Last cycle it took an immense amount of local support for Darcy Burner to prove herself a national netroots candidate. This cycle, she has that national support right from the start.
Yesterday we launched an ambitious $100,000 fundraising drive to counter President Bush’s $10,000/person funder for Dave Reichert, and to coincide with Darcy Burner’s Virtual Town Hall on Iraq, Monday Aug 27 at 3PM. And while 380 individuals have already contributed over $15,000 via our Act Blue page alone, I’m hoping HA readers will be more than just a tiny asterisk in the final totals.
To that end I have personally donated $100 (and you all know I don’t have a lot of cash to spare,) and I’m hoping 10 of you will make it worth my while by matching it dollar for dollar. And for those who can’t afford to be so generous (or unlike me, are prudent enough not to make a donation you can’t afford,) ten bucks isn’t so much to ask, is it? I’d like to see at least 25 HA donations over the next day, in appreciation of the generous support we’re getting from our friends in the national netroots.
Send a message. Make a difference. Please give generously to Darcy Burner.
OK…I tossed in 25 bucks, and may be inspired to send more if they’re getting anywhere near the goal. It’s going to be pretty key to get some high rollers involved–the assumption that all the rich people in the Seattle area are Publicans is nonsense.
Be it noted, I’m doing this with clenched teeth and a degree of trepidation. The last couple of times the Democratic party has called asking for funds to “help the Democrats in Congress fight President Bush”, I’ve told ’em no, because I’m still waiting for the Congressional Democrats to start doing so. Hell, if I were in Pelosi’s district I’d write in Jane what’s-her-name’s dog, I’m so disgusted with her “off-the-table” bullshit.
So, I’m hoping Darcy, as a newcomer, will be a little different, although I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Before last year’s election when she came to DL, I asked her what the skinny was on impeachment, and she sort of gave me what must have been the standard party-line response. This was that impeachment was “really” on the agenda, but that they didn’t want to commit to it publicly pre-election to avoid “scaring off too many voters”.
We’ve seen what’s happened since then. The committee hearings have been dominated with sparring over procedure, Bush continues to whittle away at what’s left of the Constitution by “executive order”, the war goes on, and people continue to suffer and die.
There’s no point going to the trouble of replacing Publican legislators who give Bush everything he wants, with gutless Democrats who mouth platitudes and then still give Bush everything he wants. I’m hoping Darcy won’t be one of those.
I’d be happy to send Darcy a jar full of cat piss.
Wow! Folks give generously!
Special message to the trolls: speak up and remind everybody what we’re fighting against. Remember, the more you throw your hate, the more $$$$ end up with Darcy.
I love it.
Nice ad, I love that Markos has an orange wall. That’s just kind of perfect.
And Mark how are you ever going to fill a jar with cat piss? I mean a mason jar holds a quart and when you consider the relative size of a cat’s bladder, well that just seems impractical. I guess you could go around squeezing a bunch of cats but that’s at least a two-handed job so now you’ll need someone to hold the jar under the cats to collect the piss, but then they’re going to have to look out for the back claws and there’s a good chance that the cat could knock the jar out of their hands and then you’ll have to start all over. But I know you’re the kind of guy who can really dedicate himself to a project. So get out there, start living your dream and collect away! You should have time on Monday afternoon since I know you’re too poor to go the Bush/Reichert party in Bellevue. But at least you have time to troll over here…
Hey Wingnuts,
Here’s a tape of your favorite congressman in action.
Brian @4: I agree. Capturing even one liquid oz of cat pee is quite an achievement.
Mark @2: You’re onto something. Maybe this should be a contest at the Reichert funder, like competitive pie eating. How much do you think the base will pay to watch Bush glove up and catheterize a cat?
And don’t forget, trolls, end every one of your pronunciamentos with the ‘hehehe’ tag. It let’s everyone know just how serious you are.
If we kept voting for the kinds of politicians you support, that might have eventually become our currency.
Isn’t it just like a Republican to promise something he can’t possibly deliver?
Considering bush isn’t running for office anymore, why such a fascination for talking about him. Why not talk about what your candidate is going to do if elected.
hehehe (for headless lucy biker chick so she will hate me, really really hate me)
Considering bush isn’t running for office anymore, why such a fascination for talking about him.
Because it’s a good strategy to win.
Why not talk about what your candidate is going to do if elected.
Why don’t the Republicans run candidates who are smart enough to debate about those issues rather than just running ads for them that scream and yell about taxes?
Since you live in LA, you probably aren’t aware of this, but Dave Reichert did not run too many ads here in 2006 that talked about specific things that he would do if elected.
Hey Stamn, you ever play Dino’s Italian Inn?
I’m hoping HA readers will be more than just a tiny asterisk in the final totals.
I’d like to see at least 25 HA donations over the next day, in appreciation of the generous support we’re getting from our friends in the national netroots.
…cause it would be totally embarrassing if HA can’t deliver for Darcy like I’ve promised……
…..cause it would be totally embarrassing for me with the DB campaign, and put my begging for a job in jeopardy.
Considering bush isn’t running for office anymore, why such a fascination for talking about him.
Because it’s a good strategy to win.
Especially when your candidate has no positions of her own.
Hey Wrong Stuff,
Here’s your favorite Congressman on “Kim Young Il Jill”.
Darcy Burner kicks this moron’s ass.
$30,000 and climbing, Doris.
Especially when your candidate has no positions of her own.
Whatever helps you wake up in the morning with a dry diaper.
Hmm, why not protest Bush by going out in the street and protesting him, instead of staying at home on the computer with Darcy?
Attacking Bush and painting Reichert with the Bush brush didn’t work for Burner last time. I don’t understand how it will work this time with Bush being gone and the Dems who did win not attacking Bush or stopping his terrible policies. (See 3rd district Dem’s pro war editorial in today’s paper). Darcy still has to answer folks who think she’s not experienced enough (or at all).
re 10: It’s Bill Clinton’s fault we keep running against Bush. hehehe
re 14: Do you think that Randy “Duke” Cunningham has the “Right Stuff”? If so, then why is he a tired old drunk ending his years in a prison cell?
I just gave $25 to Darcy and am thinking of sending a can of hair spray to The Sheriff.
Darcy likely wants universal health care like Britain has. But wait—This just in from the London Telegraph, Britain’s universal health care system “unnecessarily” kills more stroke victims than other places, despite spending just as much or more on stroke care.
Instead of giving patients needed scans plus clot-busting drugs within the first three hours–which would greatly increase chances for good recovery—“hospitals struggle to carry out a scan within 24 hours”.
No the heck thank you, Darcy.
#12 YLB says:
You’re talking about the one on colorado in pasadena? Nope. Is the food good, if so I’ll make a visit.
I can see that, playing the hate card is a strong motivator.
For one, you better ask at a publican blog, they would be better informed about that. I’m guessing that there are a lot of hard working peopple that are struggling with the high tax burden. From federal income tax, state income tax, gas tax, utility tax, phone tax, etc. etc.
I’m not surprised. Modern day politicians are better at tearing down their opponents than talking about what they can do for the people.
I remember a day not too long ago that a famous politician said, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” Considering todays political system, he would be considered extreme right-wing.
@2 “I’d be happy to send Darcy a jar full of cat piss.”
Please do, so we can watch you being led away in handcuffs! That’s gotta be a violation of at least 12 different federal laws. They’ll probably charge you with terrorism.
@3 They can’t stand it when a woman is stronger, smarter, and more successful than they are.
#19 headless says:
If only duke cunningham had a (D) next to his name, then he could be a respected leader. Say, how many blacks do you think died because of the actions of the grand kleagle, robert byrd?
Hey, isn’t your community pretty white? 0.88% african-american. That’s just about enough blacks for valet parking and hotel wait staff. Being that white, of course it’s rather affluent, in the top 25 of 522 areas in the state of washington.
@10 Bush is the best campaign ad any Democrat could ever have. Suck on it.
#27 Roger Rabbit says:
I agree. What else could a democrat run on. Elect me and I’ll raise your taxes. Elect me and I’ll let your little girls abort babies and not tell you. Elect me and I’ll pass more laws to control more of your life. Yup, it’s gotta be all about bush or a democrat wouldn’t win an election until pigs fly.
As for your invitation to suck on it, no thanks. Your wife doesn’t want to do you anymore? Why don’t you try the bathroom at the park in your neighborhood. Or the local school. Google jeff gannon, maybe he could hook you up. Good luck gettin’ some.
Marv: You may get us some votes by pointing out that Byrd was a member of the Klan 60 years ago. That’s the kind of thing your voter base likes!
Marv: We’re running on a platform of raising taxes on RICH people. Somehow, I do not see that as being an unpopular idea.
All your talking points are laughable. The days of the Gipper’s little shell game are gone.
Marv: Explain to all the voters again what is wrong with the “Fairness Doctrine”.
Are you against fairness? hehehe
Darcy has a platform that takes on both the right and the do nothings on the left. She’s, correctly, linking the do nothing left and hair-spray with Bush.
And buy-golly she’s got a whole page called issues and positions.
Molly’s cute!
#29 headless lucy says:
The most racist people I know are democrats. As far as the grand kleagle, it’s one thing to stereotype, it’s far different to join a group like the KKK. Considering how much hate it takes to join the KKK what makes you think the grand kleagle still isn’t racist. Did you know he has used the “N-word” on air in the recent past? Keep defending the racist, I wouldn’t expect anything different from someone living in a lilly white neighborhood.
#31 headless lucy says:
I’m all for the fairness doctrine. I would love to see both sides allowed on abc, cbs, nbc, cnn, msnbc, fox, etc. for a change.
Unfortunately the democrats will never give up their dominance of tv and print so the fairness doctrine is nothing but empty talk, just like the empty talk about impeaching bush.
Do you finally realize the bush impeachment talk is nothing but empty rhetoric, it probably raised your blood pressure a few points thinking how you easily you believed the democrats were going to do to bush what the publicans did to clinton. Sucks for you doesn’t it, knowing your democrat majority in congress is good for nothing. No doubt you know that polls show that congress has a lower approval rating than bush.
Stamm – You weren’t around here when HL made these sensitive caring comments:
“Black people can be stressful to be around 24/7. Believe me , I know.” Commentby headless lucy— 9/16/05@ 10:12 pm
Thanks Cynical though for your help with the Negro problem.
Commentby headless lucy— 9/17/05@ 7:47 am
Speaking of Clinton…
Bill Clinton was impeached and disbarred because he lied to a grand jury in a failed attempt to conceal a lifelong pattern of predatory behavior in connection with a felony assault case that he settled for $800,000.
Can ya imagine being too fucking dishonest to be a lawyer?
#30 headless lucy says:
Of course you want to raise taxes on rich people. Yet taxes are raised on the poor people too. Go figure, democrats lying again.
Re 34,35,36,37: You are pissing in the wind. You guys do to the truth what Carlos Casteneda did to spirituality.
#36 Mark The Redneck-Goldstein says:
I’m not the least bit surprised. Some of her other replies that I’ve read already made it clear she was a closet racist. That’s why I pointed out she lives in a lilly white neighborhood.
I know headless lucy racist biker chick, you hate me, you really really hate me. You are in good company, ALL racists hate me!
#39 headless lucy says:
Hey racist, why don’t you explain what you mean that black people can be stressful to be around 24/7? Is that why you live in a neighborhood with .88% blacks?
re 40: You misspelled the word ‘lily’. I live in a ‘lily white’ neighborhood. You must live in a dumb-peckerwood neighborhood.
You know, there’s even a trailer park on Mercer Island. If you ever move up in the world, you can still hang out with your cracker homeslices.
Marvin: Do you really think that your clumsy patronizing of minorities carries any weight with anyone? How many Black Republican Congresspersons and Senators are there?
None…. Numbers do not lie.
Why do you suppose that Republicans don’t elect any Black Congresspersons and Senators? Why can’t they get any ELECTED. I’m not talking about the crazy, self-hating Blacks that Republicans appoint for window-dressing.
We don’t lie. We ‘misspeak’, just like Republicans. As far as those comments you were talking about that you said I made, I’m afraid that “I just don’t recall that”.
Brick wall. Can’t hear ya. Don’t recall. Musta misspoke. I take full responsibility, but youare to blame.hehehe
Maybe you missed this the first time headless lucy…
Why don’t you explain what you mean that black people can be stressful to be around 24/7? Is that why you live in a neighborhood with .88% blacks?
#44 headless lucy says:
Once a racist, always a racist. In your mind, any black that ventures off the democrat plantation is crazy and self-hating.
This isn’t as much a reflection of you as much as it is about your parents.
How about the Baked Potato or the Lighthouse? Ever play those places?
Then there’s that club in Hollywood, can’t remember the name right now. It’s in the Michael Connelly novels. I’ve been there twice. Once to see Elvin Jones who was ok – he had Sonny Fortune and Ravi Coltrane with him. Also saw Horace Tapscott – had Roberto Miranda and three younger players with him. What a show! I was buzzin’ for hours after that show.
Ever been up here in Seattle to play Jazz Alley? Ever play Yoshi’s in Oakland – saw Bill Frisell’s quartet there. I’ve seen him here in Seattle as well.
The food’s ok at Dino’s – nothing special though. I saw Lew Tabackin and Billy Higgins there. It was heaven on earth.
You ever blow with Bobby Bradford? He taught over at PCC. Still does for all I know. When I went there he’d have his students play at lunchtime in front of the cafeteria. He’d take solos. It was frickin’ amazing. I mean the guy played with Ornette Coleman for pete’s sake.
Stamn – You a musician? So am I..
What do you play?
Stamn – Get HL going on her theory of economics. Here’s some of her “best of”. She’s just another fucking loser looking to live off The Producers because she fucked up her life beyond repair through a lifetime of bad choices.
…the oil industry is a zero sum game ( like checkers )
Commentby headless lucy— 4/9/06@ 2:56 pm
“Most wealthy people inherited their wealth and haven’t worked a day in their lives…”
Commentby headless lucy— 4/13/06@ 5:14 pm
headless lucy says:
“…but I insist on having my fair share. If taxing it away from the wealthiest is the way to get it, then that’s where i’m goin’….”
01/01/2007 at 10:11 pm
YLB says:
Many times. One of my bands played opening night at the lighthouse when it reopened in 1980 (81?) Played most of the local jazz clubs, donte’s, carmellos, jax, etc. with various bands. Mostly big bands.
Never played jazz in seattle, played up there with teena marie (before she signed with motown), the tempataions, martha reeves, mary wells, tom jones. Played in oakland many a time, never as a jazzer.
Played with the toshiko tabakin big band. I never heard of dinos being a jazz spot.
Never played with bobby. PCC was one of the only local schools I never attended. There are a lot of legends in los angeles. For music, it’s either here or new york. Probably more real jazz in new york.
YLB, you from down here? A musician?
Mark- I compose/arrange. I used to play trumpet. (for those googling me, marvin stamn is not my real name and I don’t live in new york)
#51 Mark The Redneck-Goldstein says:
Care to elaborate on some of her bad choices?
I kinda figured she wasn’t a hard working person. Considering how she was so quick to tell me she hated me, really really hated me I could imagine how un-fulfilling her life is.
Even the Republicans want the war to end.
Warner urges troop withdrawal
WASHINGTON – Breaking with the White House, Republican Sen. John Warner called on President Bush on Thursday to begin withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq by Christmas, saying the move would send a “very clear signal” that the American commitment to the Iraqi government isn’t open-ended.
Virginia’s senior senator, an influential voice on military matters in Congress, spent two days in Iraq last week. He said Thursday that Bush should announce plans next month for a phased withdrawal of troops that could begin with about 5,000 soldiers.
@21 If you’re worried about being killed by bad medical care don’t go to a U.S. hospital.
“WASHINGTON (CNN) — More people die each year in the United States from medical errors than from highway accidents, breast cancer or AIDS, a federal advisory panel reported Monday. The report from the National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine cited studies showing between 44,000 and 98,000 people die each year because of mistakes by medical professionals.”
@23 A wingnut complaining about “playing the hate card” is like Ted Bundy complaining about the crime rate in his neighborhood.
@26 “Say, how many blacks do you think died because of the actions of the grand kleagle, robert byrd?”
Oh my gawd! You played with Toshiko and Lew! I’m shaking.. I so LOVE big band jazz music. When it’s done well, there’s nothing like it for me. Toshiko and Lew are just awesome…
Yeah, I’m from northeast L.A. originally. I dabbled with the guitar when I was teen ager. I settled for computers. I wish I kept it up. I love guitar and guitarists.
Tom Jones! My mom was crazy for that guy. I remember she and my dad saw him at the Greek and in Vegas. I got a kick when he did Prince’s Kiss. I liked it. Interesting that he started out in London with the Stones and all the rest of the rockers and blues players.
I have a soft spot for the jazz scene in L.A. I love Nine Winds and all the guys who stuck it out here on the west coast. Vinny Golia, Wayne Peet, Roberto Miranda, the Cline brothers. I listened to KCRW when Ron Pelletier was there and soaked all that wonderful music in. Stays with me to this day.
I remember when Golia, Alex Cline and Miranda played a date somewhere in the Arroyo in Pasadena in the late seventies. I had a chance to see that show and never made it.
@26 “If only duke cunningham had a (D) next to his name”
Don’t you wish! Unfortunately for you and your GOP buddies, this crook has an (R) next to his name, and GOP voters put him in Congress. This turkey is all yours.
#57 Roger Rabbit says:
How do you come to that conclusion? If you can’t answer how many people he recruited into the klan how can you say none lynched a black man.
Nice try you silly rabbit, face it, your party has racists all over the place.
@28 “What else could a democrat run on.”
I’m glad you asked!
End Bush’s failed military adventure in Iraq
A rational foreign policy
A fair tax code
A balanced budget
Fair trade policies
Reform America’s failing health care system
Protect consumers from dangerous products
Protect the right of soldiers to vote
Honor our obligations to veterans
Protect Social Security and Medicare
Enforce workplace safety laws
Pay promised benefits to uranium workers
Effective food, drug, and health products regulation
A fair minimum wage
Invest in American infrastructure, not Iraqi corruption
No more unfunded federal mandates
Restore Clinton’s 100,000 cops on America’s streets
End wrongful arrests of innocent people
No more torture or Geneva Convention violations
Strengthen and enforce environmental laws
Enact campaign finance reform
Appoint judges who will uphold the Constitution
No more warrantless snooping on American citizens who have done nothing wrong
100% inspection of cargo containers for nuclear material
Prosecute perpetrators of illegal voter “caging” operations
Enforce workers’ rights to join unions and collectively bargain for wages and working conditions
Crack down on use of tax havens by the rich
Prosecute corporate criminals
Provide proper medical facilities and care to wounded soldiers
End stop-loss practices in military
Focus military efforts on Al Qaeda
Raise CAFE standards
Encourage renewable energy initiatives
Restore student financial aid funding cut by Bush admin.
Restore Superfund funding; make polluters pay for cleanups
Reverse Bush admin. cuts in meat inspection
Use anti-trust laws to prevent concentration of media ownership
Reduce crime by restoring FBI resources diverted from domestic law enforcement
There’s more, but that should get you started …
Only democrats vote for racists(Byrd),rapists(Clinton) and murderers (The swimmer).
To summarize: “Cut and run” and higher taxes”. Same old BS with 40 years of a failure.
@34 “Marvin Stamn says: The most racist people I know are democrats.”
Bullshit. All the racists are in the GOP now. We won’t have them.
@35 Do wingnut talking points keep better canned?
@48 “Once a racist, always a racist.”
That’s certainly not true of everyone, although it does seem to be true of a good many wingnuts.
#61 Roger Rabbit says:
Bigger government, higher taxes. There, I paraphrased your list for you.
So answer me this, since you’re in bad health, why haven’t you gone to a country that has better health care instead of suffering under sub-par care here in the united states? You keep knocking the health system but you continue to use it. See, that’s why we think you’re not too smart.
@50 “What do you play?”
His nasal hairs.
@50 “Mark The Redneck-Goldstein says: Stamn – You a musician? So am I..”
No wonder you can’t pay your bills.
Hey Redneck — what instrument do you play? Your armpit?
#64 Roger Rabbit says:
What about headless lucy biker chick’s racist statement about it’s hard to be around blacks 24/7. How do you explain her participation in the democrat party?
@60 “How do you come to that conclusion? If you can’t answer how many people he recruited into the klan how can you say none lynched a black man.”
Simple. I researched the subject, didn’t find any evidence to support your allegation, therefore dismissed it as baseless speculation, like any good judge would do.
@62 “Only democrats vote for racists(Byrd),rapists(Clinton) and murderers (The swimmer).”
Really? I could find plenty of Republican examples of each, but won’t bother. I’ll let you do your own research.
@62 Hey Dan Blather, what state was Bill Clinton convicted of rape in?
“Cut and run”
Jerry Ford — from Vietnam.
Saint Ronnie — from Lebanon.
higher taxes”
Saint Ronnie — 5 times.
@67 “Bigger government, higher taxes.”
Let’s try this: Bush = bigger deficits, higher inflation.
And not to be overlooked: Bush = big brother government
#28, The raise taxes argument is getting kinda old Marvin. The Cons have shown how corrupt they are and only want to borrow money from the Chinese to build bridges to nowhere, and then make your children pay for said bridges with interest. In fact, all 3 national candidates from Alaska will be indicted any time now for corruption.
I would like to know if you would bet your house that there was one single Republicon that is not corrupt from top to bottom. I really doubt you would take that bet and name a single one. The Dems have problems, but they are not the mafia….
By the way, how many unwanted children have you adopted Marvin? If the hypocrites were so “Pro Life” they would all have adopted 10 unwanted kids each. They are all just too busy being used as tools. Kinda like asking all the young Republicons why there are not serving in Iraq. If they truly believed in the lying shrub they should be talking to recruiters right? Yeah, I thought so. Dying for Bush’s disaster just doesn’t appeal to many Republicons either.
Even they know Bush is a fraud. They are just too cowardly to admit it. Even the Young Republicons are smart enough to not want to die for Exxon, and Halliburton.
If you righties hate Al Queda so much, why do you want to occupy a muslim country, and cause the violent deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent muslim victims, and help Bin Laden recruit. I hear the waiting list to get into Al Queda is longer than the waiting list to get into the VA system. Man that is a looooooong list…..
Roger Rabbit says:
“Cut and run”
Jerry Ford — from Vietnam.
Saint Ronnie — from Lebanon.
higher taxes”
Saint Ronnie — 5 times.
What? If you call reducing the top tax bracket from 90% to 28% as raising taxes…. wait you are a donk…. nevermind. hehehehe
“If you righties hate Al Queda so much”
And why do they oppose light-rail which will help to ween us off middle-eastern gas?
And why do they drive around in huge pickups and SUV’s when they hate Al Queda and giving tax money to the state? Driving a huge 4WD when you don’t need to is like giving Al Queda a dollar every time you start the engine. News flash: the more you drive and the lower your gas mileage the more of your money you give to the state.
Bankrupt the DOT: ride a bike!
We’re off topic, huh.
#35, Marvin, thanks for posting here. I really appreciate your dead wrong opinions.
You think the liberals control the media? Why? Because Shawn Hannity, and Rush Viagra Man Limpbaugh says so right? What a laugh.
I watched Hannity say the liberals control CNN, and MSNBC. What a joke. I ralize the criminally insane lemmings that watch his show believe him. They also believe him when he says we found WMD’s in Iraq. Maybe he should tell Bush. Waddya think?
You heard it on talk radio that is 90% conservative? You heard it from a right wing think tank? There are no left wing think tanks. We don’t need them. When the truth is on your side, you don’t need a tank to make a talking point.
I do agree with you on one thing. Since the Republicons used impeachment for purely political reasons, they poisoned the constitutional process of impeachment for what is was designed for. Removing a president who DID commit (multiple) high crimes and misdermeanors. George Bush. Not imaginary ones like Clinton.
If Hitler called himself a Republicon, 30% of Americans would be supporting him. The zombies. The blind, deaf, and dumb average Republicon voter.
When it is about winning, and not right, and wrong, and the rule of law, you are a Republicon.
Um… The top tax bracket was 90%?
Can you prove this?
@34 “Marvin Stamn says: The most racist people I know are democrats.”
Bullshit. All the racists are in the GOP now. We won’t have them.
Bullshit. The most racist people in this country are dems. Just ask a black conservative. If you are not on the democrat plantation than you are a n***r as far as the left is concerned.
Prior to the war a heck of a lot of American did support Hitler.
michael says:
Um… The top tax bracket was 90%?
Can you prove this?
You are a product of public screwels who grew up after the 70’s. Man what a waste.
#78 Facts Support My Positions says:
If they are corrupt, throw them in jail! Sounds good to me. I never understood the bridge to nowhere.
They are ALL corrupt! The dems are just as dishonest/lying cheats as the publicans. Diane feinstien and her hubby’s company profiting from the war. Harry reid and his family with their real estate deals. Are you so naive to think your party is squeaky clean?
None. How many have you adopted?
Or asking all the democrats that “support the troops” when they are going to enlist.
Exxon & halliburton. The mindless chant of the left. When clinton was using hallibutron in bosnia/kosovo no one cared. Of course, no mention of perini corp and urs corp.
Do you believe that muslim terrorists are not a problem? Quite possibly bush didn’t help the problem, he sure as hell didn’t start it. Look around the globe, when’s the last time you heard of a christian radical strapping a bomb to himself and blowing up innocent people? Muslim extremeists are a problem that needs to be dealt with.
#83 Dan Rather says:
Not on the democrat plantation, you’re an uncle tom, an oreo or any other of the cute names racists like to use. Ask michael steele.
Back to the subject. Man, did you read that page of all of Darcy’s positions? Very well done.
What I would love to see is Reichert saying why he would disagree with anything on that page.
By the way, I will be in Bellevue protesting all day monday. I will be the one holding the “Republicons Are A Disease” sign.
Cya there.
I assume you’re referring to Prescott Bush, right?
Actually Joe Kennedy. A real life Nazi supporter, not a pretend one like Prescott.
Ok music fans. Want to hear some real burnin’, swaggerin’, swingin’ big band jazz music?
Check it out.
Ok Stamn.. Were you in on this cut?
And Stamn check this out.
Joey Baron must have been a teenager in that photo. I can’t believe he’s my age. I first saw him with Bill Frisell in ’89. He looked like a kid then. Even younger than in that photo.
@86 “when’s the last time you heard of a christian radical strapping a bomb to himself and blowing up innocent people?”
Timothy McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, Naveed Haq, the Seattle Jewish Federation shooter… You might not describe them as Christians, but they did. If you’re going to say that al Qaida is synonymous with Islam, then these guys are synonymous with Christianity.
#81 Facts Support My Positions says:
In that case, you probably don’t want to read my reply. I kinda disprove some of your points.
Excluding fox, list the conservatives on cbs, nbc, abc, cnn, msnbc, pbs. Now compare it to the list of liberals.
Pisses you and your fellow liberals off that conservatives have an outlet on radio? Let’s start with these left wing radio hosts- Alex Bennett, Jon Elliot, Laura Flanders, Ed Shultz, Stephanie Miller, Bill Press, Rachel Maddow, Randi Rhodes, Mike Malloy, Thom Hartmann, Lionel, Harry Shearer, Sam Seder, the majority of NPR have strong liberal voices. Now lets see your list of the 90% right wing hosts.
“Think tanks of the right provided 53 percent of citations, while progressive or left-leaning think tanks received just 16 percent of total citations. “
Over the past two years, he said, think tanks pushing the conservative agenda had received $295 million, while leftwing institutions were given just $75 million.”
List the high crimes and misdemeanors. And please explain why your democrat leaders aren’t impeaching him.
#81 You are delusional
Liberals controls the press and major news networks. If you don’t agree with that then you are wrong. Your remarks about ‘talk radio’ is true; listeners pay the bills.
Republicans impeached Clinton for a reason. He is a criminal that lost his license to be lawyer in Arkansas.
Your comment about Hitler has no place in this thread and merely shows your desperation to try to find ‘facts’ to match your name.
It has always been about right and wrong for both parties and the voters recognize that and vote for the right thing. In the last election, many voters voted for Democrats as they believed they could do better than the Republicans. Its a fact that has has not been proved yet.
’nuff said!
#89 Greg says:
“While there is no suggestion that Prescott Bush was sympathetic to the Nazi cause, the documents reveal that the firm he worked for, Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH), acted as a US base for the German industrialist, Fritz Thyssen…”,00.html
Why is it racist to say that black people are hard to be around 24/7? Anyone who says differently is a liar or has never been there. Any ghetto filled with any economically stressed and oppressed minority is a stress-filled and dangerous place to be — a place run by a minority of violent thugs.
Your blathering about “swing” music sounds like you read the little bios on the wall of Garfield High. Not like anything you ever actually did.
I learned some Chuck Berry riffs from a guitarist who used to play with the Guess Who after Randy Bachman left to start Bachman/Turner Overdrive. That was in the late 70’s in Chinle , AZ. Look it up on the map.
Your talking points are all a bunch of ignorant crap and you are inauthentic dweebs.
@94 me
If “Liberals” control the US media who controls the Canadian, English, French, German, Korean, Japanese, Indian Press … mot be the Neo-marxists.
The “liberal” US media are to the right of the entire world’s media, unless you include
Franko, Peron,LePen,the Vatican,Saudi Arabia#96 headless lucy says:
Only a racist would think all blacks are living in ghettos. What a disgrace you are to mankind. PLease go play on the freeway, and don’t forget to dress in black clothes, not the white robe you usually wear.
@93 list the conservatives?
Find the “liberals!”
Your problem is that yo equate the nut right with conservative. There are very few real conservatives on Faux.
eople like Charley Rose, Leherer, Couric, Larry King, are middle of the road.
Marvin, because the Republicons gave impeachment such a bad name it can’t be used now.
The real reason the Dems haven’t impeached the lying chimp, is because people aren’t in the streets demanding they do it. They think that typing on keyboards = protesting, and sadly it just doesn’t work that way, even though they have the anger. Frankly most Americans are pathetic, and lazy.
As far as talk radio the 90 to 10 ratio does bother me. The conservative owners won’t let progressive programming run in progressive cities, even if it would be more profitable than their current shows.
What bothers me even more is the fact that the people that listen to the likes of Hannity, Rush, and O’Liley don’t seem to mind being lied to on a daily basis. Personally I want the truth, even if I may not like it.
I would bet there are quite a few things we would agree on. One thing is for certain though. Having Republicons run our government has been a total disaster. The dems are far from perfect, and have made huge mistakes, but they are not completely corrupt from top to bottom like the cons are. Not to mention being completely controlled by corporate america, energy companies, and defense contractors, and the talibangelicals.
I will admit there are left leaning think tanks though. The 75 to 295 ratio seems about right…… When your message is the truth, you don’t need $295,000,000 to turn it into talking points geared to influence / fool people that think at a 6th grade level.
My favorite one is the “War Footing” talking point. This means we have the right to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people, and lie about the reasons why they had to die.
Just remember. The rest of the world knows why we are in Iraq, and it sure ain’t because Saddam had WMD’s. Just because 1/3 of Americans are lemmings doesn’t mean the rest of the world are.
They want to see our “my way or the hiway” arrogant asses handed to us by anyone that can do it. Can you blame them?
What is even funnier is the wingnuts talking about what Clinton did to the military. What a joke. Our military has been obliterated by the decider. Making 100 wrong decisions in a row makes for a lot of soldiers, and innocent civilians blood. We don’t even have one single battalion ready to go if there is a problem somewhere. Not a single one.
Bush has made us defenseless. How’s them apples?
@92 Christian terrorists?
Northern Ireland, the Aryan Nation, KKK, Pat Robertson (in word if not deed), Bosnia,
Listen you little racist, I personally don’t give a crap what you think. I have nothing but hate for racists, that means you headless lucy biker chick.
#94, me. Clinton is not a criminal. The impeachment was purely political. If not, then why did the Senate not impeach him? It was nothing but an attack job.
What would be real justice would be a Ken Starr type investigating the Bush Crime Family. Someone non partisan (unlike Starr) and only interested in the law.
Now you want to talk criminal……
#100 Facts Support My Positions says:
I asked you quite a few specific questions. Are you willing to answer them or just wanna ignore what you don’t want to answer?
You did answer the question about not impeaching bush. Honestly, I don’t remember the conservatives protesting in the streets over clinton lying under oath.
Like I said, take a shot at answering the questions.
#99 SeattleJew says:
And the list of conservatives (either real or fake) on abc, cbs, nbc, cnn, msnbc, pbs is??
re 98: You are a moron. I never said what you said I said. The fact that you think that I did and youproclaim to everyone what goes on in my head , when you clearly don’t, is glaring evidence that you are the racist, the propagandist, whose intent is to lie and twist every statement from the ‘others’ to fit your narrow ideology.
You know nothing.
SeattleJew says:
@92 Christian terrorists?
Northern Ireland, the Aryan Nation, KKK, Pat Robertson (in word if not deed), Bosnia
And how many suicide bombings is Pat Robertson responsible for? He is far from my favorite Pastor but you just showed yourself for the bullshitter that you are.
I thought this was thread about the Darcey cmpaign? Aren’t the new rules going to be followed?
In support of the cause of Pooka equality, I have donated $100 to the Darcey Campaign.
As a Pookah, I rarely endorse a candidate. We Pookahs recognize imagination when we see ti. I do not beleive Sheriff Reichert has ever even seen one of us. If he did, would he work for our place in society? Would he care how we, the quietest and least importnat of the minorities. If he doe snot care for us with our minimal needs how can he care for any others?
Some of the folks here really offend me. It is not that you call yourself right, when all that is left of the right may be wrong. Nor am I offended by offers by some right wingers to sick cat piss for their cause ..though the thought is hard to follow. But, as someone some see as a fantasy, at least I am harmless. The pookas you folks see all seem mean and nasty. They ate not real pookas.
So, to other pookas and our dear supporters, the nice people who leave a place for us at the table or a few chips on the plate, please match this too.
Timothy McVeigh(Not a christian), Eric Rudolph (not a christian), Naveed Haq(lifelong liberal muslim), Sorry, three strikes and you are out.
A) No, I’m not.
B) My (alleged) upbringing has nothing to do with what the top tax bracket was in 1980.
C) Prove it or shut your pie hole.
Liberals can not comprehend liberal bias in the media because they are by definition biased. Anyone who says that there is no media bias is a liberal.
Marvin: Your bullshit is becoming tiresome. You are not attempting to engage in debate or argument, but merely to inflame. And the fact that you and the other sock-puppets hearken back to old talking points that have been refuted time and again, and in fact, have them stored on your computer for easy repetition is another classic propaganda technique out of the Wingnut Playbook.
You should be banned. Nothing good will come from having a negative and spiteful shithead like yourself spending your entire day trying to dominate the comment threads on this blog.
Facts Not Supported by Your Position:
“Clinton is not a criminal.” That is not a fact! Why can’t he practice law in his home state?
“As far as talk radio the 90 to 10 ratio does bother me. The conservative owners won’t let progressive programming run in progressive cities, even if it would be more profitable than their current shows.” That is not fact – The radio station owners own their stations to make money. The liberals have not learned how to do that yet. It is all about the money paid to advertisers by the listeners.
“What bothers me even more is the fact that the people that listen to the likes of Hannity, Rush, and O’Liley don’t seem to mind being lied to on a daily basis. Personally I want the truth, even if I may not like it.”
That is not a fact – Conservative much to your chagrin are intelligent people even though you disagree with their points of view.
“into talking points geared to influence / fool people that think at a 6th grade level.”
Another non-fact that does not support your name.
All the rest of your comments are in the same misguided order. You need to change your handle to support your positions.
Look it up yourself lazy ass. If you are too stupid to remember the 70’s and what was common knowledge back then that’s your fault.
@62 # Dan Rather says:
Only democrats vote for racists(Byrd),rapists(Clinton) and murderers (The swimmer).
Please explain this to me. I know Mr, Byrd was once a racist. But is he one now like Senator Lott?
Oh and this rape business, I did not catch that. I thought Mr. Clinton had a rabbit like taste in females but rape? At least he is not a polygamist (serial type) like Mr. Gingrich, Mr, Giuliani, ans
Mr. Romney, Gillespie (oops I was not supposed to tell, sorry).As for a murderer, I sure so admire your hatred of the swimmer, was he as drunk as Mrs. Bush when she killed her boy friend?
You folks makes such nice comments at HA, I think Goldy should give golden horse bricks to the best of you!
The top Marginal tax rate in 1980 was 70% and was paid by people earning over $215,400.
See how easy that is. It doesn’t require insulting anyone, you just look it up on Google. Took me about 10 seconds.
@ Trolls
Play nice or I’ll start posting long, boring, technical posts about the Amygdala and its role in PTSD.
#100 Facts Support My Positions says:
George Tenet (a clinton appointee) said the intel was a slam dunk. He had the backing of all 15 agencies involved in gathering intelligence for the United States. In the National Intelligence Estimate of 2002, where their collective views were summarized, one of the conclusions offered with “high confidence” was that “Iraq is continuing, and in some areas expanding its chemical, biological, nuclear, and missile programs contrary to UN resolutions.”
The intelligence agencies of Britain, Germany, Russia, China, Israel and–yes–France all agreed with this judgment.
How many democrats agreed that sadam either had or was trying to manufacture wmds? It’s very easy to supply real (non fox news) links.
Here’s one that’s going to be the democratic presidential candidate-
“Now, I believe the facts that have brought us to this fateful vote are not in doubt. ”
“In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members, though there is apparently no evidence of his involvement in the terrible events of September 11, 2001.”
“It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons.”
So tell me, what does the rest of the world know… that the intelligence agencies of britain, germany, russia, china, israel and france are incompetent?
Here is your site. It is even one of your own admitting that 90% tax brackets are a good idea. What a dumbass. Geeesh.
You got it wrong, by the way, you didn’t look it up and claimed the tax rate was 90% when it was really 70%. I, on the other hand, wasn’t lazy and checked my facts.
Let’s try it again.
That link isn’t working.
Your incorrect statement was:
“What? If you call reducing the top tax bracket from 90% to 28% as raising taxes…. wait you are a donk…. nevermind. hehehehe”
But, as I have shown you the tax bracket was 70%, not 90%.
It doesn’t matter Jean Hay Bright (whoever she is) thinks the tax bracket was still 70%, not 90%.
The link at 121 works. I was commenting on the link at 120.
#112 headless lucy says:
Your first reply to me was that you hated me. Don’t you talk to me about negativity you little racist. Ignore me or shut up. You are nothing but a bitter racist that has been exposed by your own words. Your parents should have done a better job raising you.
119 actually
#55: so. Rog, you fixing to move to London real soon? You’re saying you have more faith in Britain’s government doctors than your own?
#112 headless lucy says:
“Marvin: Your bullshit is becoming tiresome. You are not attempting to engage in debate or argument, but merely to inflame. And the fact that you and the other sock-puppets hearken back to old talking points that have been refuted time and again, and in fact, have them stored on your computer for easy repetition is another classic propaganda technique out of the Wingnut Playbook.”
This blog is for for open discussion (according to Goldy’s rules) If you can’t refute a post you should merely disagree with it as it is your opinion and move on. To accuse any opinion the you disagree with as BS only shows that it is late in the evening. Marvin has offered many good opinions and facts that are not talking points in this thread and others that need further discussion so everyone understands all the ramifications of each subject from one side of the aisle to the the other to include the middle.
RE 124: You came on to this blog that day spouting the wingnut talking point du jour (as propounded on that day by that exemplar of moderation, rectitude, humility, and hateful spite, Rush Limbaugh)accusing left wing bloggers of being filled with hate.
So I gave you what you came for, and I still do you piece of crap.
#115 Harvey says:
What makes senator lott a racist anymore that what joe biden said. Hell, compare what lott said to what headless lucy biker chick said/.
Clinton was accused of rape by juanita broaddrick.
Good questions. She wasn’t drunk, and it wasn’t her boyfriend. Something we can all agree on is she didn’t run away leaving him to die without help. Also, we can agree that she didn’t try to cover it up. At that point of her life, she didn’t have the political connections to cover it up like teddy had.
Thanks, I try hard.
#128 headless lucy says:
hahahaha. You’re a joke, a bad joke, but still a joke.
#128 headless lucy says:
You did give me exactly what I came for, proof that there are racists in the democrat party. Thanks for playing along. HAHAHAHAHA
re 127: Right. Give me an example of one cogent point that Marvin has brought here that has not been repeatedly refuted by me and many others on this blog.
Another one of Goldy’s rules was to stop flogging the same old talking points that have been refuted over and over again.
I am not going to spend my time “refuting” statements that you have twisted to mean what they do not , only to have them brought up at a later time by you people again and again and again.
“Marvin has offered many good opinions and facts that are not talking points in this thread….”
Give us ONE example. Go ahead, ‘refute ‘ me.
You people are ruining the comment threads again — and something needs to be done about it.
There are racist Dems, Racist R’s, racist independents… It’s really too bad people haven’t gotten over it.
re 131: “You did give me exactly what I came for, proof that there are racists in the democrat party. Thanks for playing along. HAHAHAHAHA ”
Why do you call me a racist because I don’t like you?
#133 headless lucy says:
Stop reading my posts and replying to them. Leave me alone if you don’t like me using your words to point out you are a racist.
So simple even a rabbit could figure it out.
Nearing $50,000. Wow, what a day.
#135 headless lucy says:
I never called you a racist until I saw your posts about it’s stressful to be around black people 24/7. That’s a very racist statement. It is hard for me to believe you have any black friends with a comment like that.
re 138: It most certainly is NOT a racist statement. I have my own personal reasons for feeling that way. But it is not entirely limited to one race.
I explained what I meant and you twisted my explanation to mean that I was saying that all black people lived in crime-filled ghettos and are stressful to be around.
Tell me, Marvin, was there stress in the ghettos of LA in the 90’s, or in Watts in the 60’s? Do you suppose that is the stress I was referring too?
You are impossible to communicate with. And you repeat your assertions over and over until you have people convinced that it is I who is using race to divide and promote hate and misunderstanding — but it is not — it is YOU.
Senator Lott endorsed Strom Turmond’s racism and was a member of the WCC. Although these are very recent events, I don’t need to call him a stupid name since i think he is growing out of this. Just following your rules.
Same for Mrs. Bush, her story is old and no more interesting than you purient taste in re Mr Clinton. BTW the teen age driving record is quarantined but he was her boyfriend. Daddy Bush has driven while drunk too.
What poor taste in riposte you have. Are you too stuck in the evening star to reab ANY news?
So if it’s so stupid, why do the wingnuts talk about Bill Clinton every couple of minutes? Hell, he hasn’t run for office since 1996.
I gave Darcy $100 yesterday before this post. And Bill Sherman (who called me personally, by the way).
Does that count in the matching?
#111, Dan Rather says:
Liberals can not comprehend liberal bias in the media because they are by definition biased. Anyone who says that there is no media bias is a liberal.
08/24/2007 at 10:42 p
The liberal bias in your mind is called realty.
Darcy Burner looks like Mrs. Doubtfire what a Joke
#139 headless lucy says:
Why don’t you just stop already. I quoted you word for word, everyone’s perception of you being a racist is because of what YOU wrote, not me pointing it out.
Funny you mention the watts riots. My grandmother lived at 35th/vermont, the day before the riot started I was there playing with all the neighborhood kids. Funny, I didn’t notice any stress, maybe I was too young and naive. But then, I didn’t grow up in a lilly white neighborhood so it’s never been stressful for me to be around non-white people.
Calling me impossible to communicate with is funny coming from the person that said they hated me in their first reply to my post. Get into therapy. Figure out what in your upbringing instilled such hate in you. To write that you hate someone that posts an opposing view is proof you have some issues that need dealing with. And then finding your racist post is further proof. Please, get some help. Your life will be much better, much more enjoyable.
Here is a letter I recently sent to the burner campaign…
Ms Burner,
I have recently become active in politics because of Ron Pauls campaign for president. I am doing what I can to help him win the primary. I am also thinking I should be spending time helping a congressional campaign at the same time.
I see you have at the top of your issues page ( that you “I will do everything in my power to fulfill that oath[to uphold the constitution].” This really excites me and is the reason I am behind Ron Paul. He however has 20 years of congressional records showing that he truly means that. All I have to go off for you is the web page above. Unfortunately I am finding many parts contradictory with your determination to uphold the constitution.
Please give me the articles/sections of the constitution that authorize the federal government and specifically congress to do the things you suggest for the following issues…
1. Education
2. Health Care
3. Stem Cell Research
4. Transportation
If you can reconcile this in a satisfactory way I will definitly do what I can to help you get elected.
Apparently headless Lucy has about as much truthful substance in her delusional mouth-spewings as Roger Rodent. Maybe it’d be wise for both of them to seek professional help.