Last week’s contest was won by It was Dublin, Ireland. Wes also found that the building on the corner was Slattery’s Pub, which is filled with rugby fans in this YouTube video.
Here’s this week’s, good luck!
by Lee — ,
Last week’s contest was won by It was Dublin, Ireland. Wes also found that the building on the corner was Slattery’s Pub, which is filled with rugby fans in this YouTube video.
Here’s this week’s, good luck!
Must be hard…usually this is answered in the first 15 minutes!! It looks like the President’s house at a university, or a Base Commander’s office on some military base….but since I have no idea how you guys find the answer ( short of recognizing a place you have been to), so obviously I am guessing!
Sparky, your intuition is good, follow it…
You can click the picture, go to where you think it might be on the map and click the ‘Bird’s Eye’ link.
Tim Eyman’s house?
LOL. Good guess.
Well it ain’t Mark Sanford’s beach front home. Puddy thought Lee would be tricky this week.
I had the same thought but would add two things:
1. It is not a Commander’s house since I do not see the usual flagpole.
2, It is likley in the NorthEast, given the decidual vegitation, or possibly in Northern Europe/England.
I would guess it is one of the rural boy’s schools in New England or one of the older small colleges .. Amherst? Smith? Wellsley? Andover? Haverford?
I am sure it is not Harvard, Yale or Columbia.
A lot of the trees and shrubs look freshly-planted. I don’t know if that helps.
1. The young trees and their arrangement does not make this look like an older English house or an older college building.
The trees are in several rows in the corner of the front yard and that just wasn’t done.
2. Ditto the square shaped gravelly drive. Older buildings had oval drive, no one in a carriage would make a hard right angle turn like that. This is a new architect’s idea of doing an old looking building.
3. the Georgian symmetry and the front plaza make it look like an estate more than a college building.
4. The terracing behind the house is a sign of wealth, and it makes it look more Southern or English than a New England school.
I am not a douchebag.
I am not a sleazebag.
I am not a slimeball.
I am not a shitass.
I am not an asswipe.
I am not a sleazeball.
I am not a scofflaw.
I am not a crook.
I am a babe magnet.
Lee, Goldy, et al.
I usually do not like censorship, but this thread is a good example of where HA needs it. Lee’s game is fun for some, but the clowns and trolls ruin it for everyone else.
BTW, I feel the same way about Carl’s post on Othello. He wrote some very interesting NEW perspectives but they got lost in the effluent.
@23 Yeah, I don’t like seeing the Bird’s Eye thread degenerate like this.
Steve @ 28
Isn’t it funny how these has-beens (or never-beens, really) like the Klown @ 27 desperately try to keep their hat in the ring…
Pretty sad really…
Looks remarkably like Greenwich, London.
Ugh, I will be deleting off-topic posts in this thread from now on.
The contest is still unsolved.
Can someone tell me if anyone got the right answer? I don’t want to read through all the comments above. Jesus….
You mean, THIS Greenwich?
No, no one’s gotten it yet, although ‘sparky’ at #2 was definitely on the right track…
Hmmm, Sparky said: ” It looks like the President’s house at a university, or a Base Commander’s office on some military base…”
Could it be the Superintendent’s residence at a military acadamy? Hard to get images from Google Maps, but from other pics online I would rule out West Point and the Naval Acadamy (architecture is too old at those bases). But what about the U.S. Air Force Acadamy at Boulder, Colorado? The building on the left of the picture below looks like similar architecture to the surrounding ones in the posted picture.
Naval Acadamy Picture
Am I getting hot, or cold?
Long-shot, but could it be the Agalarov Golf & Country Club outside Moscow?
@45 Rats. It’s not a governors mansion, best I can tell (although NJ’s comes pretty close). Academic building is still my thinking (brick building nearby, no roads), NE or SE united states or somewhere in the UK.
I do not think it is a military academy …
1. no flag staff
2. no parade ground
Also the building to the left looks like a pre WWII dorm or class room .. the kind of thing one sees a lot of at Harvard, Andover, etc.
The unfenced lawns, btw also rule out most urban sites in the US.
I looked from the air at Andover, Exeter, Wellesley, and Haverford but did not see it. I did note that the two NE schools foliage looked a lot less green than this.
The link to the location is at:
It’s that brick building to the left which has stymied Puddy four different times now.
Another option: a sanitorium or some such — institutional buildings on large grounds around old estate house / mansion.
Not in the Northeast, the grass is not green enough. Looks more like a Southern Plantation.
My first notion was to look at plantations. Many historical plantations in the South are kept up with nice landscaping. However, I came up empty handed after an hour or so of research.
So, I ducked in today to find the answer, and instead find myself completely unenthused after reading dozens of crap comments.
Lee, let me know if something is done to prevent these morons from using this space in such a sad way. Until then, I won’t be coming back.
Milwhcky, they will be deleted shortly
They’re deleted now.
Pretty cold, my friend. Tommy and Milwhcky are on the right track.
Frustrating – I am anxiously awaiting the answer…
My guess is that it’s in VA.
I doubt it’s a plantation – not with the two-story building beside it. I think we are looking at the back of the building in the center of the portrait, which might mean that there is indeed a flagpole out front. When I mentioned a military acadamy, I was thinking that the big expanse of lawn with new trees might have been some sort of parade ground, but that was a stretch.
Looking at LOTS of college campuses – and the ones in the south (Vanderbilt, Duke, etc) all have birds eye views taken in winter – I’m going to concentrate on those up north.
I just has an iodd idea. The Naval Observatory?
Tried Biden’s house, pixelated but no.
A governor’s mansion would be my guess… but it doesn’t look like any I can find.
No, SJ, the Naval Observatory is still pixellated. As are the White House, Treasury Department, OEOB, Lafayette Park, the Capitol, SCOTUS, LOC, Congressional office buildings (but not the State Department, FBI, IRS, and most other agencies). Thanks again, Darth Cheney.
I agree with rhp6033 that we’re looking at the back of the building. I wonder whether the portico on the north side has columns…
Ok..see what I mean? lol..I have no idea about the history of shapes of driveways..but I will keep looking!
It reminds me more of the grounds of some kind of institution — thus a university or medical place; the brick buildings (one shown, and the roof of a matching one just below it) have just got to be government.
Not a military parade grounds, though: the shrubbery & trees.
Not landscaped well enough to be private rich folks, though. Plus, the government-ish buildings to the left are on the same campus as the house.
Cater Hall, Auburn University, Auburn, AL. Not the exact birdseye photo, but this is the place.
“Built in 1915, Cater Hall originally served as the President’s Home. It is named for Katharine Cooper Cater, dean of women from 1946 until 1976, and dean of student life from 1976 until her death in 1980.” — from Auburn’s campus map.
Nicely done!
THIS looks more like the original view.
Wes – Good Job
You guys must work fir the CIA!
Heh, talk about a building being out of context with its neighbors. I bet that’s what drew Lee to it.
I intentionally showed just a part of the building on the left (and the pathways) to make it easier to tell it was a campus of some kind, and sparky guessed what kind of a building it was all the way in the first comment. It just took a while to figure out which college.
Not a lot of SEC fans hereabouts, I’d say.
Hell, even Alabamans think of Auburn as a cow college.
I owe my triumph to the trolls. If milwhcky hadn’t been too disgusted to wade through their junk, he’d have gotten it like Sunday afternoon.
I bow in reverence to wes! I have a better idea of how this works, now…I did look at some universities but had to leave this afternoon. I will try again next week! although the potty mouth tells me why I am often the only female to post on HA :)
You might be surprised, this IS Seattle and who really knows what is hidden “below the screen” when the Trolls roam these fields?
N. in Seattle said:
I’m ashamed to say I didn’t even think of looking at Auburn. My Dad was an alumni there (he went to college on the G.I. Bill), and graduated with an engineering degree.
Wes’ history of Katherine Cooper Carter is therefore of some interest, being the Dean of Women there while my Dad was in college. Auburn was/is a technical & engineering school, which in the 1940’s and 1950’s meant that you could probably put the entire female student population in one small classroom, with some desks left over. My Dad mentioned that when he was in college the first time (before he was called up for Korea), just about everyone there was a former G.I., was broke, and traveled light (carrying a very small suitcase, not much larger than a briefcase). When going home on holiday, the few who had cars would load up the car with as many guys as they could fit into it, dropping off people along the way, so that the gas expense would be as small as possible (divided among many people). But if they had to take a co-ed along, she would bring several larger suitcases and the dreaded hat-boxes, which took up the space that could otherwise be used by two or three male students. For that reason the women had a lot of trouble finding rides home for the holidays, something which they could never quite understand.
By the way, I am encouraged by this week’s contest. Usually someone has the answer within fifteen minutes or so, long before I even see the post. I was beginning to think that some here were using a technical solution (image comparison software) being used. At least now I know that it really is a fair contest.
Thanks rhp, I was surprised how long it took for this one to get solved – I kept checking on my Blackberry from work to see if anyone had gotten it (sadly, I could not delete the annoying comments from it, I had to come home first).
As far as I know, there’s never been anyone cheating here. I’m always trying to come up with pictures that aren’t too easy, but not completely impossible (much of residential America – especially suburbia – looks the same). I generally try to see how easy it is to find a location through Google, but there have been times where someone will figure out a location in a way I hadn’t thought of (once, an image I thought would be really hard was found right away by typing a description of the building into a Google image search).
@53 I held out for a few posts but then succumbed to the temptation to strike back. Sorry about that, Lee. I usually try to avoid the Bird’s Eye thread and other threads where serious discussion is happening as I’ve got a few nasty and very disruptive trolls who follow me wherever I go. heh- Why me?