Last week’s contest was won by Clara. It was Langley, BC.
For this week’s contest, we’ll once again switch over to using Google’s new 45 degree views. This is a random location somewhere on earth, good luck!
by Lee — ,
Last week’s contest was won by Clara. It was Langley, BC.
For this week’s contest, we’ll once again switch over to using Google’s new 45 degree views. This is a random location somewhere on earth, good luck!
Only Las Vegas looks like this.
Sadly, I disagree; Vegas doesn’t have a monopoly on this sort of thing. With the vaguely Spanish-type architecture, I’d say some ritzy tourist locale in Florida or California.
I don’t like Google 45degree. But fwiw, THIS will get you to a relatively updated map of coverage areas. Not outlines of covered areas, alas.
Santa Monica, CA?
Spent a good amount of time searching on phrases like glass domed gazebo, glass domed pergola, glass domed entrance, red brick courtyard with glass domed entrance, etc.
@5 me too. Will keep tweaking the searches.
Oddities in the place:
1. The plaza’s pattern interrupted by a drab building that seems to me to be older than the shopping mall (or whatever) and the plaza itself. WHAT is the story there? Did they build the mall expecting that the drab building was gonna sell & be torn down, then that fell thru?
2. The red-roofed building below: hotel? And is it old, or just built to look old?
3. One-way big street, & empty small street give very little clue as to right-hand or left-hand driving. Parked pickup/trailer on small street is parked on left, but it’s a one-way street too. Street on the bottom appears to be one half of a divided two-way … though whatever appears at lower right corner doesn’t exactly look like street. Maybe streetcar lane?
4. No legible logos, no visible flags.
5. photoshopped printing across the big street, just behind car, would just say “2012 Google” or something like that. Boring.
Never could find it, but based on the street markings, and the fact that there are four lanes of one-way traffic, I predict it’s somewhere in Los Angeles. Also, on the corner of the domed building, that circle above the windows might be a Starbuck’s logo.
@8: starbucks at a mall. Yep, that’ll narrow it down. :-)