Last week’s contest was won by It was Lake Worth, FL, the location of this disturbing Florida news story.
This week’s contest is related to something in the news from March, good luck!
by Lee — ,
Last week’s contest was won by It was Lake Worth, FL, the location of this disturbing Florida news story.
This week’s contest is related to something in the news from March, good luck!
Too easy, Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka.
I assume the stable in the middle of the picture is where the stallions perform same-gender copulation? And it looks like God shoots hoops in His spare time.
@2 hahahah
One thing I forgot to post. You should go to the Google street view and look at the paint job at the Equality House across the road from them.,+KS&hl=en&ll=39.045638,-95.721272&spn=0.001504,0.002061&sll=47.613028,-122.342064&sspn=0.47261,1.055374&oq=topek&t=h&hnear=Topeka,+Shawnee+County,+Kansas&z=20&layer=c&cbll=39.045638,-95.721272&panoid=0-_8eQxMlkvlKrIFi-WVgQ&cbp=12,74.42,,0,0″ rel=”nofollow”
4: The street view is hilarious with the folks getting their picture taken in the front yard of Equality House, then pointing to the Google car.
That’s awesome. Good win!