A house most of HA regular posters will never have?
@6 Indeed, a shit-house in South Carolina is a house most regular HA posters would never own. How about that! After all this time, the dumbest troll on the fucking planet finally got one right. But rather than celebrate the fact that you finally got one right, how about you instead take a moment or two and tell us just how much it sucks to be a America-hating, goatfucking, know-nothing, dirt-poor loser such as yourself?
The Guy With No Carspews:
Why would I want a house in South Carolina? I like it here.
When this was an official contest, it had that rule (and you could also just name the intersection), but for now, just guessing the city is enough.
Julie Anne Kempfspews:
My apologies. I did not know the rule.
I shall endeavor to do better in the future.
@7 Steve:
Blah, blah, blah. Run along back to your double-wide and your goat pen. Be careful though Stevie boy, I think beastiality is a felony now here in WA. Good luck!
Murray Boulevard, Charleston, South Carolina.
Just south of the corner of Ashley Avenue and Murray Blvd, to be exact.
Wow! Eleven minutes!
Very nice! That’s almost a record.
Well, I had the feeling it wasn’t Gaza.
The palmetto trees gave it away…
A house most of HA regular posters will never have?
@6 Indeed, a shit-house in South Carolina is a house most regular HA posters would never own. How about that! After all this time, the dumbest troll on the fucking planet finally got one right. But rather than celebrate the fact that you finally got one right, how about you instead take a moment or two and tell us just how much it sucks to be a America-hating, goatfucking, know-nothing, dirt-poor loser such as yourself?
Why would I want a house in South Carolina? I like it here.
Don’t the rules indicate the winner must provide a link?
When this was an official contest, it had that rule (and you could also just name the intersection), but for now, just guessing the city is enough.
My apologies. I did not know the rule.
I shall endeavor to do better in the future.
@7 Steve:
Blah, blah, blah. Run along back to your double-wide and your goat pen. Be careful though Stevie boy, I think beastiality is a felony now here in WA. Good luck!
Julie, since you named the intersection, you still would have won even under the old rules. :)
@12 You project too much. You should look into that. Maybe there’s a cure.
A cure for bestiality, a cure for projection, or a cure for just garden variety idiocy?
OK, how do you people figure this out?