Last week’s contest had two winners and one big loser. That one big loser was me, because after Liberal Scientist correctly guessed that the view was related to the German Love Parade tragedy and identified the matching link, commenter Don pointed out that the tunnel where the tragedy happened was a different tunnel less than a kilometer away.
Here’s this week’s, which I’m far more certain is the correct location for its corresponding news story. Good luck!
Looks like a Catholic church/school compound (statue in front), rectory in the middle, school off to the side.
Fresh abuse scandal site?
It’s not Chelsea’s wedding….
No, thought about doing that, but figured it’d be too easy.
suzan delbene’s guest house?
Looks like a beer distributorship in Connecticut to me.
Thought about doing that one too, but that’s not it (the view of that place is here).
This one’s a tough one (not the hugest news story), but LibSci is very much on the right track.
Priest, Rev Umberger, St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Onalaska Wi, resigned after found with child pornography this week.
However, Bing views of Onalaska look wintery or very early spring (most deciduous trees are leafless), and so not quite like the clue picture.
That’s not it. The link for that church is here.
Yup, I couldn’t make the Onalaska church work.
There’s also a St. Joseph the worker in Victoria BC that just had a priest arrested, but I couldn’t find the right view on that church either.
There are just too many pervy priests making news!
It’s not St. Rose of Lima, Sooke, BC, either (no bird’s eye view there), the parish before St. Joseph that the pervy Phillip Jacobs worked.
I thought I had found it for sure when I came across this “news” story. Right up Lee’s alley, don’t ya think. :)
I was pretty sure I had it with this one. Oh well.
@13 – I mean, this one.
Man, I want to give a clue here, but I’m not sure how. You guys are on the right track.
Ok, Ok, it’s a Catholic church SOMEWHERE, where SOMETHING happened recently.
I was really hoping that is was the spontaneously combuting pot, but oh well.
I really really hope it’s not another child sexual abuse story, but that might be too much to ask, as our clerical friends sure have been consistent.
The pic also seems to show some overflow parking off on the left there – a row of cars parked on the grass – people attending the SOMETHING that happened THERE perhaps.
I really really hope it’s not another child sexual abuse story, but that might be too much to ask, as our clerical friends sure have been consistent.
Well, it’s not a child sexual abuse story, but it does have to do with abuse of a different kind…
It’s the school, no the church, and depending on which zoom level, you’ll see a winter scene or a summer scene.
But the location is the Our Lady of Mount Carmel School in Roseto, PA, which held a carnival featuring a dart game with a likeness of President Obama.
That’s it! Good win.
DANG! Just found it! Good puzzle.
So the slate roof of the rectory could’ve been a clue: Pennsylvania’s “Slate Belt” encompasses Roseto.