Susan Hutchison continues to deny that she’s ever given money to the far-right-wing BIAW, even though PDC records show she’s given $1000.00 to BIAW’s ChangePAC. I guess in Hutchison’s mind, ChangePAC isn’t BIAW because BIAW isn’t mentioned anywhere in the name.
Likewise, I guess, by this same dishonest standard then, BIAW isn’t funding robocalls in support of Hutchison’s campaign for King County executive:
[audio:]Yes, that message is paid for by the Affordable Housing Council, which sounds like an advocacy group with a positive enough agenda, until you learn that it’s really just a PAC for, you guessed it… BIAW.
So see… Hutchison has not given money to BIAW, and BIAW is not spending money in support of Hutchison… you know, per se. And if you believe that, I’ve got a deep bore tunnel to sell you.
As Steve Zemke reports in the comment thread, this is just one of at least two different robocalls BIAW is busy tying up the lines with this week:
I got another call on Wednesday with a different message that she has been endorsed by Rob McKenna and Wes Uhlman also paid for by the “Affordable Housing Council”. I also received the one you have yesterday.
Also, I’m hearing that the calls are going out countywide, both Eastside and within Seattle.
It’s sad, really, that Suzie Cute has turned into a bombastic shill for BIAW special interests. I liked her better when she was a TV bimbo.
The Affordable Housing Council is not BIAW. It’s the Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties. One endorsed Ron Sims for Governor in 2004. The other endorsed Dino Rossi. they are run and funded separately. Thses ads have nothing to do with BIAW.
This is actually the second of two messages being sent out by the BIAW. I got another call on Wednesday with a different message that she has been endorsed by Rob McKenna and Wes Uhlman also paid for by the “Affordable Housing Council”. I also received the one you have yesterday.
Ned is 100% correct.
This is Master Builders of King/Snohomish County PAC.
They have an entirely different Board, totally seperate decision-making and are often at odds with BIAW.
Here is the link to the Affordable Housing Council on the Master Builder of King/Snohomish County website..
The PDC reports that on 10/12/2009 the MasterBuilders Association of Bellevue contributed some $150,000 to the Affordable Housing Council.
Ned @2,
From the BIAW’s web site:
I’m not sure, but it appears that BIAW’s PAC is called Washington Affordable Housing Council and MBA’s PAC is called Affordable Housing Council.
Who cares? It’s all fucking trivia. Hutchison is the ‘growth’ industries’ bitch and you will see more ticky-tacky than you can shake a stick at if you elect this blowzy strumpet.
“For filthy lucre, they have dragged her through the sewers of the human mind until she appears to the world as no more than a blowzy and bloated strumpet …”
on 6/18/2009 the Affordable Housing Coalition gave $15,000 to the Washington Affordable Housing Coalition which is one of the BIAW’s official PAC’s. Money just circulates between them. (from PDC website)
Correction It should be Council not Coalition.
on 6/18/2009 the Affordable Housing Council gave $15,000 to the Washington Affordable Housing Council which is one of the BIAW’s official PAC’s.
It was the biggest contribution received by the BIAW’s Washington Affordable Housing Council PAC this year.
So – Ned and Jonathan, this is a BIAW linked group and they give each other money back and forth.
Thank you Steve, for documenting this.
I got two calls for Hutchinson at home. too bad you can’t hang up on a robocall. Robocalls tend to annoy people anyways – unless they are the kind that slander the opponent.
I prefer to talk to live people – whether they are for or against the candidate of my choice.
At least I can ask them questions and see if they can answer them.
so lemme get this straight…
your Magical Mayoral Candidate McGinn (who’s traffic plan consists of waving his magic wand & getting 70,000 cars disappear) hides his involvement with anti-Mallahan robocalls in the primary, and admits to sending out the current ones lying aobut Mallahan, but he’s soooooo goooooodddd.
Yet a group does it for Hutchison and it’s “dishonest.”
You have no capacity for self-reflection, do you?
re 14: …nor the time. Kiss my ass, wuss.
@11 on 6/18/2009 the Affordable Housing Concil gave $15,000 to the Washington Affordable Housing Council which is one of the BIAW’s official PAC’s. Money just circulates between them. (from PDC website)
The MBA and BIAW work together to defeat consumer protection legislation. BTW/Deb Eddy as well sponsors of HB 1393 were endorsed as builder friendly candidates by the Affordable Housing Council.