Goldy @GoldyHA
Would it be wrong to make Amanda Knox bridal registry jokes?
Can you beat holding a Pancake Breakfast honoring Rachel Corrie?
And that wasn’t even a joke. Until it was.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Can we get another HA thread with a “Good on Governor Kitzhaber” line item?
Speculation about the governor’s future was fueled Wednesday morning after Secretary of State Kate Brown cut short a trip to Washington, D.C. to return to Oregon.
The governor’s office has not responded to requests for comment about whether he was getting ready to leave office amid controversy over fiancee Cylvia Hayes’ consulting contracts and how he and his aides handled them.
Brown’s spokesman, Tony Green, pointedly did not say why she was returning early to Oregon from a meeting of the National Association of Secretaries of State. Brown is president of the association and the conference is scheduled to run through Friday.
Looks like Kitz has about five months of breathing room:
Secretary of State Kate Brown on Friday refused to accept two proposed recall petitions aimed at Gov. John Kitzhaber, saying they can’t be filed until he’s served six months of his new term in office.
The Oregon Constitution says recall petitions can’t be circulated until an official has been in office for six months. While Kitzhaber has been governor for the last five years, Brown said she is following a 1966 attorney general’s opinion that an officeholder like the governor can’t be recalled until six months into his current term.
Lotta signatures needed to be successful, and justifiably so.
Probably little truth to a rumor that Arnold Schwarzenegger is moving to Portland.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Well, at least Kitzhaber’s not waffling in the face of adversity.
John Kitzhaber planned to resign, changed mind Wednesday, sources say
Gov. John Kitzhaber decided to resign Tuesday but then changed his mind, insisting Wednesday afternoon that he’s staying, The Oregonian/OregonLive has learned.
Events developed as the Democratic governor, now in a historic fourth term and fighting multiple investigations, faced eroding support from other elected officials and even his own advisers.
Yup, he’s accused with substantial basis of unethical behavior, and in order to get cronies to pony up to pay his defense costs, he has to apply to the Ethics Commission.
Cover Oregon couldn’t take him down. His main squeeze is doing it instead.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
John Kitzhaber has two university degrees, including a bachelor’s from an Ivy League school and medical degree.
Scott Walker has none.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
“No controlling legal authority” ultimately didn’t work out so well for Al Gore.
To understand the full extent of his predicament, consider his inability to answer one simple question during his press conference Friday: Is Hayes a member of your household? He answered this question in the affirmative on multiple occasions in ethics filings. But on Friday, following the discovery of apparently unreported fellowship income, he said, “I have no idea whether she is ‘legally’ a member of my household.”
Kitz might not have to wait as long.
When the largest paper in your state calls for your resignation,
@4 goes to show you that even someone with a medical degree can be a slime ball (per your accusation – I haven’t been following the antics of the Oregon Gov.). And goes to show that you don’t need a degree to be a slimeball (Walker) with a curroupt administration.
Maybe that is why Walker couldn’t answer the questoin about Evolution.
I was hoping she’d marrying Saul Hudson alas…
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Obama administration correctly views Kitzhaber as poison:
Kitzhaber was also scheduled to appear at a Friday event with U.S. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell. Interior officials said Wednesday that the event has been postponed because Jewell had a scheduling conflict.
With the scandal surrounding Kitzhaber overshadowing the state legislative session, which began last week, the governor met separately with Democratic legislative leaders Tuesday.
He told the Portland TV station KGW that he wanted to discuss how his presence would affect the legislative agenda.
Senate President Peter Courtney and House Speaker Tina Kotek, both Democrats, declined to say what was discussed, but Courtney indicated that it was a difficult meeting.
“That was not a ‘Hi, how are you’ meeting,” said Courtney, who, like Kitzhaber, is among the state’s most enduring political figures. “I’m not smooth today, I’m not cool today. I don’t have the nice cookie-cutter press release statement today.”
I wonder if the name Senator David ‘Diaper’ Vitter means anything to the asshole ‘Bob’ the sloppy solipsist?
What did Kitzhaber do? The articles keep referring to things his girlfriend did that seem questionable, but not referencing what Kitzhaber did.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 12
Better, there’s a major scandal engulfing the office of the governor in the state immediately south of ours, to the extent that the largest newspaper in that state has called for his resignation.
It’s been going on for awhile now.
If you’re not aware of the scandal and the reasons the governor is in very hot water, perhaps broaden the number of news sources you peruse on a regular basis. It won’t make you a conservative to read up on what doesn’t get posted on HA except in the comments, just as you won’t go hetero for thinking Anne Hathaway is hot.
@13. So instead of giving me your insight as to what Kitzhaber is doing wrong, you are going to scold me on not being informed to your level? Don’t you know it either?
I don’t have a perspective other than it looks really, really bad, and an ethics investigation was halted because it was trumped by a criminal investigation. It’s so bad that the governor decided to resign, recalled his SoS from a panel presentation from another state, changed his mind at the last minute, and may be imperiling his state’s party in doing so.
My perspective is that he should hold fast so as much damage is done to his party as possible before he is finally forced out.
Which is not really what you wanted to hear.
When a state officer in the governor’s own party issues a statement ending with this:
“…I informed the Governor that I am ready, and my staff will be ready, should he resign. Right now I am focused on doing my job for the people of Oregon.”,
John Kitzhaber has two university degrees, including a bachelor’s from an Ivy League school and medical degree.
Scott Walker has none.
Heh. Walker. So typical of a punter on evolution and yet another klownservative laughing stock for Brits.
Ima Duncespews:
It appears the Kansas Republikkkans, with the support of the KKK and Alabama, has a new tactic to persecute LGBT people. If you marry a same sex partner, no job for you. This is called Christian love. As in Love Thy Neighbor. And the pope says people who don’t have children are selfish. How many children does he have? His priests? How many children do they have? Religion is stupid.
Barely a couple years to wait and the future looks bright, bright white without the dark complected guy in the White House – oops excuse me, that unpopular President, that oops won two terms. with the help of ooops “skewed polls”…
I’m touched you remember what I wrote yesterday, after all, your post from a couple of years back when you mocked the appearance of the daughters of the president made a big impression on me about your character too.
“The case is a picaresque tale of ethics, money, romance, and betrayal, plus good old-fashioned power politics. But it raises interesting questions on how political spouses are treated and scapegoated, and how the media would treat the scandal if it happened on the East Coast—or in a Republican-led state.”
“It’s also an uncomfortable example in how the woman often ends up bearing the blame.”
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
yellowishleakingbuttspigot @19… So? Seems the more educated you become as a DUMMOCRETIN the more you try and take advantage! Walker has won three elections in the last four years in a mostly DUMMOCRETIN state. BEAT DOWN OTHER UNIONS AND TEACHERS UNIONS! What does that say to IDIOTS like the yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
David Vitter rujaxoffbuttnuthineverappears? Going back almost 8 years ago before Vitter was a senator? Did you miss this large piece of news on purpose?
You are a 4th tier toilet dweller rujaxoffbuttnuthineverappears!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
Years ago conservatives claimed Obummer illegal alien policies would allow illegal aliens to acquire tax refunds they weren’t allowed to get and the HA DUMMOCRETINS went nutzo? Well John Koskinen just proved us right again!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
rujaxoffbuttnuthineverappears runs to Daily Kooks to attack Dick Cheney.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Noting at all suspicious about this:
Gov. John Kitzhaber’s Office Sought To Destroy Thousands of His Emails
Records show state bureaucrats refused to carry out the request
Gov. John Kitzhaber’s office last week requested state officials destroy thousands of records in the governor’s personal email accounts, according to records obtained by WW and 101.9 KINK/FM News 101 KXL.
The request came as investigations into allegations of influence-peddling involving Kitzhaber and first lady Cylvia Hayes were intensifying.
Records show the request to destroy Kitzhaber’s emails came from Jan Murdock, Kitzhaber’s executive assistant.
And this? Why, totally coinky-dinky:
The request from Kitzhaber’s office to destroy emails came one day before the Oregon Department of Justice opened a criminal investigation into the allegations against him and Hayes.
@20. Eureka! You found where all those members from ISIS that have Ebola and the measles that crossed into the US from the Mexican border.
Is it really acceptable to refer to yourself as pro or anti gay? Is that similar to be being anti-black, anti-Jew, anti-polish, anti-heterosexual, or anti-Latino?
How about we just get real and call out what we really want to ca out – fag, nigger, spic, breeder, dumb poll.
I haven’t yet decided on my favorite.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
Obummer attacks Staples for a policy they had in place years before ObummerCare was passed. Obummer only attacks Staples because Bain Capital funded them. Who was in charge of Bain Capital then?
Mitt Romney!
Obummer, what a vindictive individual!
@31 better to destroy them then make them public record with the peoples personal information included.
There is nothing like not apologizing to spreading identity theft.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
Obummer does a selfie just hours we learn Kayla Mueller died. What a narcissistic person!
Jeb doxxed thousands of people. Does not make him seem competent. Terrible example to use.
Yes, because no one ever redacts that information before releasing emails pursuant to a FOIA request.
How fortunate you weighed in.
@39 yeah except there was no FOIA, and no need to publish any of the emails, except out of extreme stupidity.
Are you actually defending that mistake? You are a schmuck.
Harry Poonspews:
I guess influence peddling is reverse lobbying.
Willy Vomitspews:
So, another terrorist darkie gets tossed into total paralysis by a faithful first responder in fear for his life. If the man would just have had the decency to be born white they’d never even have been called. How dare he walk down the street wearing black skin and a toboggan.
One thing I can say about being white, is that ol’ spittlepuddles is 17 times more likely than I am to be shot dead by a Police Officer, just by virtue of his skin hue.
HE broke his nose, not the Cops, HE did. HE also broke 5 vertebrae in his neck and paralyzed himself from the neck down by refusing to speak english like a good boy.
Time to Federalize the entirety of the Southern State’s law enforcement programs and put every one of those cops in Guantanamo Bay Prison until their attitudes can be adjusted. I figger thats worth 8 or 10 years at least.
Fuckin’ Sherman should have burned that entire part of the country to the ground and salted the earth. Reconstruction was the biggest mistake we ever made with that place.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
So, another terrorist darkie gets tossed into total paralysis
Written by a racist bigoted whitey.
Thanks vomit producer for Proving Puddy Prescient about your racism on this blog!
Willy Vomitspews:
@ 44
Jesus H TapDancing CHRIST you’re a stupid motherfucker. Did your mother have fucking syphilis or Rubella when she was pregnant with you? Maybe it was both. Or is it something in your diet as a little kid, like all those lead paint chips you put on your goddamn cornflakes in the morning.
Of course, the actual contents of the video and audio I linked to, are of no concern to you at all. Why should you care at all about another random attack by a southern white cop on an old man. That shit suits you just fine. Hell, I’ll bet you’ll write them a slobbering letter for saving you from another terrorist attack.
Stupid disingenuous fuck.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
Soooooo, it seems that it’s not Fox News who is attacking Brian Williams…
The DUMMOCRETIN libtard left wrong msm are worried the public will finally figger out they are all sleazy left wrong teleprompter slanted story reading morons!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
You, vomit producer are the reason Puddy can continue to prove libtards like you are racist. Your own words. Now in pixels. Everyone can see what you really are. This really bothers you… Your pigheaded neanderthal cranial orifice exploded.
You could have framed you comments differently, butt noooooooooooooooo you wrote it as you chose you racist IDIOT! Those words identify whom you are vomit producer!
So even if it’s the most heinous atrocity committed, Puddy is not interested due to your commentary! Your last sentence explains YOURSELF PERFECTLY!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
One thing I can say about being white, is that ol’ spittlepuddles is 17 times more likely than I am to be shot dead by a Police Officer, just by virtue of his skin hue
Puddy doesn’t do things to raise the ire of the police you IDIOT!
Willy Vomitspews:
@ 47
How the hell does someone as psychotic as you get to be your age without ever being committed and drugged into a semicoma for the rest your life?
You’re fucking nuts, man.
But we all figured that out years ago.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
The DNC and lead DUMMOCRETINS are sad their libtard mouthpiece is leaving Comedy Central!
Willy Vomitspews:
“Puddy doesn’t do things to raise the ire of the police you IDIOT!”
Go to Ferguson Missouri, or New Orleans and say that. Or Anywhere in Alabama, Kansas or Mississippi. Hell, Los Angeles is closer. Go up to a Cop down there and ask for directions sometime.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
Puddy is the psychotic one based the horseshit you post on this blog to describe the links you deliver? Naaaah you are nucking futs, you are demented!
Psych 101 Thang! You try to project your foibles on others!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
Puddy been all over America you IDIOT! Driven all types of cars. Puddy never had a problem anywhere except in the northeast and in Mukilteo! Last year Puddy was at NASA twice in Huntsville. Been in Irvine, Burbank, Pasadena, all last year. Ever heard of Topeka? Witchita? Ever been to Bellevue, Iowa?
Fifty years ago this March incredibly courageous men and women marched from Selma, Alabama to the Alabama State Capitol in Montgomery to demand the end to voting restrictions…
…just so this quisling, the puddyfuckwad, here could vote for assholes who will do their level best to deny those very rights the valiant folks laid down their lives for.
Bill O’Reilly Invites Hate Group Representative To Attack SPLC After Ben Carson Added To “Extremist Files” Family Research Council Designated Hate Group For Anti-LGBT Rhetoric
February 10, 2015 10:35 PM EST – THOMAS BISHOP
Fox News host Bill O’Reilly criticized the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) for adding former Fox contributor Ben Carson to the group’s “extremist files” for his anti-LGBT comments.
To defend Carson, O’Reilly invited a senior fellow from the Family Research Council (FRC), a group also listed on the SPLC’s “extremist files” for their anti-LGBT rhetoric, to denounce the SPLC.
You just can’t make this shit up, ya know?
Willy Vomitspews:
@ 55
The “Family Research Council” is renamed from the White Citizens Councils of Colorado. It’s the same organization and they still retain the original organizational constitution they had 50 years ago. They changed their name back in the mid 1960s. Now that they have huge financial backing from the Kochs and several other old-money families and the memories of the Fascist regimes in Europe have begun to fade, they’re back and more media savvy than they used to be.
But nothing has really changed at all. They’re still the same people.
And on Feb 11, 2015 The SPLC removed Ben Carson from their list! Seems rujaxoffbuttnuthineverappears is another day late and a $ short!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrongspews:
And on Feb 11, 2015,
The SPLC removed Dr. Ben Carson from their list! Seems rujaxoffbuttnuthineverappears is another day late and a few fries short of a happy meal!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrongspews:
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrongspews:
here could vote for assholes who will do their level best to deny those very rights the valiant folks laid down their lives for.Puddy doesn’t vote for DUMMOCRETINS rujaxoffbuttnuthineverappears except in extreme cases!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrongspews:
The “Family Research Council” is renamed from the White Citizens Councils of Colorado.
Not that I don’t necessarily agree but how about having kids and killing them or mistreating them or not taking care of them? Shouldn’t those people have thought about being more selfish and so are the child a ducked up life. Breed baby breed.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
rujaxoffbuttnuthineverappears just accepts anything from another DUMMOCRETIN at face value. Puddy demands proof. Will the vomit producer deliver? checkmate never did on Jon Stewart’s numbers!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is wrong againspews:
Goldy @GoldyHA
Would it be wrong to make Amanda Knox bridal registry jokes?
Can you beat holding a Pancake Breakfast honoring Rachel Corrie?
And that wasn’t even a joke. Until it was.
Can we get another HA thread with a “Good on Governor Kitzhaber” line item?
Speculation about the governor’s future was fueled Wednesday morning after Secretary of State Kate Brown cut short a trip to Washington, D.C. to return to Oregon.
The governor’s office has not responded to requests for comment about whether he was getting ready to leave office amid controversy over fiancee Cylvia Hayes’ consulting contracts and how he and his aides handled them.
Brown’s spokesman, Tony Green, pointedly did not say why she was returning early to Oregon from a meeting of the National Association of Secretaries of State. Brown is president of the association and the conference is scheduled to run through Friday.
Looks like Kitz has about five months of breathing room:
Secretary of State Kate Brown on Friday refused to accept two proposed recall petitions aimed at Gov. John Kitzhaber, saying they can’t be filed until he’s served six months of his new term in office.
The Oregon Constitution says recall petitions can’t be circulated until an official has been in office for six months. While Kitzhaber has been governor for the last five years, Brown said she is following a 1966 attorney general’s opinion that an officeholder like the governor can’t be recalled until six months into his current term.
Lotta signatures needed to be successful, and justifiably so.
Probably little truth to a rumor that Arnold Schwarzenegger is moving to Portland.
Well, at least Kitzhaber’s not waffling in the face of adversity.
John Kitzhaber planned to resign, changed mind Wednesday, sources say
Gov. John Kitzhaber decided to resign Tuesday but then changed his mind, insisting Wednesday afternoon that he’s staying, The Oregonian/OregonLive has learned.
Events developed as the Democratic governor, now in a historic fourth term and fighting multiple investigations, faced eroding support from other elected officials and even his own advisers.
Word is Kitzhaber is looking to Bob Packwood for a statement of support.
While I made that up, you can’t make up shit like this:
The legal defense fund, which would be funded by donors, is available only to public officials, according to state law.
Kitzhaber would have to apply to the Oregon Government Ethics Commission to set up the fund.
Yup, he’s accused with substantial basis of unethical behavior, and in order to get cronies to pony up to pay his defense costs, he has to apply to the Ethics Commission.
Cover Oregon couldn’t take him down. His main squeeze is doing it instead.
John Kitzhaber has two university degrees, including a bachelor’s from an Ivy League school and medical degree.
Scott Walker has none.
“No controlling legal authority” ultimately didn’t work out so well for Al Gore.
To understand the full extent of his predicament, consider his inability to answer one simple question during his press conference Friday: Is Hayes a member of your household? He answered this question in the affirmative on multiple occasions in ethics filings. But on Friday, following the discovery of apparently unreported fellowship income, he said, “I have no idea whether she is ‘legally’ a member of my household.”
Kitz might not have to wait as long.
When the largest paper in your state calls for your resignation,
@4 goes to show you that even someone with a medical degree can be a slime ball (per your accusation – I haven’t been following the antics of the Oregon Gov.). And goes to show that you don’t need a degree to be a slimeball (Walker) with a curroupt administration.
Maybe that is why Walker couldn’t answer the questoin about Evolution.
I was hoping she’d marrying Saul Hudson alas…
Obama administration correctly views Kitzhaber as poison:
Kitzhaber was also scheduled to appear at a Friday event with U.S. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell. Interior officials said Wednesday that the event has been postponed because Jewell had a scheduling conflict.
Heckuva job, Kitzie.
What would play during their first dance?
Killer Queen?
With the scandal surrounding Kitzhaber overshadowing the state legislative session, which began last week, the governor met separately with Democratic legislative leaders Tuesday.
He told the Portland TV station KGW that he wanted to discuss how his presence would affect the legislative agenda.
Senate President Peter Courtney and House Speaker Tina Kotek, both Democrats, declined to say what was discussed, but Courtney indicated that it was a difficult meeting.
“That was not a ‘Hi, how are you’ meeting,” said Courtney, who, like Kitzhaber, is among the state’s most enduring political figures. “I’m not smooth today, I’m not cool today. I don’t have the nice cookie-cutter press release statement today.”
I’m OK with a few more months of this and then a recall campaign.
I wonder if the name Senator David ‘Diaper’ Vitter means anything to the asshole ‘Bob’ the sloppy solipsist?
What did Kitzhaber do? The articles keep referring to things his girlfriend did that seem questionable, but not referencing what Kitzhaber did.
@ 12
Better, there’s a major scandal engulfing the office of the governor in the state immediately south of ours, to the extent that the largest newspaper in that state has called for his resignation.
It’s been going on for awhile now.
If you’re not aware of the scandal and the reasons the governor is in very hot water, perhaps broaden the number of news sources you peruse on a regular basis. It won’t make you a conservative to read up on what doesn’t get posted on HA except in the comments, just as you won’t go hetero for thinking Anne Hathaway is hot.
@13. So instead of giving me your insight as to what Kitzhaber is doing wrong, you are going to scold me on not being informed to your level? Don’t you know it either?
None of us are at the level of ‘Bob’ the sloppy solipsist and I think that is something to be glad about.
I wonder if the name (former) Governor Bob McConnell (VA) means anything to the asshole ‘Bob’ the sloppy solipsist?
This asshole son-of-a-bitch ought to feel these parents pain when his daughter is deliberately run over by insane genocidal monsters.
@ 14
Dude, The Oregonian has been all over this.
Start with the AP article line @ 10. Click on a couple of links and you get to this:
That PI article references a series of articles that you really should read to get the whole story, and they can be found here:
I don’t have a perspective other than it looks really, really bad, and an ethics investigation was halted because it was trumped by a criminal investigation. It’s so bad that the governor decided to resign, recalled his SoS from a panel presentation from another state, changed his mind at the last minute, and may be imperiling his state’s party in doing so.
My perspective is that he should hold fast so as much damage is done to his party as possible before he is finally forced out.
Which is not really what you wanted to hear.
When a state officer in the governor’s own party issues a statement ending with this:
“…I informed the Governor that I am ready, and my staff will be ready, should he resign. Right now I am focused on doing my job for the people of Oregon.”,
as just happened this morning,
you know he has lost the support of his own party.
Heh. Walker. So typical of a punter on evolution and yet another klownservative laughing stock for Brits.
It appears the Kansas Republikkkans, with the support of the KKK and Alabama, has a new tactic to persecute LGBT people. If you marry a same sex partner, no job for you. This is called Christian love. As in Love Thy Neighbor. And the pope says people who don’t have children are selfish. How many children does he have? His priests? How many children do they have? Religion is stupid.
Nope. And here’s the pictures.
That a politician fucks up is about as surprising as a CEO getting a multi-million dollar bail out for tanking a corporation.
I wonder why the asshole ‘Bob’ the sloppy solipsist thinks Kitzhaber is such a big deal.
The first real good reason to keep guns away from Republicans.
A woman is involved.. Nothing gets the good doctor (with crap for politics) more interested.
Oh and fantasies about the Republicans taking over Oregon with the “good doctor” Art Robinson as Governor..
Has Bob donated his urine to Robinson or accepted a sprinkling of radioactive waste for the tree farm?
Hey Bob,
Barely a couple years to wait and the future looks bright, bright white without the dark complected guy in the White House – oops excuse me, that unpopular President, that oops won two terms. with the help of ooops “skewed polls”…
Here’s a gift:
I’m touched you remember what I wrote yesterday, after all, your post from a couple of years back when you mocked the appearance of the daughters of the president made a big impression on me about your character too.
“The case is a picaresque tale of ethics, money, romance, and betrayal, plus good old-fashioned power politics. But it raises interesting questions on how political spouses are treated and scapegoated, and how the media would treat the scandal if it happened on the East Coast—or in a Republican-led state.”
“It’s also an uncomfortable example in how the woman often ends up bearing the blame.”
yellowishleakingbuttspigot @19… So? Seems the more educated you become as a DUMMOCRETIN the more you try and take advantage! Walker has won three elections in the last four years in a mostly DUMMOCRETIN state. BEAT DOWN OTHER UNIONS AND TEACHERS UNIONS! What does that say to IDIOTS like the yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
David Vitter rujaxoffbuttnuthineverappears? Going back almost 8 years ago before Vitter was a senator? Did you miss this large piece of news on purpose?
You are a 4th tier toilet dweller rujaxoffbuttnuthineverappears!
Years ago conservatives claimed Obummer illegal alien policies would allow illegal aliens to acquire tax refunds they weren’t allowed to get and the HA DUMMOCRETINS went nutzo? Well John Koskinen just proved us right again!
FACTS, an anathema to HA DUMMOCRETINS!
rujaxoffbuttnuthineverappears runs to Daily Kooks to attack Dick Cheney.
Noting at all suspicious about this:
Gov. John Kitzhaber’s Office Sought To Destroy Thousands of His Emails
Records show state bureaucrats refused to carry out the request
Gov. John Kitzhaber’s office last week requested state officials destroy thousands of records in the governor’s personal email accounts, according to records obtained by WW and 101.9 KINK/FM News 101 KXL.
The request came as investigations into allegations of influence-peddling involving Kitzhaber and first lady Cylvia Hayes were intensifying.
Records show the request to destroy Kitzhaber’s emails came from Jan Murdock, Kitzhaber’s executive assistant.
And this? Why, totally coinky-dinky:
The request from Kitzhaber’s office to destroy emails came one day before the Oregon Department of Justice opened a criminal investigation into the allegations against him and Hayes.
What did Jeb Bush do with his emails? Oh, that’s right. He released them all.
He was in a bind, ’cause he was way behind, and he was lookin’ to make a deal.
Senate President Peter Courtney and House Speaker Tina Kotek met with Gov. John Kitzhaber on Thursday morning and told him it was time to resign.
I suppose that criminal investigation might continue after he’s out, no?
And, again.
Governor, please do resign. It’s time.
Someone should start a pool.
@20. Eureka! You found where all those members from ISIS that have Ebola and the measles that crossed into the US from the Mexican border.
Is it really acceptable to refer to yourself as pro or anti gay? Is that similar to be being anti-black, anti-Jew, anti-polish, anti-heterosexual, or anti-Latino?
How about we just get real and call out what we really want to ca out – fag, nigger, spic, breeder, dumb poll.
I haven’t yet decided on my favorite.
Obummer attacks Staples for a policy they had in place years before ObummerCare was passed. Obummer only attacks Staples because Bain Capital funded them. Who was in charge of Bain Capital then?
Mitt Romney!
Obummer, what a vindictive individual!
@31 better to destroy them then make them public record with the peoples personal information included.
There is nothing like not apologizing to spreading identity theft.
Obummer does a selfie just hours we learn Kayla Mueller died. What a narcissistic person!
Jeb doxxed thousands of people. Does not make him seem competent. Terrible example to use.
@ 36
Yes, because no one ever redacts that information before releasing emails pursuant to a FOIA request.
How fortunate you weighed in.
@39 yeah except there was no FOIA, and no need to publish any of the emails, except out of extreme stupidity.
Are you actually defending that mistake? You are a schmuck.
I guess influence peddling is reverse lobbying.
So, another terrorist darkie gets tossed into total paralysis by a faithful first responder in fear for his life. If the man would just have had the decency to be born white they’d never even have been called. How dare he walk down the street wearing black skin and a toboggan.
One thing I can say about being white, is that ol’ spittlepuddles is 17 times more likely than I am to be shot dead by a Police Officer, just by virtue of his skin hue.
“He don’t speak a lick of English. He wouldn’t listen.”
HE broke his nose, not the Cops, HE did. HE also broke 5 vertebrae in his neck and paralyzed himself from the neck down by refusing to speak english like a good boy.
Time to Federalize the entirety of the Southern State’s law enforcement programs and put every one of those cops in Guantanamo Bay Prison until their attitudes can be adjusted. I figger thats worth 8 or 10 years at least.
Fuckin’ Sherman should have burned that entire part of the country to the ground and salted the earth. Reconstruction was the biggest mistake we ever made with that place.
Written by a racist bigoted whitey.
Thanks vomit producer for Proving Puddy Prescient about your racism on this blog!
@ 44
Jesus H TapDancing CHRIST you’re a stupid motherfucker. Did your mother have fucking syphilis or Rubella when she was pregnant with you? Maybe it was both. Or is it something in your diet as a little kid, like all those lead paint chips you put on your goddamn cornflakes in the morning.
Of course, the actual contents of the video and audio I linked to, are of no concern to you at all. Why should you care at all about another random attack by a southern white cop on an old man. That shit suits you just fine. Hell, I’ll bet you’ll write them a slobbering letter for saving you from another terrorist attack.
Stupid disingenuous fuck.
Soooooo, it seems that it’s not Fox News who is attacking Brian Williams…
It’s CNN!
It’s the NY Times
The DUMMOCRETIN libtard left wrong msm are worried the public will finally figger out they are all sleazy left wrong teleprompter slanted story reading morons!
You, vomit producer are the reason Puddy can continue to prove libtards like you are racist. Your own words. Now in pixels. Everyone can see what you really are. This really bothers you… Your pigheaded neanderthal cranial orifice exploded.
You could have framed you comments differently, butt noooooooooooooooo you wrote it as you chose you racist IDIOT! Those words identify whom you are vomit producer!
So even if it’s the most heinous atrocity committed, Puddy is not interested due to your commentary! Your last sentence explains YOURSELF PERFECTLY!
One thing I can say about being white, is that ol’ spittlepuddles is 17 times more likely than I am to be shot dead by a Police Officer, just by virtue of his skin hue
Puddy doesn’t do things to raise the ire of the police you IDIOT!
@ 47
How the hell does someone as psychotic as you get to be your age without ever being committed and drugged into a semicoma for the rest your life?
You’re fucking nuts, man.
But we all figured that out years ago.
The DNC and lead DUMMOCRETINS are sad their libtard mouthpiece is leaving Comedy Central!
“Puddy doesn’t do things to raise the ire of the police you IDIOT!”
Go to Ferguson Missouri, or New Orleans and say that. Or Anywhere in Alabama, Kansas or Mississippi. Hell, Los Angeles is closer. Go up to a Cop down there and ask for directions sometime.
Puddy is the psychotic one based the horseshit you post on this blog to describe the links you deliver? Naaaah you are nucking futs, you are demented!
Psych 101 Thang! You try to project your foibles on others!
Puddy been all over America you IDIOT! Driven all types of cars. Puddy never had a problem anywhere except in the northeast and in Mukilteo! Last year Puddy was at NASA twice in Huntsville. Been in Irvine, Burbank, Pasadena, all last year. Ever heard of Topeka? Witchita? Ever been to Bellevue, Iowa?
Fifty years ago this March incredibly courageous men and women marched from Selma, Alabama to the Alabama State Capitol in Montgomery to demand the end to voting restrictions…
…just so this quisling, the puddyfuckwad, here could vote for assholes who will do their level best to deny those very rights the valiant folks laid down their lives for.
You just can’t make this shit up, ya know?
@ 55
The “Family Research Council” is renamed from the White Citizens Councils of Colorado. It’s the same organization and they still retain the original organizational constitution they had 50 years ago. They changed their name back in the mid 1960s. Now that they have huge financial backing from the Kochs and several other old-money families and the memories of the Fascist regimes in Europe have begun to fade, they’re back and more media savvy than they used to be.
But nothing has really changed at all. They’re still the same people.
Leopards and spots…
And on Feb 11, 2015 The SPLC removed Ben Carson from their list! Seems rujaxoffbuttnuthineverappears is another day late and a $ short!
And on Feb 11, 2015,
The SPLC removed Dr. Ben Carson from their list! Seems rujaxoffbuttnuthineverappears is another day late and a few fries short of a happy meal!
The “Family Research Council” is renamed from the White Citizens Councils of Colorado.
Well vomit producer – got link?
Ben Carson is a homophobic bigot.
Not that I don’t necessarily agree but how about having kids and killing them or mistreating them or not taking care of them? Shouldn’t those people have thought about being more selfish and so are the child a ducked up life. Breed baby breed.
Pope Francis: ‘Not To Have Children Is A Selfish Choice’
rujaxoffbuttnuthineverappears just accepts anything from another DUMMOCRETIN at face value. Puddy demands proof. Will the vomit producer deliver? checkmate never did on Jon Stewart’s numbers!
buttbusting buttbigot,
Puddy is sure you remember this Connecticut couple living in NYC, right?
or this regarding domestic violence
The majority of gay and lesbian families are happy, healthy, and well-functioning, similar to that of healthy heterosexual families.
@53 Just curious, what sort of trouble did you run into in Mukilteo?
@ 62
Not everything is on the internet. Stop pretending that it is.
Stupid fuck.