Last week’s contest was won by Blue John (with Liberal Scientist getting the actual link). It was (I think) the Wawa in Quakertown, PA where Mitt Romney showed up unannounced to avoid protesters at a different Quakertown Wawa.
This week’s contest is a random location somewhere on earth, good luck!
It’s the Calle Teodosio El Granda in Segovia, Spain.
40°56’52.44″N 4° 7’4.11″W
Looks like it’s been a while since they updated their plumbing.
“Looks like it’s been a while since they updated their plumbing.”
Yeah, something in the order of about 2,000 years!
I was looking in Segovia, but the aquaduct there, at least in the center of the city, has a 1:1 ratio of smaller/top arches to larger/lower arches, and the one here is 3:1.
I does look like Spain, though.
Aqueduct in Montpellier, France
This search irritated the hell out of me, as my usual tricks at finding answers on the internet didn’t work. I eventually found a photo of this one after an hourlong session of looking at random aqueduct photos on
5: Well done! Though the Saint Clément Aqueduct wasn’t built by Romans, but in the 17th century. (Which means I at least was totally wasting my time, except I got to see some pretty nice pictures..)
Good win! I think this is my first aqueduct one, but after a couple hundred of these, I may be forgetting one…