Last week, people threw out some good suggestions on what to do with these contests going forward. One good suggestion was to have a rotation of themes, so I’m planning to do that from now on. On the first and third Sundays of the month, it’s a regular contest, just a randomly selected location. On the second Sunday, it’ll be a movies/TV themed contest. The view will be something from a movie or TV show (old or new). On the fourth Sunday, it’ll be a news item from the previous month. If there’s a fifth Sunday in a month, it’ll be a regular contest for now, but I’m thinking of a possible theme for that in the future as well (suggestions are always welcome).
The contest two weeks ago was won by It was Aurora, OR, where a plane crashed into a house. This is the third Sunday of the month, so this week’s contest is a random location, good luck!
Newport, Wa
Is there bird’s eye view there? I couldn’t find it.
the one between Missouri and Kansas didn’t see right, either, at least I couldn’t find those houses yet.
West Hill, OH (near Sharon, PA)
I’m pretty sure I’ve driven on this road a few years ago.
Union, Indiana
Or somewhere on Indiana Ohio line…not union though.
do you have to use the new corporate jargon “going foward”?. in all the corporate waste of time meetings, the gibberish makes your head spin. drive sales, leadership team, etc etc. going foward is the dumbest. do we “go backward”?
That’s it! Good win.