Last week’s contest was won in near-record time by Brian. It was Brunswick, Victoria, Australia.
Here’s this week’s, good luck!
by Lee — ,
Last week’s contest was won in near-record time by Brian. It was Brunswick, Victoria, Australia.
Here’s this week’s, good luck!
Cottage Grove, OR
well, that big m is a dead give away. it’s the mossad’s north american headquarters.
It’s the McDonald’s parking lot where Puddy lives in a trailer.
What’s that bright-colored thing below and to the right of the McD’s sign? Looks like a homeless camp.
Nice win! Again, near-record time.
Although I’m not sure if Goldy fixed the time difference problem with the server. That (or last week’s) might have been a record.
Check out the grounds of the Village Green motel just across the freeway. Not a bad place to stay the night.
@3: No. That is in Joe Lieberman’s DC condo.
@3: you do realize hitler lost the war, don’t you? Probably due to his vegetarianism and meek catholicism. Had uncontrollable gas. Drug addict.
some fucking superman you worship, eh?
@3: you do realize hitler lost the war, don’t you? Probably due to his vegetarianism and meek catholicism. Had uncontrollable gas. Drug addict.
some fucking superman you worship, eh?
your rabid liberalism clouds your reasoning. who says i worship hitler? i just dont care to give 5 billion a year in foreign aide to a country whose spy agency does hits. we dont even tolerate our own cia waterboarding, nermind assasinations.
If Hitler were alive today he would be an atheistic, liberal, environmentalist wacko. I know you libs think otherwise, but then again what would you expect from people who believe lies and argues against the truth.
Roger Rodent’s favorite McDonalds close to his regular cigarette/smoke shop? (cough, hack, wheez….)
Dumb Bunny… A trailer? Puddy will have you know it’s a massive manufactured home with all the “green” amenities! Puddy’s manufactured home can send some of Puddy’s saved energy to help Al Gorebasm with his monthly multi-thousand KWH electrical usage rates.
What “green” amenities does de Dumb Bunny possess besides the hot air farts seen on HA Libtardos?
See ya Dumb Bunny!
@12 “If Hitler were alive today he would be an atheistic, liberal, environmentalist wacko….”
Obviously, somebody who has never studied the rise of the fascist/nazi movements in Europe in the 1920’s – 30’s. Not to mention creating a single straw-man out of several widely divergent political/social philosophies and cram them into one, ignoring every logical inconsistency along the way.
@15…well according to the batshit crazy loony-tunes leftist moon-howlers, Hitler is alive and well – his name is George Bush.
I seem to recall countless “bush is hitler” and “he lied they died” signs at just about every whackamole lefty rally over the last 8 years…
so it would seem that one group can call a sitting president “hitler”, yet that same group will shout “racism!” if anybody disagrees with any policy pushed forward by obama….
hmmm….double standards? slightly….which is probably why fewer and fewer people are taking the nutty left very seriously.
Only a complete fool would try to call Hitler a liberal….
@lebowski: Ummm, Bush did lie about the war and people did die and we spent over 1 trillion for nothing….and your point is?
Just because Bush approved torture does not make him a Hitler…but he is sure a lot closer to Hitler than Obama….and the right wing idiots are carping about what?
There are no double standards…just idiots with no sense of perspective….like lebowski.
@17…neither Bush or Obama are anywhere close to hitler…geez, they arent even in the same universe.
thank you for missing the point though..its to be expected.
please, continue the frothing…
LMFAO at the lefts continued attempts to milk the race card for all its worth…
I never knew that a picture of McDonald’s from a bird’s eye view was related to Hitler. I’ll never buy a Big Mac ever again!