I don’t mean to sound paranoid or anything, but for some odd reason, it appears the BIAW’s Tom McCabe and Erin Shannon don’t like me very much. Was it something I said?
[audio:http://horsesass.org/wp-content/uploads/goldy2.mp3]Shannon calls me a “profane, ranting, raving lunatic”… and this from the woman who after the 2004 election gleefully told the Seattle Weekly:
“It was a big ‘Fuck you!’ to all the liberals out there. […] We are kicking their ass.”
Um… pot, meet kettle. (Really. Let’s meet up sometime Erin. I’ve always had a thing for trash-talking Irish women. Gimme a call.)
The whole clip is a hoot, with both Shannon and McCabe alternating between abusing me for my inflated sense of self-importance (apparently I’m one of those pathetic guys who “actually thinks he can make a difference and accomplish things” ) and repeatedly bemoaning the extraordinary influence they apparently believe I wield with the local press. Give a listen to this exchange:
Shannon: Yeah, and so you’re so important Mr. Goldstein, that we’d even waste our time. Here’s a guy who thinks that he’s so important and so influential that you’d actually take the time to go beat the you know what out of him with a baseball bat?
McCabe: That’s why I don’t want to talk about him any more.
Shannon: He’s ridiculous.
McCabe: But he is… he is influential in getting the Seattle PI to publish editorials, Erin, we just mentioned that.
So which is it? Am I “ridiculous” or “influential”? Both? (And Erin, as long as you’re wasting time telling me I’m not worth wasting your time, why not waste time together with me over a couple drinks? I understand a fondness for bars is one thing we both have in common.)
And as for that “baseball bat” thing? According to McCabe…
McCabe: Mr. Goldstein says that he believes that one day I’m going to beat him up with a baseball bat, and maybe I might even kill him. This is what he says about me, Tom McCabe. Very odd, odd thing.
Shannon: Yeah, and so you’re so important Mr. Goldstein, that we’d even waste our time.
Oh. So I guess, in context, Shannon was saying that I’m not important enough to even waste their time… beating me to death with a baseball bat. Not that such beatings are entirely out of the question, I’m just not worth the effort. Charming. Perhaps drinks wouldn’t be such a good idea after all.
In fact, I never said I believed McCabe was going to beat me with a baseball bat, or any other blunt object. Here is the quote to which he refers with the same sort of reverence for accuracy that he usual reserves for Nazi historiography:
And believe you me, the BIAW’s violent rhetoric is intended as a threat, and they fully understand the potential consequences of pumping up the anger. One of these days somebody like me is going to get the shit beaten out them by somebody like them — they’ll be waiting for me late at night with baseball bats, or worse — and when that happens our media elite, who allowed the BIAW’s dangerous rhetoric to go unridiculed, unchallenged and unchecked for so long, will be just as culpable as batshit crazy bastards like Tom McCabe and Mark Musser.
“Somebody like me is going to get the shit beaten out of them by somebody like them…” I never wrote that I believed that McCabe would attack me; I was merely repeating my oft stated belief that violent rhetoric eventually breeds violent actions, and that when such violence occurs, the instigators are as culpable as the violators. And if you take issue with that premise, go tell it to Charles Goldmark and Alan Berg.
But then you can’t really expect McCabe to even understand my words let alone accurately represent them, when he can’t even be bothered to learn my blog’s proper domain name, and bizarrely claims that HA is a blog “devoted to pummeling BIAW.” Talk about an inflated sense of self-importance, only 2.5% of my posts — 106 out of 4203 — even mention BIAW, compared to, say, 295 that reference Tim Eyman or 384 that mention Dino Rossi. Perhaps McCabe was thinking of HorsesAss.com, a site I’m guessing he’s much more familiar with?
Face it, Goldy, a lot of people don’t like your politics. It’s not you, per se, it’s your immature ideas. You just need some maturity to be accepted by society.
I hate how the BIAW extorts money from people who don’t want anything to do with them….. wait only labor unions do that. Nevermind. roof roof.
ROTF. You just have to wonder, then, with whom they’re keeping so busy. Just who is the BIAW beating to death with baseball bats?
1) Um… You’re horsesass.org not horsesass.com
2) As Goldy stated the editorial was based on what they, the BIAW wrote in their fucking news letter for all to see. What a bunch of fucking morons, do they think we can’t go back and look it up?
If you want you can contact the BIAW’s Membership and Adminstrative Services Director Jan Rohila at:
michael to janr
I read you latest newsletter and I don’t think there was a single thing said in it that was true. Btw, the environmental movement in America was founded by folks like Teddy Roosevelt, Gifford Pinchot (both Republicans, btw) and Aldo Leopold. Hitler hadn’t a thing to do with it.
In the end you have to judge a group by the “fruits of the labor” and not entirely on what they say. I have never heard of a BIAW member beating the hell out of someone because they were not part of their group or destroying their enemies property (ie slashing tires, kicking in doors, burning buildings ect). The unions….. well let’s just say they are batting 1000. nuff said.
On an earlier thread, I noticed that the current Commissioner of Public Lands, Mr. Sutherland, is putting out an appeal for help in his campaign against the candidates of the “extremists” (such as Mr. Goldmark).
Here we have the BIAW railing against “environmental extremists” and comparing them to Nazis.
“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain”.
That’s the insanity of the extreme right for you. Things keep up like this, I wonder when the BIAW lunatics and their rantings will start showing up more on Orcinus?
To be totally honest, there are total whackjobs on both sides of the political divide, but the extreme right seems so much more ready and willing to resort to violence. And there’s just more of them out there online, because the extreme-left groups that are willing to use violence (PETA, ALF, Earth First!, et al – yes, I consider PETA a terrorist organization – deal with it) generally try to keep a low profile when they’re not out committing their acts of terrorism. Yeah, they don’t care if some poor guy at a sawmill dies when the band saw hits that railroad spike embedded in the tree. They don’t care if that ex-cop that did two tours in the Nam who’s pulling a few hours a week as a security guard to supplement his pension dies if the building he’s guarding is put to the torch after they ‘liberate’ a few dozen mice and dogs (that they’ll eventually euthanize themselves – go check out Penn & Teller’s ‘Bullshit!’ on PETA on YouTube for yourself).
But of course, PETA are rank amateurs compared to the late Timothy McVeigh and his co-conspirators.
Hate to tell you this, Erin, but I never heard of you until Goldy mentioned your name on HorsesAss! That proves he’s more important than you are.
“Perhaps drinks wouldn’t be such a good idea after all.”
Yeah, I think you should skip the drinks and just fuck her.
McCabe reminds me of a cockroach screeching “I’m innocent!” as he’s being fumigated.
Several interesting things here –
So the cum-drunk BIAW asshole says they wouldn’t waste their time beating Goldy to death – because he’s not worth it.
That implies that they WOULD beat someone to death who was worth it.
Man you right wingers keep reaching further to the right every day.
A word of caution McCabe – with the exception of traitors like John Barelli – many of us liberals fight back. You’ll need more than a bat if you come after me punk.
Another KBR rape case…
What the fuck? How long will the Congress sit on their asses while Bush-Cheney-buddy KBR employees are ass-raped on a regular basis?
BIAW is so batshit insane.
We’ll never be rid of these rightwing nutcases. As long as their members hand them cash, they’ll be around – appealing to fear and trying to buy influence.
As for 14 – sigh – November can’t get here soon enough. Next January actually. Even then – how many Democrats are too beholden to money to do anything meaningful about corporate abuse?
No getting around it. It’s a very long road ahead.
I wonder if that reporter Shannon refers to is “ReporterWard”.
Practicing “sound” journalism – at (un)SP.
McCabe did say “horsesass.com”, and, omigod, there IS such a site, and it doesn’t reflect very well on horsesass.org. Maybe a name change really should be one of your long-term goals, Goldy. I can just see some newscaster (with a lot more visibility than McCabe) creating a situation sometime in the future by quoting “horsesass.com” rather than “horsesass.org” when referring to you.
Those crazy broads are usually pretty good in the sack…for as long as you can put up with ’em.
Great post Goldy! Funny (not really) that the first clowns to dump on you are the BIAW lovin’ jerk-off trolls here.
Just a question…how do the RESPONSIBLE members of the building industry feel about having this bunch of lunatics speaking for them.
Someday, sometime…as Goldy pointed out…these off-the-rails idiots are going to be the proximate cause in a REAL public relations nightmare.
This is too important an Industry to be letting a bunch of loose cannons, whose opinions (GET THIS TROLLS) represent a MINISCULE percentage of that of the general population.
The current iteration of the BIAW has become a lunatic fringe. Time for somebody in their membership to reign ’em in.
Thanks, Puddy….now we know who Doofus really is.
@11, With a bat, builder’s style: Promise her more than you know you’ll ever deliver, and then charge her extra for what should’ve been included in the original agreement.
Let’s break it down here:
Profane–to debase by vulgarity (CHECK!!)
Ranting–to talk in a noisy, excited, bombastic declaratory
fashion (CHECK!!)
Raving–to talk irrationally in or as if in delirium
Lunatic–person affected with insanity interrupted by lucid
intervals (TRIPLE-CHECK!!)
Seems like Erin Shannon nailed it to me Goldy.
At least she didn’t call you an asshole like most people do.
bj @17: Imagine BIAW members hearing the podcast and then looking up the .com to see what liberals really think. Would it confirm their worst fears, or would they be secretly intrigued?
BTW, I like the name horsesass.org. It forces respected news and radio people to say “horse’s ass” on the air.
You know Goldy, Erin could have called you an aberrant, bewildered, confused, crazed, crazy, demented, deranged, deviant, deviate, dingy, disarranged, disordered, distracted, disturbed, flipped, flipped out, hallucinatory, incoherent, insane, irrational, lightheaded, lunatic, mad, maniac, maniacal, manic, rambling, raving, unhinged, unreasonable, unsettled, wandering LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWN.
Would that have been less offensive???
22. sounds like the characterisitcs of the comment author.
I wonder if the shithead know as “Mr. Cynical” has ANYTHING original or constructive to say, or if HE can only parrot descredited and specious far, far, right-wing propaganda.
Nice work as always MISTER Jerkoff.
Cynical and his name-calling comes to the defense of BIAW.
Why am I not surprised?
Many thanks for the accolades!
I will wear them like a badge of honor.
Had Ms. Shannon had enough time Rujax, she would have likely referred to a KLOWN like you as a batty, bizarre, bonkers, cracked, crackers, crazed, crazy, cuckoo, daft, demented, derailed, deranged, fatuous, frenzied, gone, half-cocked, idiotic, impractical, irrational, irresponsible, loony, lunatic, mad, maniacal, mental, moonstruck, nuts, nutty, paranoid, preposterous, psychopathic, psychotic, rabid, raging, raving, schizo, schizophrenic, screwy, senseless, stupid, touched, unglued, unhinged, unsettled, unzipped, whacko, wild lunkhead.
If the Birkenstock fits dude!!
Craphead at 24…
Looking in the mirror AGAIN, asshole.
Have you ever stopped to look at how much $$ the Construction Industry contributes to both the State Economy and State Treasury coffers??
Interesting how many government workers & Leftist Pinheaded Klowns are net Tax Suckers…while constantly criticizing an Industry that creates real jobs and is a Tax Contributor.
Karl Marx would be mighty proud of you YLB.
Oh and yer gal Gregoire has spent us to the precipice of a $2.4 BILLION Budget Deficit not to mention a $5 BILLION+ Underfunded State Retirement Fund.
How much greater would that deficit be if the Construction Industry is destroyed.
I’ll bet you were the kind of kid who screamed bloody murder & bit your mommy’s nipple while she was trying to feed you & keep you alive.
That’s what you KLOWNS are doing here.
29 – So that’s an excuse to let them pave over every square inch of this state, create more runoff to kill Salmon and Trout, more sprawl, traffic congestion on crumbling roads wingnuts don’t want to pay for, etc, etc.
More name-calling, blah, blah, blah…
How’s retirement going in the other state without an income tax?
@29: Cynical clown – as usual you are off base and pathetically ill-informed.
Who cares how much the building industry pays in taxes? My taxes have to support the roads and congestion prduced by their unfettered appetite for land and building. They are messing with MY quality of life and they are buying politicinas, making ridiculous claims about environmentalists being like Hitler and generally are off the deep end.
The bottom line is that anyone who supports their specious arguments, their political money laundering or their political influence buying is anti-american and stupid.
That looks so familiar…I can’t quite place it.
One of the many, many character deficiencies that plague the fringe lunatic LEFT is a chronic lack of a sense of humor. After reading some of the many, many insane postings on this Blog, can you imagine how surprised I was when I found out that most of you are actually serious!
At first, I thought y’all were just funnin’ us.
But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO….you actually believe your Leftist, Socialist, Marxist musings.
How many of you have increased your income, net worth & standard of living the past 7 years? I know I have.
It’s been a great time to be a wise investor. Folks who do well, spend & invest money to keep the economy moving forward…giving others the opportunity to improve their way of life (if they work hard & make wise decisions).
You KLOWNS seem to think the economy is always a “zero-sum game”. You are incapable of thinking that the economic “PIE” can grow. And you are obsessed with envy & jealousy of those who make it….rather than striving to make personal gains. As such, you can only think about ways of taking from the “rich” and giving to like-minded KLOWNS. Frankly, I believe most of you are hopelessly indoctrinated. Too bad….life is precious & short. It’s a shame to go thru life looking enviously at others & scheming to take wealth away from them.
Most of you KLOWNS do not understand what it means to have a strong spiritual foundation and “Walk in the Spirit”. You would rather walk in the darkness of the New Age Progressive movement. No foundation KLOWNS…just sinking sand. Good luck with that CHOICE!
You are sadly mistaken to even think the BIAW is anything
other than a watchdog that protects all of us from
poor legislation. They are helping the average family
afford housing. Without them, houses in this liberal
nirvana would be WAY WAY more expensive. Funny part of
all this rhetoric is all you libs think your looking out for
the “little guy” and all you do is hurt them. The road to
hell is paved with good intentions.
Hey and I forgot about BIAW trying to pack the Supreme Court.
Walk in the Spirit? LMAO!! The “greed” spirit. The spirit of paving the landscape with crackerboxes and letting it all drain off to the Sound, the spirit of ever lower and lower taxes so the crumbling roads become the “problem” of the greater fools who buy the crackerboxes to the siren song of a chemlawn for the kids to play in.
No problem at all with responsible builders making a profit. Greedy, right-wing, batshit insane developers? Many, many problems with those folks.
Dear “mark” and the cynical dipshit…
Your Reagan Era “I’ve got mine so fuck you” Randian (if you even know what that means) social and economic philosophy perpetrated by the geniuses of the bat-shit crazy Republican Party you so ardently defend has driven this country and by extension the rest of the world to the brink of economic disaster.
We are all capitalists here, assholes…there’s not a communist or socialist among us.
Unfettered, unregulated enterprise ALWAYS results in a crisis like this. There are checks and balances built into this system for REASONS that you shitheads fail to comprehend.
Fuck both of you. Un-American, un-patriotic bastards you are.
And if you take issue with that premise, go tell it to Charles Goldmark and Alan Berg.
And of course, Goldy, the examples you cite are scarily appropriate in another way, as both Goldmark and Berg were targeted for hate crimes as a result of their (real or perceived) Jewishness. I really don’t understand why the mainstream media here hasn’t done more to publicize the BIAW’s very real and well documented ties to local extremist groups. I think most people would not support candidates that they endorsed if they knew the underpinnings of their ‘philosophy.’
@36: You could add ‘Social Darwinist’ to that ‘Randian’ as well. But again, righties have been trying to pin that on the Left, because the are intellectually dishonest fucktards.
Still waiting for you, bbGop, to explain how John B is a traitor?
Puddy, hiding as Jane’s dog. Shame on you. Admit it now that you are caught.
Dear Cyniclown,
Fuck you, Asshole.
All my love,
Dear Cyniclown,
Either quit describing what you see in the mirror or lay off the thesaurus and “the google”.
What a moe-ron.
Fuck you!!
Hugs and kisses,
Cyniclown is brainless, dazed, deficient, dense, dim, dodo, doltish, dopy, dotterel, dull, dumb, dummy*, foolish, futile, gullible, half-baked*, half-witted*, idiotic, ill-advised, imbecilic, inane, indiscreet, insensate, irrelevant, irresponsible, laughable, loser*, ludicrous, meaningless, mindless, moronic, naive, nonsensical, obtuse, pointless, puerile, rash, senseless, short-sighted, simple, simple-minded, slow, sluggish, stolid, stupefied, thick, thickheaded, trivial, unintelligent, unthinking and witless.
HEHEHE. I can use “the google” too. Amazing how accurate it can be.
Funny. Goldy, I always think of you more as a profane, ranting, raving Democrat. Which might just be plain old Democrat. All I know is, don’t get me started.
Funny that as the right’s hold on the country is unraveling and the scales are falling from the eyes of the general populace…these demons are revealing themselves as the shrill, shrieking harpies they really are.
They won’t go down without a fight, but like Al Davis said (paraphrased)…”They must go down…and they must go down HARD.”
@1 This is satire, right? It has to be, because righties are the most immature, juvenile, sophomoric ranters on earth.
@13 “So the cum-drunk BIAW asshole says they wouldn’t waste their time beating Goldy to death – because he’s not worth it.”
Interesting that he doesn’t mention not doing it because it’s (a) a crime, (b) unethical, or (c) against the Ten Commandmants.
Does this mean BIAW is willing to do things that are criminal, unethical, and against God’s law if they’re worth doing?
@34 re; the BIAW: “They are helping the average family afford housing.”
They are after the biggest profits they can snort while vehemently denying the responsibility for the problems their industry creates.
“We are all capitalists here, assholes…there’s not a communist or socialist among us.”
Uttered by RUJAX!
Dude, you crack me up!!
I also mentioned Leftist & Marxist.
You KLOWNS pretending to be “capitalists” is like Bill Clinton pretending to be the 1st Black President.
It doesn’t pass the reasonableness test.
Of Course you KLOWNS are Socialists…or worse.
Your “philosophies” are filled with Socialist Dogma.
The reason you KLOWNS are Socialists is that many of you have tried and FAILED at capitalism. It’s too hard for lazy bastards unwilling to make sacrifices and take risks.
It’s easier to get a government job OR wait for mommy to die than to go out and work to build something of your own.
You want to be babysat.
They are helping the average family afford housing.
Why, they’re just liberal do-gooders who are trying to help the poor! They wouldn’t try to increase their profits without increasing their service, upsell ignorant buyers, deliver overpriced shoddy goods, try to protect unscrupulous builders, deceive the public about how conservative a BIAW-backed candidate really is, or compare environmentalists to Naz….well, at least they wouldn’t deceive the public, is what I’m sayin’…right? Right?
My Left Foot-
Copying my ways is a form of flattery, you anus, boob, booby, bung, bunghole, chump, ding-a-ling, dingbat, dingdong, galoot, goof, jerk-off, jerk, klutz, mutt, prize sap, sap, saphead, sawney, schlemiel!!
Dipshit, lets examine what your team has managed.
1. Mortgage crisis. Bankruptcy for the big guy and the homeowner. You support the big guy (Bear Stearns) but fuck the little guy. Let em lose their homes.
2. Economy. On a sloped paved with ice, a recession is comimg, well it is here but no one wants to say it.
3. Iraq. Haliburton is getting rich. Young soldiers are dying. The plan, well there was no plan, has failed.
I have not even mentioned health care and fossil fuels.
So cram that up your ass you no good blockhead*, bonehead, dolt, donkey*, dope, dunce, fool, halfwit, idiot, imbecile, jackass*, jerk*, nincompoop, nitwit*, numskull, schmuck, simpleton*, twerp, twit*.
Tell us again how well it all is working and how the construction industry is helping.
We did not miss you, asshole. You are nothing but a cock sucking, crack smoking, batshit crazy selfish bastard.
Fuck you!!
slingshot et al
Listen very carefully and think about this–
In all likelihood, you live in a house, apartment or Condo that was actually built by a B-U-I-L-D-E-R!!!!
(Unless you are Rog Rabbit, then you live in a hole in the ground).
Do you all live in self-constructed HOVELS???
If so, they likely have worse environmental impacts than any houses being constucted today.
Also, if you have a job (unlikely)…you probably work in a building constructed by a B-U-I-L-D-E-R!!!
How about that!!
In addition, the Welfare Office (likely) was also built by a B-U-I-L-D-E-R!!
So was the Food Bank.
Now that oughta get yer attention.
OMG, without Builders, No Food Bank or Welfare Office!!
You gotta love B-U-I-L-D-E-R-S!!
Might want to look up PARODY, Sparky. SATIRE escapes you.
Fuck you, Dipshit.
And your philosophers are fascist pigs. “No, they’re not!” “Yes, they are.” No, they’re not a million times!”
No one dislikes builders. We don’t like the BIAW, though.
Do you hate teachers, or just the WEA?
Be ye all cautioned that McCabe’s mis-statement of Goldy’s domain may have not been accidental–he may have been trying to scare people away from here.
I once accidentally typed in the “dot-com” domain, and the graphics in the page that came up were definitely “not safe for work”. Nor, for that matter, for much of anywhere else.
You assholes would be lucky to have Tom McCabe as your
neighbor. You are so uninformed and out of touch with
reality my sides are splitting. One of the biggest builders in this state happens to be a democrat and they sell their
houses (as most builders do) as “Built Green”. Talk
about misleading the public. Those houses are exactly
the same as the houses we built 20 years ago only there
are way more hoops to jump through just to get a permit,
thanks to retarded and jealous liberal fucks.
Yes I would be lucky to have McCabe as a neighbor so I could remind him daily that he’s a lying piece of shit.
59 Something comes to mind about birds of a feather…
Sempersimper@20 is wrong as ever. Not Puddy.
Which alter ego is this headless lucy. Also you never answered my networking questions. I realize they were simple ones and you failed miserably.
I would have expected more from someone who claims to have an IQ between 125 and 140…
My Left Foot. I knew sempersimper(headless Lucy) is whack. I never expected it of you.
Darryl, please educate My Left Foot that JBD and Puddy are not the same people!
A small percentage of the folks building houses in the state are members of the BIAW. And even among the members, probably 90% joined to get group rates on insurance, and not to support the top heavy, ideologue, off-the-fat living leaders-many of whom are not tradesmen, but bureaucrats. I actually do live in a house that was built in a very shitty manner, but I’m fixing it. I don’t have a job though…retired young (from the building industry ;-), and living off your 15% capital gains tax rate, and tax breaks to the rich. I have to hand it to you, Mr. Cynical…that’s a pretty keen observation that most people live in houses or apartments and work in buildings.
If you tell me you are not the Poochie I believe you.
My Left Foot. That’s good. At least you can process facts.
Your “friend” with many names cannot.
I’ll first say that my career is in the design and construction field. The BIAW March newsletter is beyond the pale – labeling people as “builder-haters” and that insipid Liberal Fascist article written by Musser. I find this to be unnacceptable. I’d like to know how I can obtain a list of their membership and donors. I’ve already noted an advertiser in their newsletter with whom I can speak. I’m in a position to hurt BIAW where it counts. Please help me find a source for this information.
Here is a list of their membership committee. It’s heavily laden with folks outside the building industry; financial/banking, insurance, real estate, mortage and marketing companies.
The local associations may have a member list. Here is that link:
Sounds like Shannon was right on the money. If you can’t handle most people’s opinion of you Goldy, then I suggest some self-help books. And for the record, you are not even close to being as important as you think you are.