Last week’s contest was won by Theophrastus. It was Bonn, Germany.
This week’s a random location from the Google Maps views, good luck! (you may have noticed that the redesign allows for larger images in these posts from now on, thanks Goldy!)
And Happy Mother’s Day!
The only places in the world zoned like this are Nigeria, Mumbai, and Texas.
My best guess was Queenstown, Eastern Cape, South Africa, among the very few cities and towns in the world with a hexagonal street grid—but the structures don’t match.,+Eastern+Cape,+South+Africa&t=h&ll=-31.895914,26.870595&z=17&output=classic
And in case the URL gets truncated (where are the html tag buttons?):
That’s pretty similar, but not it.
looks like a bit of Lutyens (an architect) section of New Delhi
( )
( ) but, maybe not…. that image appears a bit more compact. than Lutyens/Delhi