Last week’s contest was won by uptown. It was the center of Colchester, England.
This week’s is related to a TV show or a movie. Good luck!
by Lee — ,
Last week’s contest was won by uptown. It was the center of Colchester, England.
This week’s is related to a TV show or a movie. Good luck!
Outside Denver, to the west, algon I-70, on the south side, I think.
I’m a a VERY slow computer right now, and don’t think I can get the Bing coordinates, but I’ll try.
From the movie Sleeper, I think
And why was it in the news? Because it was just foreclosed:
Yep, you’ve got it. The greater challenge is getting the view… :)
855 Visionary Trail, Gennesee Mountain, CO
Got it – finally;sty=b
Oop – Windows machines make my type bad, too – that shoudl be ‘Liberal’ not ‘Liveral’
Oh, shoot! I wish I’d have been here when Lee posted this one. I lived in Boulder when Sleeper came out and I am familiar with the locations shot in that area for the film.
I still think that Play it again, Sam, was Allen’s best film.
“Shorry I had to shlap ya around lasht night, Shweatheart, but ya got hyshterical when I shaid, “no more”.”
Agreed! Play It Again Sam was his best.
“Dames are shimple, kid. I never met one yet who didn’t understand a shlap in the face or a shlug from a .45.”
I love that movie.
Allan: “That’s quite a lovely Jackson Pollock, isn’t it?”
Museum Girl: “Yes, it is.”
Allan: “What does it say to you?”
Museum Girl: “It restates the negativeness of the universe. The hideous lonely emptiness of existence. Nothingness. The predicament of Man forced to live in a barren, Godless eternity like a tiny flame flickering in an immense void with nothing but waste, horror and degradation, forming a useless bleak straitjacket in a black absurd cosmos.”
Allan: “What are you doing Saturday night?”
Museum Girl: “Committing suicide.”
Allan: “What about Friday night?”
I love that movie
Yes, it would seem that you do! :)
Interposing his own story with Casablanca was a stroke of genius. It could have backfired, but it didn’t.
wikileaks world hq?
What, no new thread on Monday morning? Slow news day today … nothing for me to do on my computer except sit on my fat rabbit ass and make money in the stock market by doing absolutely nothing except reading about movies on HorsesAss and sitting on my furry ass. Ain’t capitalism grand … it sure doesn’t pay to work in this country. So why does anyone work? Nobody should work. I sure don’t. Working is for saps and suckers. The people who have all the money in this country don’t work, so why should you? Watch a movie instead!
It’s not even 10 a.m. and I’ve already made $950 in the stock market this morning by doing absolutely nothing! I just got out of bed. I haven’t even yawned yet. My stock portfolio hit an all-time high last week — clearly the recession is over! At least for me it is. As for all you unemployed schleppes out there, why are you even looking for a job? Wise up! Live on the dole like the Capitalist Class does! They don’t work, so why should you? Go back to bed and quit worrying about finding a job. You don’t need no frickin’ job! All you need is a couple hundred bucks and a book on options trading. Nobody else works or produces anything in this country anymore. The only thing America’s economy does is move money from this guy’s pocket to that guy’s pocket. It’s the same money, nobody owns it, it just keeps going in circles. You don’t care about that! All you wanna do is skim some off the top when it goes flying past you — just like the bankers, brokers, financiers, and everyone else! Forget about unemployment or job listings, there aren’t any jobs, because nobody works in this country anymore.
Just added another 50 bucks to the till while typing that; now I’ve made $1,000 in the stock market this morning for not working or producing anything. Can you believe that some stupid troll once accused me of being a communist?!! Ha! Little does he know …
Oh yeah, before I forget, us Wall Street types love raping the hard-workin’ folks on Main Street … you do the work and we take your money … man, I like that system as much as any Republican!!! Signed, Roger’s Evil Twin
Labor used to get 60% of GDP but now it’s 40% and cheap-labor conservatives won’t be satisfied until it’s 0% … they want to repeal the Thirteenth Amendment. If they can eliminate all labor costs and corporate taxes think what that’ll do fo stocks …