Last week’s winners were ibogaine, who first guessed the correct location of Chilliwack, BC, Cody, who posted the link, and Dan Robinson for making horrible puns.
And to answer a question from last week, I’m not getting paid by Microsoft to do this (although I used to work there), I just think it’s cool technology.
Here’s this week’s contest. No credit for just naming the city or town, gotta name the street or post the link to win. Good luck!
Oakland, CA
Well, the architecture looks southern Gulf coast, and the ground looks soggy, so I’ll say Galveston but don’t ask me for a street — I think we should sell Texas back to Mexico and be done with it. I can’t take any more Texican politicians.
I’m terrible at these things.
Yeah, Im thinking California since those empty lots are on an embankment…
Hey Roger there ain’t no hills in Galveston fer nothin’ to slide down.
How’s about Portland, OR where a house or two just recently slid down hill.
You’re on the right track, but it’s not Portland.
Nasty, nasty, nasty. Which is a challenge. But I don’t think I’m going to have it figured out before SNL’s over.
That is exactly where Mark the Redneck Retard planted his last trailer.
Ha, that’s the winner so far. :)
Ok, I am close then.
Here is my next guess.
That location is the Corner of McCain Street and Palin Avenue, The City of Nightmares Not To Be, AZ/AK, crushed by a landslide.
Strange. yesterday the image was there. Today it’s not. (running Firefox w/ NoScript extension) Oh well.
I can see it now. We’ve definitely seen it before where an image is there one minute and not the next. Not sure why that happens.
It’s a Palin property in Wasilla, AK.
These birds eye view contests are lame. Find something relevant to post – or better yet, just drop this site. It’s getting tiresome….