send you home crying to mommie….
Now for some homework.
How many direct in your face warnings we were about to be attacked by Al Queda did Bush ignore?
I can think of almost a hundred, counting the 52 from the FAA.
When will you tools figure it out?
Defend Foley, Hastert, Bush, Novak, Rove, and the rest. Defend Mike? no position too.
I asked him 2 questions after a speech, and he ducked both of them. Wouldn’t give me a simple answer.
The kind of scum we don’t need in the Senate.
But, but, but Maria loaned money to some dude…
But, but, but Safeco gave McGavick millions for nothing….. (except to run for the Senate)
Maria used her own money, Safecto stole the shareholders money…..
A senior Republican aide on Capitol Hill who was close to disgraced former Rep. Mark Foley, R-Fla., on Friday backed up a former aide’s contention that House Speaker Dennis Hastert’s office was alerted to Foley’s behavior toward underage pages more than three years ago.
And the FBI was made aware of exactly the same exchanges by exactly the same gay bashers at the time, and the FBI said there was nothing wrong.
I doubt that he broke any laws, but there is little doubt that he failed spectacularly in his responsibility to these young people. He allowed a member of his party to continue to act in a very inappropriate, and quite possibly illegal manner towards a number of minors placed in his care.
The “page” in question was not a minor, and was no longer a page. Exactly how long was Hastert accountable for him?
Hey trolls.
How would you feel if it was your child being secuced by a sex predator?
I don’t know. Why don’t you ask Mama and Papa Lewinsky?
The Republican Party is exactly the opposite of what Thomas Jefferson envisioned when he wrote the constitution.
So was George Washington, who was the opposite party from Jefferson and opposed the vast majority of Jefferson’s issues.
They had information which would laed a reasonable person to question whether there was a problem. THey withheld this information from the Democrats and from the American people in the interest of maintaining a seat in Congress.
Well, they did turn everything they had over to the FBI, and the FBI said there was nothing wrong…
We now TODAY need to deal with the crime of not reporting sexual abuse of children by the House Leadership.
Umm, yeah, if you call 18 year old consenting adults children…
No administration in history has had as many arrests, convictions and indictments as Bush’s. Not even close.
You can’t be serious. Ken Starr alone got more convictions, arrests, and guilty pleas than all the Bush administration combined.
And who in the Clinton Administration outed a CIA agent
I don’t know, technically John Kerry was not in the Clinton administration when he outed agent Fulton Armstrong.
Commentby Michael— 10/8/06@ 2:53 am
“The “page” in question was not a minor, and was no longer a page. Exactly how long was Hastert accountable for him?”
First, there are several minors involved. You seem focused on the one that was found first while ignoring the rest of them.
Some of the e-mails seem to have happened while he was a Page, and were sent when he was a minor, it shows that there was a serious problem that required further investigation. Or are you of the impression that since they were not found until after the Page turned 18, that it’s ok? Everyone gets a free pass on things that happened earlier, and there was no need to make sure that the same thing wasn’t happening with other pages?
“And the FBI was made aware of exactly the same exchanges by exactly the same gay bashers at the time, and the FBI said there was nothing wrong.”
– and –
“Well, they did turn everything they had over to the FBI, and the FBI said there was nothing wrong…”
Not quite. “Justice Department spokesman Brian Roehrkasse declined to comment on that issue but defended the FBI’s handling of the original e-mails: ‘The e-mails, while inappropriate, did not contain a criminal predicate to allow the FBI to move forward in an investigation.'” (from Washington Post) That’s a far cry from “nothing wrong”.
“Umm, yeah, if you call 18 year old consenting adults children…
It’s the 16 and 17 year olds that are going to get him into trouble, along with the House rules that prohibit fraternization with the Pages (even the ones over 18). The fact that they eventually turned 18 does not make everything that happened earlier ok. Or would you let a child molester out of jail when their victims turned 18?
Of course, if you would look at some news source other than Ann Coulter and the Drudge Report, (even Faux News has acknowledged that this is a serious issue) maybe you would know these things. Or maybe you agree with Mr. Drudge that it’s the kids’ fault. Poor, unsuspecting Mr. Foley, led on by those evil kids.
Defending the indefensible.
Comparative Election Results for SEA 43-2064:
September 16, 2003 Primary
King County Assessor
Scott Noble (D): 48 (73.85%)
Richard Pope (R): 9 (13.24%)
Undervotes: 11 (16.18%)
Total Votes: 68
September 19, 2006 Primary
Political Party Preference
Democrat Party: 47 (90.38%)
Republican Party: 1 (1.92%)
No Party Chosen: 4 (7.69%)
Total Votes: 52
Democrats now outdistance Republicans on every single issue that could decide voters’ choices come Nov. 7. In addition to winning—for the first time in the NEWSWEEK poll—on the question of which party is more trusted to fight the war on terror (44 to 37 percent) and moral values (42 percent to 36 percent), the Democrats now inspire more trust than the GOP on handling Iraq (47 to 34); the economy (53 to 31); health care (57 to 24); federal spending and the deficit (53 to 29); gas and oil prices (56 to 23); and immigration (43 to 34).
In the 1980’s was the “congressional page scandal”. In that scandal, 2 congressmen 1 from the democratic party and 1 from the Republican party were each having a sexual relationship with an underage page. The Speaker at that time called an investigation immediately, both congressmen were censured, although many fought for a stiffer penalty.
Due to the 1980’s scandal, the rules against sexual contact/overfriendliness were created, as was the Committee that oversees the page program.
Unfortunately, the committee failed in its duty. Members who were Republican were notified about Mr. Foley; the member of the committee that was from the Democratic party was not notified.
The big problem is that the Republican Party Leadership covered up for Mr. Foley’s pedophile ways. In doing so, they failed their party, their constituency and their country.
I have seen this incident blamed on the Democratic party, George Sosos, the pages, Bill Clinton, the Homosexual agenda, Al-Queida and space aliens. I have read Mr. Foley being described as a “poor, misguided Republican with a romantic attachment to boyhood.” “victim of a practical joke gone awry” and bunch of other pablum that made me sick to my stomach. These are the people that enabled Mr. Foley to keep on doing what he was doing.
Mr. Foley is a pedophile. The Republican Party leaders decided that keeping him in office was more important than the safety of the teenagers under their care. Numerous people told them about the problem, they just decided it was more important to cover it up.
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“The page was 18 when the IMs happened…Can any of you reconcile this?”
Sure, Your guys blew it again, and gave you an untrue story to spread. Not surprising, really, because if you stuck to the facts you’d sound pretty stupid deefending these guys.
The page is currently 17 (and was 16 at the time of the correspondence). It was the guy who turned over the e-mails to ABC who was 18, not the victim.
And, of course, OTHER pages who were at the time or are now 16 or 17 have come forward.
When are YOU going to top blowing smoke and deal with the real issue: that the Republican leadership failed in their responsbilities and covered up for Foley.
23 Michael
I posted the links above. The person who was 18 was the one who tunred over the e-mails to ABC. The page himself was 16 at the time of the contact and is 17 now…
“ Wait, Democrats are against wiretapping.
Um, it’s the illegal wiretapping we’re not so crazy about. You know, the lawbreaking by law enforcement and all.
2 klake
Schwarzenegger does not know shit.
44 Dan Rather
I think you got it wrong again. Did you check the fonts on that document, Dan?
The House leadership (according now to many independent sources) had information on Foley’s ongoing harassment of pages for at least three years, but
– The FBI didn’t hear about it until CREW turned over e-mails in July 2006. Where were the House Republicans?
– Hastert & co. took no action until ABC broke news of the e-mails and not until after Foley resigned (he resigned immediately after ABC showed him the e-mails before going public).
It’s a metaphor for the entire reign of the Republicans: incompetence, denial, blame-shifting, corruption, ass-covering, and political calculation.
So now Foley had sex with a former page. This one was 21, but now we know he’d do it. And I think it’s only a matter of time until we find an underage page that he fondled or had sex with.
How many page blowjobs (to Foley or anyone else) did Hastert know about?
SFixed link…
So now we know that Foley had sex with a former page. This one was 21, but now we know he’d do it. And I think it’s only a matter of time until we find an underage page that he fondled or had sex with.
How many page blowjobs (to Foley or anyone else) did Hastert know about?
Now that we’ve established the fact that this is the most corrupt administration in history. Now that we’ve established that this regime has made us LESS safe. Now that we’ve established the fact that the GOP is a party of pervs and peds. Now that we’ve established the fact that the Bush regime has ruined our enonomy….
No wonder the GOP is looooooooosing seats like mad this Nov. And it’s fun to watch the inbred chickenhawk righties on this board try to lie, spin or wiggle out of this one but it won’t matter. They can’t change what’s happening around them. They’re entire world is caving in on them. Poor bastards are so fucking stooooopid they won’t even realize it’s their asses we’re saving too when we impeach that fucking traitor Bush!
I have seen this incident blamed on the Democratic party, George Sosos, the pages, Bill Clinton, the Homosexual agenda, Al-Queida and space aliens. I have read Mr. Foley being described as a “poor, misguided Republican with a romantic attachment to boyhood.” “victim of a practical joke gone awry” and bunch of other pablum that made me sick to my stomach. These are the people that enabled Mr. Foley to keep on doing what he was doing.
Mr. Foley is a pedophile. The Republican Party leaders decided that keeping him in office was more important than the safety of the teenagers under their care. Numerous people told them about the problem, they just decided it was more important to cover it up.
Commentby David— 10/8/06@ 4:48 am
David is a person with a clear understanding of what is going on.
The Republicans lust for power is even greater than their lust for young lads.
I knew the busy little bee got his stinger wet…..
Ex-Page Tells of Foley Liaison
You have to paste the whole link.
With a Tuesday registration deadline approaching, the list of registered voters in Harris County is down about 2 percent from two years ago. That may not mean there are 2 percent fewer voters. A new state database required by federal law has made it easier to track people moving around Texas. When a voter registers in a different county, the database flags the duplication and allows the old county to remove the name. […………………………….This, plus voter ID could cost Democrats 20% of their total votes!]
A fight between two total strangers led to a fatal shooting in downtown Seattle Saturday morning. It happened at Fourth Avenue and Pine Street, at 11:30 a.m., in the heart of the shopping area. Police said a man who was visiting downtown and minding his own business was brutally attacked by a stranger. But the victim of that attack had a gun and license to carry it. So he shot his attacker.
Unfortunately, the only way the shooter will not be sued is if he has no assets, no income and no prospects. The Democrat lawyers already know that any Democrat King County jury will strip anyone using a gun in self-defence of their assets faster than BJ can explain a fresh upholstery stain. Wish I knew who the guy was.
John a good Christian should embellish the truth to make a point.
“Embellish” the truth? That’s a euphamism for lying. I seem to recall something about that from the Bible, something like “Thou shalt not bear false witness…”
“Mr. Foley is the one who made the mistake and not Speaker Hastert, plus you wouldn’t want to persecute a person without due process.”
First of all, the word is “prosecute,” not “persecute,” though “persecute” might well be an appropriate word for what the Republicans have done in a variety of instances. In general “persecute” is one of the things people do when they don’t have sufficient evidence to “prosecute”.
To wit:
“Now from what I have been reading the Democrats knew about this sin before anybody else.”
Then you need to change what you’ve been reading. There isn’t a shred of evidence to back that up, and we know, of a certainty, that the person who leaked the original e-mails was a Republican. But, go ahead. Make this stuff up. Might as well, because the truth doesn’t help you. That’s why you find yourself having to “embellish” it.
The cause of the mental disorder wingnuttia.
These wingnuts are all high on the junk they buy from Target and Wal-Mart!
This Foley story just won’t die.
Good. It’s about time something stuck to these rubberstamp thieves.
Did they find a viable replacment for Dean “Incompentance” Logan so they can steal this one too?
Unfortunately, no republicans were caught in the cross hairs of yesterday’s shooting in downtown Seattle.
@3 Rodent:
Wow! Did the gov’t give you a $$ bonus on your cheese check this month or something? A vacation from a vacation, must be nice!
JCH at 100:
“[…………………………….This, plus voter ID could cost Democrats 20% of their total votes!] ”
Come on, you know that it is our voting machines and getting rid of black votes because they are all “felons” that will cost the Democrats 20%. hehe
Daddy Love that must be lovely name your daddy gave you at birth!!! On the side note your bashing of Foley will upset your gay supporters in the Socialist Democrat Party? Now that the Church of Liberalism has finally got morals, now will it be able to live up to the new standards? Will the support for gay marriage and extra rights for the folks of other sexual preferences now be abandoned? You folks will abandoned all your old friends just to win an election, and for your own personnel gains. Daddy Love I though you supported all those other liberal lifestyles, and went to get length to support agendas of those who had other sexual preferences. What a sad day in history you turned on your greatest supporters the Gat community.
Some conservative groups blamed the “gay lifestyle” and the gathering force of the “gay agenda” for the scandal. Others equated homosexuality with pedophilia, a link that has long outraged gay men and lesbians.
Conservative blogs and Web sites pointed out that gay staff members played principal roles in investigating the Foley case, suggesting that the party was betrayed by gay men trying to hide misconduct by one of their own. In the meantime, a group of gay activists, angered by what they see as hypocrisy by gay Republicans, have begun circulating a document known as The List, a roster of gay Congressional staff members and their Republican bosses.
“You can see where it would be easy for some people to blame gays for something that might bring down the party in Congress,” said Brian Bennett, a gay Republican political consultant. He was a longtime chief of staff to former Representative Robert K. Dornan, Republican of California, who regularly referred to gays as Sodomites.
“I’m just waiting for someone in a position of authority to make this a gay issue,” Mr. Bennett said of the Foley case.
The presence of homosexuals, particularly gay men, in crucial staff positions has been an enduring if largely hidden staple of Republican life for decades, and particularly in recent years. They have played decisive roles in passing legislation, running campaigns and advancing careers.
Known in some insider slang as the Velvet Mafia or the Pink Elephants, gay Republicans tend to be less open about their sexual orientation than their Democratic counterparts. Even though the G.O.P. fashions itself as “the party of Lincoln” and a promoter of tolerance, it is perceived as hostile by many gay men and lesbians. Republicans have promoted a “traditional values” agenda, while some conservatives have turned the “radical gay subculture” into a reliable campaign villain. And there are few visible role models in the party; Representative Jim Kolbe of Arizona is the only openly gay Republican in Congress.
As the blame from the Foley case has been parceled out in recent days, some people in Washington suggested that the Republican leadership’s inadequate response to alarms about Mr. Foley was borne of squeamishness in dealing with a so-called gay issue. Meanwhile, some Republican staff members worried that several gay men caught up in the scandal would be treated unfairly.
Gat community = Gay Community, sorry type O error would want to offend anyone this fine Sunday morning
Some of the e-mails seem to have happened while he was a Page
Oh, you mean the emails asking what he wanted for his birthday? Yeah, they should fry that evil bastard, where does he get off asking someone what they want for their birthday?
It’s the 16 and 17 year olds that are going to get him into trouble, along with the House rules that prohibit fraternization with the Pages
See above. It is not the “birthday gift” email that got him in trouble, it is the sexually explicit ones. ABC originally claimed that the sexually explicit ones were with active pages, and with people under 18. They have quitely retracted that, and said that the conversations continued from before they turned 18, but no one has provided an actual example of an email or IM from when they were before 18, other than the “birthday gift” email.
The page is currently 17 (and was 16 at the time of the correspondence). It was the guy who turned over the e-mails to ABC who was 18, not the victim.
Again, you are back to the “birthday gift” email. If a female congressman asked a female 16 year-old page what she wanted for her birthday, would there have been this uproar? There was nothing sexually explicit, or even suggestive, about that set of emails. If you think there was, then I think you need to examine yourself before you pass judgement on others.
Um, it’s the illegal wiretapping we’re not so crazy about. You know, the lawbreaking by law enforcement and all.
But yet it was OK for ABC to post private IMs between a congressman and an 18 year-old page, two consenting adults?
So now Foley had sex with a former page. This one was 21, but now we know he’d do it.
Are you aware that nearly all teachers end up having sex with a former student? Maybe not students of their own (Foley didn’t seem to go for his own pages either) or at the time when they were students, but they are, in fact, former students.
Mr. Foley is a pedophile.
This is absolutely not true. If he had sex with an active page, then he violated House rules and may be criminally guilty of sexual harassment, much like the former sexual predator-in-chief. However, it would be perfectly legal for him to have sex with 16 year olds in D. C. If you think 16 is too young, change the law, but that is, by definition, not pedophilia.
George Soros loves America far more than George Bush, and his minions. And hell he wasn’t even born here. Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 10/7/06@ 10:19 pm
If Soros loves America as you claim, why does he have his money off shore accounts and his heads are not Americans?
A good start about Soros is Forbes:
And who in the Clinton Administration outed a CIA agent, or destroyed a company like Brewster Jennings? Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 10/7/06@ 10:48 pm
You donk still are trumpeting something the feds are not concerned about?
Some of the e-mails seem to have happened while he was a Page
Oh, you mean the emails asking what he wanted for his birthday? Yeah, they should fry that evil bastard, where does he get off asking someone what they want for their birthday?
Yeah, those emails where Foley was asking for pictures of the page, and on which the page wrote “Sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick.” Along with all the other complaints, you are right the Republican than to do was to avoid responsibility, just like in the war, when you think about it.
I see that you are, yet again, “embellishing” the truth. Since you’re an adimitted liar, there really isn’t much nead to rebut your claims, but the supposedly 18-yr-old former page in the IM messages that ABC published on their web site specifically asked Foley to slow down, because the former page wasn’t “legal” yet.
Typical spin. The fact that some of those IM exchanges took place after the former page turned 18 is, somehow, supposed to negate the undeniable fact that Foley, very cleary, solicited that same former page in an exchange that took place before that former page turned 18. Perhaps in some bizarre Republican dictionary this would not be construed as pedophelia, but not anywhere else in the world.
By the way, let’s not forget that the “F” in FBI stands for “Federal.” The relevant laws, here, are Federal, and involve using the internet to solicit sex with a minor. Whether or not Foley actally had sex with a 16-yr-old page is irrelevant to any FBI investigation. This, too, is another Republican smoke-screen meant to obscure the truth–oh, sorry, it’s meant to “embellish” the truth.
Yeah, those emails where Foley was asking for pictures of the page
OMG! That bastard! Or maybe they just keep pictures of all pages.
The relevant laws, here, are Federal, and involve using the internet to solicit sex with a minor.
There is absolutely no federal law that would make it illegal to have internet chat with someone who it would be legal to have sex with.
“You donk still are trumpeting something the feds are not concerned about?”
Yes. Clearly a Justice Department headed by a Republican administration isn’t interested in ferreting out the truth.
By the way, have you made any headway in figuring out exactly how increased inventories of crude oil should, now, cause a reduction in gas prices when gas prices were high all summer long as those same inventories were increasing?
However, it would be perfectly legal for him to have sex with 16 year olds in D. C.
Michael – wow it takes real leadership to groom 15 year old kids to have sex with 50+ year old politicians when they’re 16!
It takes even better leadership to know about this monkey business for months and even years and then do nothing about it until weeks before a crucial election.
Vote Republican – it’s easier than thinking.
Michael – wow it takes real leadership to groom 15 year old kids to have sex with 50+ year old politicians when they’re 16!
Where do you get this stuff? There are no 15 year olds. You can’t even be a page when you are 15. If you had a real argument, you wouldn’t resort to these tactics.
18 USC 117, 2422b is applicable.
does goldy INVITE the bots to increase his site traffic?
You really are following the talking points, aren’t you? I don’t suppose you have bothered to read this law.
TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 117 > § 2422
§ 2422. Coercion and enticement
(a) Whoever knowingly persuades, induces, entices, or coerces any individual to travel in interstate or foreign commerce, or in any Territory or Possession of the United States, to engage in prostitution, or in any sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
(b) Whoever, using the mail or any facility or means of interstate or foreign commerce, or within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States knowingly persuades, induces, entices, or coerces any individual who has not attained the age of 18 years, to engage in prostitution or any sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title and imprisoned not less than 5 years and not more than 30 years.
So, like I said before, you can’t illegally entice someone to have legal sex. This law is only applicable if the sex itself is illegal.
The argument is about who is best suited to lead this country and manage the federal government.
You think people like Foley and Hastert.
I think otherwise and moreover many, many others are thinking otherwise as well. Our numbers are growing, yours is shrinking.
Last I checked, Foley is no longer in government.
Last I checked, I wrote like Foley and Hastert.
Your smarmy glibness doesn’t help you.
I was about to post something in response to Michael, who is determined to defend Mr. Foley, as Michael does not see anything wrong in Mr. Foley’s actions.
Others have done that. I really can’t find anything to say to someone that would actually defend Mr. Foley’s actions, or the inaction of the House leadership that was tasked with the care of these boys and girls.
Still, just to make sure that the lies that these folks want to get people to believe are properly answered, some points should be emphasized.
1. The pages were under age when Mr. Foley sent the IMs and e-mails. These IMs and e-mails were sexually explicit and inappropriate. Ref: http://tinyurl.com/ff8er
2. Speaker Hastert had reason to suspect that there was inappropriate communications. Ref: http://tinyurl.com/gjclr
3. Speaker Hastert was the person responsible for the House Page program. Ref: http://tinyurl.com/m3mgx
Whether Representative Hastert should resign from the House is a matter between him and his constituents. As a House member, he represents them, and they must make that choice.
Whether Speaker Hastert should resign his position as Speaker of the House is a different matter. In that role, he has a responsibility to the entire country. He is second in line for the Presidency, after the Vice President.
At the very least, he failed in an important responsibility of his position, choosing to “look the other way” when presented with evidence that Mr. Foley was taking inappropriate liberties with underage House Pages.
Additionally, this issue is likely to take an inordinate amount of time away from his other duties as Speaker, and puts his leadership in question.
No amount of “the other side did it too” and “but President Clinton…” changes the facts that a member of the House of Representatives sent explicit messages to a minor, and that the Speaker of the House had reason to know that there was something inappropriate going on that needed further investigation.
As for those that would defend Mr. Foley’s behaviour, I cannot find anything to say to them. Their way of thinking is just too foriegn to everything I believe for me to find the common ground needed for conversation.
I was about to post something in response to Michael, who is determined to defend Mr. Foley, as Michael does not see anything wrong in Mr. Foley’s actions.
I think what Foley did was morally wrong, but as you libs are so fond of saying, you can’t legislate morality. It does not appear that Foley broke any laws, as morally repulsive as as what he did is. Of course I thought he was morally repulsive before I knew he liked his gay sex with the younger generation, but there is no law against that either.
1. The pages were under age when Mr. Foley sent the IMs and e-mails. These IMs and e-mails were sexually explicit and inappropriate. Ref: http://tinyurl.com/ff8er
This link takes you to http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/Bria.....038;page=1 :
Foley’s Exchange With Underage Page
September 29, 2006 — – The following is an instant message exchange a former page says he had with Rep. Foley in 2003. Warning: sexually explicit language, reader discretion is advised.
Maf54 (7:25:14 PM): hey
Auto response from Xxxxxxxxx (7:25:14 PM): scrounging for food…brb
Maf54 (7:25:25 PM): ok
Maf54 (7:25:35 PM): kep scrounging
Xxxxxxxxx (7:31:51 PM): boo
Maf54 (7:32:13 PM): bo dude
Xxxxxxxxx (7:32:17 PM): lol
Xxxxxxxxx (7:32:26 PM): whered ya go this afternoon…
Umm, we now know that these exchanges were with 18 year-old ex-pages, no thanks to ABC. Again, morally repulsive? Yes. Illegal? No.
2. Speaker Hastert had reason to suspect that there was inappropriate communications.
Because he asked someone what they wanted for their birthday, and asked for a photo for the file? Get real. I think that all gay people are inappropriate, but there was absolutely nothing abnormal about that exchange.
Speaker Hastert was the person responsible for the House Page program.
Is there some kind of page alumnus program that Hastert is running? Because any sexually explicit exchanges, ie anything other than “what do you want for your birthday,” was done after they were no longer pages.
Given what he knew, what would you have like for him to do? Ask for Foley’s resignation? He wouldn’t have got it. Instead the news story would have been that Hastert was harrassing a gay congressman. Tell the authorities? He did that. The FBI was aware of the “What do you want for your birthday” emails a long time ago, and did not press charges, for obvious reasons.
No amount of “the other side did it too” and “but President Clinton…” changes the facts that a member of the House of Representatives sent explicit messages to a minor
If you keep saying he was a minor isn’t going to make it true. But the real point is, just because Clinton did it doesn’t make it right. I agree with you there. But the claims that electing more Democrats is going to fix this problem is demonstrably false.
Commentby Michael— 10/8/06@ 2:50 pm
“If you keep saying he was a minor isn’t going to make it true.”
No, true is true. I can’t make it “more true” by saying it again, any more than you can make it “less true” by posting bald-faced lies about it.
Apparently you approve of Mr. Foley’s actions. He’s a Republican, so anything he does must be ok. It’s those evil children that tempted him. They must be closet Democrats.
Sorry, “Michael”, but it has already been well-documented that some of the Pages he was sending improper IMs and e-mails to were under the age of 18. That makes them minors and makes you a bald-faced liar trying to defend an admitted pervert who is unable or unwilling to control his actions and urges.
Defending the indefensible. I notice that most Republicans are too honest to even try that line of defense. There are still some honest and honorable Republicans.
You aren’t one of them.
But the claims that electing more Democrats is going to fix this problem is demonstrably false.
Electing the right Democrats will set the country straight, “going in the right direction”, as the polls like to put it.
The Republican voters have already proven that they can’t possibly elect the right Republicans, the Foley/Hastert scandal brutally confirming what has been obvious to many about Bush and Cheney.
It’s our turn now. Unfortunately there will be a huge mess to clean up.
The Republican voters
I should have added “like Michael”.
it has already been well-documented that some of the Pages he was sending improper IMs and e-mails to were under the age of 18. That makes them minors
That makes them consenting adults, according to law. I noticed you dropped the argument concerning TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 117 > § 2422. You clearly lost that argument; you can’t illegally entice someone to have legal sex with you. So is there something in the law where you get this magic number of 18, or is this something you made up? Also, the posts that ABC posted of the sexually explicit IMs were not of people under 18. People claim that they exist, but none have been shown. The only sexually explicit ones were not with people under 18, as ABC had claimed.
Electing the right Democrats will set the country straight, “going in the right direction”, as the polls like to put it.
They said that electing the Republicans in 1994 would set the country going in the right direction too. Does it really make a difference?
Does it really make a difference?
Oh yes. Bush has two years left in his term and can’t run again. Big contrast to 1994.
If things break correctly I’d love to see the man impeached but it’s a longshot.
Many crimes will come to light the next two years.
So do you think Clinton should have been impeached? Much ado has been made of Hastert who oversees the page program; who oversees the intern program in D.C.?
First, yes, I did read the law. The exchanges took place accross state lines. Which state law applies?
Second, nice cherry-picking on the ABC IM exchanges. Try to explain this one:
“ya slow things down a little im still young…like under 18
dont want to do anything illegal…im not 18 till feb 23”
Looks like 18 USC 117, 2422b really does apply, now, doesn’t it?
That’s OK. You may now crawl back under your rock with the rest of the fools who’ve haven’t been careful enough to research all of the facts.
My comment: “it has already been well-documented that some of the Pages he was sending improper IMs and e-mails to were under the age of 18. That makes them minors” was responded to by “Michael” with:
“That makes them consenting adults, according to law. I noticed you dropped the argument concerning TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 117 > § 2422.
How does being under 18 make them consenting adults? And, despite your attempt to put words into my mouth, I never mentioned Title 18, so I could hardly have lost that argument. (The posts are all still here. Find one where I made that argument.)
Not only can you not keep the facts straight, you can’t even keep posters straight. And people under 18 are still considered minors throughout the United States. Do you really need me to get you the references? Depending on the location of the Page when he was receiving the IM or e-mail, he may or may not have been over the age of consent, but under 18 is still a minor.
While other pages over age 18 have also come forward, ABC News seems to be standing by its claim that these were sent to a minor. Between your credibility and theirs, I’ll stick with them. You’re welcome to show credible evidence to the contrary, but so far, all you’ve done is make claims. Additionally, there are other Pages with similar claims, and several of them are under 18.
I also noticed that you were very selective in choosing the parts of the IMs that you posted. Very innocent. A bit further along that conversation, you get:
Maf54 (7:46:33 PM): did any girl give you a haand job this weekend
Xxxxxxxxx (7:46:38 PM): lol no
Xxxxxxxxx (7:46:40 PM): im single right now
Xxxxxxxxx (7:46:57 PM): my last gf and i broke up a few weeks agi
Maf54 (7:47:11 PM): are you
Maf54 (7:47:11 PM): good so your getting horny
Xxxxxxxxx (7:47:29 PM): lol…a bit
Maf54 (7:48:00 PM): did you spank it this weekend yourself
Xxxxxxxxx (7:48:04 PM): no
Xxxxxxxxx (7:48:16 PM): been too tired and too busy
Maf54 (7:48:33 PM): wow…
Maf54 (7:48:34 PM): i am never to busy haha
Keep defending the indefensible, Michael. It shows what kind of person seems attracted to the NeoCon movement.
Second, nice cherry-picking on the ABC IM exchanges. Try to explain this one:
“ya slow things down a little im still young…like under 18
dont want to do anything illegal…im not 18 till feb 23″
Looks like 18 USC 117, 2422b really does apply, now, doesn’t it?
He was 18 at the time, regardless of the age he claimed in the IM. ABC has already admitted this. However, if the age of consent is 16, it doesn’t really matter if he was 17 or 18 (he was 18). Jordan Edmunds was born on February 23, 1985. The exchange @154 happened in April 2003. You do the math.
Depending on the location of the Page when he was receiving the IM or e-mail, he may or may not have been over the age of consent
We know where he was, why do you say it depends on where he was. The age of consent is 16 in most states, including where he was when this exchange took place.
under 18 is still a minor.
If you mean “minor” as in not being able to enter certain binding legal contracts, then yes, but if you mean legally being able to consent to sex, then no. And as the USC clearly states, it is only applicable in “any sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense.” You can’t illegally entice someone to participate in legal sex.
Keep defending the indefensible, Michael. It shows what kind of person seems attracted to the NeoCon movement.
I am defending the rights of two consenting adults, both over the age of consent, to chat about sex, and not to have their private conversations published without their consent. It seems that our roles have reversed from what they normally are.
Sport, the exchange I quoted at 153 isn’t the same IM conversation quoted at 154. Nice try on blaming the kid for lying, though. I guess we’re supposed to just ignore the fact that the kid had no reason to lie.
Oh. And we’re also supposed to ignore all those other former pages who have reported advances from Foley via e-mail and IM conversations well before they turned 18.
Most importantly, we’re also supposed to ignore the fact that Republican members of the House knew about Foley’s behavior as far back as 2000. The Wasington Post as this item quoting Rep. Jim Kolbe (R-AZ).
Keep playing this game, Michael. All you’re doing is digging the hole deeper. Keep this Foley thing on the front page by arguing about it. You’ll lose the argument, and control of the House, possibly even control of the Senate. How very brilliant of you.
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