Last week’s contest was won by Deathfrogg. It was Norwich, England.
This week’s is another random location somewhere on earth. Good luck!
by Lee — ,
Last week’s contest was won by Deathfrogg. It was Norwich, England.
This week’s is another random location somewhere on earth. Good luck!
Dunkerton, Iowa
@ 1
Damn, that was fast. Never would have looked there. Iowa is so flat and nondescript that even the hillbillies think the local garbage dump is too tall to climb.
Dang. I was on the right road; just hadn’t gotten that far east yet.
@2, the main clue is the “C66” in the upper-right corner of the image. Add that to the silos, and it comes up Iowa. Problem is, it’s a long stretch of road for a county highway.
Lee left us a clue with the highway C66 label in the upper right corner. I was familiar with Iowa county roads having that letter-number format. That highway number travels east-west through the northern part of the state. I simply followed it on the map until finding a nearby railroad.
As anyone who has ever participated in RAGBRAI (the Des Moines Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa) can tell you, Iowa is decidedly not flat. Lots and lots and lots of rolling hills.
It’s a very pleasant place to visit.
RAGBRAI’s on my bucket list! Look like a great ride.
Good win!
My co-worker just did that. Hot year to do it!