Last week’s contest was won by It was the north end of the CNN complex in downtown Atlanta. Here’s this week’s, good luck!
by Lee — ,
Last week’s contest was won by It was the north end of the CNN complex in downtown Atlanta. Here’s this week’s, good luck!
Reminds me of all those dusty, dirty, run-down old desert exurbs in Southern California.
Waco, Texas
Darn, I knew I forgot to water my backyard!
That is – if my backyard is the state of Arizona…..
Nasty, Lee.
Home from church, off to dinner. Back this evening.
Hope somebody’s solved it by then. I could go blind squinting at a zillion little places across the southwest.
Something about those cars. Could it be somewhere in Mexico?
Mexico doesn’t have any 2-story buildings.
I think the key to this picture is all the dust on the highway. Do you notice how the traffic has worn paths through the dust? This could be a town in the path of Mt. Redoubt, except there’s no snow or ice. Didn’t something erupt in Hawaii last week? Methinks it’s in Hawaii.
The South End of the CNN Complex in Downtown Atlanta. The part they don’t show you on TV.
That is not dust, it is oil from the cars or just the wear of the pavement where the cars travel.
Those cars are late model cars – 70’s and 60’s. Has to be an undeveloped nation, or like a portiin of Texas.
Very limited utilities in the road too. Not even one catch basin or manhole for Sewer or Storm drianage. Mexico!
So, what’s distinctive about this picture?
What’s that large antenna-like thing on the flat-roofed building on the right?
What’s the white smudge in the very upper-right corner? A part of a sign?
What’s the short thing standing up along the right side of the road in the upper left? It’s not a fire hydrant, and I don’t think it’s a person.
What’s the thing just above the center that seems to cast a shadow wider than it appears to be?
Can we deduce anything from the angle and depth of the shadows as to what the latitude is of the location? It appears that South is to the right, assuming the photo was taken around mid-day.
The main road appears to be some kind of highway, because it has fog lines (although well-worn).
We need one of those magical devices they use in the Tom Clancy movies that creates details that aren’t there!
A real stumper, Lee…
Yep, I’ve been throwing out some tough ones recently. :)
“What’s the thing just above the center that seems to cast a shadow wider than it appears to be?”
The camper? it’s a camper.
I’m in Tucson.
Not sure where this place is though.