Not since the 1919 Black Sox have we seen a more determined effort to throw a game than that of the current Republican leadership. The Keystone Cops routine performed by Hastert, Reynolds and Shimkus seems designed to exacerbate and extend the Foley scandal as much and as long as possible, while the stupidly self-destructive deflections of White House Press Secretary Tony “Naughty Emails” Snow and GOP surrogate blowhard Matt Drudge (blaming Foley’s downfall on “these 16 and 17 year-old beasts”) couldn’t have been more outrageously scripted by the satirical mind of Jesus’ General.
If the GOP wants to ensure a Democratic sweep in November, this is exactly how to do it.
Yet apparently, political ambition knows no bounds, for even in the midst of this unrelenting firestorm, the title of Republican Idiot King continues to draw stiff competition, most notably today from outgoing Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, a man who has made a hobby of repeatedly dashing his presidential hopes on the rocks of his own political mediocrity.
Speaking at a U.S. military base in southern Afghanistan, Frist warned that the Taliban guerrillas will never be defeated militarily, arguing that “you need to bring them into a more transparent type of government.”
“Approaching counterinsurgency by winning hearts and minds will ultimately be the answer,” Frist said. “Military versus insurgency one-to-one doesn’t sound like it can be won. It sounds to me … that the Taliban is everywhere.”
That’s the Republicans for you: the party of cut-and-run.
It is quite possible that Frist’s assessment is basically correct — that at this point in the conflict, after the Taliban has been allowed to regroup and rearm while President Bush committed our forces to his personal grudge with Saddam Hussein — that a military solution is no longer feasible in Afghanistan… if it ever was. But that’s besides the point.
The point is that the GOP’s number one man in the Senate could possibly be so stunningly, politically tone deaf.
With the leaked National Intelligence Estimate report suggesting that our war in Iraq has only increased the terrorist threat, and with Watergate “hero” Bob Woodward making headlines by finally joining sixty percent of his fellow Americans in understanding the Bush administration to be delusional, disorganized and fundamentally dishonest, this is exactly the wrong time for “Leader” Frist to tell the American people that the greatest military power in the history of the world cannot defeat the ragged extremists who harbored our al-Qaeda attackers.
Unless, of course, your goal is to convince the American people that the Republican Party is simply incapable of leading: incapable of winning the war in Iraq or in Afghanistan, incapable of fighting the war on terror… even incapable of what should be the relatively routine task of protecting House pages from being groped by a congressman in a Capitol Hill restroom.
It is hard to believe that this is in fact the Republican leadership’s goal… that the people who have “led” our nation for the past six years really want to lose the November election. But the alternative explanation is even more disturbing.
Wait, the General is satire? Oh man. My face is crimson.
How we leave Iraq is open for debate. It seems only Republicans are allowed to make decisions thought, and that has been a disaster by any measure, no matter what they do. I am intentionally ignoring all the good they have done for large corporations, and the ultra-wealthy.
Iraq, and Afghanistan is spiraling out of control, and the chance of a successful outcome diminishes more each day, in both war torn countries.
So the Republicans want to frame the debate, and say over, and over “the Democrats don’t have a plan” or other crap.
One thing is for sure, when it comes to Iraq, and now Afghanistan. With Bush, and Rumsfeld calling the shots, failure is certain.
Neither of these traitors know a thing about military matters, and it shows…..
I challenge any wingnut to name one single thing Bush has done right in Iraq…..
(crickets chirping)
I will give you all night oh Bush defenders. Name something he has done in Iraq that has turned out to be the right decision.
Better read the NIE before you make fools of yourselves though….
I will give you all night oh Bush defenders. Name something he has done in Iraq that has turned out to be the right decision.
Better read the NIE before you make fools of yourselves though….
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 10/2/06@ 7:51 pm
What is the Socialist Democrats Plan to win the War on Terror?
When I see Republicans stating “the Democrats don’t have a plan” I want to reach through the screen of my tv, and choke them. Put the Democrats in power, and watch the magic…..
Republican rule has been the biggest disaster this country has had to suffer through. From a hundred warnings being ignored to allow 9-11 to happen, to the destruction of our military, alliances, environment, and standing in the world. The list goes on. Global warming being ignored another 5 years, 9 TRILLION IN DEBT, 2 wars lost, 2,700 killed on 9-11, and 2,700 killed in Iraq, plus the 100,000 Iraqis, and hatred exploding in the rest of the world for America.
My god man, wake up.
There is no cave deep enough for a wing nut to hide from these facts.
Now blame Clinton…..
Clinton left more man on Monica’s dress than all the Republican leaders put together.
Just remember, when Clinton left office we had a surplus, and respect for America worldwide was at an all time high. We even had a plan to go after Bin Laden. You know, the one Bush ignored, and demoted the people that wanted to carry it out….
Hi Klake. Democrats will stop doing things that make millions of people hate us. How is that for starters? Remember when Clinton left office Indonesia has an 80% positive view of America. In 3 years it was 15% because of Bush.
Maybe if we killed terrorists, and brought them to justice, instead of killing 100,000 non terrorist muslims they would respect us more…… Just a thought…..
Oops, Klake, Condi caught lying again.
Condi’s lie
Another thing Klake, my dog could do a better job fighting terror than the Republican leaders we have now. Just remember, my dog is kinda smart…. Something no one would ever claim about Bush, or Rummy. Much less mushroom cloud Condi.
Klake, watch Larry King tonight at 9. Watch Woodward tell it like it is…..
Then vote for Republicans.
Supporting Republicans these days would be like committing suicide.
Think about it.
You think we could actually get lucky enough that Klake the coward would kill himself? I would then start to believe in God.
challenge any wingnut to name one single thing Bush has done right in Iraq…..
(crickets chirping)
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 10/2/06@ 7:51 pm
Crickets? No that is laughing.
What did Bush do right:
Attacked Afganistan
Attacked Iraq- Captured Sadam
Kept the Homeland safe for the last 5 years
Gave us a great Economy- I am better off than I was in 2000
Gave the finger to the palestinians
Home ownership at an all time high
Tax breaks
Appointed Roberts and Alito
Appointed Bolton as UN Ambassodor to the useless UN
Bush hasnt controlled social spending which is way to high and failed on SS reform. All in all pretty good. He will go down as one of the better presidents we have had.
challenge any wingnut to name one single thing Bush has done right in Iraq…..
Attacked Iraq- Captured Sadam
You’re kidding, right?
Now let’s have some fun. I love burning the hair off con’s nut sacks.
Attacked Afganistan – Good idea. Then we left without following up properly, and rebuilding (agian) causing a resurgence of the Taliban.
Attacked Iraq- Captured Sadam – If you think this is good I would love to meet your dealer. You are getting some really good crack these days.
Kept the Homeland safe for the last 5 years – Just like Clinton kept it safe for 7 years and 11 months? To follow up on this, are you saying there are fewer terrorists now, and fewer people plotting, and planning to attack us? I think not. So does 16 different spy agencies.
Gave us a great Economy – I am better off than I was in 2000. – Good for you. Millions more are in poverty, and real wages (on average) have been falling for 5 years straight. The same time the income for the top 1% has been growing in double digits.
Gave the finger to the palestinians – ? That is why they elected Hamas? We ignored the peace process in Israel, and this has only hurt our standing in the world. We need to engage, and Bush only knows how to wag his finger, and drop bombs on women and children.
Home ownership at an all time high – That is a good thing, but it is offset by the average debt of the average American. All that easy credit is hurting millions now, and with bankruptcy reform they will be slaves to the banks for the rest of their lives. I would call it a draw at best.
Tax breaks – You only give tax cuts when you have a surplus. The proper term is tax deferrments. Your children will have to pay your taxes, with interest in the real world.
Appointed Roberts and Alito – So if a corporation mains you, or a family member, you can be sure your lawsiut will be thrown out, and you will be getting your dinner from a dumpster.
Appointed Bolton as UN Ambassodor to the useless UN – It is not that the U.N. is useless. There are people in this world that their resources don’t belong to American (and other western countries) corporations, and actually are telling us to leave their counntries alone. They have enough corrpution to deal with, and don’t need us, the WTO, World Bank, and others stealing their wealth. If you don’t believe me, read “Armed Madhouse” by Greg Palast.
Bush hasnt controlled social spending which is way to high and failed on SS reform. All in all pretty good. He will go down as one of the better presidents we have had. – Whooooooooahhhhhhhhh
Bush not a disaster. Gosh I want to meet your dealer. If making America hated worldwide, destroying our military, and losing 2 wars at once is what you call doing a good job, then you need another hit.
Hey if you are a billionaire I understand your support for Bush. He is really supporting you!
Got any more. I am just getting started.
Trashing the constitution…illegal Spying…lying to start a war….corruption beyond belief….. and who is going to clean up his mess? You? Congressman Foley, Hastert, or Boehner? They are too busy making sure our kids are getting hit on by dirty old men….
Gave the finger to the palestinians – ? That is why they elected Hamas? We ignored the peace process in Israel, and this has only hurt our standing in the world. We need to engage, and Bush only knows how to wag his finger, and drop bombs on women and children.
Why would we need to bomb palestinian women and children? They already have bombs strapped on them. Total waste.
Facts, facts, facts, and more facts. All facts are on my side.
Why do you want to argue when you know you are wrong, and you know Bush is a corrupt, lying, disgrace?
I used to be a Republican. I know what it is like to come into the light. Now I can talk politics, and all facts support my positions.
Just tune your radio to AM1090 or for a little of reality every day.
It will do you good to get rid of the horse shit Rush, Hannity, Savage, O’Lieley, and the rest put between your ears, lying, and taking people out of context, and crying outrage.
Buhcha pansies living on straw men, and lies.
I just heard Hannity say we found WMD’s in Iraq. This person should be shot for treason.
Tax breaks – You only give tax cuts when you have a surplus. The proper term is tax deferrments. Your children will have to pay your taxes, with interest in the real world.
Everyone who paid taxes got a tax cut. The biggest taxes our children will have to pay is SS taxes which the dems dont want to fix. The interest on the debt is small patatoes compared to the SS burden.
Come on, RUFUS, can you really support yhe congressional republicans in the face of their record? Deficits, government for sale to the highest bidder, and they’ll sell out the pages to keep power. The Foley/Page incident is the tiping point. They’re done.
Rufus, fixing SS is easy. Raise the ceiling from $89,000 to $100,000 and problem fixed forever. You don’t need to give any more money to Wall Street. They will only enronize worldcom it.
How is your muffler doing anyway?
Your children will have to pay for it, with interest. Where am I wrong?
If you really want to help the economy, give tax cuts to the working poor. They will spend the money immediately, and really stimulate the economy. Better than giving energy companies 12 BILLION in cuts in fees for crude oil when they are getting record profits.
Appointed Roberts and Alito – So if a corporation mains you, or a family member, you can be sure your lawsiut will be thrown out, and you will be getting your dinner from a dumpster.
You mean those silly class action lawsuits where the lawyers get millions and everyone else gets $50.00 will be harder to file. Oh that is inhuman. The world is coming to an end….Geeeeesh give me a break.
Come on RUFUS, is it OK to trade a page for a House seat? Let’s have a Lewinski style investigation (By the way, she was legal age). If this stull is important, follow up.
Or admit you are a hippocrit.
Rufus the real problem is Medicare (you will probably agree) and nothing is being done about it. Our system is corrupt, and we pay far more for worse care than other industrialized nations. Our medical system is set up for the Frists of this world to make profits, and the sick can just die….
And when your insurance company drops you because you got sick, be sure Alito, and Roberts will side with them…. You just shut up and die, cuz your meds are going to be too expensive, up to 10 times as much as in other countries. Free trade my ass. My girlfriends medicine costs 1/10 as much in South America.
We are getting raped by the drug companies, and HMO’s. Do you care? This is not 100% the Republicans fault, but the Prescription Drug Benefit Scam was all Republican. No negotiating on drug prices? Not to be believed corruption. This is what 750 lobbyists by PHARMA and $100,000,000 in lobbying fees buys from the GOP.
” You mean those silly class action lawsuits where the lawyers get millions and everyone else gets $50.00 will be harder to file. Oh that is inhuman. The world is coming to an end….Geeeeesh give me a break. ”
Boy they got you on that one. Without class action lawsuits, the corporations win every time. It is the only check and balance we have left, after de-regulation stripped all protections for individuals.
They got you all backwards. Wait till it is your wife, or child dying from asbestos, pcb’s, lead, or all the rest….
Call it Fascism.
I challenge any wingnut to name one single thing Bush has done right in Iraq…..
(crickets chirping)
I will give you all night oh Bush defenders. Name something he has done in Iraq that has turned out to be the right decision.
Better read the NIE before you make fools of yourselves though….
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 10/2/06@ 7:51 pm
Typical full of shit moonbat. You never came up with the nine questions you said you had.
Your prior bullshit post and my reply:
“Name any major legislation they (Republicans) have passed, and Bush signed into law that helped normal Americans, and hurt the super rich, and large corporations.”
(crickets chirping)
Commentby Facts Support My Positions—— 9/8/06@ 8:28 pm
Hey righties cheer up. I only asked you one of the ten questions Republicans can’’t answer.
You can’’t even answer question #1. I have 9 more……..
Commentby Facts Support My Positions—— 9/8/06@ 9:22 pm
Your first question was so stupid that I can’t wait to see the other nine, so I’ll make an offer–– if you show us the other nine questions I’ll answer all ten of them. Moonbats are so funny when they’re trying to be clever.
Commentby americafirst—— 9/8/06@ 10:07 pm
Where are the nine questions, moonbat?
As Josh Marshall has already pointed out over on Talking Points Memo, the Page Boy Scandal has effectively “decapitated” the House Republican leadership.
And as always… it’s the coverup, stupid.
by Goldy, 10/02/2006, 11:23 AM
Dem coverup. The Dems probably had the info and hid it until after it was too late to replace Foley on the ballot. Better hope the truth doesn’t come out or the Dems have big problems; bye-bye Dem majority.
With the leaked National Intelligence Estimate report suggesting that our war in Iraq has only increased the terrorist threat, and with Watergate “hero” Bob Woodward making headlines by finally joining sixty percent of his fellow Americans in understanding the Bush administration to be delusional, disorganized and fundamentally dishonest, this is exactly the wrong time for “Leader” Frist to tell the American people that the greatest military power in the history of the world cannot defeat the ragged extremists who harbored our al-Qaeda attackers.
Unless, of course, your goal is to convince the American people that the Republican Party is simply incapable of leading: incapable of winning the war in Iraq or in Afghanistan, incapable of fighting the war on terror… even incapable of what should be the relatively routine task of protecting House pages from being groped by a congressman in a Capitol Hill restroom.
It is hard to believe that this is in fact the Republican leadership’s goal… that the people who have “led” our nation for the past six years really want to lose the November election. But the alternative explanation is even more disturbing.
by Goldy, 10/02/2006, 7:33 PM
Pure lib bullshit. Libs have no idea how to win in Iraq and Afghanistan. Libs never offer solutions because they don’t know what the fuck they are talking about. Nothing but more cry and whine shit.
Moonbat challenge, how do we win in Iraq and Afghanistan? That’s the question lib moonbats never answer.
republicans are child rapists, cowards, crooks, and traitors nuff said
” Dem coverup. The Dems probably had the info and hid it until after it was too late to replace Foley on the ballot. Better hope the truth doesn’t come out or the Dems have big problems; bye-bye Dem majority.
Commentby americafirst— 10/2/06@ 9:41 pm ”
Actually the kid’s parents called ABC. I think they were Republicans. No Democrats involved. In fact, Foley tried to make a deal with ABC.
One thing is for sure americalast, the Republicans knew, and they tried to cover it up to save this seat. Gonna cost them dearly. Helping sexual predators solicit sex from children does not play well with soccer moms, security moms, or any other red blooded American.
Hey Mooooooooslim terrorists!! JDB is selling ceramic bobblehead doll of the Prophet Muhammed on EBay! Now, some might consider this to be “disrespectful” of Islam, so you ragheads might consider doing a site check on JDB, and giving him a Mooooooooooooslim “visit”!!! If you do behead JDB, could I buy the “YouTube” video for resale? Best regards, and “BUSH NO GOOD!” JCH
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 10/2/06@ 10:01 am
That’s not the half of it. I heard that the sign on the bobblehead doll reads “Muhammed The Goatfucker.”
#22 good to see you back. By the way, all the crickets have been chirping so long they are on their 12th generation and you still haven’t named one thing.
I will ask again.
#1 “Name any major legislation they (Republicans) have passed, and Bush signed into law that helped normal Americans, and hurt the super rich, and large corporations.”
The problem is you say the question is so stupid you can’t answer it. If it so stupid what is your answer?
(crickets still chirping)
#2 Do you think defending “INNOCENT” Muslims who are being slaughtered by heavily armed opponents (Kosovo) is better than slaughtering them by the thousand (Iraq) and creating more terrorists, when it comes to fighting the war on terror?
#3 If Bush or Rumsfeld authorized the torture in Abu Gharib, or knew about it, and did not stop it, should they be prosecuted?
Here is a big one. Here is your big chance!!!
#4 If Bush lied about intelligence in order to fool Americans into supporting his plan to invade Iraq should he be impeached? Imprisoned? Tried at the Hague for war crimes?
#5 Are there more people that hate America now, or on 9-11-2001?
#6 Is our military in better shape now than it was when Bush took office?
#7 Is our VA, or government properly taking care of our wounded vets?
I know you righties do all you can to keep from being educated, but you might want to read Fiasco, Armed Madhouse, or State of Denial. You read all three books, and the word Bush will make your skin crawl, like it does all “real, freedom loving” Americans.
Our military is so bad off, they won’t even submit a budget. We have no reserves ready AT ALL!!! If there is a problem, anywhere, we are not fully ready to respond. Does this make you feel safe?
Actually the kid’s parents called ABC. I think they were Republicans. No Democrats involved. In fact, Foley tried to make a deal with ABC.
One thing is for sure americalast, the Republicans knew, and they tried to cover it up to save this seat. Gonna cost them dearly. Helping sexual predators solicit sex from children does not play well with soccer moms, security moms, or any other red blooded American.
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 10/2/06@ 9:59 pm
As I understand it the graphic IM’s are several years old. If you believe that they just surfaced now shortly before an election, dream on. Time will tell, but I smell a Dem tipping off ABC.
I know you righties do all you can to keep from being educated, but you might want to read Fiasco, Armed Madhouse, or State of Denial. You read all three books, and the word Bush will make your skin crawl, like it does all “real, freedom loving” Americans.
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 10/2/06@ 10:12 pm
Why read all that. All you have to do is watch “path to 911”.
“As I understand it the graphic IM’s are several years old. If you believe that they just surfaced now shortly before an election, dream on. Time will tell, but I smell a Dem tipping off ABC.”
Commentby americafirst— 10/2/06@ 10:13 pm
Let me get this straight. You have a problem with the idea that someone may have tipped off the mainstream media about a child molester in charge of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children at a time that would be inconvenient to the Republicans?
You aren’t screaming bloody murder about this pervert in a position of authority, you aren’t calling for a march on Washington to demand the resignation of everyone that knew about this travesty and did nothing, and you aren’t hanging your head in shame that this pervert and the people that covered for him are in the same political party that you are in.
You’re complaining that he got caught just before the election.
Next you’ll be repeating what that slime Drudge was saying about it being the kid’s fault.
It’s a good thing that I actually know some decent Republicans, who are, by the way, hanging their heads in shame over this whole episode and vowing that they will root this scum out of their party.
Here’s hoping that they succeed. What party will you be in when they do? Don’t knock on our door. It’s a big tent, but not that big.
#1 ““Name any major legislation they (Republicans) have passed, and Bush signed into law that helped normal Americans, and hurt the super rich, and large corporations.””
The problem is you say the question is so stupid you can’’t answer it. If it so stupid what is your answer?
(crickets still chirping)
#2 Do you think defending ““INNOCENT”” Muslims who are being slaughtered by heavily armed opponents (Kosovo) is better than slaughtering them by the thousand (Iraq) and creating more terrorists, when it comes to fighting the war on terror?
#3 If Bush or Rumsfeld authorized the torture in Abu Gharib, or knew about it, and did not stop it, should they be prosecuted?
Here is a big one. Here is your big chance!!!
#4 If Bush lied about intelligence in order to fool Americans into supporting his plan to invade Iraq should he be impeached? Imprisoned? Tried at the Hague for war crimes?
#5 Are there more people that hate America now, or on 9-11-2001?
#6 Is our military in better shape now than it was when Bush took office?
#7 Is our VA, or government properly taking care of our wounded vets?
Commentby Facts Support My Positions—— 10/2/06@ 10:08 pm
1. This is a stupid question because passing legislation only to hurt large corporations is stupid. Hurting corporations for the sake of hurting them is just moonbat liberalism; we leave that to Dems and their class-warfare propaganda.
2. This question is even more stupid than #1.
3. No.
4. No. A mistaken belief is not a lie, further, it’s better to play it safe if there is even a chance that Saddam had WMD’s, and there was a reasonable chance. The Iraq invasion was correct, only the occupation has been mishandled.
5. More now. You make enemies when you fight back.
6. The question is too vague. You don’t define “better shape.”
7. The question is too vague. You don’t define “properly.”
BTW, you said you had nine more, not six more.
The republicans are doing the right thing about Foley. This episode will not hurt the republicans. The republicans kick out sex predators in the party where as the dems vote them in (ie Clinton, Barney Frank).
Boy they got you on that one. Without class action lawsuits, the corporations win every time. It is the only check and balance we have left, after de-regulation stripped all protections for individuals.
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 10/2/06@ 8:49 pm
Posts 35-39 must be some of your friends. Looks like they are trolling for some “checks and balances”. heheheehe
Goldy got rid of the attorney posts. darn
“As I understand it the graphic IM’’s are several years old. If you believe that they just surfaced now shortly before an election, dream on. Time will tell, but I smell a Dem tipping off ABC.”
Commentby americafirst—— 10/2/06@ 10:13 pm
Let me get this straight. You have a problem with the idea that someone may have tipped off the mainstream media about a child molester in charge of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children at a time that would be inconvenient to the Republicans?
You aren’t screaming bloody murder about this pervert in a position of authority, you aren’’t calling for a march on Washington to demand the resignation of everyone that knew about this travesty and did nothing, and you aren’t hanging your head in shame that this pervert and the people that covered for him are in the same political party that you are in.
You’re complaining that he got caught just before the election.
Next you’ll be repeating what that slime Drudge was saying about it being the kid’s fault.
It’s a good thing that I actually know some decent Republicans, who are, by the way, hanging their heads in shame over this whole episode and vowing that they will root this scum out of their party.
Here’s hoping that they succeed. What party will you be in when they do? Don’’t knock on our door. It’s a big tent, but not that big.
Commentby John Barelli—— 10/2/06@ 10:34 pm
This is a great post, Barrelfull, because it demonstrates Dem hypocrisy.
“Let me get this straight. You have a problem with the idea that someone may have tipped off the mainstream media about a child molester in charge of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children at a time that would be inconvenient to the Republicans?”
The Dems who held on to the info until the election should have disclosed it as soon as they found out about it, not months or years later. Does the term obstruction of justice mean anything to you?
“You’re complaining that he got caught just before the election.
Next you’ll be repeating what that slime Drudge was saying about it being the kid’s fault.”
You’re nuts, Barrelfull.
“It’s a good thing that I actually know some decent Republicans, who are, by the way, hanging their heads in shame over this whole episode and vowing that they will root this scum out of their party.”
Reps would have kicked him out had they known about it. Unlike the Dems; when Studds (D-Child Molester) got caught screwing an underage page he wouldn’t resign and the Dems, who were in the majority then, wouldn’t kick him out. Typical Dem hypocrisy.
Creepy how the GOP has done its best to defend Foley and Hastert.
Gingrich is now trying to say that the GOP avoided turning in Foley, because of their new-found love for Political Correctness – avoiding any chance of being perceived as “gay bashing”
What a laugh.
What the hell happened to JCH, Mark the Ambiguously Gay Redneck, and Puddy on this issue?
Mark Foley was the personification of Republican self-hate. Seem like our resident self-hate adherents would want to chime in on this issue.
Reps would have kicked him out had they known about it
Fascistfirst – you’re gettin’ stoopid like WOS. They did know about it. They did nothing because they wanted to hang on to the seat.
You like throwing the word “moonbat” around. Typical wingnut. Well, try reading the Moonie Times about this.
Take your moonbat crap to them.
Commentby phalangefirst— 10/2/06@ 11:08 pm
“Reps would have kicked him out had they known about it.”
I don’t want to use a tinyurl here. This is from the right wing’s DC paper, the Washington Times:
They did know about it. They just believed that nobody else would find out. If you’ve bothered to even watch the Faux News coverage, you must know that.
That makes you both a liar and a coward, or perhaps just a moron and a coward.
Where will you go when the decent Republicans retake control of their party? I really do believe that there are more decent folks in that party than people like you. It’s a shame that it took something like this to wake them up, but we’re starting to hear more and more voices from within the Republicans that everyone that knew of this should resign. Folks like you have shamed them and they want no more part of you.
But don’t worry, the Phalange will still let you stay. They have no shame, and what’s one more child molester among that bunch, anyway? Keep working on that goose-step, PhalangeFirst. You’ll get it right eventually.
#3 What is the Socialist Democrats Plan to win the War on Terror?
Here are the first 5 steps :
1) Get rid of the Repedophlians currently in office
2) Get a real SecDef
3) Sack the JCS puppets
4) Supply our troops correctly
5) Cancel ALL the Bush tax cuts
It would’ve been a bit fair to put in some right wing blogs/talk radio hosts’ coverage of the Frist comment, wouldn’t it?
Here, I’ll link it for you:
Something important to add to that. The Times of London is reporting that the Brits are in truce talks with the Taliban.
So Frist’s backpedal consists of saying that he wasn’t talking about letting the Taliban into the government. Rather, he was talking about winning the hearts and minds of “moderate Islamists.” “Moderate Islamists”? Isn’t that like military intelligence? So, Frist’s answer to the problems in Afganistan is to target the hearts and minds of a group of people that doesn’t exist!
I love watching the rethugs self-destruct. It’s going to be a blood bath in Nov. All you righties be sure to show up and eat crow.
4 Facts
Don’t get to cocky. It will probably take a decade or two to realy undo all the shit Bush has mired us in. A Democratic Congress can enforce accountability and rein in the executive to some extent, but probably not a lot more right away.
What do you think the annual interest is on an $8.5 trillion debt?
In calendar 2006 through October it’s over $385 billion. It was over $350 billion last year.
Keeping a really high debt, adn adding to it every year to the tune of $30 billion or better, is just stupid. The poster wss correct the current “tax cuts” are unsutainable.
52: A democraptic congress reigning in Hillary? I thought she’s the smartest person in pants.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ho ho ho ho ho he he he he he heh heh heh heh heh ha ha ha ha ha ha ho ho ho ho ho he he he he he heh heh heh heh heh ha ha ha ha ha ha ho ho ho ho ho he he he he he heh heh heh heh heh ha ha ha ha ha ha ho ho ho ho ho he he he he he heh heh heh heh heh ha ha ha ha ha ha ho ho ho ho ho he he he he he heh heh heh heh heh ha ha ha ha ha ha ho ho ho ho ho he he he he he heh heh heh heh heh ha ha ha ha ha ha ho ho ho ho ho he he he he he heh heh heh heh heh ha ha ha ha ha ha ho ho ho ho ho he he he he he heh heh heh heh heh ha ha ha ha ha ha ho ho ho ho ho he he he he he heh heh heh heh heh
I think she needs an arabic name: Seldom Bin layed!
Clown Is Running for Mayor of Alameda; Always The Jerk is that you?
MWS, have you figured out that ballot yet?
Meanwhile, Florida newspapers — who were leaked copies of the e-mail with the Louisiana boy last year — defended their decision not to run stories. Both The St. Petersburg Times and The Miami Herald were given copies of the e-mail, as were other news organizations, including Fox News.
“Our decision at the time was … that because the language was not sexually explicit and was subject to interpretation, from innocuous to ‘sick,’ as the page characterized it, to be cautious,” said Tom Fiedler, executive editor of the Herald. “Given the potentially devastating impact that a false suggestion of pedophilia could have on anyone, not to mention a congressman known to be gay, and lacking any corroborating information, we chose not to do a story.”
Notice how cooooooooooommmmpaaaaaasssssssssssssssssionnnaaaaaaaaate the Moonbat …er… Miami Herald is. They didn’t want to out a gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay person. Totally different librul thought from level headed persons vs. the loony lefty moonbats of this and other George Soros backed stations.
MWS, has Puddybud given you permission to think for yourself yet?
Ok – Lets try this one more time:
The Democrats have ‘exfoleyiated’ the ‘bark’ of the Republicans which ‘leafs’ them ‘treed’ like a raccoon trying to defend an untenable and ‘dogged’ position during the final days of their grand ‘fall’ election.
Any more puns?
54 MWS
Of course, I was referring to the president who currently really NEEDS reining in: Bush.
We have plenty of time to talk about 2008. We can start after the votes are counted in November 2006.
Speaking of cut and run:
So the line was set. Surrender was to be the main foreign policy position of the Democratic Party, and coming in a close second would be an emphasis that American foreign policy was a criminal enterprise.
FOLLOW THE THREAD OF word and deed from leading Democrats since 1968. It isn’t hard to see a philosophy of appeasement at work. They would easily fit Churchill’s definition of “acts of submission, not merely in pride and sentiment, but in material matters.”
* 1968 — Minority Plank defeated at Democratic Convention calls for withdrawal from Vietnam.
* 1971 — A young John Kerry testifies to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that “we cannot fight Communism all over the world, and I think we should have learned that lesson by now.” He goes on to accuse his fellow soldiers of a long list of “war crimes.”
* 1972 — Senator George McGovern proposes unilateral withdrawal from Vietnam.
* 1975 — Democratic Congress ends funding of Vietnam War, American troops leave Southeast Asia. Years later Yale University’s Cambodian Genocide Program reports that between 1975-1979 1.7 million people were murdered, 21% of the Cambodian population. A Senate Committee headed by Democrat Frank Church of Idaho investigates the CIA, an investigation described by then-President Gerald Ford as “sensational and irresponsible.” Others charge Church with crippling the agency.
* 1977 — President Jimmy Carter, safely elected after campaigning as an Annapolis graduate/Navy officer, tells America it has an “inordinate fear of communism.” While the Cambodian genocide proceeds, the Soviets invade Afghanistan and set up a puppet regime in Nicaragua. American hostages are held in Iran for over a year. Carter cuts the defense budget so badly that Reagan’s incoming Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger recalled not being “entirely over [the] shock at the weaknesses in our own military capability” Carter had left behind.
*1983 — New York Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro joins the Democratic chorus opposing President Ronald Reagan’s decision to send troops to Grenada. In spite of Reagan’s rescue of American medical students and halting a Communist takeover, she charges, according to the New York Times, that it was “an inappropriate and precipitous use of military force.” A year later Ms. Ferraro becomes the Democratic nominee for Vice-President. Her chief foreign policy adviser, according to the Times, is future Clinton Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.
* 1983 — Senator Edward Kennedy leads Democrats in disparaging Reagan’s idea of shooting down nuclear tipped missiles from space as “Star Wars” — fighting a system that only this year was invoked as a way to save the West Coast of the United States from a North Korean missile attack.
*1984 — Walter Mondale campaigns for president on the idea that America should have a “nuclear freeze” with the Soviets. He vows to stop the “illegal war” in Nicaragua “in my first hundred days,” accuses Reagan of wanting to “turn the heavens into a battleground,” and ginning up an “arms race” with the Soviets. Dismissing Soviet aggression in Afghanistan, Central America and Communist treatment of Jewish dissidents, Mondale pleads for arms control. The concept of victory and ending the Cold War is never discussed.
* 1985 — Reykjavik Summit: When Reagan walks away from a bad deal he is sharply criticized by Democratic Congressman Ed Markey for giving up “a chance to cash in on Star Wars” by refusing to trade away the entire SDI program. Later, it is this refusal that is credited with winning the Cold War.
*1988 — Michael Dukakis runs for president opposing efforts to defeat the Communist government of Nicaragua, saying his election would not be about “overthrowing governments in Central America.”
* 1991 — By a five-vote margin the Democratic-controlled Senate votes to force Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait after he invaded the country. The majority of Democrats vote no. This includes now-Senator John Kerry, who said the U.S. was “once again willing to risk people dying from a mistake.”
For five decades now, beginning with that hot August Chicago night in 1968, the modern Democratic Party has adopted the attitude, philosophy, policy and practices of appeasement. All of this — and much more — was well before Bill Clinton even got near the Oval Office. An office he won only when Americans understood the Cold War was finally over, believing that there were no serious threats on the horizon. Only then did a modern Democrat once again live in the White House.
In context, with this history, it just isn’t hard to understand why so many Americans don’t buy Clinton’s defense of his failure to get Osama bin Ladin. It’s also why the demands to “get out of Iraq” from Democrats, combined with impeachment threats, are increasingly understood as just the latest in a very long — and now self-evidently very dangerous — pattern.
A pattern of acts of submission.
I used the word reigning in for a purpose. Queen Hillary.
Speaking of stupid Republican scandals…
The NY Times confirms that Condi Rice DID have that emergency meeting with Tenet and Black on July 10, 2001 in which they strongly expressed their concerns about an imminent al Qaeda attack or attacks. Condoleeza blew them off then, sat on the warnings, concealed the meeting from the 9/11 commission, and said over the last few days that she “didn’t remember” the meeting. Yeah, that must have been a real easy one to forget. The head of the CIA comes to you with warnings of imminent atacks, two months later the attacks occur and 3000 Americans die, and you never do think back and say, “Damn, I guess I blew that one.” Yep, sure would be easy.
A 64 is just another reason why Republicans can’t be trusted to protect us. They get it wrong, and THEN they lie to our faces about it. When they don’t lie to our faces BEFORE they get it wrong, like in Iraq.
63 MWS
Yeah, yeah, your little joke. Wow, you can pun! Who would have thought that you knew enough words?
For Thoroughly Clueless: You discount the WA Times anytime we on the right use them. Your use now to make political points is shallow and is ignored. When you consider all sources for items against your political position you’ll make points; until then goodbye!
MWS, have you apologized for your mistake yet?
It WAS a stupid war in Vietnam tht the American people opposed(and in which 50,000 Americans died pretty much for nothing). Oppsing it was the right thing to do, which put the Republicans (again) on the wrong side.
BTW, what would “unilateral withdrawal from Vietnam” mean, anyway? In Vietnam at teh time there were the Vietnamese, and US troops. We were the only ones who COULD withdraw. It sounds like you cut-and-pasted from someone who just wants to spin language in meaninglesss ways.
Speaking of stupid wars, what the fuck was Grenada about? We were making the Caribbean safe for Trinidad and Tobago?
Oh, and the anti-ballistic missile system couldn’t save us from a vigorous sneeze.
Missed you on Saturday. I had two beers, asked about you at the dart boards, sat by the pool tables from 8:50 to 10:00PM. Gave up a day of Teresa’s four day weekend.
In your post above you actually accuse Dems of holding on to the evidence. The truth is that no one knows who it was that sent ABC the emails and text messages. The evidence was sent to two newspapers in Foley’s district and they refused to print it saying there was no story because the content was “subject to interpretation”. Bullshit! I read it, I know grooming when I see it.
You are upset because of the timing. It was your leadership who sat on this. You have no excuse, no cause to blame Dems. Your ship is sunk. You may lose the Senate now too.
Funny how that works.
1. Foley was sexually graphic and inappropriate with underage children.
2. Congressional leadership knew it, failed to act on it and failed to protect children.
There is no defense. You have nothing to cling to in the way of a defense. You are simply wishing to make it go away. Wishing it did not happen. The problem is that is not going away. How do you like having the October surprise work against you? The House is toast for you guys, and now the Senate is in play too. How does that feel?
Funny how that works.
America will Never Negotiate with Terrorists or Support their Entry into Afghanistan’s Government
05:45 PM – October 2nd, 2006
I’m currently overseas visiting our troops in Afghanistan, but I wanted to take a moment to address an Associated Press story titled, “Frist: Taliban Should Be in Afghan Gov’t.” The story badly distorts my remarks and takes them out of context.
First of all, let me make something clear: The Taliban is a murderous band of terrorists who’ve oppressed the people of Afghanistan with their hateful ideology long enough. America’s overthrow of the Taliban and support for responsible, democratic governance in Afghanistan is a great accomplishment that should not and will not be reversed.
Having discussed the situation with commanders on the ground, I believe that we cannot stabilize Afghanistan purely through military means. Our counter-insurgency strategy must win hearts and minds and persuade moderate Islamists potentially sympathetic to the Taliban to accept the legitimacy of the Afghan national government and democratic political processes.
National reconciliation is a necessary and an urgent priority … but America will never negotiate with terrorists or support their entry into Afghanistan’s government.
Written by Bill Frist, M.D.
Permalink : ul.bookmarks { list-style:none; padding-left:5px; } ul.bookmarks li { padding-bottom:5px; display:inline; white-space:nowrap; }
From today’s Los Angeles Times:
WASHINGTON — Years before sexually explicit electronic messages sent by Rep. Mark Foley to teenage House pages became public last week, some on Capitol Hill say, the Florida Republican was known to have a special interest in younger men.
In interviews with the Los Angeles Times, several current and former congressional employees and others said they recalled Foley approaching young male pages, aides and interns at parties and other venues.
“Almost the first day I got there I was warned,” said Mark Beck-Heyman, a San Diego native who served as a page in the House of Representatives in the summer of 1995. “It was no secret that Foley had a special interest in male pages,” said Beck-Heyman, adding that Foley, who is now 52, on several occasions asked him out for ice cream.
Another former congressional staff member said he too had been the object of Foley’s advances. “It was so well known around the House. Pages passed it along from class to class,” said the former aide, adding that when he was 18 a few years ago and working as an intern, Foley approached him at a bar near the Capitol and asked for his e-mail address.
Pervert and Republican.
Now that we have Woodward’s book, we know Rice sat on the 9.11 warnings. That makes her responsible for 3000 deaths in my book. I say, once we get the Congress, we have her tried for murder or treason or both.
Clearly, you missed my comment earlier about “moderate Islamists.” There isn’t any such thing as a “moderate” Islamist. It’s an oxymoron.
I suppose the argument might be made that Frist really intended to use the word “Muslims” instead of the word “Islamists,” but that immediately gives one pause to wonder how Frist can be Majority Leader of the Senate and not be able to keep strait the difference between Muslims and Islamists.
Anyone who wants to decry “appeasement” on the part of Democrats while upholding Reagan as the standard for appropriate foreign policy has his head so far up his backside as to be completely unable to distinguish truth from falsehood. The most glaring act of appeasment and “cut and run” mentality was Beruit in 1983.
But that’s not even the most amusing part of this whole exchange. Aside from the confused terminology, Frist’s point about winning hearts and minds is exactly what Democrats have been proposing as the king-pin of a strategy for withdrawl from both Afganistan and Iraq. Pay no attention to the fact that Frist’s idea coopts fundamentally Democratic ideas. When Democrats talk about winning people’s hearts and minds, Republicans accuse them of “appeasement”. When Frist talks about winning people’s hearts and minds you cut-and-paste an out-of-date and myopic review of supposed Democratic “appeasement.”
On the positive side, MWS, at least you’ve managed to go out and find a web site that does your thinking for you. In the last exchange, you couldn’t even do that. KKKlake had to go find a web site that pops up in the first page of a relevant Google search.
And, please, come back with something more grown up than a personal insult involving copious numbers of U’s and I’s.
Don Joe @ 75,
My post was intended to counter Goldy’s implication in this thread. By the way, the site referenced is actually Sen Frist’s blog and the article was written by the Senator.
72 jaybo
1. Shoot foot.
2. Cover ass.
You still missed the point. Frist’s backpedal predicates the existence of an oxymornoic group of “moderate Islamists.” Read this link (referenced above). It’s a conservative blogger that essentially makes the same point (follow down to the updates).
Was the the timing of this scnadal political?
Cettainly Americafirst claim that “Dmeocrats” held on to this information is not supported by any factual presentation on his part, while the documentary evidence that REPUBLICANS sat on this for as long as humanly possible is piling up rapidly.
So, if the timing is political, hooray for the timing! Yes, let’s use the information that Republicans AGAIN do not take their responsibilities to protect Americans seriously against them! Fuck those bastards.
– Condi Rice is warned by Tenet of imminent al Qaeda attack in July 2001 and sits on it.
– The President is warned in a PDB of imminent al Qaeda attack in August 2001 and goes on vacation.
– The president is warned of imminent disaster in NOLA in August 2005 and he stays on vacation, Condi goes shoe shoppping in NY, and Mike Brown tells his staff not to bother him while he goes to dinner.
– House leadership and the chairman of the House Page Board receive information for four years about Mark Foley again approaching teenage pages inappropriately adn they don’t even tell the rest of the Page Baord, let alone do anything to investigate.
It’s the same thing every time.
You keep assuming that Americans pay enough attention to legislation and checking that their elected representatives are doing what they’ve promised or said. It doesn’t gladden my heart at all to do so, but I do feel more grounded in reality when I accept that most voters are like Rep. Dave Reichert: just blandly and blindly rubberstamping whatever unconstitutional legislation may come their way, ignoring the erosion of their civil liberties while continuing to yammer to other nationalities how fabulous their freedoms and liberties are. “If I can’t spell ‘hypocrite’ I can’t be one now, can I?”
Think of it this way: you have a blog. You have a brain. People with brains who read blogs may agree with you, but they’re probably in the minority, and they probably don’t do things like drive their disabled friends to the polls (I do), or babysit while the charges’ single parents go make their frustrations known the first Tuesday of November.
The sheeple who believe in creationism and that Iraq had WMD are the voting majority, and I doubt anything will wake them up. I hung out with too many thinking liberal democrats in 2004, to the point where I thought there was enough anger and determination to make Bush a one-term president.
Facts don’t matter to the common voter. Spin and circuses do.
Turns out the 9/11 commission DID know about George Tenet’s July 10, 2001 warnings to Condoleeza Rice. It was reported in the NY Times in October 2002 and in Time magazine in August 2002. Oh, and BTW, Condi Rice asked that Tenet provide the same briefing to Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and then-U.S. Attorney General John D. Ashcroft. The two men received it by July 17. You know, that unimportant, didn’t-really-warn-about al Qaeda message that Condi claims it was, she asked him to also tell the SecDef and Atty. General. Unbelievable, right?
The final report from the 9/11 commission made no mention of the meeting, nor did it suggest that there had been any such encounter between Tenet and Condi “the snake” Rice. But the WaPo now says that the commission knew. Even if they didn’t read Time magazine, even if they didn’t search for news clips before digging in, they received a detailed briefing — staffers as well as Richard Ben-Veniste. To date, no one has explained why the meeting wasn’t mentioned in the final report.
80 disenchanted
I don’t know who you mean by “you,” but I think a lot more people are awake right now than you seem to think.
The turnaround in America opinion on the Iraq war from 2004 to 2006, for example, is monumental. Hurricane Katrina stripped away the facade of “compassionate conservatism” and replaced it with an indelible vision of “incompetent conservatism” that the Republicans since have done little to dispel and much to bolster.
Daddy Love at 79:
What did Hassert and Boehner do when they found out about Foley?
They covered it up because they could not afford to lose an election.
What did a liberal watchdog group do when it found out about Foley?
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), a liberal watchdog group, said it asked the FBI to investigate nonexplicit e-mails between Foley and a former page back in July, after a ”third party” made the e-mails available to the group. CREW asked Monday for the Justice Department’s inspector general to investigate why the FBI didn’t act.
Earlier today, on the Today Show, Tim Russert said the big problem the GOP has is the appearance that they covered up perversion for politics.
You’re full of shit. Anytime the term “left the rail” is used it means the missle has successfuly launched.
A missle can, for a variety of reason, not successfuly leave the rail system.
Any “Surface Warfare Officer” would know that, JCH.
Your complete lack of knowledge on the subject demonstrates beyond a shadow of a doubt that you NEVER served in the Navy.
“BT” stands for “Big Time”.
Can you at least guess what a Big Time missle would be???
Yeah, can you say, nuke?
Uh-huh, I knew you could. Do you know what “nuke” is short for?
C’mon, think, think, — clue for you, JCH, your failed pedophile protector in chief butchers the word all the time.
Truth trap set, truth trap sprung. JCH, you’re like Puddybud. You claim military service, like Puddybud did, but the truth later came out that he “signed up” in college but never actually served time. I suspect this is the case with you. You tried to enter the ROTC program at Penn State, but clearly you were not officer or sailor material and therefore you were rejected from serving our great nation.
Better luck next time!
I used the word reigning in for a purpose. Queen Hillary.
Commentby Mike Webb SUCKS— 10/3/06@ 7:20 am
Much better than King George
83 Doctor Maf54 Kennedy
I’m not sure why you’re addressing me, but yes, CREW told the FBI about it months ago and THEY SAT ON IT TOO.
Everyone’s running around like crazy now with the “I’m all over this issue” spiel, but the fact is that the Bush administration AND the Congress treated it like something to cover up for the sake of politics. EVERYTHING is politics to them. Elections? Do anything to win. Protecting kids? Not so much.
JHC, an ROITC washout!!
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
Thanks for another laugh at your personal expense!
Oh, man, an ROTC drop out trying to claim military service.
You probably had “other prioritites besides military service.”
85 GBS
I get where you’re going, but saying that JCH doesn’t know anything is a tautology.
Dumb ASS! Dumb ASS! Dumb ASS! Dumb ASS! Dumb ASS! Dumb ASS! Dumb ASS! Dumb ASS! Dumb ASS! Dumb ASS! Dumb ASS! Dumb ASS! Dumb ASS! Dumb ASS! Dumb ASS! Dumb ASS! Dumb ASS! Dumb ASS! Dumb ASS! Dumb ASS! Dumb ASS! Dumb ASS! Dumb ASS! Dumb ASS! Dumb ASS! Dumb ASS!
Daddy Love, I am all for being corrected, especially with statistics and links to articles. Better yet would be testimonies of the “I was blind but now I see” people whose hearts and minds have apparently turned since 2004 (Christopher Buckley doesn’t count, I’ve already read him). For I too heard from disenfranchised conservatives (fiscal) who told me they were holding their noses and voting for Kerry. Obviously there weren’t enough of them.
And what of those Republicans who are internally disgusted but feel, like in a marriage that started out okay but decades later has the other spouse spending wildly, drinking or snorting themselves into stupors, hanging out on IRC or IM’ing children with perverted sexual chat, bullying all the other neighbours, and the long-suffering spouse sighing “De Lawd is just testing me. Things will get better. Things will get better” and self-medicating into blissful ignorance because the truth hurts too much?
Don’t you think that maybe those who are awake enough and feeling abandoned by their now-extremist GOP will take a step toward the Libertarian party rather than the Democratic? As in “Katrina’s taught us it’s every person for herself. We can’t trust the government.”
I’ve forwarded all the threads that JustCan’tHoldAFuckingJob lies in about his military service to the Justice Dept. They can subpoena Goldy for his logs and track down this coward JCH. Impersonating a veteran is a crime. I hope they catch him and prosecute him. He deserves every ass fucking he’ll get in prison. Of course this punk probably likes that.
For you sillyguy:
Dennis Hastert has now announced that while the Foley revelations and his cover-up of it were a real boner, that he is calling on all Republicans to reach around and give each other a hand. While Foley comes at an uncomfortable time for Hastert and the leadership, Hastert believes they can survive this blow, like they have so many before. While they might no longer be cruising, Hastert feels that they will take it in the end. Whether Santorum will be involved is still not clear.
Daddy Love:
Sorry, my inner Frenchman got to me.
GBS and LauraBushKilledAGuy:
Listen, if people like me and JCH didn’t lie about our military service, people might find out about our love of boys. Don’t ask, don’t tell! hehe.
GOP — the original party of “CUT-N-RUN” just note the bombing of our Marines in Beirut, Ronald Reagan the “decider” who opted to place our troops there, cut-n-run as soon as the terrorist struck.
Ronald Reagan a real Republican COWARD!!
The Republican Spin, coming from their best:
Like I said JCH, you would’ve had to servce to know the naval jargon;
Like an “A triple F” nozzle is a called a Donkey Dick by sailors,
a nuclear missle is called a BT or Big Time.
Leaving the rail means the weapon launched successfully.
Bonus question for you: What’s the term used if the missle doesn’t leave the rail successfully and what is the next immediate procedure for a “hot” weapon stuck on the rail.
C’mon, JCH, this is basic “Surface Warfare Officer” stuff. Anyone who stood OOD Officer Of the Deck watch MUST know this information to be qualified to stand OOD watch.
Tick, Tock Pedophile. How long will it take you to surf the web for this answer, since you don’t know from your own military experience.
GO! Times a wastin’!!
Goldy’s going to be eating a lot of crow real soon:
Former Rep. Foley @ 94:
We have nothing in common so don’t include me with your love of boys.
I’m asking and you’re telling.
You Pedophile!
South Sound Reader:
See above, CREW gave the information to the FBI.
And, lets face it, if the GOP had taken care of this when they found out about it instead of covering up, than it doesn’t matter if anyone has political motives. The GOP chose to cover up. That is what this story is about.
Yeah, just keep telling yourself whatever you want to believe. Fact is that Investor Business Daily has picked this up. Drudge has picked it up. And ABC and Florida Newspapers knew about this in advance and yet did nothing about it. The NYT no less, reports that Brian Ross is conveniently releasing transcripts with 2003 time-stamps and has known about this for awhile. Ross claims he was too busy. Timing is real interesting huh? DOJ and FBI are all over this trying to figure it out too. This is most likely going to backfire on the Dems. Why else is the DCCC deleting posts like made from its website? Go do a Technorati search on Mike Rogers.
It’s not looking good.
SSR: Yes, how dare reporters actually confirm their stories. Much better to be like you and just go with pure speculation.
If I were you, I would check this out:
But the question that will haunt Republicans now is, if the evidence was compelling enough to confront Mr. Foley, why wasn’t it also compelling enough to dig deeper?
. . .
The problem isn’t just that there are a few rotten apples in the Republican Party–every bushel has its share. It’s that Republicans seem comfortable with leaving the bad apples in place, even at the risk of tainting all the others. That Mr. Foley is a Republican isn’t itself the issue. It’s that Republicans were unwilling to take a closer look at something that long ago demanded a much more detailed inspection. If the GOP had uncovered Mr. Foley last year or even this past spring, the party wouldn’t now be facing a full blown sex scandal in October. Heading into this election year, Democrats knew they had a chance to retake the House, if everything broke their way. What no one predicted is that they’d be handed so many breaks by Republicans.
Yes I am sure the fact that Foley is a homosexual predator chasing underage boys will somehow “backfire” on the Dems. The only BACKFIRE we’ll see is the big dildo being pulled out of Hastert’s ass when it comes out he’s been protecting Foley all along.
You righties are despaaaaarate and done!
The Daily Show’s take on Foley and the GOP. SSR, you probably should check out John Oliver’s comment at the end:
Of course it will backfire on the Dems. How dare they take advantage of the Grand Old Pedophile party’s cover-up. Next thing you know they will show how un-American they are by criticizing the Republican’s failed war in Iraq!
91 disenchanted.
Polling today looks lost different than 2004 as well–key Rpeublican constituencies are turning agisnt them. For detiled information you can try http://www.emergingdemocraticm.....keyrising/. He slices the numbers every which way.
“Katrina’s taught us it’s every person for herself.”
Ummm, what kind of dumb fuck Republicans watched Katrina and thought that THAT worked well as a strategy?
Look, you seem to be wondering which Republicans will vote Democratic, and I’m not sure that’s the question. The right questions to ask seem to me to be along the lines of “Which people with only loose party affiliations will switch and where?” or “How will Independents swing” or “Which demographics look primed to change from Republican to Democratic?”
For example:
It’s been 2 1/2 hours and youi still haven’t found out what to do with a “hot” missle stuck on the rails yet?!?!
What’s up, “LT”?
Why doncha call your “XO” buddy?
Maybe your imaginery “XO” friend can help you!
C’mon JCH, what’s it called when a missle won’t launch and what is the immediate procedure that every Officer Of the Deck MUST know to be OOD qualified?
What if you were standing watch and a missle failed to launch, what would you do to save your crew and ship?!?!?
Besides wetting your pants, that is.
As a result of the Foley cover-up, it is not hard to imagine droves of disgusted evangelicals staying home on November 7, and a healthy chunk of those who don’t stay at home deciding now to vote Democratic. Indeed, the stench of the GOP leadership’s internal rot may cause many non-evangelical conservatives to do likewise.
That’s it! The Republicans have their story now. The Foley House leadership scandal is a liberal/terrorist plot! If Hastert is forced to resign, Osama wins!
Ummm, what kind of dumb fuck Republicans watched Katrina and thought that THAT worked well as a strategy?
You mean other George W. Bush, his mother, House Speaker “It looks like a lot of that place could be bulldozed” Dennis Hastertand that Louisiana U.S. Rep “We finally cleaned up public housing in New Orleans. We couldn’t do it, but God did” Richard Baker?
Think of the scores of Republican politicos in Washington who are bobbleheads and yes-dudes to these illustrious folk.
You moonbats are all a buch of idiot lemmings. Why don’t you get the facts straight and then make an argument, insted of letting your Bush Derangement Syndrome take over. You all are a bunch of mouth foaming rabid dogs. Too bad for you that it will likely add up to no gain for MoonBats in November, as the rest of the country is paying attention.
South Sound Republican:
Yep, Matt Drudge is pushing the wild speculation that you are buying into. However, what does Mr. Drudge think about the Foley Scandal:
On his radio show, Matt Drudge stated that the former congressional page with whom former Rep. Mark Foley allegedly engaged in sexually explicit communications was “having fun with this” because the teenager used “[t]hese LOLs throughout the entire conversation, these ‘laugh out louds.’ “
110 Observer
Well, we can all look to your sterling example.
The [Republicans] inevitable explanation for everything? The Democrats and their supporters must be the real villains here. “What we know so far is that several principals, such as CREW, and ABC knowingly withheld information about Rep. Foley and had done so for many months, if not years before this story came to light,” says Macranger at Macsmind.
Just one small problem here: In a statement released today, CREW says it alerted the FBI to the Foley e-mails on the same day it got them in July 2006. If members of the House leadership can claim to have done the same, we haven’t heard them do so yet. After making a brief statement at his press conference this afternoon, Hastert walked away without taking any questions.
114 JDB
Man, I gotta follow you around…
Anyway to your post: Not only that, CREW didn’t publicly post the e-mails they possessed until after ABC broke the story. They were waiting for an FBI investigation that never took place… poor saps, they thought the Administration gave a damn.
OK, JCH, the question of what to do with a hot missile stuck on your rail is too complicated for you.
Let’s try something easier that a “Surface Warfare Officer” and a qualified OOD (Officer Of the Deck) should easily know.
You’re the OOD, it’s 2:30 am and you’re at GQ under hostile conditions. In the aft missile house a conventional surface-to-air missile becomes stuck in the missile house doors leaving the doors ajar on a twin missile launcher. Answer the following questions.
The questions go from easy to hard. However, in order to be a qualified OOD in the US Navy you must know the answers to these questions.
A) Who has the conn?
B) What is the material condition of your ship?
C) Which group would be tasked with the repair?
D) Can you fire a missile off the other missile rail to defeat an incoming hostile aircraft?
BTW JCH, you’re going to have to KNOW these answers.
Truth trap #3 set.
OK there pedophile, let’s see whatcha know.
OH, and for God’s sake, don’t be such a dumb ASS and try to answer the questions piece meal.
Give all the answers at one time.
Good luck!
Tick, tock, tick, tock. . . loser.
South Sound: Thanks for the link.
MWS, have you figured out the primary ballot yet?
119 MWS
Yes, an op-ed that speculates, without any facts, that Democrats are behind the revelations of Foley’s degeneracy and senior Republican mishandling and covering up, will surely be convincing to your reader.
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