Other than the stunning defeat of HA favorite son Richard Pope, yesterday’s primary election in King County pretty much went as expected. In nearly every nonpartisan race, the pre-primary favorites captured the top two spots, and there were no upsets in the partisan races. Indeed, yesterday’s only real drama was generated by the closely fought Ferguson-Edmonds race, where Carolyn Edmonds still has a shot at closing Bob Ferguson’s 308-vote lead once all the late absentee ballots are counted.
But the real election news is that there was no real election news regarding the primary’s conduct. No scandals, no significant glitches, and as Evergreen Freedom Foundation (EFF) observers reported, “no major smoking guns.” By 9:30 p.m. last night, Sims staffers were downright cheerful at reports from the polling places and the elections center. In fact, the election went so smoothly that the EFF’s Jonathan Bechtle was reduced to complaining that this one didn’t count.
“There may not be a problem this time, but that’s because (the primary) is so small. If we had another major election like last year, I think we’d have the same problems again.”
Hmm. Can’t question scholarship like that… the EFF is a think tank after all. Well, at least Bechtle wasn’t just flinging vague, unsupported accusations. No, that job was left to KCGOP Chairman Michael Young:
“There has already been evidence that the absentee ballot process was not conducted correctly. So we are very sensitive as to whether those ballots are coming from the person who they say they are.”
And your “evidence” of this misconduct is where, Michael? Oh… it’s up your ass, you say? Well, yank it out, wipe off the shit, and let’s have a look-see.
Even David Irons’ webmaster — reporting on his first day as a novice poll worker — was reduced to nitpicking, glumly concluding that “the day mostly went okay.” I suppose by that he was referring to his own nefarious efforts to double vote:
“… one vote (my own!) [was] counted more than once.”
Don’t worry Stefan, now that you’ve admitted your crime, I’m sure Norm Maleng will go easy on you. In fact, considering my dead-on legal analysis of Dino Rossi’s doomed election contest, you may want to hire me as an advisor to your legal team. (I strongly urge an insanity defense.)
So the biggest contest yesterday was the election itself, and the GOP’s pathetic efforts to spin it. Well, the results are in, and I’d say it was huge victory for big “D” and little “d” democrats alike.
Dean Logan has done well. Good for him and good for us.
I await your verbal spew, Mr. Irrelevant Pinhead.
I am cracking up… on USP Stefan lists the problems he saw of course, and nothing too noteworthy but then his first comment in the thread is this:
My God! It sounds as though King County learned nothing from last November as far as how to run a smooth machine and having a clear interpretation of the laws and policies!
Looking at how staggered some race counts are verses others in the King County website…it looks as though they are manipulating again…..sigh…
But the real election news is that there was no real election news regarding the primary’s conduct. No scandals, no significant glitches, and as Evergreen Freedom Foundation (EFF) observers reported, “no major smoking guns.” By 9:30 p.m. last night, Sims staffers were downright cheerful at reports from the polling places and the elections center. In fact, the election went so smoothly that the EFF’s Jonathan Bechtle was reduced to complaining that this one didn’t count-by Goldy, 09/21/2005, 10:38 AM
Sneaky little hobbitses… wicked, tricksy, false!
by Goldy, 09/20/2005, 10:13 PM -According to a high ranking GOP insider, the Irons campaign and the KCGOP phone banks were burning up the lines this week, asking Republican voters to take the Democratic ballot and vote against Ron Sims.
So, at 10:13 it was a scandal but by 10:38 it wasn’t??
Would that be a “liberal flipflop” kind of thing or a “liberal can’t/won’t commit” commit kind of thing or a “liberal wants it both ways” kind of thing?
Stefan has uncovered TREMENDOUS election fraud — I have given immediate advice for him to get the repulbicans to SUE to invalidate this TOALLY FRAUDULENT election!
With Stefan on the watch, we’ll have no more fraudulent elections! GO STEFAN GO!!!!!!!!!!1
Why do republifucks even vote in this state? You will lose no matter what so just stay home. This is a liberal state and if you don’t like it get the fuck out.
Lou @4,
You’re right Lou… Stefan uncovered the fact that at his polling place, workers were fraudulently demanding to see picture ID, when clearly the law does not require it.
Did he write that they were demanding ID?? I missed that one.
ProudAss @ 3
You imbecile! The difference between the two postings is that one is about the conduct of the election, and the other is about the conduct of a party (not the election). Are you really that out of touch with reality?
Anything to score ‘points’ in the little game he thinks he’s playing.
Elections in Havana and North Korea also go smoothly. Commonality? They and Seattle are 1 party towns.
Head anywhere east of Capital Hill and it ain’t Demo. Go try your nonsense out in Ellensburg or Yakima
As is is easy to register and vote provisional using fake names there is no way to determine the true extent of fraud.
Step 1: Register by mail using fake name. Be sure to use an adress that is real, although it does not need to be your address.
Step 2: Request absentee ballot.
Step 3: Show up at polls and vote provisional. Be sure to use the same signature as was on the mail-in registration.
Step 4: Sit back and relax. The signature on the provisional will be checked against the registration. If it matches the vote is counted. No actual ID required! (Photo or other.)
Step 5: Do not actually do this because it is illegal.
NoWonder @ 12
NoWonder @ 12
If this is true, and I have no reason beyond your unsupported word to believe it is, is this avenue not available to Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, and all comers? Why would the mere existence of a method of fraud lead one to a conclucsion that it has been used by some particular group or by one group more than another?
Guess who the Bushies wanted to put in charge of women’s health? A veterinarian! I’m not surprised the party that hasn’t had a new idea since 1885 treats women like dogs and cats. http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....01576.html
Some windbag wrote: AND PUDDY! QUIT HIJACKING!
I know allegations of the Republican party encouraging people to do something that they sued the state to stop are scary, but seriously… If you want your own topics, start your own blog.
Comment by windie— 9/21/05 @ 9:39 am
So where is the same comment to Roger Rabbit windbag? It’s been over 30 minutes!!!
ro @ 10
I could have sworn there were atleast a dozen parties around town last night, and I boozed at all’uv’em!
Reply to 16
Why would he tell ME that? I’m as pure as Snow White. You’re the lying neo-fascist troll, not me.
Not to try and bring down the jubilence of the thread, but please rember one thing: this WAS a primary election that a lot of people didn’t care about. It is an off-year, people are boycotting the new primary voting system, and (let’s be honest here) there were no REAL races to vote for. After all, we knew there would be one Democrat and one Republican. It really wasn’t worth our time. (BTW, I did go vote, but many didn’t, like Mike Webb or Tony Ventrala.) I think the real test comes in November, then we shall see where the cards fall.
I’m totally innocent of whatever Putty fer Brains is accusing me of.
@16, 18
Threw me off a moment, its in the wrong thread. Not being looking at that thread right now, ‘seems like RR was responding to your diversion, not starting one of his own. Still true, tho’ We grow tired of the rightie’s smoke ‘n mirrors.
Comment on 19
Excuses are like assholes … everybody’s got one.
I dunno, Left Behind Child, the GOP turnout was pretty good in my precinct yesterday. Both of them voted. Don’t bet on a Sims defeat in November, unless you hate your money.
You lefties are all alike, supporting through obfuscation. This thread is about local election news. Wabbit posts about a Bush appointment for Women’s health. What does that have to do with the thread windbag and furless one? Isn’t that hijacking?
But because it was done by a lefty it doesn’t count windbag? LEFTIST PINHEAD: Never have to say you or your compatriots are wrong!
Curtis Love @ 14
‘Why would the mere existence of a method of fraud lead one to a conclucsion that it has been used by some particular group or by one group more than another?’
It wouldn’t. I am not sure what your point is.
This is the beginning of the end.
Mr. Cynical is a REALIST.
The rest of the people out there are DELUDING themselves.
Mr. Cynical should be voted hero of the people (does he have a blog)?
Please run for office Mr. Cynical! You are so right right right (and I mean that the right way!)
Still waiting windbag? Wabbit’s fur on your tongue (fingers)?
puddybud @ 24
“But because it was done by a lefty it doesn’t count windbag? LEFTIST PINHEAD: Never have to say you or your compatriots are wrong!”
Damn straight! This is a liberal blog, you fucking idiot! If you want to start a thread discussing something nobody else around here is interesting in discussing, GO TO A WINGNUT BLOG!
Fourtunately, I can usually recognize your posts visually (i.e. without even reading them) and sail right over ’em. Sorry. I can recognize Mr. Cynical’s posts, too, but I ususally read them because they often have some entertaining content, and even a good point every now and then.
Rather than going to Scoop, I wonder if Goldy can change the comment thread style to show the poster at the top. That way anybody can sail right over comments from people they don’t care to read. Furthermore, I wonder if there is a WordPress add-in to allow each individual to block posts from depricated people on their own comment thread window?
Thank you dj for your worthless commentary. Fuck you buddy! Is that clear enough? Your kind is devoid of honesty in blogging. You accuse me of the same thing Wabbit did, but since he is an animal hind part, you approve of his hijacking. This is the difference between blogmasters Stefan and Goldy. You illegitmates can’t admit someone else is right!
So you support censorship!!! I always thought so dj. Your kind sees the world in the wrong color and the half as half empty. Your kind wants mind-numbed robots saying “Yes Massa, Yes Massa!” Now I absolutely sure I am doing things right! Yes dj you are a racist enabler too! But how would you know because you skip over my posts? Someday the black race will wake up as many New Orleans blacks have regarding Nagin and Blanco and reject your kind. When that happens you will lose another 12.5% of the electorate.
Drugs! Does in another leftist enabler. http://www.thisislondon.com/sh.....&ct=5 – Finally a company standing up and condemning drug use! See ya big contracts!!!
dj @28
“But because it was done by a lefty it doesn’t count windbag? LEFTIST PINHEAD: Never have to say you or your compatriots are wrong!”
Damn straight! This is a liberal blog, you fucking idiot! If you want to start a thread discussing something nobody else around here is interesting in discussing, GO TO A WINGNUT BLOG!
Okay, I understand what you said, but I failed to follow the logic:
Left wing blog = off topic okay if done by the left
unless what you are saying is:
Left wing blog = off topic okay if done by the left
And how can I be such a Puddyphile? Well, he did write the truth. Look at his
beefbone of contention @15…hard to find a link to the topic du jour.btw – Roger, welcome back! I wuz worried a bit, but you seem yourself, so now me no worry :)
Puddy @ 29,
“Fuck you buddy!”
Congratulations, Pudster, you have come a long ways since you first showed up around here complaining about the language. (I hope you have this all worked out with your diety….) :-)
“You accuse me of the same thing Wabbit did[…]”
I very rarely comment about people posting off-topic shit. That means there there are many, many people—left and right— besides Rabbit whom I have not complained about. I choose to point out your transgressions because your off topic posts are so completely idiotic and out of place. Seriously, you should post your stuff on some blog where someone might be interested. Why waste your time writing stuff that most of us just skip over?
I should also point out that this is Goldy’s blog, and Goldy has asked us to stay somewhat on topic. That is why he started the Friday “Open Thread”. So, Puddy, if you want to post your bullshit, dump it in the open thread for all of us to ignore.
“So you support censorship!!!”
What the fuck? Enabling individuals to ignore posters they choose to skip is not censorship you fucking moron. Nobody here is under any obligation to read anything here (your tripe is no exception).
“Your kind sees the world in the wrong color and the half as half empty. Your kind wants mind-numbed robots saying “Yes Massa, Yes Massa!” Now I absolutely sure I am doing things right! Yes dj you are a racist enabler too!”
What the fuck???? Have you been skipping meds, Puddster? There seems to be a few short circuits and loose connections in your neural nets.
“But how would you know because you skip over my posts?”
Not reading your posts makes me a racist enabler, huh? Okay, now you are making good sense (*rolls eyes*).
“Someday the black race will wake up as many New Orleans blacks have regarding Nagin and Blanco and reject your kind. When that happens you will lose another 12.5% of the electorate. “
Nice, Pud. This is a beautiful example of you providing one of your famous bizarre and off-topic comments (even when this off-topic exchange is about being off topic).
Get help, dude.
Marks @ 31,
“Okay, I understand what you said, but I failed to follow the logic: Left wing blog = off topic okay if done by the left
No inconsistency. I am not the HorsesAss topic police. If I were I would have to scold people on the left, right, and in the middle (including you and me for this exchange). :-)
I am not excluding left-wing (or right-wing) posters so much as I am targeting the Pudster. It is a signal to noise ratio thing. The Rabbit is on topic most of the time, offers witty commentary, and sometimes even provides salient legal analysis, so I can tolerate a little “rabbit noise.” (In any case, when the Rabbit goes off topic, he rarely rambles on endlessly….)
The Pudster isn’t even close to the Rabbit in SNR. Furthermore, Pudster’s bizarre, meandering comments make me wonder if he had one of those horrible construction accidents where a metal rod penetrated his brain and selectively damaged the part used to understand and appropriately responding to social interactions…. Naaaaaa, probably not.
The Rabbit is on topic most of the time, offers witty commentary, and sometimes even provides salient legal analysis, so I can tolerate a little “rabbit noise.”
From my former life, the radar jargon would be “Running Rabbits” to actually describe the OT. Rabbit noise is good enough, I suppose, but I think we all should stop short of commenting on the size of his rabbit ears…no sense in inflating his bunny ego too much…
And, you are correct on Roger. Whether he is Don/Alan/WSUX/Patty/YOUR_NAME_HERE, he does liven up the commentary to some extent…
Marks @ 34
“…but I think we all should stop short of commenting on the size of his rabbit ears…”
Hey, no comments from my fingertips on that topic. Furthermore, I won’t strok his ears either the next time he shows up for “Drinking Liberally.”
And you democrats care about women? Well you might if they wear blue dresses.
Rufus @ 36
Hey, leave it to Shrub to come up with a better idea for women’s health care. (A brief recap is given here.)
In the polling place I worked at, saw no problems, few voters though, and being the Renton Highlands, perhaps there were a few Republicans crossing the lines to vote against Sims, that was not my job, my job was to check ID and issue ballots. I am opposed to this new system that the Parties have FORCED upon us because they cannot stand the voters telling them who they can run in November. We should be able to pick and chose. Perhaps it is time that we abolish the Primary and replace it with Instant Runoff Voting in the General Election. It may just be the last thing we can do to tell the parties, that the voters and the 1935 legislature meant what they said when they outright passed Initiative to the Legislature #2. The Parties claim there civil rights were violated? How about our civil rights as voters to pick who we want to run in November regardless of what the Parties say? This is America, nobody is supposed to force us to vote for somebody we might not want to vote for.
““… one vote (my own!) [was] counted more than once.”…Don’t worry Stefan, now that you’ve admitted your crime, I’m sure Norm Maleng will go easy on you…”
Now we can’t have that! The minnow is a law & order guy! In fact, we need a special punishment for his special crime. We need to waive the Bills of Attainder clause, just this once, for this special guy. We know he would want it that way.
How about burning at the stake???