Last week’s contest was won by poster child. It was the CERN Large Hadron Collider facility along the Switzerland-France border.
This week’s location is another random place on earth, good luck!
by Lee — ,
Last week’s contest was won by poster child. It was the CERN Large Hadron Collider facility along the Switzerland-France border.
This week’s location is another random place on earth, good luck!
This is frustrating.. I am guessing it is near the Estación Atocha in Madrid, near the site of the train bombings in 2004. I am pretty sure those are Cercanías trains of the Spanish Commuter line.. However, I can get a direct confirmation, so I could be wrong..
It’s Barcelona, Spain.
The corner is the intersection of Ronda de la Via and Carrer del Doctor Marti I Julia.
Here’s the URL, although the view looks slightly different than Lee’s (among other things, the train isn’t in the view I found):
Damn. Thanks.
@1&3: You were definitely on the right track (pun intended). The train infrastructure pointed to Europe, and the style of the buildings and the dry look of the place pointed to Spain. The train, as you noted, looks like one of Spain’s Renfe commuter trains.
Based on those factors, Madrid was a good guess. I don’t know why, but Barcelona was the first thing that popped into my mind.
Good win! This was a tough one.