Last week’s contest was a tough one, but it was eventually won by mlc1us. It was Tiffany’s Cocktails in San Antonio, TX, where “Big Mexican Women” are allegedly (according to Fox News) helping Afghan soldiers who are here to learn English go AWOL from nearby Lackland Air Force Base.
Here’s this week’s, good luck!
Is that the tunnel in Germany where people got trampled?
here it is:
A slightly more precise link is here.
That link didn’t work on my older iMac. Was there something wrong with my link?
Nice win LibSci! You found the link, although I was a little confused by the tunnel. The tunnel that Don Joe linked to is closer to the actual festival location, but it’s a different tunnel than what you see on the news stories. I don’t think it happened at that tunnel, but I might be wrong.
From what I could find, the festival maps showed an access tunnel to the festivities somewhat north of the one I linked to. I matched the one that you posted by looking around the perimeter of the abandoned rail yard where the festival took place. My link, at least on my computer, is to a tunnel on the dusseldorfer-strasse, which I think matches what you posted.
Yeah, in the news video I watched, the tunnel had an arched entrance, which matched the view I chose.
The picture you have is about a half kilometer south of the actual tunnel, the tunnel is actually on Karl-Lehr Strasse. Here is a better picture:
Yep, well I fucked this one up. :)
Is there no problem in America that Faux News isn’t going to blame on brown people?