On Tuesday we kicked off a netroots fund drive for Bill Sherman, with an ambitious, five-day target of $5,000 in online donations, and once again our region’s progressive community came through. 101 of you donated a total of $5,335. I personally thank all of you.
I spoke with Bill early last night, after we had passed our target but before the tally was final, and I can’t tell you how grateful he was. We didn’t just raise enough money for a targeted mailing, we created a whole lot of excitement and buzz, prompting more well-heeled donors to open up their checkbooks and help close the money gap between Bill and Republican Dan Satterberg. Bill might still be outspent nearly two-to-one, but if he can raise enough money to get his message out, he’s in a great position to be our first Democratic King County Prosecuting Attorney in over sixty years. So if you haven’t already given, please give now.
And while we didn’t hit my personal target of 200 new donors, 101 represents an amazing response rate relative to the few thousand readers who hit the participating blogs on a daily basis. By comparison, earlier this month Satterberg held his last big fundraising event of the campaign, attracting about 60 donors. By that measure, we kicked his ass, and with only a handful of blog posts. Not bad at all.
What we are witnessing both nationally and locally is an emerging progressive movement with the potential to challenge the dominance of both party’s political money machine. When Darcy Burner and I first met back in 2005, and talked about the role the blogs might play in supporting her campaign, the first thing I told her was “don’t expect us to raise you any money.” We can create buzz, I said, help frame the debate and debunk media coverage, but we just can’t raise money. And so nobody was more surprised than me when HA readers contributed over $30,000 to Darcy Burner and Peter Goldmark over a ten-month period in 2006.
Then came Darcy’s astounding $125,000 national netroots funder — over a weekend in August — and now Bill’s $5,335, which relative to the size of the audience is at least as impressive, if not more so.
The point is, that by helping Bill win we are not just gaining a progressive perspective on the administration of justice in King County, we are sending a message to the local political establishment that the rules are changing. As the Democratic Party and other progressive organizations have increasingly relied on local bloggers to get their message out, we have necessarily played an important role in helping to shape their message. And now, in a campaign finance system where most races have contribution limits, our growing ability to harness the financial resources of a diffuse netroots community, and focus it on a handful of very local races, has the potential to transform our movement into one of the most sought after “endorsements” in the state. When a union or corporate PAC or wealthy individual can only give $700 to a race, but we can bring in thousands — in $50, $25, $10 increments — our broader progressive voice becomes louder than any individual special interest.
This is a slow process; it will move forward in fits and starts. But together, we have the potential to transform the face of local and national politics.
Send a message — help elect Bill Sherman.
Bill Sherman got my contribution.
He does NOT need to gargle with razor blades. However, Piper Scott does.
Step into the beef box, Piper! What’s your beef?
I contributed, too. One of the things we’ve learned over the last sixty years is that the “law and order party” is THE DEMOCRATS. The GOP is only a criminal gang. Republicans are for law and order like Al Capone supports building more jails! For example, the Washington Post reports today that a former CEO of Qwest has stated in court papers that the Bush administration approached his company about participating in warrantless spying on Americans’ domestic phone records 6 months BEFORE 9/11 … in other words, the Republinazis were scheming to screw with their domestic political enemies as soon as they got power and long before they had an excuse of pursuing terrorists to violate the Constitution — they simply went and fucking DID IT. And when Qwest refused because it was ILLEGAL, the Bush regime retaliated against the company by yanking away lucrative federal contracts. I’m not suggesting Satterberg was a party to this … but … he IS a Republican and you shouldn’t hold your breath for him to ever prosecute the low-level, low-life operatives like Lori Sotelo and Jane Balogh whose election fraud empowers those bastards. (And anyone who thinks Balogh wasn’t planning to cast her dog’s vote for REPUBLICANS is smoking something.) http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....id=topnews
Now if we could just get the blogs to pressure the Dem leadership to let us have a real primary election instead of the stupid caucus, where those who are more forceful determine the candidates, instead of one person, one vote.
I would like to remind those Bellevue voters of how the Prosecutors office under Satterberg somehow managed to conveniently not notice the paperwork for Jane Hague’s DUI until it was too late to get real, educated, and sober candidates in the race – both Democrat and Republican.
I would also like to remind those Magnolia voters of how their neighbor, longtime financial aide to the Prosecutor, Larry Corrigan, was caught red handed not too long ago embezzling funds and preying on kids for sex. At the same time, Mr. Satterberg was helping the Seattle Archdiocese deal with their pedophilic preists. Coincidence?
Over a long enough period of time, it’s good to clean house and expose and cut off developing problems. It’s probably been too long.
Hague provided some other last name, and the young deputy didn’t recognize it. And since she waived her appearance at the initial hearings- the deputy didn’t have the opportunity to recognize her. You can’t blame someone for not noticing what someone else has intentionally hidden. Jane takes the hit alone on that one. And if you really think the PA’s office knew, but kept it a secret so that a candidate without a pending DUI wouldn’t have time to file- you’re more paranoid than Mr. Rabbit.
As for Corrigan- you may recall he’s in prison. I know Bill has suggested through telophonic Push Polls that the PA “refused to prosecute a known child molester”, but that’s as much crap as him saying he’s a seasoned front line DV prsecutor. The PA’s office “conflicted out”- as is required by LAW when one of it’s own has been charged.
@3 Rodent:
You mean a donation of your food stamps and med coupons?
#6 — You mean to say that bitch Jane Hague lied to a police officer about her identity after being stopped for drunk driving and she hasn’t been charged with that crime and JAILED for it?
Your excuse for Satterberg is the reason he needs to go.
No Joey- she didn’t lie, she gave her maiden name or something like that. Not a lie, but not the whole truth either. It must be nice to live in a world like yours where you don’t have to consider a burden of proof and can instead draw whatever silly conclusion serves your purpose
Dan Satterberg is a great REPUBLICAN prosecutor. He is refusing to enforce a King County ordinance that prohibits political parties from giving more than $1,400 to a candidate for King County office. The King County Republicans have already given far more than that to their ringer assessor candidate, Jim Nobles. And apparently they are calling their $30,000 smear campaign against my master’s opponent an in-kind contribution to her campaign.
We need more good REPUBLICAN prosecutors like Dan Satterberg! Karl Rove could learn a lesson or two from him!
@6 “more paranoid than Mr. Rabbit”
You’d be paranoid, too, if you were constantly getting chased by dogs, stepped on by joggers, and run over by baby strollers.
@9 ” … she gave her maiden name or something like that. Not a lie, but not the whole truth either.”
Is this the latest Republican definition of truth? Hate to break it to you, but when a woman gets married, her maiden name isn’t her legal name anymore.
Good point, Rabbit. It ain’t paranoia if they’re REALLY out to get ya!
@9 (continued) So if I get pulled over on the Green Lake bike path for doing 65 on my powerful hind feet, and I tell the officer I’m a dog and my name is “Fido,” I won’t get in any trouble?
@9 (continued) I can see now that a certain stupid senator should have told the undercover vice cop his name was “Craig Lawrence” (or something like that) and said he’s from Denmark (or someplace like that) …
For Republicons, the law is to be used as a political weapon against their foes, and nothing else. Right and wrong mean nothing to them. They are above the law. Just look at the lying chimp’s actions.
Ever wonder why Jebbie, and Katherine weren’t charged with kicking those tens of thousands of KNOWN legitimate voters (a large percentage of them vets) off the rolls in Florida before the 2000 election? Choicepoint informed them the lists were as much as 95% inaccurate, and the Florida Gang stole those people’s right to vote anyway. It is because the prosecutors were Republicon Operatives.
No investigation, no prosecution, nothing. Open and shut case. Read “Armed Madhouse” if you want the whole sickening story.
Reporting on Election Fraud committed by the GOP is silenced, and a couple homeless folks voting in Washington State gets coast to coast media play.
The whole Republicon Party is a criminal enterprise from top to bottom. They can’t operate if we don’t let any of their minions in the prosecutor’s offices.
Just remember. If a Democratic Prosecutor made a mistake, the outrage from the right wing media machine would be 100 times as loud as anything the Dems could ever muster. What is Air America versus Fox Noise, and the Right Wing Radio Hate Merchants? Look at the stink they made about our governor’s election, and silenced what happened in Ohio. They wouldn’t even let the people that had their right to vote illegally stolen from them into a court room.
It is nice totally controlling most of the media.
The Republicon Crime Syndicate needs to be removed from office. Every single one of them. Anyone too stupid to see their blatant criminal behavior should not be voting, they should be in a straight jacket, locked in a rubber room.
Case and Point. Political Prosecution. Exhibit One Billion.
From the New York Times: “The operative, Bill Canary, was speaking with the son of Mr. Siegelman’s Republican rival, Bob Riley, now the state’s governor: “William ‘Bill’ Canary told him not to worry, that he had already gotten it worked out with Karl and Karl had spoken with the Department of Justice and the Department of Justice was already pursuing Don Siegelman,” Ms. Simpson said in the affidavit.
Earlier, Mr. Canary had reassured the younger Riley, according to Ms. Simpson, that “his girls would take care of” Mr. Siegelman: Mr. Canary was referring to his wife, Leura G. Canary, the United States attorney in Montgomery, and Alice Martin, her counterpart in Birmingham. ”
He tried. Only the name he used was Roger Rabbit to which the undercover officer replied, “B.S.!!! I just busted him an hour ago…him and about 176 of his relations! Talk about breeding like rabbits!” He did comment, though, that both of your stances resembled each other.
The Piper
She gave her married name.
Did I read you correctly that Sherman is using push polls??? Wow! Candidates who use push polls are usually regarded as worse than un-flushed toilet filth by most HA regulars.
Bill Sherman, the push-poller! Who’d o’ thunk it???
The Piper
$44,100.00 … mock value: PRICELESS!
Rabbit at 12-
couldn’t agree more, but the questions were a) why didn’t someone in the PA’s office know, and b) why wasn’t she prosecuted. well, a) ’cause who the F knows Jane Finklesbergerstein (or whatever the hell her maiden name is) and b) as long as the cops were able to pull up her DOL information then it ain’t a crime to give a name different from the one the public knows you by. Trust me on this- if she’d committed the crime of Giving False Information, the PAO would have charged her- just like they did with the DUI….
Well here’s one for Richard P. If Jane ?? has as her legal name the one she gave the cops, what name should properly be on the ballot?
Her husband’s name is Ed Springman, and when she was arraigned, she was referred to as Jane Springman and Ms. Springman.
A lot of the so-called “legal experts” at HA are no better than your typical jail house lawyer. They’ve got legal theories, “evidence,” and standards of proof that wouldn’t have passed muster even in the court of Judge Roy Bean, the only law west of the Pecos…”And that’s my rulin’!!!”
There are more conspiracy theories floated at HA than at 10-years of Grassy Knoll Assn. conventions.
The Piper
My question stands, Piper. If her legal name is Springman, should that be what’s on the ballot?
Her professional name.
The Piper
People use other than legal names on the ballot all the time. Mike the Mover was on the ballot as Mike the Mover well before he changed his legal name to…Mike the Mover.
And Walking Will Knedlick (probably well before your time) ran as Walking Will in several elections despite his birth certificate making no referance to the name, “Walking.”
She was elected as Jane Hague before she became Jane Springman.
The Piper
Boy, Rog, are you out of touch!!! And demonstrating your MCR (male chauvinist rabbit) tendencies. Many women these days keep their “maiden” (you know any woman who’s still a “maiden” when she gets married these days???) names for personal or professional reasons.
Jean Enersen remained Jean Enersen despite a couple husbands.
The Piper
I am well familiar with women keeping their “maiden” name for professional reasons. I am married to one. She had publications to her name before marriage and continued professional publications after.
But the ballot is a legal document. Mike did have to change his name.
@17 That’s a crock. It’s not against the law for feral rabbits to breed! In fact, that’s exactly what the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit put us here to do — MAKE MORE RABBITS! The more rabbits the better! After you humans are extinct, we rabbits are going to run this place, and I’ll be their king.
Hi Facts- welcome back. I guess lobotomies aren’t reversable after all, huh? Sorry, man….
Public Notice – Consumer Warning
It has come to my attention that some posts by “Roger Rabbit” have appeared on the sucky little competing rightwing blog.
I have never posted on Stefan’s blog, and never will. Any posts you read on his blog signed by “Roger Rabbit” are FAKE! I can’t keep rightwing thieves from stealing my screen name in a lawless no-man’s-land like Sucky Politics … all I can do is issue this warning: When you see the screen name “Roger Rabbit” in the (u)SP comment threads, it’s an impersonator.
@18 Actually, I’m a great admirer of Republican tactics — like kicking people in the balls — and I think our side should do it to your side.
King??? In an early 80’s vintage Chevy Blazer??? More like king of the hobos.
Hey…here’s an idea! Auction off the Blazer the next time Goldy wants to raise money for an HA cause…Like establishing a home for disappointed and disillusioned HA regulars who desparately need mental health therapy. No shortage of candidates for that, eh what?
The Piper
The Piper
He changed his name legally to Mike the Mover because of the publicity he got from running for office as…Mike the Mover. The cart came before the horse.
No law that I know of requiring you to run with the name given you by your parents. After all, who among you isn’t still pissed at the moniker with which Mum and Pops tagged you?
The Piper
But together, we have the potential to transform the face of local and national politics.
Something that Goldy said in the original post to start the thread bothers me a little…
I hope the obverse isn’t so true…I hope the Democratic Party isn’t shaping your message. If the line between independent blogger and party operative becomes too blurred, I think it reduces the quality of the conversation.
But I’m just OneMan.
Hey dog. Just remember. Ignoring evil doesn’t make it go away….
I am a strange breed alright though. I want ALL corrupt politicians in prison, and ALL elections to be fair.
I see you had no comment on my last post last evening.
Even though NAZI X is not as bad as Hitler, he is still a NAZI.
Being a Republicon makes Satterberg an accomplice. If he left their party, I would take a look at him.
Fortunately there are too many Dems in power in this state for the GOP to get away with the types of crimes they have gotten away with in Florida, Alabama, and Ohio.
Cons have only two goals. Destroying government, and accumulating more power. They have only been able to accomplish one however….
Since you are a lawyer type, read John Dean’s book “Broken Government: How Republican Rule Destroyed the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches” when you can.
I could type each and every point straight from his book, each and every one backed up by enough evidence to fill the Grand Canyon.
Republiconvicts must be removed from power, at all levels for our democracy to survive.
I will do my part.
Go ahead, call reality lunacy. No matter what you call it, it is still reality.
All Facts Support My Positions. Always.
It is great being on the right side of history.
Christ someone get that prick some mental help.. facts supprt THAT opinion
Facts- then you better lock them all up. To suggest the Republicans have cornered the market of deceit and corruption is naive, and just as damaging as ignoring evil where it does exist. Where’s your righteous indignation at the fact that the three biggest congressional beneficiaries of the “Earmark” scandal happen to be of OUR party? Anyone interested in digging enough can go tit for tat on examples of corrupt politicians- you must know that.
You are obvously a bright and well read man, but it is a dangerous (and, with all due respect, ignorant) position to take that all D’s are good and all R’s are bad. What, really, is the difference in that sweeping judgement from that of Hitler, or the KKK, or lovely Venus or any other person/group that paints blindly and with a broad brush?
Piper: She gave a fake name. That’s a crime. She knows she is Jane Hague, but she lied.
If you got a beef with that, step into the beef-box and tell us about it.
If not, go gargle with razor blades!
For Facts, the issue isn’t corrupt politicians. Rather, the issue is politicians corrupting the political process by placing loyalty to their party over loyalty to the country.
Dog, I would never say “all” Dems are good. But there is one thing I have been able to determine. With the entire weight of the FBI, and the Justice Dept. looking under every rock, and using the entire weight of the Federal Government at Bush’s command, there has been practically no Democrats charged with corruption. There has been dozens of Republicons that are either sitting in prison, should be sitting in prison, or are waiting for their court dates. Either very few Dems are corrupt (convictable by your standard), or simply none are.
Think about it. The only Dem caught was Jefferson, and they had to hand him $100,000 in cash to get him. Juuuuust a little entrapment? What do you think would have happened if they tried to give Tom DeLay a hundred grand in cash. Hell, he probably would have shot the FBI agent to get the dough.
Please read Dean’s book.
Something else I have noticed. I listen to Rush, and Hannity on the radio, and watch Fox Lies to see what they are saying quite often. Fortunately I know when they are lying, because I pay close attention. It seems the righties can not bear to listen to Air America for one second. The moment they hear truth being spoken on the air they are turning that dial as fast as they can.
Willful Ignorance is what I call it.
I will admit that some Republiconvicts are not as bad as others. There. That is as far as I will go. After watching what Republicon Prosecutors have done, or neglected to do in other places, I would find it impossible to trust any at this time. They can clean up their party. Maybe I may want to return to it someday, after the Dems have been drunk with power for a generation or two…..
Joe- there you go again seeing crime where simply bad behavior exists. Tell me what crime?
Obstructing? (RCW 9A.76.02)? Sorry, pal- if the cop had enough information to pull up her driving record than the cop was not “hindered or delayed” as required by the statute.
Making a false or misleading statement to a public servant? (RCW 9A.76.175? Nope. Again, it has to be a false or misleading MATERIAL statement, and the same analysis applies as above. There is no jury in the world that would convict someone for giving her married name where it had no effect on the ability of the public servant to carry out his duties. Hell, I’m not even sure that qualifies as “false”!
While what she did should generate plenty of fodder for us to challenge her appropriateness as a candidate, the fact that she was not charged does NOT reflect on the office of the KCPAO (that’s how this string started). I’m not aware of any law that makes it a crime to mislead the media or us democrats.
If you really believe we should be charging people for shit that just happens to look bad and piss us off, you’re talking crazier and more like a Republican than Facts!
Don Joe at 40:
“Rather, the issue is politicians corrupting the political process by placing loyalty to their party over loyalty to the country”
Replace the words “Politicians” with “Citizens”, and “Country” with “County”, and that is exactly what those of you on HA who are blindly voting party line for the KCPAO are doing.
Don, that is entirely my point.
And to think. All those millions of emails just “disappeared”. Which is of course a crime by itself. Errrr, a few crimes. Prosecutions? Yeah right….. Same old game. Tim Griffin’s caging lists = crime. Prosecution? No on your life. And on, and on, and on. The evidence in the lawsuit in Ohio pertaining to the ’04 election was affidavits on a pallet stacked over 10 feet high. The judge (Republicon Judge Just As Bad) threw the case out for lack of evidence.
Whether local or national. Having Republiconvicts determine who gets prosecuted is like having foxes guarding henhouses…..
Remember Rove lied repeatedly in his testimony to Fitzgerald, and the FBI, and was never charged. He recanted so it wasn’t perjury, but it was still lying. Still a crime. Barbie could have got a conviction, but Fitzgerald, a good loyal Republicon Prosecutor let the whole gang off. They put it all on Libby, and he of course got pardoned. Badda Bing! A half a dozen government officials or more conspire to commit what amounts to treason, destroy a whole CIA front company, lie about it to investigators, and all but Libby walk. “Ongoing investigation” my ass. Coverup with the help of the Prosecutor more likely.
They are above the law, because the law is them, and their buddies.
Bad for America.
Dog, imagine what might happen if a Democrat is the prosecutor in King County. I wonder what has been ignored all those years. The good ol boys may not all have been all that good right? Are we gonna have a hundred shredder trucks backed up the the courthouse 2 weeks before Sherman takes over?
I bet the Republicons are scared to death. I bet they have had their hands in so many cookie jars that they have chocolate chips up to the elbows.
Wadda ya say?
Maybe not. Not all the prosecutors are “loyal bushies” I am sure. One thing is for sure though. After watching “Law Gonzales Style” for a while, I don’t trust any of them…..
I would be a fool to trust any of them.
…and having someone with Bill’s dearth of experience decide who gets prosecuted is liking having a baby chick guard the henhouse. That’s why this should be a non-partisan position. If it were, Bill wouldn’t have a prayer.
I know you are deaf to this notion, because you know nothing about the weight and responsibility this position carries with it, but he’s way over his head in this one, and that should scare you.
Facts- you’re insane. Delusional. Paranoid. It’s like trying to talk to someone with autism.
I’m going to bed. Someone has to wake up in the morning and keep safe even those like you….
Does knowing too many “facts” make me insane? Delusional? What have I said that was delusion? Shall I provide links? Easy. Very easy. Paranoid? How about being able to appreciate the threat to our nation having any power in today’s GOP’s hands is. Ready to bomb 75 million people in Iran? Piss off Putin? Run up another few trillion in debt? Pretend Iraq is not a disaster some more? Practically close the State Department? A few more corporatists on the Supreme Court?
How ’bout your suggestion that there will be shredders lined up outside the office if Bill is elected. Throw me some facts on that one.
Yes- you are truly a lunatic. But sleep well anyway- I’m out….
Replace the words “Politicians” with “Citizens”, and “Country” with “County”, and that is exactly what those of you on HA who are blindly voting party line for the KCPAO are doing.
I know that at least two of us aren’t Democrats, so how can we be toeing a part line when we don’t even belong to the party?
“How ’bout your suggestion that there will be shredders lined up outside the office if Bill is elected. Throw me some facts on that one.”
I qualified that.
“Maybe not. Not all the prosecutors are “loyal bushies” I am sure.”
I am just wondering out loud if there are skeletons just waiting to come out….. Not claiming I know of any.
I have however been told Satterberg is vulnerable.
I do realize how tough it is making these life and death calls.
We have a president who has committed a number of high crimes and misdemeanors, including misleading this country into war, redefining “torture” beyond recognition and illegally wiretapping citizens, and the reason he hasn’t been impeached is because there are too many members of the Senate who are loyal to him for an impeachment to succeed.
Yet, you want to compare votes in a PA race where the two candidates are, by any objective standard, equally qualified (though in different ways), with the party loyalties that have kept President Bush from being impeached. Is there any reason we ought not be deeply offended by your comparison?
TDOG: If ‘experience’ were your standard, you would still be hopping mad that an inexperienced 24 year old Heritage Foundation ideologue was put in charge by Republicans to oversee the economic recovery of Iraq.
The whole exercise in the Iraq economic recovery was to show how great the ‘invisible hand’ of the free market would work in Iraq, even though the recovery was headed by an incompetent and inexperienced youth.
Didn’t work. Never will. Because the ‘invisible hand’ can inevitably be found in the taxpayers’ wallet, and not out there finding the cheapest and most effective way to get things done.
I am one quarter American Indian, TDOG, and I can spot a forked tongue a mile away! And you got one!
Go gargle with razor blades!!!
It all comes back to the fact that Republicans are a bunch of crooks. They can’t even keep a lid on it when they control ALL branches of government.
If you got a beef with that, TDOG, step into the beef-box and tell us about it.
If not: Go gargle with razor blades!!!
Ah, but who will keep us safe from the likes of him? While I’m at it, who will keep Facts safe from the likes of Facts? The deranged often engage in acts of self-mutilation (witness Joe Pine’s fascination with razor blades) in order to act out whatever mental disorder it is that afflicts them.
Facts and Joe Pine…Straight jackets with your names on them await you at Western State. All courtesy Washington taxpayers, and this public expenditure is money very well spent!
I know there’s a KC courtroom at Harborview for just such purposes, and I’m sure, based upon the evidence from which they stand condemned out of their own mouths, any number of attorneys from the PAO would gladly file involuntary committment papers.
The Piper
Piper: Put your false teeth in backwards and bite yourself in the neck. Then go gargle with razor blades! If you don’t taste blood, go bite someone.
Now, get outta heahhh!!!!!!!!!
Piper, let me explain something to you. Think hard. I spout my opinions here, backed up at every instance by links (if needed) and overwhelming proof.
You just call the truth tellers like myself names.
It is all you can do.
Calling me names does not change reality in any way.
No wonder as Arnold put it “The Republicon Party is dying at the box office”.
By the way Piper. What have I EVER posted here that I could not back up with proof?
(crickets chirping)
All Facts Support My Positions
You want to know how bad we need to get rid of all Republicons?
No matter how many crimes the Bush Administration has committed, the Republicons in the Senate would never vote to impeach him, rendering any impeachment by the Dems pointless, and useless.
The Republicons in our government think our nations laws are to be openly disregarded.
I don’t remember Satterburg calling for Bush’s impeachment. Now there is a law and order dude!!!
Don Joe at 52: “High Crimes and Misdemeanors”? Did we just jump back to the 1800’s? YES- Bush is a liar and a crook and he scares the crap out of me. So let’s boot him and every other crook. But let’s limit our cleansing to the crooks and not throw out the baby with the bath water. As for your statement that Dan and Bill are equally qualified, well that’s just ridiculous and reveals, once again, your lack of awareness of what the office does and what experience it takes to do it.
Joe Pine at 53: I AM hopping mad about that. But tell me what the F that has to do with putting someone who lacks the requisite experience in charge of the largest law enforcement office in the state.
Facts at every post: you have bupkus, baby. Sure, you take easy shots at easy targets like those R’s who ARE crooks (and there may be many). That’s like beating up a baby. But give me ONE FACT to support your contention that the office of the KCPAO, or Dan Satterberg more specifically, has been involved in anything even remotely corrupt in the 18 years Dan has been chief (and don’t re-re-re-repeat your opinion that Lori Sotello should have been charged and your conclusion that the reason she wasn’t was politically rather than legally motivated, because A) that’s an opinion, and B) T quite thoroughly explained in a seperate string that the Sotello case was flat out unchargeable (with citation to actual law followed by actual legal analysis- imagine that!?– I’d be happy to paste it for you if you missed it, but I suspect you don’t care because all that matters to you is a letter, and that’s where YOU are shallow and dangerous).
I couldn’t agree more that there are many Repubs who need to be tossed not just out of office but maybe even in jail. But show me one FACT that is one of them. We Dems should be especially wary of guilt by association. After all, isn’t that what raises our moral hackles most about the whole homeland security/wiretap crap (both FEDERAL issues, I remind you)? Using your deep and thoughtful criterion for how to choose here (ie. are you a D or an R)is not only the greatest form of hypocrisy, but also self defeating. THIS race should come down to who is best qualified for the job, and it’s not even close under that lense.
And finally, Facts at 59: Has Bill Sherman called for Jr.’s impeachment? Has our Governor? Should every D in any elected position who has NOT called for his impeachment be removed from office??
You present anything and everything BUT facts to support your position on who to vote for in this election. Reductio ad absurdum, my friend….
word omitted: should read “show me one FACT that Dan is one of them”…..
Are those crickets I hear chirping? Or, did “Positions” (I can’t bear to refer to him/her as “Facts”) go eat dinner?
TDOG @ 60,
Sorry, but your credibility just went negative. If you’re going to compare my vote for the PA’s office to the party loyalties that are presently keeping President Bush in office, we can rightfully conclude that you’re little more than a Satterburg shill. I no longer believe anything you’ve had to say about what goes on in the PA’s office.
whocaresaboutblueorred, TDOG and T
What will you do if Bill wins the election in three weeks? Will you do the honorable thing and resign? You clearly do not want to work for him or under him.
If you stay and undermine him, how does that help the citizens of King County?
Regarding my earlier post about employment-
Goldy already called out whocaresaboutblueorred (e-mailing from his county computer). I assume that TDOG and T are cut from the same cloth.
If I am wrong, I apologize.
well, Don Joe- correct me where I’m wrong. You’re the one who can’t articulate any reason other the R and D why anyone with a brain and a stake in the safety of this county would vote for Bill over Dan, and you’re of the group who compares keeping Dan in to keeping Satan Jr. in– so you tell me, Don Joe: WHY are you voting for Bill? How does THAT serve this county???
And Dodger at 64- welcome aboard. You enter this room making sweeping assumptions just like all the other whacks on HA:
“If you stay and undermine him, how does that help the citizens of King County?”
Who said ANYTHING about undermining anyone, Dodgy? Don’t you get it?? We do this job because we deeply care about this place we call home. We care more about justice in this county than about Bill, Dan, the letter D or the letter R. The worst thing any of us would ever do to Bill is to leave. What feeds your soul, Artful Dodger? How long have you been a sheep?
TDOG @ 66
You asked “who said anything about undermining anyone?” I’ll draw you attention to your earlier post at 46:
“…and having someone with Bill’s dearth of experience decide who gets prosecuted is liking having a baby chick guard the henhouse… he’s way over his head in this one…”
Organizations disagree with your assessment of Sherman’s qualifications. [The non-partisan Muni League rated both Satterberg and Sherman as outstanding. The two major daily papers split.] The great thing about the old U.S. of A. is that the voters have the ultimate say.
It is clear from your frequent posts that you diasgree with the muni league and the Seattle PI’s endorsement. That is your prerogative. If the voters disagree with your position, are you willing to be loyal to Bill?
What happens when he makes a charging decision you disagree with? What happens when he reduces a case that you think should have gone to trial?
Will you address him directly or will you rant anoymously on the blogs [like you have done so often in the run up to the election]?
If you continue to bitch and moan anoymously, how does that help victims? How does that help the office? How does that help citizens of King County?
Just curious.
What have you posted that can’t be supported by evidence? How about “facts support all my positions.” More like “delusions cloud my thinking such that I’m willing to believe Nero’s horse should be a counsul of Rome.” Or something on that order.
The Piper
Fascinating the number of people who are beginning to post here and other places who have an inordinate amount of inside knowledge about the PAO.
That they also have the ring of truth about them goes without saying. I know something about attorneys, and they talk like attorneys, write like attorneys, argue like attorneys, etc.
If it looks like a duck…
And it’s pretty obvious, too, that they’re not Republicans, so all the HA wackos who reflexively call any who refuse to toe the HA party line a Republican are finding themselves out to lunch on that argument.
What I would like to ask them, though, is this: Given the ethical constraint you are all operating under not to participate in the campaign, is there a point at which that constraint might get lifted?
I mean, if the concern for and consideration of the people of King County and the safety both of their persons and property is such that some statement of the very real and possible bordering on probably exodus of experienced litigators from the PAO isn’t warranted?
The more Sherman campaigns as strictly a Democrat, the more he becomes a candidate who then is committed to zealously represent only a portion of the citizens of King County, not all of them.
I hope this message gets out to the people. They need to hear. Frankly, the case could be made that they have a right to hear.
The Piper
the fact that Bill is way over his head does not mean I or anyone intend to undermine him, Dodger. YOU drew that conclusion. I’m sure this is a concept that’s well beyond your comprehension, but most of us prosecutors understand that undermining our boss- like him or not- would be to the detriment of the people whom we’ve sworn to serve, and that oath means more than anything to us. Our priority is to protect YOU and all of you, and as long as we work for this office that is exactly what we will do. So at worst, we’d leave.
I return to my original question. What are you going to do if Bill wins: bury the hatchet or leave?
I, and most of us, will either leave or “bury the hatchet”.
Now get back to algebra. I know high school can be tough these days.
Piper- good question (thank you!). Like I said in a way earlier post on a different string, both Bill and Dan have asked us not to officially endorse either of them “as an office”, and we want to honor that. But when weeks ago a few folks in the association were considering endorsing Bill in the “name” of the association(again, referenced in earlier posts on a different string), many were hoping they would, because then the rest of us (a substantial majority) could have taken off the gloves and told the public what the office REALLY thinks. But that didn’t happen, and (contrary to what Dodger appears to think) we will not collectively do anything to harm the office, no matter who ends up running it. So all we can do is what I and a few others are doing here, and whatever else we can do on our own time and in our own names.
Apparently I really like parentheses tonight….
TDOG- I realize what the options are.
Are you going to stay or leave? You still have not answered the question.
P.S. Who’s ROGER?
Roger, as in the Roger the Dodger. Oliver Twist reference. Sorry if I went over your head.
What I’d do is both irrelevant to this discussion and, with all respect, none of your business. But since I’m an open book (well, except for my name- in this venue), I’ll tell you I’m not sure what I’d do if Bill was elected. But I can say without hesitation that if I stayed I wouldn’t undermine him. I’d do everything I could to help him run the office in a way we could all be proud of.
The Oliver Twist thing…that was a dickens of a referance. I have to tell you that there are a lot of Fagin-wannabes who hang here on a regular basis.
Preaching to the majority of HA regulars is like talking to the wall…or like trying to explain the rule against perpetuities to second-graders.
Your willingness to put the interests of the office ahead of political considerations is Greek to people like Facts, Dodger, et al. Remember…Richard Pope is unconditionally endorsed by Goldy. While the incumbent is admittedly flawed in any number of ways (some of which you guys don’t even know), Pope is a walking disaster waiting to happen.
I’ve noticed some like-minded posters over at David Postman’s Seattle Times blog. Where else is your message being expressed? And have any local ink-stained-wretches begun nosing around the courthouse looking for deep background or off-the-record quotes? I mean, they can’t cover Brittany and K-Fed for ever!
I don’t envy you your dilemma…
The Piper
Piper @76
21 years and a life in being, Pipes, that’s a long time to be pickin’ pockets….
Heck- I’d welcome any and all ink-stained wretches- might just cast an invitation or two out tomorrow (before or after work hours, of course, lest someone start a new thread).
In the meantime, maybe I’ll see what the folks over at Postman’s have to say. Not that I’m looking for clones, like some, but it’d be nice to get a salient and directed response every once in a while….
Piper and TDOG,
Nothing more would please the dedicated men and women of the PAO than to, as you say, “take the gloves off.” The reason that we do not, however, is exactly the reason why Bill Sherman should not be elected.
If the deputy prosecutors started endorsing a specific candidate you would invariably have some who support one and some who support the other (in this case… the VAST majority for Dan, the disgruntled minority for Bill).
So, what would be the inevitable (and logical) reaction of the victor? “I guess I’ll fire all the opposition and hire my own. If I do this, then I’m sure to get the endorsement of the deputy prosecutors come the next election!”
The beauty of Norm is that he was a Republican in King County, but because he ran the office with dignity and respect for all political parties and all views he felt perfectly at peace ensuring that the people of King County had the best and brighted attorneys representing them regardless of party affiliation… and in Norm’s case that turned out the be 90+% Dems. Not once has anyone been asked what their party affiliation was when they applied for a job. This is not the case in politically charged prosecutor’s offices around the country much less this State.
Dan shares this vision and you need to work there to appreciate it. All Bill has is a smooth delivery and a big (D) behind his name. He is an opportunist and wasn’t a King County Deputy Prosecutor long enough to appreciate what we have (or he simply doesn’t care).
Dodger @every post,
Excuse me, but you don’t know shit.
The reason TDOG and T are as passionate as they are is because they know first hand what it means to “represent” the people of WA.
Unless you’ve looked into a 7 year old girl’s eyes and told her that she has to get on a witness stand and face the monster who used her like an amusement park ride, then shut the fuck up. Unless you’ve sat a mother down and told her that her son was killed by some gang bangers, then shut the fuck up. Unless you’ve busted your ass trying to convince a wife to come testify against her husband who has been beating her for the last 15 years… then shut the fuck up.
You don’t know shit.
The dedicated deputy prosecutors who work ungodly hours don’t do it for Norm, Dan Satterberg, or Bill Sherman. They sure as hell don’t do it for the money. They do it because they love it when that 7 year old girl gets on that stand and shows them what true courage is. They do it because they want to be there for that mother when she tells her son’s killers what they stole from her. They do it because they get a thrill when that wife comes up to them after her husband is sent to prison and says, “thank you… now I feel safe.”
Will everything go wrong if Mr. Sherman wins. Probably not. At best, though, it will feel like a President who has never been to war telling soldiers to go to war… sound familiar? Working those long hours may not have the same appeal.
As I have said in past posts, if Mr. Sherman wins, I will wish him the best and root for him to prove me wrong.
If Mr. Satterberg wins, I will wish him the best and I already know that he will prove me right.
P.S. I e-mailed my partner to bring home some teriyaki the other day too… sorry.
I’m not advocating “take the gloves off” in a traditional political sense. I’m advocating setting the record straight and clearing the air.
Off course, it would be inappropriate for the professional staff of the PAO to actively campaign for one or the other candidate. Putting up yard signs in a Brooks Bros. suit is a consummation devoutely NOT to be wished.
But when a candidate engenders the level of professional anxiety among a growing number of you that Sherman clearly seems to be doing, then it’s no longer a simple matter of intra-office ethics and etiquitte; a legitimate issue of public safety and security is involved.
Does the public have a right to know?
While posting on blogs is one way of getting out the message, the question gets immediately begged as to whom: die hards, political junkies, fanatics and wonks whose minds are probably already made up. We know who we are. How, then, do you reach swing and undecided voters?
Suppose a candidate runs in the next race for KC Sheriff whose election would result in a goodly number of experienced deputies quitting such that, for at least an extended period of time, an inadequate number of competent police officers were on the streets of King County. Wouldn’t the public have a right to know this? To factor it into their decision? Aren’t the professionals in the PAO at least as important with a commensurate need on the part of Joe and Jane Doakes to be aware of what’s at stake?
Again…not campaigning in a traditional sense, but speaking what you know to be true to those whose lives and property you work to protect. “Choose this day whom you will serve.”
The phones and emails of reporters and news hounds work both ways…They not only send, but they receive…The mountain wouldn’t come to Mohammed, so Mohammed had to go to the mountain.
Just a thought…
The Piper
Piper @ 80, as you’ve seen in the responses on Postman’s blog, we get accused of being Republicans working in concert with Satterberg’s campaign when we speak up. Not true. Same thing is going to happen if we start initiating calls to the press. That’s why I challenge the press to just start asking anyone they can for info…not pointing them to a specific group of people. I have that much confidence in the consensus opinion that I don’t care who they call.
Those at Postman who accused you of being Republicans would likewise accuse you if you didn’t order at lunch what they thought you should. Blue plate special only, never red meat.
Their’s is a reflexive, knee jerk/jackboot response to anything that falls outside of their infintesimily narrow POV. And their accusations both go with the territory and should be worn as badges of honor.
Candidly…that you would be willing to suffer their slings and arrows only adds credence to your call.
Just so you’ll know…I am a Republican and a partisan. But I also have been known to support quality Democrats (Brian Sonntag), and I’ve never voted for Richard Pope when he slimed into a race as an R, preferring, instead, to either remain mute or look closely at the Libertarian.
And there are Republicans who’ve run and are running that I wouldn’t support on a bet because I know the kinds of things you know about Bill Sherman.
All of you at the PAO need to first and foremost remain true to your consciences; do that, and no one can have an honorable argument with you. As for me? I’ve no doubt the course I’d take.
What’s at stake is important…
The Piper
whocaresaboutblueorred at 79:
“Will everything go wrong if Mr. Sherman wins. Probably not. At best, though, it will feel like a President who has never been to war telling soldiers to go to war… sound familiar? Working those long hours may not have the same appeal.”
Was you “sound familiar” comment referring to Norm Maleng? The last time I checked he never tried a criminal case in his 28 years as the elected.
Are you motivated to work the long hours to honor the elected or to make sure that the victims get the protection that they deserve? I suspect that it is the latter.
I do not question that Norm was a great leader for the Prosecutor’s Office. I just don’t see how it will all come to an end if either Satterberg or Sherman are elected.
Dodger- I hesitate to make this accusation of anyone, but I suspect you might actually be stupid…..
TDOG @ 84
Wow you really got me.
Really…what do you do for a living? It obviously has nothing to do with administering an office of highly skilled, highly trained professionals or you’d pull your head out of your orthodoxy, climb off the perch to which you’ve been assigned and found yourself stranded, change your quite stained drawers, and…listen to what’s being said by the people who actually do the work in the PAO!
Just a friendly suggestion from someone who doesn’t want you to end up completely embarrassed.
The Piper
You’re getting nowhere comparing Mr. Sherman to Norm. Granted Norm (to my knowledge) never tried a criminal case… but, he proved himself to me and the people of King County for over 30 years. Nevertheless, if it was Norm 30 years ago vs. present day Mr. Satterberg, I would vote for Mr. Satterberg in a hearbeat.
Mr. Sherman has proven nothing. I’m not taking a risk on him just because he has a “D” next to his name when I have a sure winner who happens to have an “R” next to his name.
And yes… the vast majority of the deputy prosecutors work to make sure that the victims of crime get the protection that they deserve. I thought that was the point I was making. I’m glad you got that.
Maybe you have hope…
Hey TDOG, whocaresaboutblueorred, T, Piper et al …
Did you see the King5 poll? You disappeared as soon as that news came out.
Polishing up your resumes, perhaps, instead of blogging for your “nonpolitical” boss from your King County computers?
It appears that the public is ready for what many in the PAO have been quietly wanting for a long time.
Don’t feel threatened. If you all are as talented, driven and dynamic as you claim in your entries, I’m sure there will be a place for you in the Sherman administration. You might have to blog on your own time though, instead of on the taxpayers’ dime.
Outlaw- we disappeared after the rest of these ignorant sheep clammed up. Check the chain, pinhead.
And when you find someone who has been on this block a) from an office computer and/or b) during office hours, let any of us know and we’ll drop the dime. Otherwise, shut up and try to say something original and true. Hell- one or the other might be fine for you.