Last week’s contest was won by milwhcky for his second in a row. It was the Octopus Car Wash in Albuquerque, where scenes from Breaking Bad were filmed.
This week’s is a location somewhere in Washington state, good luck!
by Lee — ,
Last week’s contest was won by milwhcky for his second in a row. It was the Octopus Car Wash in Albuquerque, where scenes from Breaking Bad were filmed.
This week’s is a location somewhere in Washington state, good luck!
It wouldn’t surprise me if this was near a military base. Identical old small houses and newer side-by-side condos.
Asshat troll paradise!
Near Whidbey Island Naval Air Station.
[Edit: Technically part of the base.]
Souless sprawlville anywhere USA.
@4 – Nice job. I was going through a list of bases alphabetically, but you beat me to it.
Well, thanks for the good tip @2.
Whidbey was the first base I checked. I’ve flown over the Whidbey Island Naval Air Station dozens of times going between Snohomish and airports in the San Juan Islands. I don’t remember noticing that particular housing development, but the contest photo seemed consistent with what I might expect to see there.
Well, I’m going to come in #retroactively @1 and say NAS Whidbey.
Sorry, Darryl. By Mitt rules, I won.
I would guess you live more in a housing development than I do, YLBigot.
your old lady give you back your balls yet? When you gonna man-up?
Nice job Darryl – I was going to guess the same – but it would have just been a wild guess.
Why does YLBigot hate the military?
“Sorry, Darryl. By Mitt rules, I won.”
Drats! Foiled again!
Nice move.
“lmfao..”. The silly racist @ 9 is quick to call north Seattle neighborhoods built out in the late 40’s “shitholes” but holds this kind of boring, cookie-cutter development as paradise where morons like him like to live, i.e. live apart from people they hate.
Why does this moron hate brains so much??
not all seattle neighborhoods are shitholes, just yours…Im sure your neighbors just love the cars on blocks in front of your place.
Thanks, but I will keep my forested acreage…helps keep the riffraff like you away…
anytime you wanna compare tax returns – then we can see who the TEH STOOPID one is….
lazy….chump…no nutsack having….girlyman…
@9, 12 I’ve dealt personally with Paul Watson. He’s a vile, foul, self-aggrandizing, lying, manipulative, racist asshole who hates everyone that doesn’t think exactly like him and who found himself a good scam. Other than that last bit, in other words, he’s apparently just like you. Jealous much?
Good win Darryl!