It should come as no surprise to those who know me well that I can be a touch arrogant and egocentric. For example, this time last year, as HA suddenly rose to prominence during the gubernatorial election contest, I stepped up my blogging efforts for fear of what the progressive community might lose should I stop. HA had quickly grabbed a dominant position in the local political blogosphere, both in terms of raw traffic and perhaps more importantly, in media attention. If I were to suddenly stop blogging, I wondered, would my traffic simply dissipate? Was there anybody else who could fill my role?
I’ve got no idea if those concerns were ever warranted, but I certainly don’t hold them anymore. I was in Olympia this weekend attending a conference of Northwest progressive bloggers, and if I have any fear now, it is that some other talented, energetic, local blogger is going to overtake me and knock me from my throne.
Organized by the NW Progressive Institute and sponsored by the SEIU, Progressive Majority for WA and the Institute for WA’s Future, the conference attracted over thirty bloggers from Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Friday afternoon and evening we held panel discussions and a reception at the Capitol, attended by Democratic legislators and their staff, as well as several members of the “traditional media.” Yesterday, us bloggers gathered for workshops and discussions that extended well beyond the scheduled 9 AM to 5 PM program.
Lynn Allen and John Stahl of Evergreen Politics did a great job facilitating the events (complicated by the constant need to shut me up and prevent me from speaking out of turn.) And of course, Andrew Villeneuve of NPI deserves a ton of credit for being the driving force behind organizing the event.
I’ll leave it to other attendees to blog on the details of the conference, but I just wanted to briefly comment on the incredible growth in size and effectiveness of the local progressive blogosphere. Last year at this time, our friend Stefan and his right-wing, nutcase, fellow travelers at (un)Sound Politics were the undisputed kings of the local blogs, consistently pushing headlines, and at their peak drawing twenty times my traffic. While I had more than respectable stats, I was a distant number two, and no other local liberal blog even came close to my traffic.
My how times have changed. (u)SP is still the number one local political blog in raw stats, but on most days barely doubles my traffic. And while much of the rest of the local blogosphere’s right wing has stagnated, growth on the left has exploded. The number of NW progressives now blogging is astounding, and the quality and impact of their writing truly impressive. Much as we have done on the national level, local progressive bloggers have overcome the right’s head start, surpassing them both in total traffic, and in influence.
Stefan now routinely whines about his failure to move his conspiracy theories onto the front pages, while my colleagues and I have notched a string of successes in moving headlines and influencing the opinion makers. While (u)SP’s claim to fame was their role in helping to shape public perception after an election, it is safe to say that 2005 was the first election cycle in which bloggers actually influenced the outcome… and quite frankly, we kicked ass.
Well, you ain’t seen nothing yet.
Bloggers are by their nature a bit rebellious, unruly… even subversive. The fact that so many of us would gather in one place, with such unity of purpose, is as encouraging and exciting as the progress we’ve each individually made thus far. We certainly didn’t all agree on every issue, candidate or strategy, but we absolutely share the same goal: to dominate state and local politics, and to take our nation back from the far right. And this weekend’s conference was an important step in that direction.
Don’t overlook the traffic on your comment threads, Goldy! While 7 comments is a busy thread on Sucky Politics, your commentaries routinely draw 100 or more comments. We ARE taking America back from the anti-democratic, corrupt, selfish, greedy, rightwing liars — and we’re doing it right here in these comments! Over the last year, Roger Rabbit and your other dedicated posters have not only grown your comment stats, but we’ve sent a clear message to the trolls, shills, and propagandists of the Republican noise machine that they’re welcome to post on Horses Ass — and we’re going to beat the shit out of them when they do! We’re the Fighting Liberals of Horses Ass and kicking ass is what we do best!
So, come and get it, trollfucks! And bring your armadilloes.
Roger Rabbit has posted 100% of the comments on this thread. If you don’t like it, fuck you! and fuck the armdillo you rode in on, too! Hey you NSA guys wiretapping my keyboard — screw you unpatriotic fascist pigs!!!
No more carrots, Roger! They make you hyper.
Waaaaaaa!!!! I want CARROTS!!!! I want my carrots NOW!!!! Or I’m gonna throw a tantrum!!!! CARROTS!!!!!!!
No carrots, Roger — you know why!
17 Americans dead in Iraq this weekend, Iraq war death toll now 2,198.
Wow! This thread already has 8 posts in just 5 minutes! That’s more than Stefan gets for a whole thread, most of the time.
The longer HA stays around, the more similar it gets to the rest of the “preaching to the choir” blogs out there and the more irrelevant it gets. Your comment dumps don’t help, Roger.
You were “actually influencing the outcome” of elections here? Dream on lefties.
So Stefan, why aren’t you going to share the proceeds of your lawsuit against KCE with the generous contributors to your “legal action fund?” Is it because
1) you’re a selfish prick, or
2) you can’t hold a job and need the money, or
3) both of the above.
Stefan, I’ve been asking you this for some time now, and I know you read this blog, so why are you ducking the question? C’mon, Stefan, you and I both know that all of your loyal readers are over here on Horses Ass, so if you post your answer here, you can be sure they’ll see it. Are you ignoring my question because
1) You don’t want your readers to know your true colors, or
2) You’re scared shitless of a 9 3/4-lb. bunny, or
3) Both of the above.
My comment dumps are well worth the effort if they rile trollfucks like you, zip.
Before I forget, prr is a nazi.
Furthermore, anybody who claims HA is “similar to the rest of the preaching to the choir blogs” is full of shit. I’m talking about YOU, zip. You’re full of shit! HA is unique. There is no other blog like HA. And there is no other poster, either right or left, quite like Roger Rabbit. If you don’t like it — FUCK YOU!!!! and when you’re done fucking yourself, go fuck your armadillo.
Wow! This thread already has 14 comments (1 of mine is currently stuck in filter). That’s twice as many as Stefan gets all day if he’s lucky. Sucky Politics is going down! last gasp for Stefan and Sucky Politics. S & SP are gonna drown under the Horses Ass tidal wave!!!
In case I didn’t mention it, prr is a nazi.
Zipster – you’re delusional as usual.
Election contest? Called it 100 percent right.
I-912? Look what happened to that turd. Swept into the sewer.
The violent, pathological liar David Irons, Jr.? Who’s that?
Family Farms and the Estate tax? A little early for April Fools isn’t it?
The GOP house of cards is collapsing and somebody has to cheer as it falls.
I love it:
First Goldy masturbates about his blog and how great he/it is.
Then you have that Roger thing posts one comment (?) after the next without much content and hollers about the amount of comments per topic. Duh…
After a long pause, I looked at the post from yesterday (the sandbox) and it was that Roger thing posting into the void.
Geeze…talk about much ado about nothing…
Well, what am I supposed to do? It’s a slow news day. The Seahawks aren’t playing today, and other than the 14 U.S. dead in Bush’s war against Americans, there’s not much going on. The only other news worth mentioning is that prr is a nazi.
At least I don’t use this blog to threaten to kill government officials for doing their jobs like the psychos on Free Republic do. And I don’t go around saying all the conservatives should be rounded up, put in concentration camps, and executed like that psycho wingnut Ann Coulter does. Horses Ass is populated by a better social class than any of the rightwing blogs. They’re all a bunch of brain dead haters.
You forgot to mention Goldy brought down Michael Brown, the FEMA klown.
Hey Clueless,
You forgot to tell us how HA “actually influenced” the elections in 2005.
BTW, the gas tax is REGRESSIVE. It’s hilarious to see all the “progressives” get so proud about supporting another regressive tax.
16 (continued)
“I looked at the post from yesterday (the sandbox) and it was that Roger thing posting into the void.”
Write your complaint here [ ] and send it here __.
Hey trollfuck! I’m a serial poster! So what? Sue me.
These GOP girlie-man sissies hate being pushed around by a belligerent bunny.
I wish Goldy would switch to a system whereby Roger has the option to do his own blog entries. He obviously has a great deal of useful ideas to share, but when Roger is confined to the comments threads he has a tendency to suck up all of the oxygen.
That doesn’t phase the trolls, who are quite religious in their daily contributions, since they clearly see HA as a useful vehicle to disseminate their propaganda. My worry is that HA seems to have declining participation from those who aren’t hard-core commenters. Not only does that undercut the quality of the dialogue (too much mindless, left-right “fight club” schtick), but it also raises questions about the degree to which the wingers are driving HA’s viewership numbers.
It’s hilarious to see all the “progressives” get so proud
Proud of fighting off a power-mad band of wingnuts who vote for anything with an “R” next to it including Will Baker? Yes, indeed.
I wish Goldy would switch to a system
Yes, scoop has been mentioned. You gain in a limited sense but lose in a greater way I think.
I think it’s a good thing we draw wingers from (un)SP and elsewhere. Their arguments are shredded to pieces quite handily. It’s instructive to see their talking points trotted out only to be discredited. Their unhinged mentality is on display for everyone to see and when election time rolls around – they lose big time.
It’s kind of a trifecta plus.
…about supporting another regressive tax
There are some important differences between left and right blogs. The contributors to SP include analysis in their posts. Most of the stuff Goldy posts is just his opinion. Posting opinions and then watching the “schoolyard fight” might generate traffic, but it isn’t really debate. On the other hand, the posts at SP make a point and then back it up with hard data. When’s the last time you saw hard data and rational analysis of anything here?
The traffic that is generated in HA is by a handful of people. There are maybe 10 – 15 people who post here on a regular basis. Me, Puddy, Cyn, sgmmac and Janet try to carry on a conversation as do E, Daddy, Clueless, Proud, and occasionally Wabbit and a few others. Most of the rest of the posters on the left contribute little to the dialogue, and just burnup bandwidth screaming “nazi” and “fascist”.
If Goldy thinks HA drives any kind of debate or is is the least bit influential in determining policy he is severely delusional.
Zippythe pinhead. You don’t make any points when you post nonsense. The gas tax is a user fee. . . sound familiar. A Famous Republifuck shibboleth from days gone by.
The success of Goldy’s blog is that it attracts terror stricken repubuglican trolls from all over like moths to a flame. . .and just so they burn and crash in their own bile and hate speach.
Why do the Repubuglicans hate our troops? Why won’t they suppy them with proper armor? Why can’t Republifucks find even a competent lawyer? Two Million or more to find four illegal votes. . . . . Why do the neoconvicts fewar the Constitution and seek to destroy it?
Yaaaaaaaaaaaawn. MTR has posted another boring missive. Roger has it right, MRT, go fuck yourself. With this weekends developments on the national political scene (DeLay and his crony laced posse) you can look forward to losing the house this coming November. There is an excellent article in the Washington Post concerning the White House’s worry over this very issue.
Rabbit, here are some virtual carrots for you. Enjoy!!!!! (what Mrs Rabbit does not know, won’t hurt her).
Left Foot is a perfect example of what’s wrong with HA. Any kind of thought or analysis is a “boring missive”. Is that because you lack the intellect to think rationally?
OK. Try this. You’re an asshole nazi fascist motherfucker. Is that better?
“On the other hand, the posts at SP make a point and then back it up with hard data. When’s the last time you saw hard data and rational analysis of anything here?”
MTR, as any lawyer knows, you can argue ANY point by cherry-picking data.
Stefan is NOT an objective commentator, he is a propagandist who starts with a partisan-flavored conclusion and then does “research” and provides selective data to build a case for his conclusion. This flawed methodology guarantees a flawed result.
For example, Stefan spent most of last year arguing the Democrats stole the 2004 governor’s election in King County. That is pure, unmitigated, unvarnished bullshit. Stefan is nothing but a fancy liar.
Hey MTR — for a guy as frustrated as you are by the lack of intelligent discussion on this board, you sure spend a lot of time here.
Markthe Dick You wouldn’t know analysis if it came and cut up your sorry ass. The only analysis you should look into will help your miserable, woman hating, pathological personality (so-called).
Get a clue. Get a life. Move out of your mothers basement. . . .
“Me, Puddy, Cyn, sgmmac and Janet try to carry on a conversation”
I wouldn’t call what you trollfucks do a “conversation.” Bullshit, lying, propaganda, regurgitation vomit from the GOP noise machine, yes — conversation … naaawwww.
You don’t have an original thought between the 5 of you.
Thanks for makin’ my point guys. Perfect…
“If Goldy thinks HA drives any kind of debate or is is the least bit influential in determining policy he is severely delusional.”
Yeah, Mark, I’m sure an unemployed guy named Michael Brown thinks so, too. Oh, and all the radio hosts who call Goldy to appear on their shows think Goldy is an empty suit, too. See #s 34 & 35 above.
Wabbit – As I’ve said before, I’m just here to study the pathology of the disease of librulism so I can better understand the threat to civilization. You and your ilk are terminal…. I have no illusion of curing you.
It’s amazing that guys like MTR think people will actually believe the bald-faced lies they post. Maybe it’s because Republicans are such habitual liars they just assume they have an audience.
Hey MTR — when is your book coming out, and can I have a free copy? I always have uses for free toilet paper.
Hey,Goldy! Just under four hours and your comments thread is up to nearly forty comments. You’ll surpass sucky politics raw numbers in no time. Hell, even Mark the Retarded Redneck is helping out. . .way to go!
“(what Mrs Rabbit does not know, won’t hurt her)”
That’s been my position all along.
(crunch) (crunch)
Hey — thanks for the virtual carrots, good buddy! Thanks!!!
(crunch) (crunch)
(crunch) (crunch)
Hey MTR, like the man said — fuck you!!!
(crunch) (crunch)
(crunch) (crunch)
The Republican cesspool of crime and corruption truly seems bottomless! The Los Angeles Times reports in a story today:
“A Donor Who Had Big Allies
“DeLay and two others helped put the brakes on a federal probe of a businessman. Evidence was published in the Congressional Record.”
“By Richard A. Serrano and Stephen Braun, Times Staff Writers
“WASHINGTON — In a case that echoes the Jack Abramoff influence-peddling scandal, two Northern California Republican congressmen used their official positions to try to stop a federal investigation of a wealthy Texas businessman who provided them with political contributions.
“Reps. John T. Doolittle and Richard W. Pombo joined forces with former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay of Texas to oppose an investigation by federal banking regulators into the affairs of Houston millionaire Charles Hurwitz, documents recently obtained by The Times show. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. was seeking $300 million from Hurwitz for his role in the collapse of a Texas savings and loan that cost taxpayers $1.6 billion.
“The investigation was ultimately dropped.
“The effort to help Hurwitz began in 1999 when DeLay wrote a letter to the chairman of the FDIC denouncing the investigation of Hurwitz as a ‘form of harassment and deceit on the part of government employees.’ When the FDIC persisted, Doolittle and Pombo — both considered proteges of DeLay — used their power as members of the House Resources Committee to subpoena the agency’s confidential records on the case, including details of the evidence FDIC investigators had compiled on Hurwitz.
“Then, in 2001, the two congressmen inserted many of the sensitive documents into the Congressional Record, making them public and accessible to Hurwitz’s lawyers, a move that FDIC officials said damaged the government’s ability to pursue the banker.
“The FDIC’s chief spokesman characterized what Doolittle and Pombo did as ‘a seamy abuse of the legislative process.’ But soon afterward, in 2002, the FDIC dropped its case against Hurwitz, who had owned a controlling interest in the United Savings Assn. of Texas. United Savings’ failure was one of the worst of the S&L debacles in the 1980s.
“In key aspects, the Hurwitz case follows the pattern of the Abramoff scandal: members of Congress using their offices to do favors for a politically well-connected individual who, in turn, supplies them with campaign funds. Although Washington politicians frequently try to help important constituents and contributors, it is unusual for members of Congress to take direct steps to stymie an ongoing investigation by an agency such as the FDIC.”
For complete story, see
“A clandestine National Security Agency spy program code-named Echelon was likely responsible for tapping into the emails, telephone calls and facsimiles of thousands of average American citizens over the past four years … according to half-a-dozen current and former intelligence officials from the NSA and FBI.
“Echelon has been shrouded in secrecy for years. A special report prepared by the European Parliament in the late 1990s disclosed explosive details about the covert program when it alleged that Echelon was being used to spy on two foreign defense contractors – the European companies Airbus Industrie and Thomson-CSF – as well as sifting through private emails, industrial files and cell phones of foreigners.
“The NSA has never publicly admitted that Echelon exists, but the program has been identified in declassified government documents. Republican and Democratic lawmakers have long criticized the program and have, in the past, engaged in fierce debate with the intelligence community over Echelon because of the ease with which it can spy on Americans without any oversight from the federal government.
“Mike Frost, who spent 20 years as a spy for the CSE, the Canadian equivalent of the National Security Agency, told the news program 60 Minutes in February 2000 how Echelon routinely eavesdrops on many average people at any given moment and how, depending on what you say either in an email or over the telephone, you could end up on an NSA watch list.
“‘While I was at CSE, a classic example: A lady had been to a school play the night before, and her son was in the school play and she thought he did a — a lousy job. Next morning, she was talking on the telephone to her friend, and she said to her friend something like this, “Oh, Danny really bombed last night,” just like that,’ Frost said. ‘The computer spit that conversation out. The analyst that was looking at it was not too sure about what the conversation was referring to, so erring on the side of caution, he listed that lady and her phone number in the database as a possible terrorist.'”
“A January 1, 2001, story in the magazine Popular Mechanics disclosed details of how Echelon works.
“‘The electronic signals that Echelon satellites and listening posts capture are separated into two streams, depending upon whether the communications are sent with or without encryption,’ the magazine reported. ‘Scrambled signals are converted into their original language, and then, along with selected “clear” messages, are checked by a piece of software called Dictionary. There are actually several localized “dictionaries.” The UK version, for example, is packed with names and slang used by the Irish Republican Army. Messages with trigger words are dispatched to their respective agencies.’
“Electronic signals are captured and analyzed through a series of supercomputers known as dictionaries, which are programmed to search through each communication for targeted addresses, words, phrases, and sometimes individual voices. The communication is then sent to the National Security Agency for review. Some of the more common sample key words that the NSA flags are: terrorism, plutonium, bomb, militia, gun, explosives, Iran, Iraq, sources said.”
Now get this … from the same article:
“Another top-secret program code-named Tempest, also operated by satellite, is capable of reading computer monitors, cash registers and automatic teller machines from as far away as a half-mile and is being used to keep a close eye on an untold number of American citizens, the sources said, pointing to a little known declassified document that sheds light on the program.”
And here, my friends, is the link to that declassified document:
Hey you NSA spooks … I know you’re reading this … go screw an armadillo, you unpatriotic Constitution-hating fascist pigs!!!
In case I forget to mention it, prr is a nazi.
Tree Frog Farmer @ 32. If ‘analysis’ came up and bit MTR in the ass he would really have a big problem. With the extra scars he would not know his ‘bite marks’ from his ‘rake marks’. In other words, would not know which end of his sorry self to talk from and which end he should ‘evacuate’ (lol) from.
Hey goopers — if the NSA’s illegal domestic spying is so all-fired important for catching terrorists (Bush talking point), how come the NSA didn’t catch the 9-11 terrorists? Didn’t those guys ever use a computer, phone, or ATM? Did they talk to each other on tin cans with a string? Huh?
Hey Stefan — I glanced at your silly little blog today … hate to break it to ya, dude, but Gregoire’s approval ratings have been steadily climbing and are now above 50% … and she’s going to be RE-ELECTED in 2008 … so eat shit … and by all means keep blowing gas out of your ass, the country’s in an energy crisis and needs the methane.
Bush repeats history!
Hmmm…. interesting…. actual contempt for analysis… Supports the hypothsis that they just react to feeeeelings…
MRT what analysis are you talking about? On SoundPolitics there is only one sided, culled to the point of use quips of the whole picture. Please, give me some sort of analysis from your side.
“Another top-secret program code-named Tempest, also operated by satellite, is capable of reading computer monitors, cash registers and automatic teller machines from as far away as a half-mile and is being used to keep a close eye on an untold number of American citizens, the sources said, pointing to a little known declassified document that sheds light on the program.”
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 1/8/06 @ 4:33 pm
And here, my friends, is the link to that declassified document:
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 1/8/06 @ 4:34 pm
Roger where did you find those carrots at, you better stay out of that patch it’s loaded with drugs. I though you check out you yarns before you posted them. That trash link above dodn’t know what they are talking about.Tempest is a different program that what you posted and it is not classified. So Rabbit please work on another source.
You expect me to believe you read that thing? You don’t even know how to read.
Here’s another link to info about Tempest.
“Across the darkened street, a windowless van is parked. Inside, an antenna is pointed out through a fiberglass panel. It’s aimed at an office window on the third floor. As the CEO works on a word processing document, outlining his strategy for a hostile take-over of a competitor, he never knows what appears on his monitor is being captured, displayed, and recorded in the van below.”
Hey you NSA spooks — I know you’re reading this — fuck you unpatriotic America-hating fascist pigs! prr is a nazi
Hi Mark,
You know, you throw that Nazi word around pretty loosely. I guess that is to be expected because you favor the Nazi like tactics of your beloved (God, I am going to barf) President. Here is some “proof for you:
“Of course people don’t want war. But after all. it’s the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.”
MTR any guess as to who said this? Well, it was Hermann Goring at the Nuremberg Trials. This is the Nazi way. This is what we are experiencing right now. So when you scream Nazi it is not me that you should be pointing at, but, rather yourself and your party. There is no threat of our being run over by thugs and terrorists. Sure, punishment needed to doled out whent the towers came down. Sure, Saddam was not a nice man, but he was no threat to America. Our leaders used the Goring strategy to the letter. The problem is that with a free press and free thought the people eventually line up and say no more. It happened in Viet Nam, it is happening now, (thankfully without the rancor against the military).
Now, perhaps you can rufute the above statement by the infamous killer with some fancy two-step, but you won’t change the minds of the American people. WE HAVE SEEN ENOUGH of the this morally and ethically lacking administration. It is almost over for you. Next year the house will again be under the control of Democrats and the Senate will follow in 2007, with White House in 2008. A nice orderly changing of the guard.
Put that up your lazy, living in your momma’s basement ass.
I almost forgot:
Hey you NSA spooks – I know you’re reading this – fuck you unpatriotic America-hating fascist pigs! prr is a nazi
You are a master of ILLUSIONS!
There are at most 10 of us who post and maybe 30-40 who visit your Blog…MAYBE!
I’m afraid you are beginning to actually believe their is some vast viewing audience to HA. There is not. Roger makes nearly 1/2 the Posts and them claims victory for HA based on number of posts. Several of the phantom posters post under multiple identities. We all laugh…no one in their right mind actually takes this seriously….do they?
Roger Rabbit—Rog certainly takes a looooooong time to make his POINTLESS!
Clueless–Clueless is a prime candidate for natural DE-SELECTION!!!
rujax—If you gave rujax a penny for his thoughts, you’d certainly be entitled to change.
headless lucy–Some people DRINK from the fountain of knowledge…clearly lucy only gargles!
And so it goes…………..
Goldy, do you really believe your fellow self-proclaimed Progressives follow you anywhere???????? Perhaps they do…but only out of MORBID CURIOSITY!!!!!!!!!
The LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS are known for setting low personal standards…..and then CONSISTENTLY failing to achieve them! Most of you KLOWNS are so dimwitted that it probably takes you 2 hours to watch 60 Minutes!!
And so it goes……………..
Goodnight MTR, PACMAN, JANET, ZIP, PUDSTER, SGMMAC……unfortunately for the KLOWNS on this Blog, the wheel is turning….but the hamster is obviously DEAD!
Good night Jim Bob
Left foot – Sorry, there will be no change in who’s running the show. You think all of Murka is like Seattle, but it’s not. Seattle is a cesspool unto itself. It is far out of the mainstream. You have your head so far up your ass, you’ve forgotten what light even looks like.
As far as 08, as long as TSWITW runs on the Dem side, GOP is guaranteed 8 more years.
Well, it seems the heat is too great for Mark The Retarded RedNeck, so now he’ll be a born again troll as Mr. Dogwise, the Ignorant.
“You’re an asshole nazi fascist motherfucker.”
How come you never call ME an “asshole nazi fascist motherfucker?” Why are you discriminating against cute furry little animals? Did you torture animals when you were a kid? Does your mother know about this? Do you even have a mother, or were you raised by wolves? Jerk.
Coug – Pull your head out of your ass. SP has reams of solid data on illegal votes. The data is posted. Actual examples of illegal votes are shown. Go look at it. They did detailed statistical analysis which was obviously far beyond your ability to comprehend. Just because you don’t understand it doesn’t mean it isn’t well done. It just means you’re an idiot.
Wabbit – C’mon. I love cute little furry beasts. You actually do the occasional post that has some content. And as I’ve said before, you’re misguided sometimes, but not stupid like most of the moonbats here.
Hey, where have Rakeface and Dogbark been lately?. Can someone call me “chilling” and “morally repugnant”?
“As far as 08, as long as TSWITW runs on the Dem side, GOP is guaranteed 8 more years.”
As long as the GOP controls the voting machines and voting software, they’re guaranteed 8 more years. We’re gonna need more prisons.
We all know there were illegal votes, Mark. Thanks for reminding us. What Stefan doesn’t mention is most of them were for Rossi.
Unless you believe white guys who own guns voted for Gregoire.
OMG!!!! MTR complimented me!!!! So when are you gonna pay your gambling debts, welsher?
Mark The RetardedRedneck@#69 Said”Coug – Pull your head out of your ass. SP has reams of solid data on illegal votes. The data is posted. Actual examples of illegal votes are shown. Go look at it.”
I don’t know which is the leakier seive here, your brain or these “facts”. If you can’t carry them into a court of law, even in a conservative county with a conservative judge, then they are WORTHLESS. Just more action of you “invisible hand”.
Frog – SP did a much better job making the case than the GOP lawyers. I was shocked at how poorly they made the case even when the judge told them what they had to do.
Incidentally.. did MTR ever pony up on that bet he lost to Goldy?
RR @ 76,
Oh, guess not. What a frickin’ pussy.
We all know there were illegal votes, Mark. Thanks for reminding us. What Stefan doesn’t mention is most of them were for Rossi.
If you’re ever wondering the reason why the GOP objected to putting felons on the stand to find out who they voted for, it was because the GOP team conducted a “poll” that included many of the felons. They discovered they’d get fncked. Additionally, almost every felon who gave a deposition said they voted for Rossi. (My favorite Rossi felon? The child molester who said “it’d be fraud” to claim he voted for Gregoire.)
That’s why they decided to muddy the waters with their porportionality business and claim the whole thing was a sham. If the courts looked at things closely, they knew they’d lose big time.
The folks hear including Goldy don’t really understand site meter traffic statistics very well. Examine the following two graphs:
Visits are in green and Page Views in purple. Observant readers will note that the average separation between the max of the green and purple areas at HA is much wider than that of SP. What this means is that more of you visit this site, and then stay at this site longer than do SP, possibly viewing and reading more, or possibly just spending a lot of time commenting.
You only need a brief look at the comments to see that at this site, it’s the same people commenting over and over again. Sometimes dozens of times in each post. The traffic at HA is therefore much better approximated by the green Visits line, which is about half of the Page Visits on average for HA. Thus at best over the past year, traffic at HA during the peaks has only been about 1/3 that of SP. And usually even lower than that. For example, even during the big spike in traffic last September generated by the national coverage of the Michael Brown incident generated here at HA, the average number of visits was only about half of that for SP. And that was a really big month for HA. And these stats could easily be interpreted as showing that those here are far more content to bounce around inside this echo chamber.
Goldy, I like your ideas here, but don’t let your traffic stats go to your head until they materialize.
Mark The Retarded Redneck@78 To confuse the bloviations on unSound Politics as anything resembling either reality or the Law, as it is in Washington, shows how seriously delusional you and the rest of the Repuguglicans in Washington are. . .oh, I’m sorry, you guys ran Nethercutt against Cantwell, and and Ellen Craswell against the Law of Gravity.
Mark the RetardedRedneck@78 Course, its kind of hard to tell how incompetent the Repug Lawyers were. . .some of them were arguing from Rovian wishfull thinking without reference to the Law. But, as they say, no matter how lame your case is, your lawyer will still have to ride that nag around track when the bell rings. . . . .
Mark the Retarded Redneck@78 Course, you of all people would know how a very lame legal arguement would fare in court. . .particularly in divorce court.
“It should come as no surprise to those who know me well that I can be a touch arrogant and egocentric.”
Why would you EVER think you come off that way?
Thanks for admitting you are just a tool.
MTR @ 80 Oh, I see, all that voodoo magic at Sound Politics that really helped your neocon brothers with their election contest! Wow, I better convert to your theocracy and your ‘love thyself before all else’ ideology. NOT
The comment threads here have become so tedious. They are becoming like the comment threads on F*, that used to be entertaining, but now where someone always has to be “First!”, and people do little more than insult each other and go on off-topic tangents.
Too much work to separate the wheat from the chaff, which really takes the fun out of commenting.
Well, back to lurking.
Nicely said. I’m upset I had to miss the conference, but one thing I have to say is that with so many bloggers out there now, it makes it easier for each of us to ‘specialize’ in topics that we know a lot about. It’s something the right-wing blogs aren’t trying to do (unless you count spin as a specialization).
If the rightwing blogs ever want to have any credibility, they need to get back to basics.
Like telling the truth.
“Well, back to lurking.”
You seem like the type who does that well.
You are a master of ILLUSIONS!
There are at most 10 of us who post and maybe 30-40 who visit your Blog…MAYBE!
I’m afraid you are beginning to actually believe their is some vast viewing audience to HA. There is not. Roger makes nearly 1/2 the Posts and them claims victory for HA based on number of posts. Several of the phantom posters post under multiple identities. We all laugh…no one in their right mind actually takes this seriously….do they?
Roger Rabbit—Rog certainly takes a looooooong time to make his POINTLESS!
Clueless–Clueless is a prime candidate for natural DE-SELECTION!!!
rujax—If you gave rujax a penny for his thoughts, you’d certainly be entitled to change.
headless lucy–Some people DRINK from the fountain of knowledge…clearly lucy only gargles!
And so it goes…………..
Goldy, do you really believe your fellow self-proclaimed Progressives follow you anywhere???????? Perhaps they do…but only out of MORBID CURIOSITY!!!!!!!!!
The LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS are known for setting low personal standards…..and then CONSISTENTLY failing to achieve them! Most of you KLOWNS are so dimwitted that it probably takes you 2 hours to watch 60 Minutes!!
And so it goes……………..
Cynical @92,
As much as I appreciate the compliment, I’m afraid you overstate my legerdemain. I publish my SiteMeter stats, the same as Stefan. Everybody is free to compare apples to apples.
You way overestimate your imapct iand import. You are insignificant and irrelevant. No one but rabid and jaxoff would miss you were you to be Knocked off your “throne,” read shitter. May be you should put in a two-holer, and then your lapbats could be co-throne sitting!
All puffed up about taking the nation back, but a conference of Northwest “progressive” bloggers is just preaching to the choir. The rest of the country likens you to the crazies who keep voting in moonbats like Baghdad Jim. I guess while you all were conferring (whining), there was nobody left to listen to Err America.
Wow a blogger’s conference huh? Cool. Did you guys decide who would win in a light saber match between Mace Windu and Yoda? Or perhaps you’ve argued over whether it would be better to be a Sith or a Klingon. Sounds fun.
Did you wear your Battlestar Galactica t-shirt?
BonzoBananaDanno @ 94
Election Contest? Minnow Wrong. Goldy right.
Brownie? Gonzo..
Lyin’ Fisticuffs Irons Jr.: David who?
I-912 or “revenge of the wingnuts”: In the crapper.
Sure does suck to be you BBD.
Either you are related to Goldy, a Groupie or his fudge-packin’ buddy!