Last week’s contest was won by Murgen in only 28 minutes. The correct answer was Abraham Lincoln’s tomb in Springfield, Illinois.
Here’s this week’s, good luck!
by Lee — ,
Last week’s contest was won by Murgen in only 28 minutes. The correct answer was Abraham Lincoln’s tomb in Springfield, Illinois.
Here’s this week’s, good luck!
Amsterdam, The Netherlands;FORM=BYLH;encType=1
That’s it!
The right wingers on Faux News were going on and on about how bad things were in Amsterdam because of the drug policies there some time ago and in response some outfit posted some tape with the facts.
How does the right wing lie!
That picture just reminded me of that.
Something about the javascript or the flash on this website is making my browsers crash on my Mac. Mostly Safari but I think Firefox may have crashed as well.
Your chronic unemployment is underwhelming.
Get a real job.
You make it sound like Amsterdam is Utopia.
It’s not.
The Elite have their villa’s in the country and a nice flat in the City..
The vast majority of working stiff’s live in a rat maze/cesspool in the City with zero hope of a villa.
Perhaps that is your idea of Utopia…not mine.
@6 “Get a real job.”
Why should he? You don’t. But the larger point is that work doesn’t pay, so why should anyone work? Workers, even though they’re the overwhelming majority of the population, get only 40% of the nation’s GDP. The rest goes to owners of capital. These percentages used to be reversed — workers got roughly 60% and capital got about 40% — but three decades of Republican policies reversed the distribution.
Making the situation worse are Republican tax policies that put the onus of supporting government on wage earners while those who get their income from capital gains, dividends, and inheritances skate and all sorts of juicy tax perks are showered on employers and business owners. (E.g., a business owner can deduct a private airplane and a private hunting lodge as a “business expense,” but a worker can’t even deduct his bus fare to work. And business owners get all sorts of tax credits that wage earners can’t even dream about.)
Tell me this: Why should YLB work hard to make some Republican bastard more prosperous? Why should YLB work hard to pay taxes so Republican bastards don’t have to? I don’t see any advantage to YLB in that.
You don’t work, I don’t work, and YLB shouldn’t work either. Work isn’t rewarded or respected in this country. Workers are looked down on. They’re mistreated. They’re underpaid and heavily taxed. Why would anyone in his right mind get a job? If YLB said he wanted a job, I’d suggest he get his head examined. Nobody should work in this country. Working is for saps, suckers, gullible fools. Republicans know better than to make money by working for it, and we Democrats are learning fast.
Rog vomits:
Too funny Rog…comin’ from a career Bureaucrat who failed at his only attempt at free enterprise with an Amway Distributorship.
Too funny.
@8 Hey, Klown, there’s more! I’m full of jollies this morning. Stay tuned to this thread for more laughs and Klowning around!
Not only shouldn’t ordinary Americans work, they shouldn’t consume, either. If you’re not working and don’t have money, why should you spend money you don’t have? I don’t consume anything. I put all my money in a mattress!* That keeps it nice and safe.
Not spending my money, and not putting it in banks, undermines the consumer economy and credit system; but why should I care about that? Republicans don’t; they pull their money out of the economy and the banks whenever it suits them. Well, I don’t care either, and do the same them. I make my economic decisions based strictly on self-interest, just like they do! Why shouldn’t I? If they can do it, why can’t I do it, too?
*Why should I give it to a bank for 1/2% a year, so they can lend it out to consumers at 28% a year? That’s a good deal for the bank, but a lousy deal for me.
Right wing FIEND @ 6
You can’t face the truth that your beloved right wing media LIES about almost everything..
Here’s the facts moron about The Netherlands:
I see in today’s news that Xerox Corp. is acquiring Affiliated Computer Services.
In making the announcement, Xerox’s CEO said: “By combining Xerox’s strengths in document technology with ACS’s expertise in managing and automating work processes, we’re creating a new class of solution provider.”
Translated into English, this means:
“While the increased deal-making is a good sign for the tech space and the economy more broadly, a weekend report showing that job-hunters outnumber job openings by a shocking 6 to 1 ratio indicates that Joseph Stiglitz may have been right when he predicted that while economic growth may pick up soon, jobs may not return for years. …
“Surely, the irony will not be lost that ACS, besides being a giant office services company, also specializes in outsourcing. During a conference call with investors, executives of both companies said they hope the deal will allow the combined company to lower their labor costs — corporate speak for layoffs. …
“Darwin Deason, founder and chairman of ACS, hailed the deal. Deason is poised to become one of the combined company’s largest individual shareholders. ‘This is a tremendous outcome for our shareholders … I will become one of the combined company’s largest individual shareholders[.]’
“While the deal may represent a ‘tremendous’ outcome for shareholders, neither the employees laid off as part of the merger, nor the workers whom ACS’s outsourcing business makes ‘redundant,’ are likely to share Deason’s enthusiasm.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: First of all, given there’s 6 unemployed workers competing for every available job, YLB’s chances of getting a job are only 1-in-6. Why even bother against odds like that?
Secondly, given our economic sytem’s monocentric focus on enriching CEOs, company founders, and large shareholders at the expense of everyone else, why should YLB get a job when that job is going to be merged, outsourced, or downsized anyway? I mean, why even go to the fucking trouble, when you’re only going to be there for 3 to 6 months before faceless managers in L.A. or N.Y. decide you’re “surplus”?
Note what this article said about economist Joseph Stiglitz’s prediction that we’re in for years of no job growth. Jobs and workers are becoming superfluous to the economy, it’s that simple. Nowadays, everyone makes their money by flipping assets, not by making stuff or producing anything. So, of course, an economy that does nothing but churn the same assets over and over has no jobs and no work. All it does is push the same dollars in endless circles, with the financial operators taking a skim off the top from each new transaction.
In other words, nothing has changed since the 2007 crash; it’s the same old bullshit that keeps concentrating all of the nation’s assets in fewer hands while turning more workers into surplusage and paying less and less to those who remain. So, what future is there in looking for work in an economy like that, Klown? Only an irrational person would stake his future on a job in an economic system like this.
The bottom line is you’re wrong. “Get a job” is the worst advice you can give YLB. The fact you told him to “get a job” demonstrates the depth and viciousness of your personal hatred for YLB merely because of ideological differences. You take politics way too personally, Klown. You shouldn’t be such a hater.
What you should do, Klown, is think of your ideological differences with YLB as a gentlemen’s disagreement. Then, if you desire to give him advice, you should give him advice that is actually useful. Instead of telling YLB to “get a job,” you should advise him to “buy stocks.”
Rog spews–
Yeah, but YLB was unemployed when any moron could get a job…’cept him!
Making excuses for YLB’s chronic unemployment makes you look even more foolish than you usually look Rog (as hard as that is to imagine!).
YLB is the perverbial DEAD HORSE!
Stop beating him!!
The moronic FIEND Klynical even lies about what I’ve said in this thread.
Nowhere did I say The Netherlands is a utopia. All places have their problems.
All I know is that in places like Canada and Europe people don’t have to worry about losing their health insurance. One less worry like that means people are generally happier in those places.
They LAUGH at us.
@11 Don’t listen to that guy @6 when he tells you to “get a job,” YLB! His advice is ill-intentioned. He means you harm. Buy stocks and flip them!
Rog spews–
In order to invest in stocks, you need capital. In order to acquire investment capital, it usually takes a job (source of income to support debt).
Therein lies a major point of resistence for YLB.
Handouts have always been his source of sustenance…it will never change.
You often have to wake up.
You also have to take a shower.
2 strikes against the unwashed YLB!
How ill-intentioned and mean-spirited can a person be? Wishing on someone low pay, long hards, hard work, high taxes, no benefits, and lack of respect speaks for itself. Klown is one vicious bastard! Living among goats has turned him into a misanthrope.
Roger, this dipshit tried to bait us back in the open thread with the Communist Manifesto.
Too lame for words.
YLB spews–
You certainly implied Amsterdam is a better place to live…now you are saying it is because they have Socialized Medicine??
One thing about Amsterdam YLB…they don’t take kindly and give handouts to ILLEGAL ALIENS> Try to get in there and live your jobless lifestyle. Won’t work.
They also don’t have skyscrapers filled with Ambulance Chasers gutting the economy.
Lots of fundamental differences.
As for LAUGHING at us??
See where that smile goes when the Taliban light ’em up. They will be begging for help.
Plus, people who are chronically stoned and have sex with multiple partners & zero morals…they often laugh.
It’s just in the end…they don’t.
Actually Rog, you Progressive KLOWNS are the misanthropes. You mistrust and hate people who are not as misinformed as you are!
You want BIG GOvernment and lots of rules, regs and high taxes to support it.
How is that loving mankind??
You seem to think you have all the answers. I trust INDIVIDUALS way more than BIG GOVERNMENT>
But that is because I do trust Mankind.
Heh. The Taliban “lit us up” too – on that chimp’s watch – that you voted for twice. Nice feather in his cap.
Islamist fanatics are equal opportunity killers as are Christian fanatics – like the murderer of Doctor Tiller.
It may be. I haven’t been there but I’ve known people who have and they like it a lot.
I’ve been to Montana in the summer but I probably wouldn’t like to live there – the winter is too damn cold.
Different strokes for different folks.
@16 “In order to invest in stocks, you need capital.”
You are truly laughable! None of the Wall Street big shots invest their own capital. They use other people’s money! Some hedge funds are leveraged 100-to-1 — for every dollar of investor capital they put in a deal, they end up owning $100 worth of assets! And it isn’t even the hedge fund manager’s dollar! What little capital they have comes from outside investors, and the manager takes anywhere from 25% to 40% of the profits off the top! The Republican Tax Code calls these commissions “capital gains” — the mother of all legal fictions — with the result that a guy like Stephen Schwarzmann makes $9 billion in one year but pays a lower tax rate than the $9-an-hour janitor who empties his wastebasket. This isn’t capitalism, it’s hoodlum banditry.
Nobody works for capital in this economy anymore, Klown. If they can’t invest other people’s money, they borrow it from the banks (a.k.a. taxpayers), or simply steal it. The whole idea is to get paid returns on other people’s money. That way, you don’t take any risks, and other people take the losses when you screw up.
We don’t have capitalism in this country. We have socialism for the rich. You get money by helping yourself to the returns on other people’s money, and making workers pay all the taxes. Then you convert the workers’ taxes into capital for the rich by creating financial panics that necessitate government bailouts that funnel their money into your pockets. That’s how it works under the Republican Economic System, Klown.
Why would anyone work for capital under a system like that? Why work for capital when you can simply steal it? That avoids all the unpleasantries of working.
Besides, it’s impossible to accumulate capital by working for it, anyway. How could you, when workers pay all the highest taxes, and capital is untaxed? Under such a system, the obvious way of getting capital is helping yourself to the capital that already exists. You can’t create capital by working for it, because there isn’t any money left after the taxes on wages.
@18 Let him. It’s fun to kick Klown in the gonads. I can spend all day making fun of him and his idiotic ideology. I get my rocks off by pulling his chain.
Oh this is brilliant. Just like that tape I linked to showed that drug use is generally lower in The Netherlands than here, I bet sexual promiscuity is probably lower as well.
In Scandinavia, people have hangups about alcohol – as a result everyone is freaking drunk.
Here, people have hangups about sex – as a result everyone is fucking their brains out in all kinds of weird ways.
See Republicans like Mike Duvall, Larry Craig and David Vitter for the proof.
OOOOPS – excuse me.. Conservatives like Mike Duvall, Larry Craig and David Vitter.
@20 “How is that loving mankind??”
Where did you ever get the idea that I love your species? I can’t wait until you’re extinct! Then rabbits will fill your niche, and I’ll run this planet as the Rabbit King.
@20 (continued) “I do mistrust BIG GOVERNMENT, PROGRESSIVES and OBAMUNISM.
But that is because I do trust Mankind.”
I don’t mistrust Republicans. That’s a misunderstanding. I evaluated the empirical evidence of your performance and concluded that Republicans are hopeless fuckups. Basket cases. I don’t hate you guys. I just don’t want you running anything, that’s all, so your stupidity can’t hurt the rest of us. I don’t care what you do to yourselves.
@22 “the winter is too damn cold”
Not a problem when you have a warm goat to snuggle up to.
We want to prohibit corporations from “externalizing” their costs. They can make as much money as they want as long they don’t hurt anybody. Polluting the environment is fouling our own nest.
We want to tax to promote the general welfare – that means everyone who benefits from government services should contribute – individuals and corporations alike. Promoting the general welfare is in the preamble to the Constitution. We’re all in this together.
Why are you so anti-American?
RR @ 12
I’m impressed that Xerox is still in business. They must be living off their patent royalties.
I tried to buy Xerox gear once. Horrible experience. They wanted to do a credit check on my $400m/year employer. By the time the first unit arrived, incorrectly configured, their competitor (HP) had a better product (features, cost, reliability) available. So the Xerox crap got shipped back. I’ve never looked at Xerox again.
@30 I have a Xerox Docuprint 12 b&w laser printer that I bought for $500 in 1998. It’s still working a dozen years and a quarter million copies later, although the ink cartridges are getting harder to find. I have to buy them on eBay now for $40, instead of the $140 I used to pay for them in computer stores. As long as some online entrepreneur keeps refilling the cartridges, this printer could keep going for another 20 years … the best computer peripheral I’ve ever owned.
29. YLB spews:
YLB…look at yourself.
You have no job.
You haven’t had a job in years.
It’s impossible to care what you want.
You are a leech on Society…not a producer.
32 – Some “producers” are responsible for a large salmon fish kill on the Klamath thanks to a man you voted for twice – Dick Cheney.
Perfect example of corporations “externalizing costs”.
Someone made a tidy profit and that’s all that matters to you it seems.
You mentioned something about “leaches”?
FUUUUUCCCKKKKK……Klynical is from MONTANA. The only comparable pit of idiocy is maybe Alabama.
Wacko religious nuts, polygamists, anarchists and poverty stricken slaves of the people Klynical worships.
All anyone needs to know about vomitmouth Klynical.
Cynical retired to Montana. Butt if you’ve been paying attention you’d know more.