Last week’s contest was won by It was Coeur d’Alene, ID.
This week’s is related to a TV show or a movie, good luck!
by Lee — ,
Last week’s contest was won by It was Coeur d’Alene, ID.
This week’s is related to a TV show or a movie, good luck!
Hawaii Five-O?
Near Mokule’ia, Hawaii. I think this was from Lost.
“Hawaii Five-O”
One of you haven’t watch TV for awhile, maybe even for a few decades.
@3 Actually, CBS is now in its third season of a reboot of the Hawaii Five-O franchise, with Alex O’Loughlin in the Jack Lord role.
And Lost ran through 2010. So there’s at least the possibility that both commenters are reasonably current. Even Roger.
@4 Heh. I can’t say that I’ve watched TV for a few years either.
I never did see Lost. If Lee would only show more golf courses I might finally win one of these darned things. At first glance, I thought this one might be a golf course. Sigh! I suppose even then milwhcky would beat me to it.
I have never watched a single episode of Lost. There’s very little network TV that interests me. I usually watch movies, certain cable networks, hockey games, and motorsports.
@3,4 My TV quit working in 1978 and I recycled it in 1980 after Reagan was elected because I figured there would never again by anything on TV worth watching.
Deleted due to idiocy – didn’t catch that someone already got it.
@7,8 I own a TV now for DVD-watching purposes, but it’s not hooked up for reception; I’ve never actually bought a TV in my life. The few events I’d want to see I can catch online.
That said, I do stand in grocery checkout lines. This inadvertently results in a great deal of useless knowledge of TV and celebrity developments, and an enormous amount of self-loathing that I even know who “Brad” and “Angelina” are.
I still can’t figure out what possible significance the Kardashians have, though…
“I still can’t figure out what possible significance the Kardashians have, though…”
That one puzzles me as well. I’m thinking alien invasion. Yeah, they’ve gotta be aliens.
Good win! I’ve actually never seen Lost either, but I’m running out of ideas for this category from the TV shows and movies I know well. :)
I still can’t figure out what possible significance the Kardashians have, though…
I’m fairly certain they have none, other than a willingness to be on camera a lot.
And because I’m running out of ideas for this category, I’ve been thinking about experimenting with one week a month where instead of using Bing, we use the Google maps competitor. It appears they’re starting to map quite a bit in their version of the Bird’s Eye, including Saudi Arabia. Might need to check that out.