Last week’s contest had two winners. Tommy Thompson was the first to guess the location (Santa Fe, New Mexico). was first to post the link. Here’s this week’s, good luck!
White people are a minority on earth, so why are the majority of towns and areas that Lee selects for this game white-majority areas? He must go out of his way to avoid towns in Africa, because Africa has three times the population of America. White areas are over-represented in this game. Why?
You’ll have to ask why Microsoft has detailed aerial photos of European & North American locations but hardly any for locations anywhere else in the world.
Lee’s been (in this and the other location) pretty random in his selections of locations — though he’s stayed away from particular images that are non-identifiable.
6 – I looked at nairobi, cairo, tripoli, lagos, johannesburg..
No “bird’s eye” views from
Nice try at that tiresome race baiting of yours Troll.
Make that NO locations outside Europe, US, Canada, Australia.
The ice storm that slammed the American mid-south in the last weekend of January and then moved onward to the East Coast has left an estimated 1.3 million people without power. And nowhere was hit harder than Kentucky, where some 700,000 people lost electricity and 24 deaths were attributed to the storm. Yet President Barack Obama only declared the state a major disaster area this week. What took so long? Where is the presidential compassion for the victims of this tremendous disaster?
Does obama not like white people?
Or is it simply that these people that cling to their guns and religion aren’t deserving compassion from obama and the democrats.
Is this the change people voted for?
Marvin Stamnspews:
10. Troll spews:
Just admit it, Lee has a bias for using white areas.
Seattle Jew had a post on his blog about lee and black people. He offered to help lee by introducing lee to some black people, lee didn’t take him up on the offer.
So you’re not the only person noticing lee and his affinity for whiteness.
Hey genius, don’t you think it would have been smarter to link your comment to an article that wasn’t saying that federal interventions in situations like that are difficult and there was very little Obama could have done differently?
Wow! You and Troll are having quite a contest for being the stupidest person in this thread. I think I’ll announce the winner in next week’s contest. I think he’s still ahead, but I know you can do it!
@17 Seattle Jew had a post on his blog about lee and black people. He offered to help lee by introducing lee to some black people, lee didn’t take him up on the offer.
You might want to try to find a more reputable source than SeattleJew (whose employer encouraged me to file a harassment claim with SPD recently) in order to discredit me.
I’ll root for Marvin as well. I know Marvin can beat troll hands down as absolutely the stupidest person in any thread (save for Stupes of course).
I’m counting on you Stamn! Don’t let your fans down.
Marvin! Marvin! Marvin!
Marvin Stamnspews:
Oops, my bad.
Seattle jew did introduce lee to some black people.
I have even introduced Lee to some folks I know in the Black community
Probably an eye opening experience for lee.
Marvin Stamnspews:
18. Lee spews:
Hey genius, don’t you think it would have been smarter to link your comment to an article that wasn’t saying that federal interventions in situations like that are difficult and there was very little Obama could have done differently?
I see you are replying to me again.
Nice to see you jump when I post.
Different standards for different parties… where was this logic when it came to bush/katrina?
Oh, and by the way, SeattleJew invited me to a “stop the violence” rally in the Central District, which I attended. That’s true.
Different standards for different parties… where was this logic when it came to bush/katrina?
Katrina, as a humanitarian disaster, was still significantly worse than what happened recently in Kentucky.
Marvin Stamnspews:
19. Lee spews:
You might want to try to find a more reputable source than SeattleJew (whose employer encouraged me to file a harassment claim with SPD recently) in order to discredit me.
He said something you didn’t like so you went running to your blog to post about him and then complained to his employer?
Like I said… you were that kid on the playground that talked shit and then when it was time to get your ass kicked you cried and said you were going to sue them if they touched you.
Typical mama’s boy.
Hey, that’s how I am going to refer to you from now on, mama’s boy. It fits you.
p.s. run to your blog and write about me.
Dave Gibneyspews:
Taking detailed air photos good enough for birdseye would be a good way to get shot down in many parts of the world outside North America and Europe.
Marvin Stamnspews:
23. Mama’s Boy spews:
Katrina, as a humanitarian disaster, was still significantly worse than what happened recently in Kentucky.
So it would have been even harder for bush to deal with katrina than obama and kentucky.
Yet obama gets a pass for an easier disaster because “federal interventions in situations like that are difficult.”
What would the democrats do without the liberal media covering for them.
@24 He said something you didn’t like so you went running to your blog to post about him and then complained to his employer?
Oh no. He has continued to try to personally contact me after it was made clear to him that he should not be doing that any more. He became a crazy stalker who would not leave me alone. For some reason, I tend to attract people like that when I blog (hmm, I wonder why…LOL).
I called his employer because he was using his University of Washington email to keep sending me mails. They told me to file a police report. SPD said that what he was doing was harassment, but I did not press charges. I think he understands now that he’s not my friend and needs to stop trying to contact me.
The whole episode has made me wonder whether I should keep fucking with the crazy people I encounter on the internet, but you still seem pretty harmless.
@26 So it would have been even harder for bush to deal with katrina than obama and kentucky.
Not necessarily. The devastation in Kentucky is over a more widespread area. You couldn’t just send supplies to a single place. I’m sure that the relief effort in Kentucky has not been ideal, but Katrina was a far more spectacular failure.
@26 What would the democrats do without the liberal media covering for them.
Um, I don’t think Reason Magazine is exactly the “liberal media”, dummy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 “White people are a minority on earth, so why are the majority of towns and areas that Lee selects for this game white-majority areas?”
To see if he can get a rise out of a racist pig like you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I swear, debating the stupidity of these trolls with them is like trying to tell a rock it isn’t a giraffe. You don’t get anywhere because … well, because it’s a fucking rock and rocks aren’t very fucking smart.
Marvin Stamnspews:
31. Roger Rabbit spews:
I swear, debating the stupidity of these trolls with them is like trying to tell a rock it isn’t a giraffe. You don’t get anywhere because … well, because it’s a fucking rock and rocks aren’t very fucking smart.
A rock is smart enough not to tell other rocks they are not giraffes.
Would that make a rock smarter than you?
It does seem to me that the idiots have one point — Microsoft’s LiveMaps is ignoring the developing world, largely. They could do better (Not to mention, having birdseye views in the database of Kampala & Kathmandu & Cuzco could make the contest crazy good.)
Marvin Stamnspews:
27. mama’s boy spews:
For some reason, I tend to attract people like that when I blog (hmm, I wonder why…LOL).
I explained it above in #24. You love to talk shit but when it comes to backing it up you cry and have to call others to protect you. Typical mama boy behavior. Hopefully your experience with sj will teach you something so you can be a better role model for your kid than your father was to you.
I called his employer because
Mama boy making excuses as he runs to someone to protect him…
The whole episode has made me wonder whether I should keep fucking with the crazy people I encounter on the internet,
Some people would call that maturity. In your case it’s probably best since you are unable to protect yourself.
but you still seem pretty harmless.
Harmless or not, you’re not worth my time to even run to my blog and write about you. Mama boys like you aren’t worth the trouble.
When I become a blogger here, do I get a password to the site? Is that how I log-in to submit my posts?
Marvin Stamnspews:
36. Troll spews:
I’m pretty impressed with my last comment. It includes research, statistics, and provokes thought.
I should be a HA blogger. How does that happen? Lee, will you put in a good word for me with Goldy?
Props for your work exposing mama’s boy for his avoidance of non-white cities.
Unfortunately, that’s exactly what will prevent you from being a HA blogger.
The club of those impressed by troll is mighty small one.
Thank you for the props. All I was trying to do was to point out to Lee, and the other bloggers here who are quick to call Republicans racist, is that before they start throwing around that word, they should take a look at themselves first. Am I calling Lee a racist for preferring to profile white areas of the world in his game, when most of the world isn’t white? No. But I am saying that the next time a blogger here starts accusing others of racism, they should take a look what’s in their own hearts, first.
Like your “some say” foolishness which allows you to post absolute bullshit? What’s in your heart, troll?
@34 Harmless or not, you’re not worth my time to even run to my blog and write about you. Mama boys like you aren’t worth the trouble.
Then why are you so obsessed with me? You comment on nearly every one of my posts. You clearly think about me a lot – enough that you’re always here. How did you become so obsessed with me? What is it about me that you can’t pull yourself away from?
What happened with SeattleJew was not an issue of being “scared”. As I explained to the police officer, I don’t feel threatened, but I do feel that the way he’s behaved towards me and others crosses the line of common decency and it’s not unreasonable to expect that when you tell a person to back off that they back off. Remember, it was his employer that asked me to get the police involved. I simply called them to report that one of their employees was using public resources (paid for with my tax dollars) for political purposes and saying some pretty outlandish things – and was now refusing to stop emailing me obnoxious things. When they heard the story of what had happened, they encouraged me to call the police.
You can call me a mama’s boy all you want, but keep in mind which one of us is too much of a pussy to even use his real name here…
In a nutshell, SeattleJew crossed a considerable number of lines in common human decency this year in his opposition to I-1000. He topped it off in October after Nancy Niedzelski (sp?) came to DL. He berated her in person (a witness to what happened said it was appalling) and then wrote two separate posts calling her a bigot and claiming she said things that she never said. Remember, this is a woman who’s husband died a horrific death and was a very big part of the I-1000 campaign.
After this, both Will and I tried to make it clear to SJ that we wanted no more contact with him. That should have been it. Unfortunately, he tried to email me again in late November. I again reminded him to stop emailing me (I simply sent an email to him that said “Please stop emailing me asshole”). He stopped for a month or so, but still followed me around online, commenting on a number of my posts, trying to have conversations with me.
Again, a couple of weeks ago, he tried to come up to talk to me at DL. I just walked away. Then, he sent an email to a wide distribution list (including myself), accusing I-1000 supporters of being disappointed that so few people were using the prescriptions to end their lives.
At that point, I contacted the Distribution List owner who told me that he was also angry at SeattleJew for sending the email, and he encouraged me to call the Ombudsman’s office. I called the Ombudsman, who was pretty alarmed by his behavior and encouraged me to call another University resource for resolving conflicts. They asked me to call the UW Police.
At first, I was very reluctant to get the police involved and instead tried to remind SJ that he’s not to contact me any more. I sent him an email that said, “If you send me another email, or even reply to this one, I’ve been instructed to call the UW police”. Within an hour, he sent me another long email explaining that he thought I’d be interested in what he was saying and promising that he’d “try” to stop sending me mails. Very bizarre. I called UW police who instructed me to file a report with SPD. An SPD officer came to my house. I apologized for getting SPD involved in something so stupid, but the officer was surprisingly eager to file a report (I think they worry that if they don’t act and something worse happens, they get blamed). Either way, SJ has not contacted me directly since then, but still continues to leave comments on my posts as if we’re still best buddies. Very fucking creepy.
I had no idea such drama was going on behind the scenes. Thank you for explaining that. That was nice of you. Now I feel kinda bad that I was a troll to you.
Marvin Stamnspews:
42. mama’s boy spews:
Then why are you so obsessed with me?
As said by someone that runs to his blog and writes about me.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Well Lee has one thing right. Katrina was a disaster due to RayWhere Did I Leave Those School BusesNagin not calling the evacuation in time and getting those 400 buses rolling evacuating people. So all those 1000+ who died more than 800 died in their homes.
Yep, gotta hand it to Ray Nagin…
Thanks for the reminder Lee.
Marvin Stamnspews:
47. Mama’s boy spews:
Very fucking creepy.
Did you tell the police you run to your blog and post about him. That you use your blog privileges here on HA to write about him, calling him names in a public forum that he frequents.
An email saying “Please stop emailing me asshole” doesn’t seem the mature way to deal with a “stalker.”
Oh well, your life.
Marvin Stamnspews:
In 4 years when obama is replaced as president, I feel it would be in the best interest of the country for him to work for the irs finding tax cheats and people that don’t pay taxes. It’s a gift he has.
Not only has he found all those RICH tax cheats in the democrat party profiting off tax dollars, when he walked up to an ordinary citizen he picked joe the plumber.
In 4 years when obama is replaced as president,
The pattern has been that everything you predict, the opposite happens. This was definitely the case with your drivel before the election.
I look forward to 8 years of Barack Obama in the White House.
Thank you Marvin.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 “Would that make a rock smarter than you?”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Sometimes the best way to answer a stupid question is play it straight.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 Those are interesting figures and they make me wonder how much longer the U.S. can continue consuming a quarter of the world’s oil.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 “How does that happen?”
Ya gotta be a liberal shill like me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 So far it has only 1 member but I predict Marvin Stupe will be licking his ass by 9 PM tonight.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@41 “What’s in your heart, troll?”
The kind of void that becomes a black hole.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey, this is fun! When you come in late to a thread where trolls have been posting all day it’s easy to come up with zippy 1-liners because there’s so much material to work with!
Well, I guess I will no longer try to engage SJ about his homophobia, then! I have been forewarned!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 What’s this? A troll with a conscience? Call the newspapers! Call NBC!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@52 Yes, isn’t it interesting now that Democrats are in power they’ve bounced more tax cheats of their own party in 3 weeks than the Pukes found in their party in 8 fucking years?!
Btw, do you know who Sam Wyly is and how much he owes the IRS?
Roger Rabbitspews:
GOP = see no evil, hear no evil, just do evil & don’t talk about it
Colonel Jocko 'Biff' O'Hanrahanrahan (Ret.)spews:
Why? It’s hard to tell one refugee camp from the next.
66. mama’s boy spews:
@51 Oh well, your life.
At least I have one, champ.
Don’t forget to run to your blog and write about it.
Thanks again for replying when I want you too.
Marvin Stamnspews:
63. Roger Rabbit spews:
@52 Yes, isn’t it interesting now that Democrats are in power
Strange, john devore in the newer thread above said that “The morons are winning, that much is clear.”
(A) Are the dems in power
(B) are the dems morons?
(C) both of above
Marvin Stamnspews:
61. Tlazolteotl spews:
Well, I guess I will no longer try to engage SJ about his homophobia, then! I have been forewarned!
I remember when sj and mama’s boy (lee, thehim) were calling me gay. The two of them thought it was funny.
I reminded them only homophobes would gay as an insult. I had the same results as you, they didn’t get it.
Real Americanspews:
I reminded them only homophobes would gay as an insult.
Besides making completely no sense, this statement misses the bigger point.
No one is concerned or surprised about you being gay (you are a republican after all, being a self loathing gay is part of the deal). It is the goat fucking that is alarming. We really wish you would cut that out.
The only goat sex here on this board is those on your side. It is the standard projection argument used by Democratics. bentoversmellinghisfarts is a prime candidate for your next training session. He likes being bent over.
Ekim seems to have the most pronounced goat fetish. Can’t go a post without reminding us how he enjoys it. You are a very close second. So tell us Ekim and Surreal Amerikkkan, do you cook the goat after you perversely enjoy it? Curried? Broiled? Chops?
Poulsbo, WA
Second try.
Oslo, Norway?
Ok I’m going with Oslo!
It’s the intersection of Christian Schous Vei and Sophus Aars’ Vei in Oslo, Norway. The link is here.
4 – Darn it. I almost had the link. I not much of an MS Maps user.
I think I’m getting the hang of solving these. The street names are a huge clue.
White people are a minority on earth, so why are the majority of towns and areas that Lee selects for this game white-majority areas? He must go out of his way to avoid towns in Africa, because Africa has three times the population of America. White areas are over-represented in this game. Why?
You’ll have to ask why Microsoft has detailed aerial photos of European & North American locations but hardly any for locations anywhere else in the world.
Lee’s been (in this and the other location) pretty random in his selections of locations — though he’s stayed away from particular images that are non-identifiable.
6 – I looked at nairobi, cairo, tripoli, lagos, johannesburg..
No “bird’s eye” views from
Nice try at that tiresome race baiting of yours Troll.
Make that NO locations outside Europe, US, Canada, Australia.
Not true. I just checked, and I was able to zoom-in on homes in Kampala, Uganda.
Just admit it, Lee has a bias for using white areas.
YLB, I have an assignment for you. I want you to go back through the last 15 contests, then come back and list there here.
what about Japan :)
Check out my website for most locations with Bird’s Eye View
@2, @4
Congrats to YLB and Don Joe. Nice work.
Why don’t you post a link to the Bird’s Eye Views from Kampala? We’re all looking forward to that.
10 – I just tried. Can’t get Kampala. I can get a fuzzy aerial view but not a bird’s eye view. Post a link. Prove me wrong.
That’s called backing up your claims.
But save yourself some time. Just admit it – you’re a liar.
11 – I don’t take orders from you.
Latest updates are here.
Why not have a birds eye view of the ice storm in kentucky where american citizens are dying.
Katrina in Kentucky
What accounts for Obama’s slow response to Kentucky’s ice storm victims?
The ice storm that slammed the American mid-south in the last weekend of January and then moved onward to the East Coast has left an estimated 1.3 million people without power. And nowhere was hit harder than Kentucky, where some 700,000 people lost electricity and 24 deaths were attributed to the storm. Yet President Barack Obama only declared the state a major disaster area this week. What took so long? Where is the presidential compassion for the victims of this tremendous disaster?
Does obama not like white people?
Or is it simply that these people that cling to their guns and religion aren’t deserving compassion from obama and the democrats.
Is this the change people voted for?
Seattle Jew had a post on his blog about lee and black people. He offered to help lee by introducing lee to some black people, lee didn’t take him up on the offer.
So you’re not the only person noticing lee and his affinity for whiteness.
Hey genius, don’t you think it would have been smarter to link your comment to an article that wasn’t saying that federal interventions in situations like that are difficult and there was very little Obama could have done differently?
Wow! You and Troll are having quite a contest for being the stupidest person in this thread. I think I’ll announce the winner in next week’s contest. I think he’s still ahead, but I know you can do it!
Go, Marvin, go!!
Seattle Jew had a post on his blog about lee and black people. He offered to help lee by introducing lee to some black people, lee didn’t take him up on the offer.
You might want to try to find a more reputable source than SeattleJew (whose employer encouraged me to file a harassment claim with SPD recently) in order to discredit me.
I’ll root for Marvin as well. I know Marvin can beat troll hands down as absolutely the stupidest person in any thread (save for Stupes of course).
I’m counting on you Stamn! Don’t let your fans down.
Marvin! Marvin! Marvin!
Oops, my bad.
Seattle jew did introduce lee to some black people.
Probably an eye opening experience for lee.
I see you are replying to me again.
Nice to see you jump when I post.
Different standards for different parties… where was this logic when it came to bush/katrina?
Nice to see you jump when I post.
Jump, Marvin, jump!
Oh, and by the way, SeattleJew invited me to a “stop the violence” rally in the Central District, which I attended. That’s true.
Different standards for different parties… where was this logic when it came to bush/katrina?
Katrina, as a humanitarian disaster, was still significantly worse than what happened recently in Kentucky.
He said something you didn’t like so you went running to your blog to post about him and then complained to his employer?
Like I said… you were that kid on the playground that talked shit and then when it was time to get your ass kicked you cried and said you were going to sue them if they touched you.
Typical mama’s boy.
Hey, that’s how I am going to refer to you from now on, mama’s boy. It fits you.
p.s. run to your blog and write about me.
Taking detailed air photos good enough for birdseye would be a good way to get shot down in many parts of the world outside North America and Europe.
So it would have been even harder for bush to deal with katrina than obama and kentucky.
Yet obama gets a pass for an easier disaster because “federal interventions in situations like that are difficult.”
What would the democrats do without the liberal media covering for them.
He said something you didn’t like so you went running to your blog to post about him and then complained to his employer?
Oh no. He has continued to try to personally contact me after it was made clear to him that he should not be doing that any more. He became a crazy stalker who would not leave me alone. For some reason, I tend to attract people like that when I blog (hmm, I wonder why…LOL).
I called his employer because he was using his University of Washington email to keep sending me mails. They told me to file a police report. SPD said that what he was doing was harassment, but I did not press charges. I think he understands now that he’s not my friend and needs to stop trying to contact me.
The whole episode has made me wonder whether I should keep fucking with the crazy people I encounter on the internet, but you still seem pretty harmless.
Jump, Marvin, jump!
So it would have been even harder for bush to deal with katrina than obama and kentucky.
Not necessarily. The devastation in Kentucky is over a more widespread area. You couldn’t just send supplies to a single place. I’m sure that the relief effort in Kentucky has not been ideal, but Katrina was a far more spectacular failure.
What would the democrats do without the liberal media covering for them.
Um, I don’t think Reason Magazine is exactly the “liberal media”, dummy.
@6 “White people are a minority on earth, so why are the majority of towns and areas that Lee selects for this game white-majority areas?”
To see if he can get a rise out of a racist pig like you.
I swear, debating the stupidity of these trolls with them is like trying to tell a rock it isn’t a giraffe. You don’t get anywhere because … well, because it’s a fucking rock and rocks aren’t very fucking smart.
A rock is smart enough not to tell other rocks they are not giraffes.
Would that make a rock smarter than you?
It does seem to me that the idiots have one point — Microsoft’s LiveMaps is ignoring the developing world, largely. They could do better (Not to mention, having birdseye views in the database of Kampala & Kathmandu & Cuzco could make the contest crazy good.)
I explained it above in #24. You love to talk shit but when it comes to backing it up you cry and have to call others to protect you. Typical mama boy behavior. Hopefully your experience with sj will teach you something so you can be a better role model for your kid than your father was to you.
Mama boy making excuses as he runs to someone to protect him…
Some people would call that maturity. In your case it’s probably best since you are unable to protect yourself.
Harmless or not, you’re not worth my time to even run to my blog and write about you. Mama boys like you aren’t worth the trouble.
Distribution of world’s population by percentage:
Asia: 60.4%
Africa: 14.5%
Europe: 10.9%
Latin America: 8.6%
North America: 5.0%
The last seven cities used in Lee’s game:
Olso, Norway
Santa Fe, NM
Middlesbrough, UK
San Francisco, CA
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Charleston, SC
Warwick, RI
You will have to ask yourself if you think Lee is going out of his way to exclude non-white cities from his game.
I’m pretty impressed with my last comment. It includes research, statistics, and provokes thought.
I should be a HA blogger. How does that happen? Lee, will you put in a good word for me with Goldy?
When I become a blogger here, do I get a password to the site? Is that how I log-in to submit my posts?
Props for your work exposing mama’s boy for his avoidance of non-white cities.
Unfortunately, that’s exactly what will prevent you from being a HA blogger.
The club of those impressed by troll is mighty small one.
Thank you for the props. All I was trying to do was to point out to Lee, and the other bloggers here who are quick to call Republicans racist, is that before they start throwing around that word, they should take a look at themselves first. Am I calling Lee a racist for preferring to profile white areas of the world in his game, when most of the world isn’t white? No. But I am saying that the next time a blogger here starts accusing others of racism, they should take a look what’s in their own hearts, first.
Like your “some say” foolishness which allows you to post absolute bullshit? What’s in your heart, troll?
Harmless or not, you’re not worth my time to even run to my blog and write about you. Mama boys like you aren’t worth the trouble.
Then why are you so obsessed with me? You comment on nearly every one of my posts. You clearly think about me a lot – enough that you’re always here. How did you become so obsessed with me? What is it about me that you can’t pull yourself away from?
What happened with SeattleJew was not an issue of being “scared”. As I explained to the police officer, I don’t feel threatened, but I do feel that the way he’s behaved towards me and others crosses the line of common decency and it’s not unreasonable to expect that when you tell a person to back off that they back off. Remember, it was his employer that asked me to get the police involved. I simply called them to report that one of their employees was using public resources (paid for with my tax dollars) for political purposes and saying some pretty outlandish things – and was now refusing to stop emailing me obnoxious things. When they heard the story of what had happened, they encouraged me to call the police.
You can call me a mama’s boy all you want, but keep in mind which one of us is too much of a pussy to even use his real name here…
I should be a HA blogger. How does that happen? Lee, will you put in a good word for me with Goldy?
If you really want to be a blogger here, you can start by figuring out why your comment at #35 is completely retarded.
(Hint: It has to do with the areas of the world where Bird’s Eye Views have been taken)
Absolutely. I’m waiting for it, although it still may be a while.
Would someone please give me the backstory to all this calling the police on Seattle Jew business? What happened?
I apologize for being my name.
In a nutshell, SeattleJew crossed a considerable number of lines in common human decency this year in his opposition to I-1000. He topped it off in October after Nancy Niedzelski (sp?) came to DL. He berated her in person (a witness to what happened said it was appalling) and then wrote two separate posts calling her a bigot and claiming she said things that she never said. Remember, this is a woman who’s husband died a horrific death and was a very big part of the I-1000 campaign.
After this, both Will and I tried to make it clear to SJ that we wanted no more contact with him. That should have been it. Unfortunately, he tried to email me again in late November. I again reminded him to stop emailing me (I simply sent an email to him that said “Please stop emailing me asshole”). He stopped for a month or so, but still followed me around online, commenting on a number of my posts, trying to have conversations with me.
Again, a couple of weeks ago, he tried to come up to talk to me at DL. I just walked away. Then, he sent an email to a wide distribution list (including myself), accusing I-1000 supporters of being disappointed that so few people were using the prescriptions to end their lives.
At that point, I contacted the Distribution List owner who told me that he was also angry at SeattleJew for sending the email, and he encouraged me to call the Ombudsman’s office. I called the Ombudsman, who was pretty alarmed by his behavior and encouraged me to call another University resource for resolving conflicts. They asked me to call the UW Police.
At first, I was very reluctant to get the police involved and instead tried to remind SJ that he’s not to contact me any more. I sent him an email that said, “If you send me another email, or even reply to this one, I’ve been instructed to call the UW police”. Within an hour, he sent me another long email explaining that he thought I’d be interested in what he was saying and promising that he’d “try” to stop sending me mails. Very bizarre. I called UW police who instructed me to file a report with SPD. An SPD officer came to my house. I apologized for getting SPD involved in something so stupid, but the officer was surprisingly eager to file a report (I think they worry that if they don’t act and something worse happens, they get blamed). Either way, SJ has not contacted me directly since then, but still continues to leave comments on my posts as if we’re still best buddies. Very fucking creepy.
I had no idea such drama was going on behind the scenes. Thank you for explaining that. That was nice of you. Now I feel kinda bad that I was a troll to you.
As said by someone that runs to his blog and writes about me.
Well Lee has one thing right. Katrina was a disaster due to Ray Where Did I Leave Those School Buses Nagin not calling the evacuation in time and getting those 400 buses rolling evacuating people. So all those 1000+ who died more than 800 died in their homes.
Yep, gotta hand it to Ray Nagin…
Thanks for the reminder Lee.
Did you tell the police you run to your blog and post about him. That you use your blog privileges here on HA to write about him, calling him names in a public forum that he frequents.
An email saying “Please stop emailing me asshole” doesn’t seem the mature way to deal with a “stalker.”
Oh well, your life.
In 4 years when obama is replaced as president, I feel it would be in the best interest of the country for him to work for the irs finding tax cheats and people that don’t pay taxes. It’s a gift he has.
Not only has he found all those RICH tax cheats in the democrat party profiting off tax dollars, when he walked up to an ordinary citizen he picked joe the plumber.
The pattern has been that everything you predict, the opposite happens. This was definitely the case with your drivel before the election.
I look forward to 8 years of Barack Obama in the White House.
Thank you Marvin.
@32 “Would that make a rock smarter than you?”
Sometimes the best way to answer a stupid question is play it straight.
@35 Those are interesting figures and they make me wonder how much longer the U.S. can continue consuming a quarter of the world’s oil.
@36 “How does that happen?”
Ya gotta be a liberal shill like me.
@39 So far it has only 1 member but I predict Marvin Stupe will be licking his ass by 9 PM tonight.
@41 “What’s in your heart, troll?”
The kind of void that becomes a black hole.
Hey, this is fun! When you come in late to a thread where trolls have been posting all day it’s easy to come up with zippy 1-liners because there’s so much material to work with!
Well, I guess I will no longer try to engage SJ about his homophobia, then! I have been forewarned!
@48 What’s this? A troll with a conscience? Call the newspapers! Call NBC!
@52 Yes, isn’t it interesting now that Democrats are in power they’ve bounced more tax cheats of their own party in 3 weeks than the Pukes found in their party in 8 fucking years?!
Btw, do you know who Sam Wyly is and how much he owes the IRS?
GOP = see no evil, hear no evil, just do evil & don’t talk about it
Why? It’s hard to tell one refugee camp from the next.
Oh well, your life.
At least I have one, champ.
Don’t forget to run to your blog and write about it.
Thanks again for replying when I want you too.
Strange, john devore in the newer thread above said that “The morons are winning, that much is clear.”
(A) Are the dems in power
(B) are the dems morons?
(C) both of above
I remember when sj and mama’s boy (lee, thehim) were calling me gay. The two of them thought it was funny.
I reminded them only homophobes would gay as an insult. I had the same results as you, they didn’t get it.
Besides making completely no sense, this statement misses the bigger point.
No one is concerned or surprised about you being gay (you are a republican after all, being a self loathing gay is part of the deal). It is the goat fucking that is alarming. We really wish you would cut that out.
leadless douchy@65:
Wow you are resurrecting more of your names this weekend, still not saying anything worthwhile…
When will I see Irv Kupicet? Today? Tomorrow? Wednesday?
Surreal Amerikkkan@70:
The only goat sex here on this board is those on your side. It is the standard projection argument used by Democratics. bentoversmellinghisfarts is a prime candidate for your next training session. He likes being bent over.
Ekim seems to have the most pronounced goat fetish. Can’t go a post without reminding us how he enjoys it. You are a very close second. So tell us Ekim and Surreal Amerikkkan, do you cook the goat after you perversely enjoy it? Curried? Broiled? Chops?
Which is it?