Last week’s contest was won by It was Aberdeen, Scotland.
This week’s picture is related to a TV show or a movie. It’s a tough one, so I may have to provide a clue. Or maybe not, you guys often surprise the hell out of me. Good luck!
by Lee — ,
Last week’s contest was won by It was Aberdeen, Scotland.
This week’s picture is related to a TV show or a movie. It’s a tough one, so I may have to provide a clue. Or maybe not, you guys often surprise the hell out of me. Good luck!
Nope. Not Maurice’s house from Northern Exposure. (Roslyn doesn’t have Bird’s Eye views, plus this back yard is unique.)
@1 Yeah, how many people have a regulation-sized football goalpost in their backyard?
@2 It’s no regulation field, though.
Looks to me like an inland northwest forest … cottonwood or poplar in the lawn, mixed conifer woods surrounding.
But seriously, if they’ve got the bucks for the football field, why not the bucks for a big net behind the goal. How often do you really want to go chasing kicked footballs back into those trees?
Btw, the shadows make me think we’re looking east, or south, not north.
But seriously, if they’ve got the bucks for the football field, why not the bucks for a big net behind the goal.
This is a big clue. Another clue is that this is from a TV show (and one that I could hear my wife was watching in the background as I checked this post).
That looks like the inland NW to me. Can’t help you with the TV part of it, I’ve never owned one.
@5 My last TV set was a 9-inch (measured diagonally) cathode-ray tube job that doesn’t work anymore without a converter box. (Yeah, I bought one of those with the government coupon, but it broke in less than 6 months.) Now all I use that TV for is watching DVDs. Except I don’t watch many DVDs — maybe 1 or 2 a year. On the other hand, I read 50 to 100 books a year.
Does this have something to do with a TV show called “Backyard Stadiums” that airs on DIY Network?
My guess based on your clue would be one of the Extreme Makeover homes. There were two in the NW according to the web search; Kirkland WA and Port Orchard.
If you attach “football” to the search there was one in Greenville, I assume N.C. I’ll go with the Port Orchard WA choice though since that house now appears to be up for sale, or was, due to the couple getting a divorce.
@6 The “Backyard Stadiums” screenshots appear to be a very different location.
I was wondering about various reality and cop shows that had been on at the time Lee posted.
Bear in mind Lee’s wife could have been watching Tivo or a DVD.
I looked at a couple of shots of Port Orchard, the trees look wrong. Lots of fir, alder and maple. I’m pretty sure the BEY trees are pines and poplar.
I’m not that mean. :)
One commenter is on the right track…
Just found a great resource for finding places based on the range of the plants / trees one can identify in the picture.
This would be useful only if the tree identification is right. For example, if the conifers are Douglas Firs, the photo should be in THIS RANGE. Now, if the silvery tree in the yard is also native to the area, what is it … and where do the ranges overlap?
But it’s not my day-off this Monday, and that’s as far as I’m going with it til evening.
“Yeah, how many people have a regulation-sized football goalpost in their backyard?”
After having Googled “backyard goalpost”, I’d say there’s a lot more than I had ever imagined.
My guess is Hank William’s Jr house, but can’t find an address. He still has a guest house in Missoula, MT which closely matches the trees
@14: Yeah. The sunlight’s right, too, from some angles, so that the shadows look just like the shadows in Lee’s image. (but, as I said, got to work, can’t grind through the city & find it.)
Rogers family home
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
North Pole, Alaska
It first aired on September 24, 2006. The episode featured Seahawk players Matt Hasselback, Shaun Alexander, and Lofa Tutupu.
Good win!! That was definitely a tough one.
Interesting. I knew it was Extreme Makeover, but I wouldn’t have thought the NP.
@16 welcome back!
@19 I’ve been stopping by every week, but I either don’t have much time to search, or the mystery was already solved.
I wouldn’t have gotten this one without Lauramae’s guess and Lee’s hints.