Last week’s winner was Andrew Snelling, who got the correct answer of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. And thanks to Daniel K for posting the link, and to Rod for emailing me that the contest name should have an apostrophe. From now on, it will. :)
Here’s this week’s. In order to win, you have to identify the intersection or post the link (to do that, click the Share link after you’ve found it). Good luck!
How many other idiots, like me, are aimlessly looking around at aerial photos of San Francisco?
The “Stop” signs painted on the street place it in the U.S. or Canada. The deciduous trees place it east of the Mississippi River and north of the Mason-Dixon Line. The houses have a distinctive architectural style that should help identify the general locale, but I don’t recognize it. A bit reminiscent of West Seattle, but I don’t think it’s around here. The back-in parking says “small town.” Maybe it’s some shithole mining town in Appalachia. West Seattle looks sorta like West Virginia.
Well Daffy, I’m one of those idiots…
It’s the intersection of 20th and Mississippi Streets, in the Potrero District
(Why doesn’t my link show up?)
Here’s the link:;encType=1
Well done!
I spent too much time looking on the West side of San Fran.
Well done Rabbit, you’ve clearly manhandled the competition.