United Nations Ambassador John Bolton resigned his post today in the face of bipartisan opposition in the US Senate.
Bush had bypassed the Senate in August 2005 by appointing Bolton to the position when the lawmakers were in recess, avoiding the confirmation process and angering senators concerned that Bolton had a temper and intimidated intelligence analysts to support his hawkish views while at the State Department.
The Bushies blame Democrats for Bolton’s failed confirmation, but in fact it was opposition from several key Republican senators that ultimately killed the nomination. And with Democrats preparing to take control of the Senate next month, Bolton’s chances for confirmation slipped from slim to none.
Or will the Democrats take control of the Senate after all?
One rumor flying around the punditsphere has Bush appointing Sen. Joe Lieberman to the UN post. Should Lieberman accept the nomination, Connecticut’s Republican Governor would appoint his replacement, thus swinging control of the Senate to the GOP. Lieberman, who clearly harbors a great deal of bitterness towards Democratic colleagues who in the general election supported Ned Lamont (you know… the Democratic nominee,) couldn’t really devise a bigger “fuck you” scenario.
But it seems doubtful. Lieberman isn’t stupid or suicidal, and after struggling so hard to win reelection it seems unlikely he would throw away a six year Senate term for two years at most as UN Ambassador.
Still, it’s fun to consider the intrigue.
At best, it means the R’s control the Senate until a special election in the fall, at which point Lamont or whoever the D’s run likely crushes whoever the R’s run. If Linc Chafee couldn’t hold his set in Rhode Island, I don’t see which Republican would hold a seat in Connnecticut.
Also, Lieberman would be silly to give up 6 years of being a Senator for 2 years herding cats at the UN, when he can have at least 2 years of being in the majority (almost certainly at least 4, given the ’08 Senate map) AND getting catered to by both parties as a swing vote.
Bolton (wife beater and perv) didn’t deserve to represent the USA in any way, shape or manner and you can bet it was our takeover of the House and Senate that led Baby Bush to accept this fate. One more example (in my opinion) of why Nov was such a great month.
Sure sucks to be a republican.
Off-topic: Another analysis of how Iraq is related to Palestine/Israel, from Harpers.org.
The Iraq war must be settled regionally, and that must include Palestine.
Would Lieberman really want to work for a repudiated lame-duck president whose foreign policy is coming apart at the seams? Does Lieberman, after a decades-long political career, want to be remembered as a Bush bootlicker? Ain’t gonna happen.
Violent crimes are surging in American cities. So what does that have to do with Bush? Simple. In the 1990s, crime rates fell dramatically after Clinton used federal funding to put 100,000 more cops on America’s streets. To Bush, if Clinton was for something, that was reason enough to be against it. So Bush slashed that funding and took those police officers off the streets. In addition, he dumped unfunded homeland security mandates on the nation’s cities, forcing them to divert even more officers from community policing to homeland security duty. The result: A dramatic rise in violent crime. So if you get killed for the $20 in your wallet, thank the Wingnuts! Chalk up another miserable failure of Nutwhig ideology. http://tinyurl.com/yblcbx
Lieberman is a good person, an honest politician and someone who fights for all Americans.
“Does Lieberman, after a decades-long political career, want to be remembered as a Bush bootlicker?”
Isn’t he already?
The solution to who should represent us is simple: withdraw from the United Nations and the US won’t need a representative there.
From Newsweek: “The odds for ‘”victory’ in Iraq, whatever that means, are long. The star-crossed country first conceived on the back of a British imperialist’s envelope 80 years ago seems fated to consume itself in sectarian blood-letting. But the debate roiling in Washington is not just for show. It represents a basic clash of approaches to getting out of the worst American mess since Vietnam. No one wants to say it, but the real question is whether the United States can manage to be defeated in Iraq in a way that does not lead to worse disasters in the region—or another terrorist attack at home.” http://tinyurl.com/yncprx
Hey wingnuts! You flag-waving, drum-beating, numbskulls are responsible for this fiasco! You pickfuckers OWN it! It’s ALL yours, baby! Thanks for nothing.
8 Sigh. Another wingnut imposter pretending the represent “John Q. Public.” Fortunately, the majority of Americans aren’t as stupid as you. How did isolationism work for you wingnuts in the last wingnut era? Yeah, I thought so:
“Following the sacrifices in the World War I, the United States population turned to isolationism during the 1920s, opposing any action by the government that would drag the country into another European war. This isolationist tendency led to the imposition of tariffs, thought to be a significant factor in causing the Great Depression. American isolationism came to an end
following the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor in December of 1941.”
Way to go, wingnuts! Leave the UN, take your marbles, and sulk. Last time you idiots tried that, you gave us a world depression and a world war. No thanks. Go fuck yourself.
Damnit, Goldy, I was thinking about actually writing a post on my blog, but your title is too close to what I was going to use (I hadn’t decided between Bolton boltin’ and Boltin’ Bolton). So why bother?
Besides, I didn’t even think of the silly Joementum angle.
The solution to who should represent us is simple: withdraw from the United Nations and the US won’t need a representative there.
I see the Freeper nutcases have shown up. I’m surprised you didn’t stick the Trilateral Commission and arguments to go back on the gold standard and abolish the Federal Reserve in there, though.
The US has a vested interest in making multilateral organizations like the UN work, instead of destroying them. Regardless of the American Exceptionalism Koolaid that the neocons hand out, situations where we’ve told large portions of the world to fuck off and die because we know better (Iraq) haven’t worked out very well for us. We also seem to have a fetish for trying to make failed colonial projects work- first following the French in Vietnam, then the British in Iraq, and it would help us if we learned from our mistakes.
eponmyous coward,
I’m all in favor of shutting down the Iraqi quagmire, and I have nothing against the UN. We just need to stop getting involved in ohter countries’ problems because our leaders can’t stand not being able to dictate to the world.
“Shell CEO Berates U.S. Over Kyoto Pact
“DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (Dec. 4) – The chief executive for Shell berated Washington on Monday for spurning the United Nation’s Kyoto agreement on global warming, saying U.S. backing for a global regulatory framework would create incentives for oil companies to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
“‘For us as a company, the debate about CO2 is over. We’ve entered a debate about what we can do about it,’ Royal Dutch Shell PLC chief Jeroen Van Der Veer told a gathering of hundreds of political and business leaders from the Middle East and elsewhere. …
“Van Der Veer said energy companies would be ready to partner with governments to solve the carbon problem if there was a worldwide framework to bind governments to the same standards. He said Kyoto protocol, which focuses on 35 industrial countries, was a good start.
“‘You are from the United States. Why don’t you join the Kyoto agreement?’ Van Der Veer asked the American. ‘You see an initial framework there and you can build on that for our future.’ …
“The urgency of reducing carbon dioxide emissions appears set to grow. The Shell chief executive said energy use will rise by 50 percent over the next 25 years, mainly from increased demand for oil and natural gas in China and India, but also in the West.
“The United States produces about a quarter of the world’s greenhouse gases, the largest amount of any country. … America counts the world’s highest level of automobile ownership, at more than 1,000 cars per 1,000 residents, with India at 11 per 1,000 and China at just nine, said Daniel Yergin, director of Cambridge Energy Research Associates. ‘China is not going to stay at nine cars per thousand people, you can be sure about that,’ Yergin said. ‘People aren’t going to be denied a higher standard of living.’
“Van Der Veer said there needed to be a ‘level playing field’ of environmental ground rules that all countries followed, otherwise companies like Shell have little incentive to invest in expensive emissions-reducing strategies in one country, when they could move operations to a neighboring country that has no such restrictions. …”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://tinyurl.com/yzsfj7
The CEO of the world’s second largest oil company says Mark the Welshing Redneck (“global warming? what global warming”?) is full of shit.
Um, Bunny Boy, EVERYONE knows Mark the Welcher is full of shit. The only question is how do we keep him from leaving it laying around here?
GOPlease says:
Lieberman is a good person, an honest politician and someone who fights for all Americans.
That’s why I keep reading these comment threads; I can never gets me enough of the satire.
“GOPlease says:
Lieberman is a good person, an honest politician and someone who fights for all Americans.”
Joe Lieberman is a disingenous pontificater, who displays a form of arrogance previously unseen, and who will do anything to advance his own power interests. He is harmful to our national interests and an embarrassment to the good people of Connecticut.
The depression was the result of the incompetance of the Federal Reserve. The Second World War was the result of Germany being pissed off with the treaty and the Japanese desire to dominate Asia.
Libertarian at 19:
I think that’s far to simplistic of an analysis of the causes of the Great Depression and WWII. But I would agree that this forum is far too volatile and transitory to permit a greater discussion of those issues. Perhaps a history board would be a better forum?
On the main topic:
I also doubt that Lieberman would give up a secure six-year Senate seat for a two-year position at the UN, where international contempt for the Bush administration would prevent him from accomplishing much of anything. Besides, what happens if the Democrats in the Senate refuse to ratify his appointment? At that point he would be another un-ratified “interim” appointment, which the U.S. doesn’t need at this crucial point in time, and which would be an even worse mark on his resume.
I assume Lieberman figures that his only problem in 2006 was the Iraq war and his failure to reject the Bush administration’s policy. That won’t be an issue in 2012, because the Congressional Republicans will insist that there be something they can argue is a “phased withdrawal” in place by the 2008 elections. By then, Lieberman will be “back in the Democratic fold”.
Can you imagine Congressional elections in 2008 which resulted in as many losses for Republicans as in 2006? I think they (the Republicans) can, and the prospect horrifies them. Either Bush will be withdrawing from Iraq by then, or there will be a stampede away from the President’s coattails that will threaten to swamp the boat. Republican Senators and Congressmen will by trying to collect every picture of them with the President, and will be busy trying to photoshop the President out them.
Hey yo,
Fuck yo!
And shove it up your ass! Sideways!
And now, for the rest of the story . . .
Milwaukee’s unemployment rate is 7% (per the article) and Wisconsin has lost 90,000 manufacturing jobs. When people don’t have work, they get in trouble. Read the rest of the story, Rabbit.
And it is actually federal policy to outsource under this President. Unbelievable.
23 – “when people don’t work they get into trouble”…
Really? Why is that?
How ’bout people come to terms with the idea that the world is “flat” and getting “flatter” all the time. How ’bout they take advantage of our free education system to get new skills that are marketable in today’s world?
Do you think GWB invented globalization? Get the book or watch the PBS show “Commanding Heights”. There’s a hilarious scene at the beginning showing Bubba talking about protecting jobs to a crowd of union thugs, and then going to a meeting to do NAFTA. If you want to see what a hypocrite – say anything to get elected – lying sack of shit Bubba was, watch it. Or if your attention span is long enough, get the book and read it.
I am Republican – I lie, steal and cheat when I’m not being a family man (fat whore) or crying about liberal democrats. Hail Hitler!
Ummm, the Democrats would never approve Lieberman’s nomination.
MTR: So, your plan is get laid-off on Friday and enrolled for training in a new profession on Monday? That the way it happened with you? Lucky you!
Besides, how do you know they aren’t stealing to get tuition money? Huh? You should be supporting them; afterall, aren’t they just being capitalists?
Will you guys ever let the Clinton excuses go? If you want hypocracy, how about Bush running against nation building and then using it as a primary excuse for the Iraq adventure?
Enjoy your last few years with the worst president ever.
BTW, MTR, I didn’t vote for Clinton in 96.
So hang out your Clinton drivel on someone else. I wasn’t for the trade agreements then and I’m not now.
As Theodore Lowi of Cornell says, Clinton was the last great Republican president.
So put that in your capitalist cool-aid and drink it.
16 MarkTheRedneck is My Bitch says: Um, Bunny Boy, EVERYONE knows Mark the Welcher is full of shit. The only question is how do we keep him from leaving it laying around here? 12/04/2006 at 1:04 pm
Roger Rabbit Reply: http://tinyurl.com/ykmax3
Couldn’t think of a more appropriate move for Lieberman, since you dimocraps threw him to the dogs. But having said that, Lieberman is a democrat, while you and your gang are dimocraps. By the end of the next two years of do nothing about the things you said nothing about, you will still be doing nothing.
Hate Bush got you the offices, do nothing will lose it for you all, and all I have seen thus far shows that Dick Morris is dead right, dimocrapic internal fighting will rule the day, and the do nothing Dimocraps will be fun to watch…
24 skagit says: … Read the rest of the story, Rabbit.
12/04/2006 at 4:18 pm
You mean the story I linked @5? Which part didn’t I read? This part?
“Like the residents of dozens of other recently crime-afflicted midsize cities across the country, people in Milwaukee are trying to figure out why their town has suddenly become so dangerous. … Hardest hit were … cities with populations between 400,000 and 1 million–such as Baltimore, Md.; Charlotte, N.C.; St. Louis, Mo.; and Oakland, Calif. …. ”
What does unemployment in Milwaukee have to do with “dozens of other recently crime-afflicted midsize cities?” Or crime in “Baltimore, Md.; Charlotte, N.C.; St. Louis, Mo.; and Oakland, Calif.”? The article says surging crime is a NATIONAL problem. That’s why I posted it.
Or this part?
“Most municipalities count on grants from the Justice Department’s State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance and Office of Community-Oriented Policing Services, or COPS, program to help pay for officers on their force. But $1.9 billion, or 45%, of that funding has disappeared …. Midsize cities, which depend more heavily on federal funds than larger ones do, have nearly 25% fewer officers than they did in 2001, and the White House’s budget proposal for next year would sweep away an additional $1.5 billion.”
Or this?
“In Milwaukee, COPS universal hiring funds dropped from more than $1 million in 2002 to zero last year. That has left more than 200 police vacancies out of a force less than 2,000 strong.”
Or how about this?
“Further exacerbating the city’s police shortage is the redeployment of cops from the streets of Milwaukee to those of Baghdad, Mosul and Kabul. As many as 135 officers at one time have gone on leave to serve in Wisconsin’s National Guard or military reserve units in Iraq and Afghanistan.”
Does that sound like “unemployment?” Sounds like “less funding” and “cops taken off streets and sent overseas” to me. These are Bush administration policies. Of course, Bush policies factor into Milwaukee’s (and other cities’) unemployment, too.
I really don’t understand what your beef is. My comment made an accurate point: Crime is soaring under Bush, and Bush policies are behind it. That’s absolutely true. So, I repeat, what part of the story do you think I didn’t read?
Or should I be asking … what part of the story didn’t YOU read?
25 Mark The Redneck KENNEDY says: 23 – “when people don’t work they get into trouble”… Really? Why is that? 12/04/2006 at 5:31 pm
Well, take YOU fer instance … pay your gambling debt, you lying thieving double-welsher!!
25, 28
Actually, education and retraining is NOT the answer when there’s no jobs to put all those educated and retrained people in. What are you going to retrain them for? Flipping hamburgers? Flipping real estate?
32 If you think this is about “hating Bush” you’re even stupider than we thought. This is about lying, warmongering, incompetence, corruption, unemployment, soaring crime, soaring health care costs, economic insecurity, an ineffective war against terrorism, defeat in Iraq, and all the other failed policies of the worst president of the last 100 years. This is about hating the divisions he created in our country, hating the name-calling, hating the dirty politics, hating the hating that the hatemongers on your side do so much of … fuck you.
If you think we’ll forget and forgive after you fuckups are out of office, you’ve got another think coming. You don’t get to do all that shit for free. There will be payback. You can take that to the bank.
You kill a lot of bandwidth, Roger.
This is a list of Bolton’s accomplishments. I would love to hear the Democrats reasons for not affording him the respect of an up or down vote.
As much as the man has done, it isn’t a huge surprise that the Democrats would block the one honest man at the UN that actually had some integrity and was not anti-semitic. An orginization so full of corruption had no room for a man with this type of integrity that was willing to stand up for the good and smack down the bad.
As a tribute to Bolton a quick rundown on just a few of his awesome accomplishments.
Ambassador Bolton worked closely with Security Council colleagues to create a new partnership with Interpol to strengthen sanctions against al-Qaida.
Ambassador Bolton led the adoption of sanctions by the Security Council against individuals contributing to the genocide in Darfur.
Ambassador Bolton has helped President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf promote democracy in Liberia by revising and lifting sanctions imposed during the brutal reign of Charles Taylor.
Security Counsil Action:
Burma: Ambassador Bolton led Security Council efforts to draw down the peacekeeping operation in Burundi after a successful transition (ONUB is scheduled to close at the end of 2006).
Congo: Ambassador Bolton and the Security Council provided the peacekeeping mission in the Congo, MONUC, with resources and temporary police and troop increases to support Congo’s first democratic elections in 40 years.
Ethiopia/Eritrea: Ambassador Bolton and the Security Council condemned restrictions placed on the UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE) by the Government of Eritrea as well as the Ethiopian refusal to demarcate the border.
Ambassador Bolton led the Security Council in an authorization to downsize the UNMEE peacekeeping force from approximately 3,300 troops to 2,300 troops in response to the situation on the ground in Ethiopia and Eritrea.
Iran: Ambassador Bolton worked with colleagues to negotiate a formal Security Council statement calling on Iran to suspend all uranium enrichment activities and to request follow up reports from the IAEA on Iranian compliance.
Liberia: Ambassador Bolton led the Security Council in the adoption of resolutions to establish a mandate to arrest Charles Taylor should he return to Liberia, to facilitate his transfer to the Special Court for Sierra Leone for prosecution, and to ensure peaceful presidential elections in Liberia.
North Korea: Ambassador Bolton, in partnership with the Japanese, led Security Council efforts to take a firm and clear stand against North Korean missile launches with the adoption of resolution 1695. This resolution is the strongest statement of condemnation the Security Council has made against North Korea in over 10 years and received unanimous support, even from China and Russia.
Sudan: Ambassador Bolton led the Security Council in authorizing the Secretary General to begin contingency planning for the transition of the African Union Mission in Sudan (AMIS) to a UN operation.
Ambassador Bolton negotiated with Security Council members to permit the entry of a joint African Union-UN assessment team to Darfur through a Chapter VII Security Council resolution.
Syria and Lebanon: Ambassador Bolton worked to adopt Chapter VII measures such as travel restrictions and the freezing of assets that would sanction individuals designated by the UN International Independent Commission (UNIIIC) as suspected of involvement in the killing of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri. Subsequently, the Security Council established a tribunal of an international character to try those involved in the terrorist bombing.
Management Reform: Ambassador Bolton achieved consensus agreement on the World Summit Outcome Document, which was adopted by Heads of State in the General Assembly and included commitments to reform management of the UN through improving oversight, updating the United Nations program of work, and reforming human resources management.
Ambassador Bolton worked to reach consensus agreement to limit UN regular budget spending to $950 million for the biennium 2006 – 2007 (approximately six months) to provide an impetus for further discussions on UN reform.
Ambassador Bolton created a 50-member coalition of Member States in support of management reform (that in total fund 87 percent of the UN regular budget) during negotiations on a draft resolution tabled by the Group of 77 and China. The resolution was ultimately put to an unprecedented vote in the Fifth Committee and the coalition remained united in voting against the resolution.
Ambassador Bolton negotiated consensus resolutions on management reform that were adopted by the General Assembly:
– to create an Ethics Office;
– to strengthen internal oversight through the provision of additional resources;
– to adopt International Public Sector Accounting Standards;
– to decide to replace the current, outdated information technology system;
– to establish a Chief Information Technology Officer;
– to provide greater discretion for the Secretary-General in implementing the budget.
Economic and Social Issues:
Ambassador Bolton supported the efforts of the Democracy Fund, launched at the UN by President Bush in September 2005. The U.S. has pledged $17.9 million to the fund, which promotes democracy via projects to strengthen institutions and facilitate democratic governance.
Ambassador Bolton led a successful negotiation to create the Peacebuilding Commission, designed to advise on next steps to assist post-conflict theatres so as to consolidate measures toward stability and development.
To enhance the UN’s humanitarian coordination, Ambassador Bolton worked to increase efficiency and accountability by agreeing to a “cluster approach,” designating a lead agency for each sector of humanitarian activity. The approach is currently being piloted in four crisis situations, and it has prompted significant streamlining among UN operational agencies.
Ambassador Bolton participated in a High-level Meeting on HIV/AIDS (in a delegation led by First Lady Laura Bush), which adopted a strong political declaration and suggested measures for more medical testing in heavily inflicted societies.
“I am deeply disappointed that a handful of United States Senators prevented Ambassador Bolton from receiving the up or down vote he deserved in the Senate. They chose to obstruct his confirmation, even though he enjoys majority support in the Senate, and even though their tactics will disrupt our diplomatic work at a sensitive and important time. This stubborn obstructionism ill serves our country, and discourages men and women of talent from serving their Nation.“– G.W. Bush, President of The United States
Mark The Redneck KENNEDY says:
23 – “when people don’t work they get into trouble”…
Really? Why is that?
How ’bout people come to terms with the idea that the world is “flat” and getting “flatter” all the time. How ’bout they take advantage of our free education system to get new skills that are marketable in today’s world?
C´mon Redneck. It doesn´t matter how much education you have when the only jobs are at Wal Mart, and McDonalds. How about all those hundreds of thousands of engineers that have been laid off? All our trade policies favor large corporations that care nothing (less than nothing) for Americans, and foreign countries. The world is not flat, it is tilted ninety degrees away from America´s future, and into the bank accounts of large corporations, and the ruling class here, and in other countries, and into the pockets of corrupt foreign leaders. We are being screwed every step of the way, and Republicans refuse to admit it because the corporate tratitors, and lobbyists that are selling us down the road are filling their GOP campaign accounts.
I hate it when people keep talking about educating people (spending billions at a huge waste) as any kind of answer. The colleges in other countries work far better than ours. Half the people attending our universities spend more time drunk, trying to get laid than they do studying. My girlfriend works for a university, and my guess would be that 50% of the taxpayer money spent there on the drunken priveledged students is pure waste. Education is neccessary, but it is worthless if the rest of the system benefits inherited wealth, and large corporations, and not graduates.
If there are few jobs, all the education there is won´t help a bit.
Here is a glimpse of the “new America”. They opened a Wal Mart in Chicago. 25,000 people applied for 250 jobs. America is not flat, it is sinking, while the top 1% are making record gains, and the GOP is doing everything they can to help them keep their spoils, won in their GOP war on the working poor, and middle class, started by Reaganomics.
Reaganomics = tax / starve the poor / middle class to help the rich
gs says:
Couldn’t think of a more appropriate move for Lieberman, since you dimocraps threw him to the dogs. But having said that, Lieberman is a democrat, while you and your gang are dimocraps. By the end of the next two years of do nothing about the things you said nothing about, you will still be doing nothing.
Hate Bush got you the offices, do nothing will lose it for you all, and all I have seen thus far shows that Dick Morris is dead right, dimocrapic internal fighting will rule the day, and the do nothing Dimocraps will be fun to watch…
It is funny how you call democrats names after all the damage Bush, and his gang of criminals, torturers, war profiteers, and traitors have done to out constitution, and country.
There is not a name bad enough to call today´s Republican politician, so I guess traitor will have to do. When it comes to their blind retarded supporters, I have a question for you.
Name one thing good Republicans, or Bush has done for America.
You Wingnut Imbiciles call Democrats (who only want all Americans to have better lives) names, and defend the worst administration in the history of our country.
Name something good for America Bush has done!!!!!!
(crickets chirping)
Now go back to your rubber room, and let the people with brains run the government for a change.
Name something more retarded than someone that thinks Republicans have made America better in the last 6 years.
But, but, but Teddy Kennedy, but, but, liberal, liberal, but, but, raise taxes, but, but.
Anyone still calling themselves a Republican these days should be locked up. They are a threat to themselves, and their fellow citizens.
Just ask the billions of people that hate America today, that did not hate us 6 years ago.
Thank Bush, and his drooling, pathetic, propoganda suceptible, neanderthal, retarded followers for that.
If you call yourself a Republican, you are the enemy of mine, and my country. America.
Name something good for Americans Bush, and his Republican lap dogs have done you COWARDS!!!!!!
38. anti-liberal says:
This is a list of Bolton’s accomplishments. I would love to hear the Democrats reasons for not affording him the respect of an up or down vote.
Bolton is just an extension of the Bush crime family. He (and possibly you) think the world is our bitch, and we have to right to take by military force anything we want from anyone, any time, anywhere.
You know how to get elected in the 3rd world liberal hater? Run on an anti-American campaign theme.
The world hates our guts because of retarded greedy traitors like yourself.
All you pissants scream of how corrupt the UN is, and ignore how corrupt our chimperator is. You completely ignore the fact that over 50% of the bribes Saddam was getting in the oil for food was from American Companies.
You don´t see Exxon´s CEO on trial now do you.
You pissants cry corruption, and then support the most corrupt administration in our country´s history. And we know this without a single good investigatin.
Jack Abramoff was practically running our White House and congress. I love it when you crybabies cry corruption, and then ignore all the corrupt Republicans now serving time. And this with the FBI absolutely refusing to investigate any corrupt Republican officials.
How ya gonna feel when we march that lying mass murderer Bush off to the Hague in cuffs?
As far as working with the UN, I read last year about Bolton blocking 500 reccomendations by other UN members, and they were complaining about his unwillingness to work with others.
Oh I forgot the world is our bitch, and they should just shut up and give us their resources or die.
38. anti-liberal says:
This is a list of Bolton’s accomplishments. I would love to hear the Democrats reasons for not affording him the respect of an up or down vote.
I have a question for someone that calls themselves anti-liberal.
What has Bush, and the Republicans done in the last 6 years that has been good for America?
If that’s the list of accomplishments of someone who has gone on record saying that the UN is a waste, imagine what someone more favorable to the UN would have been able to accomplish.
# 38.. nice deflection, but the topic is not Bush, it’s the stupid liberal assholes that forced out a highlt effective ambassador. The fact that the UN disliked him adds to his effectiveness.
Dear BillybobjoedonHillbilly pissant who married his sister… how fun it is to mock names! Thank for the idea now take your left hand and head out of your ass.
The UN is a totally useless organization. The US should withdraw and kick them out of the country. Then we won’t need an ambassador and they can fade to the obscurity the useless deserve.
I doubt you assholes can name one single accomplishment of the UN.
Useless Nitwits…A Brief History Of The UN
By Ron Marr
One of the first things noticed by visitors to the United Nations building in New York is a mosaic based on the Norman Rockwell painting “The Golden Rule.” Depicting various of the world’s cultures, this work of art is inscribed with the famous passage “do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”
While the intent of these words is fine indeed, their residence in UN headquarters is the height of hypocrisy. A more appropriate illustration would be that of a flock of well-dressed ostriches with heads buried neck-deep in the sand, emblazoned with the legend “do nothing to others for then they’ll only do things to the US.”
Why are we in the UN? Why do we associate with a pack of wolves whose initials would better stand for “Useless Nitwits?” Do they live up to their goals? Do they follow through on promises? Do we, as Americans, receive any benefit from membership?
The answers are simple. We came to join and co-found the UN under the auspices of Franklin Roosevelt, patron saint of America’s socialist nanny state. The idea of a world governing body arose from the ashes of Woodrow Wilson’s “League of Nations” devised during the Treaty of Versailles. The League, as you may or may not know, fell to tatters when its directives and mandates displayed neither spine nor teeth. It did such a dandy job of preventing World War II.
Why America retains UN membership is another question entirely. In large part it is political. Those in elected office are afraid they would lose the votes of the American left – those who prefer cradle to grave care and a dissolution of the rights promised by the US Constitution – should they call for our immediate resignation.
You see, the American left by and large supports the UN; they prefer the concept of a world government over that of United States sovereignty. Why they feel this way is a question I cannot answer. To do so would be to define liberalism itself, a belief system which defies all logic or common sense and is based solely on emotion, wishes, fantasy and a certain bitter dedication to the illegality of humor, happiness and individualism.
Does the UN live up to it’s goals? Let’s look at a few of their claimed “major achievements.”
The UN membership is open to all “peace loving” nations that accept the obligations of the UN charter. I guess that’s why their numbers include Afghanistan, Cambodia, China, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Syria and a host of other countries who never invade their neighbors, never abuse human rights, abhor torture and unlawful imprisonment and believe in personal liberty.
The UN brags of its work in the area of human rights. This is a joke. When Saddam Hussein began his genocide against the Kurds (beginning with the town of Halabja on March 16, 1988) he gassed and killed 5,000 people in one day. In the ensuing years it is estimated he tortured and executed at least 100,000 men, women and children. Apparently, the UN does not see such atrocities as a reason to militarily remove him from power. Neither do the human rights advocates of the American left, who care far more about heinous crimes against Redwood trees and pine beetles than they do crimes against humanity
The UN brags of its vital role in protecting the environment. Of course they ignore the violations of Saddam Hussein, possibly the worst eco-terrorist on the planet. Anybody recall the aftermath of his burning of the Kuwaiti oil fields? Again, the American left ignores this fact, primarily because it is a Republican President who wants the Butcher of Baghdad to be brought to justice. Instead, as in a recent PETA ad, they compare sheep, pigs and cows to victims of the Nazi holocaust.
The UN brags of promoting self determination and independence. This is too ridiculous for commentary, unless their idea of self-determination and independence is redistributing US wealth to madmen, thieves and killers.
You get the idea. As to what the US receives from the UN, lets put it in simple terms. We pay 28% of the UN’s annual budget, but have no more clout than France (who pays six percent). We pay for 31.7% of all peace keeping activities. We donate weapons, NATO Flights, logistical support, intelligence, ships and manpower to peacekeeping operations, while most other countries are reimbursed for such goods and services. We are the largest donor to UNICEF and most other UN independent agencies.
What do we get from being in the UN? We get abuse. We receive the enmity of the world. We receive unwarranted attacks from totalitarian nations and American leftists. We are called greedy and callous. We are told we are warmongers who abuse our power.
I say fine. Let’s resign from the UN and see how long it exists. Let’s keep our dough, spend it on chicks, booze and Camaros. Most of all, lets offer those Americans who so hate this country free tickets to the Third World wasteland of their choosing.
Lets even give them free UN t-shirts. I’m sure the useless nitwits would wear them with pride.
* * *
The UN is dangerous because its most vocal membership stands in opposition of the American values of controlled representative government, justice, free enterprise, privacy of individuals, and private property rights. Most of the UN’s membership comes from nations controlled either by communist regimes, kingdoms, or mad dictators where American values are either unknown or viewed as a threat.
Those same UN members are busy working to implement plans for UN global governance. Already, the UN’s International Criminal Court is in place. The UN has held an international meeting to discuss the possibilities and methods of implementing global taxes. More plans are under consideration to establish a UN global army or police force. Most member states participating in these planning sessions are from brutal dictatorships like China and Cuba, and a number of brutal fundamental Islamic states like Syria and Iran. Can any clear thinking American honestly believe that the ideas coming out of this group would have a possibility of favoring ideals readily accepted as rights in the United States?
The world is in chaos and, quite frankly, it’s the United Nations’ fault. It gives validity to zealots and petty bigots. It helps to keep tyrannical dictators in power. It provides money and aid to international terrorists. And it sets itself up as the international economic and environmental standard to which all nations are to mirror. The truth is, the United Nations is the root of international trouble, not the answer.
Imagine a world run by the justice of China, with the economics of Cuba, and the military might of the United States. Such is the world of the future under the United Nations. The United States holds all of the cards, but it has only one vote in this cesspool of Socialism.
The UN is dangerous because its ultimate goal is a single world-wide socialist government.
Do nothing.
This is the same game the UN has played in nearly every international crisis. It is the reason North Korea remains a threat and its violent dictator remains in power after 50 years. It’s the reason why Zimbabwe’s murderous dictator, Robert Mugabe, is able to steal his election and then steal the land of white property owners and still have a voice at the UN’s Sustainable Development Conference a few months ago in South Africa. It’s the reason why the Communist Chinese are able to ignore any UN rules not to their liking while growing as an international military and economic threat. It’s the reason why a terrorist nation like Syria can be given a seat on the UN’s Human Rights Council while the United States is removed.
The United Nations are perfect LIBERALS: they spew volumes of useless rhetoric, accomplish little, spend a great deal of other peoples money (Western) doing so, and give far more voice to anti-democractic tin pot dictatorships than it does the civilized nations of the world.
Bubba Clinton will be the perfect heir to corrupt useless toothless paper tiger KisstheirAss Kofi.