Last week’s contest was won by It was the Paris location of Jason Bourne’s apartment in the Bourne Identity.
This week’s contest is a location somewhere in Washington state, good luck!
by Lee — ,
Last week’s contest was won by It was the Paris location of Jason Bourne’s apartment in the Bourne Identity.
This week’s contest is a location somewhere in Washington state, good luck!
Looks like a tract development in the Sammamish Plateau. They don’t have tract developments like this in eastern Washington, except maybe in the Spokane area.
Thanks for the hint, Roger
As it was a team effort, I should get 50% credit for this one.
Boring houses placed too close together. yuck.
Good win and yeah, Roger deserves credit for narrowing it down so well.
Those are awfully small yards – minimum lot sizes designed to barely fit within the required easements. If your neighbor wanted some Grey Poupon, you could probably hand it to them across the upstairs windows. Limited street parking available, but it’s presumably free.
On the plus side, little lawn care required. You could get by with an old manual grass mower if you do it faithfully every week.
@6 The only reason there’s any spacing at all between units is because developers can get more for “detached” dwellings than “townhomes” or “condos.” These are nothing more than glorified condos.
The houses and yards look fine. the neighborhood is terrible.
There is nothing around there.
Miles to nearest store, and only one path in or out.