Last week’s contest was won by Liberal Scientist. It was Mt. Vernon, NY.
For those who are new to the contest, click the picture and within the Bing mapping webpage, select Aerial and then select Bird’s Eye if you think you’ve at the location pictured below. Here’s this week’s, good luck!
Missoula, Montana
didn’t even have a chance…:)
What is the geodesic dome to the right?
It’s evidently owned by the Jeanette Rankin Peace Center, which put up the sign as a replacement for one that used to overlook the town.
Damn, came late to the game and miss an easy one. I’ve been there!
Next week, it’ll be somewhere in Outer Slobovia and milwhcky will get that too.
Oh well, at least we’re intelligent enough to find these places.
Teabaggers and right wingers couldn’t find their asses with both hands and a compass.
Man, I’m impressed. How did you get that one so fast? Have you driven by there?
Nope, I’ve never been there. A google search turned up a web page with a photo of it. After looking at Bing’s topographical map of Missoula, I figured it was along the interstate highway. Bingo.
I think the clock is off on the site. I stopped in three minutes early, and the contest was already up… when I posted my answer at 12:02, the timestamp showed 12:09.
First one I’ve ever gotten right. I’ve spent a bunch of time in Missoula.
Yeah, the timestamp hasn’t been right since we moved the clocks ahead. It’s closer than it was last week though. I usually create these posts on Friday and set it to go live whenever the server thinks it’s 12:00. :)
Nice work.
All solved as usual by the time I’m home from church, but I doubt I would’ve been that quick anyway.
On the other hand … googling “peace sign” + “hillside” gets a photo of it partway down the first link in the list.
Yeah, I forgot how easy it can be to find landmarks like that with Google image search… :)
well, peace sign desert got me bupkus :)
I should be embarrassed about last week’s contest – I grew up about 6 blocks from the intersection shown!