This past election cycle, [the BIAW] spent between $1.7 million and $1.8 million, mostly in support of three candidates: Republican gubernatorial hopeful Dino Rossi, Republican Attorney General-elect Rob McKenna, and conservative state Supreme Court Justice-elect Jim Johnson. Erin Shannon, the BIAW’s public relations director, is thrilled with the results: “It was a big ‘Fuck you!’ to all the liberals out there.”
Hey Erin… after pissing away over $7 million in the governor’s race, imbuing your illegal smear campaign with the BIAW’s own nasty and dishonest spirit, only to see your boy Rossi get trounced by an 8 to 10 point margin… exactly who is getting their ass kicked these days?
I’m just askin’….
Can’t wait for the sequel; “BIAW staff members convicted of illegal spending in the governors race”, coming to a news outlet near you soon.
Erin is likely having a difficult time dealing with reality these past 18 hours. Yesterday the BIAW had 53 employees. I wonder how many they have today? Will Erin still bad-mouth commie-fascism when she’s collecting unemployment compensation?
Karma is a bitch!
LOL. Ah, the victory laps and sore winning. You earned it, Goldy! Props to you!
I’m reminded of Patton, quoted by George C. Scott:
Hey erin,
This last election was a “collective piss” on everything you and the BIAW have stood for the past 4 years.
AHHHH the relief………………Thank you voters!!!!!!!
How is a 6.7% lead an 8-10% victory?
Frozen1 @6,
A) Only about a third of King County votes have been reported thus far, and B) I’d call 6.7 percent an ass whoopin’ on its own.
frozen1, the not-yet-counted (as well as not-yet-received) ballots are overwhelmingly in strongly pro-Gregoire King County. Lat time I looked, she was a bit over 70% in King, which was aware of as many untallied ballots as it had already counted and fully expects to receive quite a few more as the mail trickles in.
Race in 8th down to 614 votes….
Reichert , Dave (i) GOP 83,271 50%
Burner , Darcy Dem 82,657 50%
What do you bet we see some “human sacrifice” at the BIAW in the near future, as it scrambles to keep itself from imploding and from indictment?
Every BIAW candidate should be actively opposed the next time. I know some reasonable people who would have voted against the excretable Rob McKenna had they known. I did complement McKenna for filing the lawsuit against Rossi – but I withhold judgement on McKenna until it goes somewhere.
Let’s not compliment McKenna too much…. He was just trying to sabotage a potential rival for governor in 2012 and win his own election.
Question for Goldy:
How much fun was it to type the headline on this one???
10: typed, deleted, retyped 30 times just for the fun.
1. no fun at all. Had to look away from computer screen.
Where’s that goatfucker Puddy? I want to see his head explode! The fucker has got to be damned well depressed at this point. Yeah, I want to kick him while he’s down, the stupid fucktard.
@14 Steve:
I believe all the wing-dings are out celebrating in a circle-goat…
I sent a chain email through the Intertubes, telling them that it was from Father Neocon Himself (so they know it’s TRUE!), and that all the palling-around with terrorists and also socialist stuff too was just a facade to fool the elitist city liberals into believing he was an anti-American Marxist terrorist so they would vote for him like a pack of hungry wolves… But he’s really a Neocon in disguise! And white like Michael Jackson.
So they’re happy now, kicking-back and enjoying a late-afternoon goat.
The sad part is BIAW doesn’t give a shit if they pissed away $7 or $8 million. It really isn’t their money to begin with. They scam it off Workers Industrial Accident premiums that contractors pay them to administer the plan so they will just replace this money with next years vigorish.
Yes. It is time to tighten the law that allows the rebates to require the money either to go into programs that promote safety programs or to go back to the contractors who paid it. Also, if the BIAW is getting so much back, it suggests that premiums could be adjusted downward in the first place.
This should be a top priority for the legislature in the next session.
Speaking of scam artists…another Timmy EyeMan initiative shot down by voters…When’s Tim’s sugardaddy gonna wake up? Dinsmore and the BIAW should win Darwin awards for throwing good money at idiots.
4: Remember, there was supposed to be a “Permanent Republican Majority”? Yeah.
A hammer and sickle flag was waved at an Obama celebration last night. Michelle Malkin has the photo…
Told ya’. Obama’s a marxist. Even his supporters know it. Goes right along with that Che t-shirt at the Obama campaign office earlier this year. Yes, question their patriotism.
@20 Question your sanity.
How about questioning the sanity of the Obama supporters brandishing the communist flag in front of the Whitehouse, Steve?
re 20: Kick back with a bottle of Victory Gin. There’s always tomorrow to capture Winston Smith and punish him for unauthorized thoughts.
22 – Some Obama supporters might be communist. So what? I don’t think Obama would give a second thought to their views.
I’m sure some racists or sheet-wearers support McSame. I trust McSame doesn’t give a second thought to their views.
Another theory: those guys waving the flag work with Michelle Malkin.
re 22: I thought Ronald Reagan singlehandedly defeated communism.
Were you lieing to me?
24: The only sheet-wearer I know of is sitting on the democrat side of the aisle in the United States Senate. His name is DEMOCRAT U.S. Senator Robert Byrd.
24: Besides, the communist flag-wavers support Obama because Obama IS their views. Which is why he idolized his father’s communism. And happily associates with self-identified communists Bill Ayers & Bernadine Dohrn. And all the other Saul Alinsky-ite socialists in Chicago. You truly ARE known by the company you keep, and the books you prefer (Like Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals–Obama’s favorite book). It’s all too painfully clear where Obama’s coming from—marxism.
@ 27: My god the trolls around here are dumber than Sarah Palin.
26 and 27
Views like yours are the reason your party was so richly rewarded with victory last night (that’s sarcasm, which you’ll need a dictionary to understand). The Republican Party is dead unless it decides to grow up and throw people like you under the proverbial bus.
Michele resides perfectly in that Dori Monson/Michelle Malkin kind of unhinged world – reality need not apply.
It’s keeps getting stranger by the hour.
I listened a little to “Myron” Monson this afternoon. What a fucking fruitcake.
Michelle makes Anne Coulter look smart (well atleast an IQ of 45, top 20% range for Neocons)
Michele = Puddy
His favorite line was to call Byrd a KKK member. While true, Byrd repudiated that 30 years ago and Puddy is still stuck on that.
I also take some offence to the continuing slur as some members of my family have recieved a Byrd scholarship for academic excellence. Seems Byrd respects academic excellence and those who respect Palin turn out to be fools – as even Faux News is saying:
@31: Dori Monson is an idiot. He went on and on about how no one should question the Iraq war intelligence. I pointed out on the radio that even fi Iraq had WMDs (which I doubted) they had no way to get them to the US. therefore they were not a threat.
Dori cut me off and insisted I was stupid and naive for questioning the existence of WMDs. I have never heard him retract or apologize for how wrong he was on Iraq. He was naive to believe Bush/Cheney, naive to beleive that the free market can control itself and naive to think that Palin was in any way a good choice.
In short, Monson is a pompous little fool who is afriad to actually confront anyone with a brain and opinion. Also, he stinks at basketball and is too short to play the game he thinks he is good at.
@27 Michelle/Puddy
Just spouting off crap today – must be tough LOSING an election. You said you were going to vote for Obama – but you prefer to spread disinformation. Hope your conscience is doing well…..
If I have to choose one organization to say “Fuck You” to, it would be “Democrats For McCain.” Fucking morons. They could have at least stayed home quietly.
Sorry, had to rant.
Yeah, I was so worried that all of those PUMAs were going to throw the election to McSame….
Is the RICO statute still on the books? Because I’m sure at this point there must be ample evidence that the BIAW is nothing if not a criminal conspiracy.
Hopefully the Public Disclosure Commission will increase BIAW’s bad investment in Dino Lossi by a few hundred thousand more.
Dear Republicans,
Democrats USA are open for business. We are now accepting applications for plea bargains, deferred prosecutions, and rehab programs. Please take a number and be seated until you are called. Thank you for your patience.
Sincerely, The Real Americans
P.S. Please leave your icky sexual perversions at home. We are tired of hearing/reading about them already. kthxbai
Where are our trolls? Shouldn’t they, as adults and fellow Americans, be stepping forward and congratulating Democrats on our victory? Couldn’t a couple of them say something like, “okay, you guys got this one, see you next time”? Naw, all we get is Michelle squealing about Marxism.
Lots of denial going on around here about Obama’s worldview. Well, you can’t say you haven’t been told. Just keep thinking about it. The light will go on sometime.
@ 42 – Please tell us which Republican nominees for the office of President, in the last fifty years, opposed the graduated income tax (and, for extra credit, which ones did NOT oppose the graduated income tax).
Then, please tell us why none of those men were socialists.
So the BIAW basically taxes the membership to run a program and then takes the surplus for itself? Sounds really “tax and spend” to me.
Isn’t there a slump in the housing market? Wouldn’t that money have helped their membership pay off bills and stuff?
@ 43
Better yet, in 1986 Ronald Reagan signed into law a series of changes to the Earned Income Tax Credit that are very similar to the changes that President-elect Obama has proposed. Please explain why Ronald Reagan shouldn’t be regarded as a “socialist”.
It’s socialist wealth-spreading.
Our trolls today are arguing both that Obama is a communist and that he ran a center-right campaign. It doesn’t matter that none of what they say makes sense. You have to believe ten impossible things before breakfast every day to even BE a Republican.
55 Senate seats (and rising)
254 House seats (and rising)
Obama wins 52%-46%, by twice the vote margin (7.5 million votes) of Bush 2004
It is true, we al know, that anythig to the right of Attila the Hun or Tamerlane seems “communist” to our beleoved wingnuts.
But the TRUTH is that the Dedmcratic platform is what people voted fro, and it is what most people want.
The latest survey of the National Election Studies (NES) shows, for example, a preference for a vigorous government role. Sixty-seven percent said we need a strong government to handle complex economic problems. Nearly 58 percent said government should be doing more, not less; and 59 percent agreed that government has grown because the country’s problems have grown.
More than two-thirds (69 percent in 2007) believe the government “should care for those who can’t care for themselves.” They feel so strongly about it that more than half (54 percent) are willing to incur greater debt to get it done.
With the brief exception of 1994, the year of the Republican takeover of Congress, people have expressed a preference for government action to reduce income inequality. The average difference over the study period was more than 14 percentage points.
Los Angeles Times poll taken in the aftermath of the 2006 election showed that 77 percent of Americans thought “Congress should pass legislation that will increase the minimum wage.” Such legislation quickly passed in the newly Democratic House of Representatives by a margin that reflected the broad public support (315-116, including 80 Republicans). There were minimum wage increases on the ballot in six states in 2006; all passed by comfortable margins.
The notion that most people support Republican policies is utter bullshit.
44. David spews:
No, that’s what Unions do with members dues money!!
re 26: What about David Duke?
The few trolls left are so boring it’s not even fun anymore.
If I was one of the senior officers of the BIAW, I might be asking why Tom and Erin spent $7 million of the organization’s money for a losing cause and what their divisive and corrupt campaign has done to the reputation of the organization. Perhaps it’s time for a housecleaning over there?