Last week’s contest was a tough one, but it was eventually solved by It was the Greeley Independence Stampede Grounds in Greeley, Colorado.
Here’s this week’s, good luck!
by Lee — ,
Last week’s contest was a tough one, but it was eventually solved by It was the Greeley Independence Stampede Grounds in Greeley, Colorado.
Here’s this week’s, good luck!
It’s a boat dealer on U.S. Highway 24.
U.S. 24 runs from Clarkston, Michigan to Minturn, Colorado through the states of Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, and Colorado. It’s gotta be in one of those states.
The wide yellow media stripe is the most obvious clue, but I don’t know what the means. You don’t see that around here so it may be a feature that points to a particular locality.
Try searching for “boat dealers on Highway 24.” Good chance that’ll narrow it down.
Independence Boats, 15500 E US Highway 24, Independence, MO 64050
Let’s see if I finally won one of these contests!
Not it. Remember, you can click the picture, go to the Bing maps site and check your work.
Good luck!
Okay, let’s try Tall Timbers Marina at 5769 E US Highway 24, Monticello, Indiana.
The white pointy-thing storage area in Ft. Bragg, CA.
There’s a marina on US 24 in Wamego, Kansas.
This is a new boat dealer because some of the boats are still shrink-wrapped in plastic.
Waconda Boats and Motors, Glen Elder, Kansas
Still don’t have it. And for anyone who’s wondering why Roger doesn’t just use Bing maps to check if he’s right, it’s because he’s apparently still using a computer from 1988 that doesn’t have enough RAM to load the images (I was wondering too).
And he’s still using AOL dial-up… :)
And no, I’m not kidding.
I found this one right away…
Waterford, Michigan
Could someone just tell the Rabbit where it is so he can get back to the more important work of shitting all over Kathi Lambert?
@13, @14 — No, that’s not what I told you in the e-mail. The computer is two years old and has plenty of RAM. It also has a RAID system; I don’t know if that slows it down. Doesn’t seem to when I’m working with any other program. AOL sucks. Go ahead, mock me, I’m paying $11.95 a month for internet and that’s all I’m gonna pay. I’m a fucking cheapskate. You can’t become a capitalist if you eat your seed corn, so I don’t pay for anything that I don’t absolutely have to.
@15 Figgers. I did all the work and you’re gonna get all the credit.
It looks kind of like the road in Anderson, SC, but that’s only a two lane highway and I need a 4 lane one.
milwhcky –
how did you find this? Please share your method!
@20 I started at the beginning of hwy 24 in Clarkston, Michigan, and worked my way south using the satellite photo view. It literally took me about 30 seconds to find it.
Well done!
wow. Good job! I thought about trying that, but thought it would be too time consuming, since I thought it was very likely to be in MO or KS.
milwhcky, I was trying the same thing, except that I stupidly started at the other end of US24. I’d just made it into Missouri by the time you gave the correct answer.
Luckily, much of the Colorado and Kansas portions of US24 are too rural for bird’s eye views.
RR @17,
You can go cheaper than AOL. Frys offers dialup for $5.99. Even better, you wouldn’t have to suffer that crappy AOL interface any more.
I was joking about the age of your computer Roger. :)