Last week’s contest was won my milwhcky. It was Drammen, Norway.
This week’s contest is related to a TV show or a movie, good luck!
by Lee — ,
Last week’s contest was won my milwhcky. It was Drammen, Norway.
This week’s contest is related to a TV show or a movie, good luck!
McMansions on tiny lots. No cars or other signs of unintelligent life. Hmmm … definitely not a rabbit colony.
Maybe one of the Housewives shows?
This is definitely a tough one. Very much an accent on “is related to”…
“is related to” — well, I’m reasonably certain that in most of those homes, someone watches a TV show or movie now & then.
Is it Harold and Kumar Kalpen Modi house who was at de whitey house until earlier this year from House?
@6 Speak English so we know wtf you’re saying, looneytunes. What are you, a damn non-English-speaking immigrant?
Well Roger DOPEY Rabbit if you knew who Kalpen Modi is.
Butt you’ll never get that from the web sites you frequent!
None of the garlic eaters in my neighborhood talk like that.
Sorry Lee. Some of us hate television and seldom watch movies. Howz about a location from a book maybe sometime? Maybe I’ll go find one myself.
I don’t even have a television. If I want to watch a football game, I either have to go to a sports bar in my neighborhood, or watch a blurry livestream on my computer.
# 9, 10: A wise decision. I’ve pretty much come to the conclusion that it is television, not religion, which is the opiate of the masses.
Once the History Channel became the “UFO” channel I lost interest in TV altogether.
Getting back to the picture, I think the fact there’s no people or cars is significant. Maybe it’s a movie set? That would place it in southern California.
Could it be part of George Lucas’s movie ranch?
Also, the houses are very close together, on non-existent lots, which again points to a movie set or movie property of some sort.
@12: there’s one car. and a bit of junk (reddish thing) in the microscopic backyard of one house.
I’m dubious that it’d be a set on a lot. Much more likely a location for exterior shots, in a real neighborhood. Or the real location of something portrayed in a movie or tv show.
But I’m still thinking it looks like Eastside / East Hill suburbia.
So that gets me trying to analyze why Lee would think it was interesting: violence or drug enforcement. “is related to a movie or TV show” might even be someplace that made the KIRO7 news.
The buildings are so tight together, do we allow zoning to be that tight for mcMansions?
It looks like it has a concrete wall between the houses and the green space.
The architecture reminds of a warm climate, so I don’t think it is around here.
That feels like California to me.
I agree with @17. Even the ritziest of California neighborhoods will often have the houses nearly touching each other.
Ok, here’s another clue. This isn’t just related to a TV show (not a movie), but it’s also related to a recent news item…
Wherever it is: if we don’t follow movie/tv clues, we may want to follow bike routes; lots of urban counties have maps of streets w/ bike lanes.
Actually, let me re-word my clue a bit (sorry). The view is related to a TV show only because of a recent news item…
2 and half men is old news, so that’s not it.
I did a google search of “tv show California” and news and
then searched for “Discovery Channel’s “Mythbusters” dublin CA”
that lead to…
There is that red dot
Good win! That was definitely a tough one…
Very good contest! Newsworthy, iconic TV show, frustratingly nondescript location … nice work, Lee, and @22 Blue John!