Here’s an amazing story mixed into the hell in Japan.
The life-long rice farmer lived alone in a house, now flooded, when the earthquake and tsunami hit. She told CNN:
“After the tsunami warning, I got on my bicycle, by myself, and rode away.”
by Carl Ballard — ,
That’s awesome.
A sad situation compounded by human error.
an old woman escapes from a tsunami and it is a victory of bike people? sounds really fucking trite to me.
teh byke peepl r gonna sayve us from teh globull worming!
how much you wanna bet carl drove into work today… a car.
Wow, you people are in a bad mood today. It’s just a cool story. Relax.
@4, a billion dollars. You owe me a billion dollars.
Way to score.
ask obama, im sure he will give you some of his free money.