Looks like turnout is heavy in Clark County. Which was already known because of mail in voting, but it sounds like people are coming out in large numbers to do things like get ballots because they have moved. From The Columbian:
“There were people showing up before 7,” said Elinor Perlich, an election worker manning a drop-box at Image Elementary School in northeast Vancouver.
Many of the 33 drop-box locations reported having to empty ballot boxes into plastic totes, filled with hundreds of ballots coming in on Election Day. Many voters who have moved since the last election headed to the Elections Office at 1408 Franklin St. to pick up fresh ballots.
“Our line’s getting longer and longer here,” county elections Supervisor Tim Likness said shortly before noon.
Not quite the same as standing in line to vote, but clearly the enthusiasm is there. The weather down here has been chilly but while doing errands for part of the day I never got rained on.
Some Georgians Suspected Of Voting Twice
Monday, November 3, 2008
My biggest concern about lying, cheating Democrats is this….voting in more than 1 state. Without a National Voter Database, it’s easy. With the Media montioring this, it’s going to be mighty embarrassing with Criminal Charges filed against those who do.
Should people who vote more than once in multiple States be prosecuted???
Most Leftists will scream outrage if they are prosecuted. Most Conservatives will say great, they should be prosecuted.
“Philadelphia voter admits to CNN he voted multiple times for Barack Obama in Pennsylvania.”
“Many leftists will scream outrage if they are prosecuted. Most Conservites will say great, the should be prosecuted”.
This is a false statement. Most Democrats feel that they don’t need dirty tricks to win an election. As for myself, I believe trying to steal an election is a hienous act, which should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
But does that mean I believe the charge? No. Although Republicans might find a few instances of voters voting in more than one state, I seriously doubt they will find 100,000 instances of “voter fraud”, especially from voters in states as wide-spread as Ohio, Georgia, and Florida.
The timing of this charge is just too convenient. If multiple registrations existed, then that information was available weeks ago. And if actual multiple votes were made, then that wouldn’t be discovered for days or weeks after now. Coming out today is a bit convenient, if you want to find an excuse to justify a huge loss at the polls, or as camaflauge for reports of voter suppression coming out of Virginia & Pennsylvania (“machine problems” shutting down heavily Democratic precincts for hours at a time, voters given wrong directions to polling locations, etc.).
I think this will be one more item for the rumor-mill which will disappear after the election, except to be resurrected by wingnut bloggers over the next eight years of the Obama Presidency. Sure, they might find a handful of people who voted more than once, probably somebody that moved in between getting a mail-in ballot and the actual election. But 100,000, or an organized effort? Like the “felon voting” charge in the 2004 election, upon closer examination I think it will disappear.
@2 That’s nothing. I have 53 residents in my house and they have all voted a straight Dem ticket. Mickey and Minnie even voted twice!
It must really, really suck to be a Republican troll today.
I disagree. Voting by mail is EXACTLY THE SAME as “standing in line to vote.” With the possible exception of better coffee.
3 rhp
I agree. These breathless, planted reports mostly turn out to be nothing at all.
Please, sir, your offer of proof that these suspects are Democrats or leftists?
You are one dumb mother.
Vote early and vote often…..
Final call to place your bets (figuratively speaking).
Indiana and Kentucky polls close in about 25 minutes. Kentucky will go to McCain, but Indiana was pretty close in pre-election polling – which might mean it will take some time before the networks declare a winner in that state.
(Aside: remember the Mary Tyler Moore Show episode, where a blizzard prevented them from receiving any election results, and Ted Baxter spent all night reporting that the vote totals were still in single digits?)
If it starts looking more and more like Obama’s going to win, you’re going to hear Republicans making ever more desperate claims. Before midnight, it wouldn’t be a surprise to see Cynical or Marvin trying to convince us that Martians had voted in the 8th.
So Cynical: Are you arguing that we need to create a nationwide database of voters? A list which has every American on it, along with a specific identifying number, their birthdate (for cross-reference), and their current address? And upon moving, will each voter be required to update the federal government with their new address?
And while we are at it, shall we use that information to issue a photo-identity card which they can use when they vote – perhaps one with a magnetic strip which they can swipe to show whether or not they have already voted?
And while we are at it, why don’t we automatically register all U.S. citizens to vote on their 18th birthday, so everyone will get such a card? And just to assist with firearm registration laws, we can use the same database to keep track of any firearms they own, and any criminal offenses for which they may have been convicted?
Just wondering what it is that you are advocating….
I just got a call from our Tokyo office. They want to know who’s winning.
A National Voter Registration Database validated by SS #’s and Driver’s Licenses…so voters cannot easily vote in multiple states.
I think you will find a lot this has happened.
It is being vetted right now.
If someone votes twice, they should be prosecuted.
If it is proven to be an organized effort, they should be prosecuted under the RICO statutes.
Does anyone not get it yet? CNN calls it 207 confirmed for Obama, and California + Oregon + Washington = 73 electoral votes, which means it’s over.
Get it? It’s over.
13 Cyn
And I think you will find that none of this has happened.
Yes, not only have virtually no cases of vote fraud been proven, organized large-scale vote fraud is just your sheerest fantasy.
Oh, and Obama just won.