Last week’s contest was won by It was the Whispering Firs Golf Course on JBLM.
This week’s contest is related to something in the news from June, good luck!
by Lee — ,
Last week’s contest was won by It was the Whispering Firs Golf Course on JBLM.
This week’s contest is related to something in the news from June, good luck!
Judging from the brown dirt in the lower left and the stripes it looks like something in the south. Or back east.
It looks like a convenience store.
This looks like a good possibility.
“QUAKERTOWN, Penn. (CNN) — The presence of protesters and former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell was enough to steer Mitt Romney’s campaign bus toward another Wawa store in Quakertown Saturday.”
“Romney’s campaign bus was less than a half-hour away from the Wawa on John Fries Highway when journalists were told his bus would be stopping elsewhere.”
The store striping matches
I have to go to a movie, but I bet someone can find the right one quickly.
It’s a gas station and restaurant on a busy arterial just off an interstate. Looks a little bit like Moses Lake, Washington. I’ll guess the news story is about plunging gas prices depriving Republicans of an issue against Obama.
This is all Blue John’s:
Here it is.
His link @1 is the wrong particular store, but all I did was search Bing Map for “Quakertown PA Wawa” and the first one up was the correct location, the one on West End Blvd.
Thanks Lib. I knew I had the wrong store, the one I found was the one Chicken romney was too afraid to go to.
No sweat – you had all the answers – I just ‘Bing’d’ what you said and – VOILA! – there is was.
Good win. I’m not 100% sure that this is the Wawa that Romney went to. There are two listed on Route 309 and it has to be one of those two, but I never figured out which one. The one he was supposed to go to originally was on 663 near the Turnpike (and doesn’t appear to have been built by the time the views were taken). My girlfriend in high school lived right around there, and I’m not sure any of these Wawa’s had gone in yet by that time (I guess I’m showing my age).
Anyway, I was really hoping to do the pub in England where David Cameron left his daughter behind in, but I couldn’t match up the pictures of the place online with what I was seeing in the Bird’s Eye Views.
This really should be Blue John’s win.
I looked at the picture and had no idea what the ‘news’ significance was.
I merely took Blue John’s description @1 and plugged it into Bing Map. It was the #1 search result.
This will be a two-winner week.