The Western Washington Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists is holding a training session today, “Blogging 101 – what you need to know to blog effectively and get read.” And the instructors? Why, two of the state’s leading bloggers… um, Nancy Leson and Jerry Brewer of the Seattle Times.
Hey Nancy and Jerry… here’s a tip from a rank amateur you might want to share with your paper’s own political bloggers/reporters: if they want to “blog effectively and get read,” they might want to post a little more often than say, once a week.
I’m just sayin’…
Blogging is to journalism as hood ornaments are to cars: it doesn’t accomplish much except draw attention to itself, usually from people with too much time on their hands.
RE: The event-givers and @1:
I think this is called “poisoning the well”…
Geoff Baker of the Times would be a valuable speaker for that group, he gets blogging just fine, engaging his commenters, embedding video, posting often, and expanding on the stories he writes for the tree edition. I don’t know what the Times see in either of their lame sports columnists, it certainly isn’t their insight or ability to write.
I can’t speak for Jerry, but Nancy is a pretty engaging blogger.
Goldy, you have a problem with once-a-week (or rarer) bloggers?
I’m hurt, deeply.
palamedes said:
“RE: The event-givers and @1:
I think this is called “poisoning the well”…”
11/17/2008 at 1:58 pm
Just so long as nobody’s poisoning the beer!!
Good point. Once per week doesn’t cut it.
You have to be on the Goldstein Cutting Edge of Issues AND have a following of people with too much time on their hands as Politically Incorrect pointed out.
Too much time on my hands??
I guess that’s me.
Most people post on Blogs in spurts.
I have learned you can do it somewhat efficiently by not reading too many posts.
I do enjoy what Goldy, Darryl, Jon & Josh have to share. Some of the time it is even sensical!
It’s a hobby…but I have learned quite a bit.
Thanks for your efforts Goldy.
I think if you were able to eliminate the vulgarity (start by setting the example), you would likely be more widely read.
Have you considered changing the name to something besides HorsesAss??
Might be time if you want to be taken more seriously.
I’m just sayin’!
@7 Blogging daily and fucking the goat weekly is about the right speed for you, Cynical. Your pacemaker couldn’t handle the other way around.
I thought the goat fuckers would have disappeared by now after such a devastating loss at the polls. I’m glad to see I was wrong.
Rumor has it that Mr. C favors male goats. Something about both giving and receiving.
At least they are real and employed journalists.
@7: I actually think cynical is making a couple of good points and suggestions. I think goldy should take this to the next level, clean it up a little and even offer a forum for honest debate – not just the usual partisan bickering.
We could have a right wing corner (old-fashioned, respectable), a middle of the road meeting place and a cool and cozy lefty hangout.
Hey, when cynical posts a respectful and interesting post he should be encouraged, not disparaged.
Wabbit making fun of someone about a pacemaker? Ha! Poor old geezer, in his dementia he forgot his own health problems, including mental. Next 100 posts….
I agree with Goldy. I write for a Seattle education blog. If I’m not writing every day, I’m reading about something I’m going to write about or going to a meeting about something I’m going to write about or calling someone about something I’m going to write about.
No blogger worth their salt blogs just to see their words on a screen. There’s got to be more than just opinion if you want a real discussion.