Last week’s contest was won by Scott, who recognized that it was the intersection of York Rd S and 36th Ave S in South Seattle.
This week’s contest is another random location someone in the world. Good luck!
by Lee — ,
Last week’s contest was won by Scott, who recognized that it was the intersection of York Rd S and 36th Ave S in South Seattle.
This week’s contest is another random location someone in the world. Good luck!
York? Just guessing, the roundabout goes counterclockwise and there seems to be ruins of a church by the other church….
I mean “counter” to how ours go.
Not York.
I guess the server didn’t update itself for daylight savings time. This went up a little early today…
Colchester England. Didn’t know it, so had to search for Abbey ruins in a city.
St Botolphs Priory
That large roundabout is called St. Botolphs Circus.
Good win!
ah,,,I thought it might be Coventry….