While we’re slamming school officials, let’s take a little poke at Federal Way School Board Member Charles Hoff, who told an audience in State College, PA (not surprisingly the home of Penn State) that it had “a far better gene pool” than the district he represents. State College is a mostly white, middle to upper middle class community.
Hoff said that because of having several smaller high schools within the Federal Way school district, our test scores are among the highest in Washington State.
Instead of attributing this fact to more one-on-one attention, student’s efforts or stellar teachers, Hoff went on to make the argument that if Federal Way students can achieve high test scores while attending small high school, imagine what the sons and daughters who come from “a far better gene pool” would accomplish.
Since Hoff’s remark came to light, those familiar with Hoff’s views said that this remark was not uncharacteristic for Hoff.
Hmm. So Hoff is suggesting that the real solution to our educational problems is….?
You sure Hoff isn’t an SP commenter? Sure sounds like one…
WE ARE…………..PENN STATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Taxes are to Democrat politicians as Crack is to the addict, they can never get enough, and they will hurt those who get in the way of their supply.
”The head of the Fraternal Order of Police said it took Patrick Kennedy 19
hours to come up with an official explanation. Which may sound bad, but it
still beats his dad’s record by two hours, so it’s pretty good.” –Jay Leno
”Patrick Kennedy crashed his car and said he doesn’t remember anything about
the accident, except a huge sense of relief when he came to and he wasn’t
soaking wet.” –Bill Maher
”This is actually a huge step forward for the Kennedy family, because when
you think back through the years, Ted Kennedy , William Kennedy Smith, that
Michael Skakel guy, it’s a breakthrough for a Kennedy to come out of a
blackout and not have someone dead or raped on the floor.” –Bill Maher
”Patrick Kennedy crashed his car but got out of a breathalyzer test by
claiming he was on his way to the Capitol to vote. Apparently Kennedy was
going to vote on whether Miller Lite was less filling or tastes
great.” –Conan O’Brien
Instead of attributing this fact to more one-on-one attention, student’s efforts or stellar teachers, Hoff went on to make the argument that if Federal Way students can achieve high test scores while attending small high school, imagine what the sons and daughters who come from “a far better gene pool” would accomplish.
Since Hoff’s remark came to light, those familiar with Hoff’s views said that this remark was not uncharacteristic for Hoff.
Goldy please do not carry his statement out of context but look at it from a different perspective. First of all we are not born of the same genetic makeup and cannot develop the same way as others in your neighborhood.
Let’s use Roger as an example for this perspective; (for one thing he is not a rabbit) now he went to school and became a local lawyer after serving his country in Viet Nam. Now I for one could not have done what Roger accomplishes because that was beyond my skill sets, but that did not deny me from being successful in my pursuits. Now both of us could be similar in many ways but both of us have our limitation. Now Hoff’s statement could be right because folks tend to congregate with neighbors who fit their comfort zones. Like you and Roger like living in Seattle and mirror each in many ways. That could be due to your genetic code that has been past down for generation. The next question is do one part of our society smarter than another could be debated, but not in our lift time. The systems we have in place creates many different casts systems and it would be political incorrect to say one was better than another. The fact still remains we are not all born the same, but different in many ways, which could bring us all back to what in the gene pool.
“Gene pool” is code talk … when people of Hoff’s ilk talk about “genes,” they almost always are thinking of skin color.
“they will hurt those who get in the way of their supply”
Who have Democrats ever hurt for opposing taxes, JCH? On the other hand, right-wing nationalists have:
Started wars
Tortured people
Committed atrocities
Organized death squads
Assassinated opposition politicians
Committed genocide
And YOU lecture liberals about “hurting” people?!!!
Punch: Klake is a nazi.
Judy: No he’s not, he’s an idiot.
Punch: OK, you convinced me, he’s an idiot.
Judy: Waddya mean, you persuaded me: Klake is Nazi.
Punch: OK, Klake is an idiotic nazi.
Judy: Got it. Klake is a blithering idiot who is a nazi!
Even in our own supposedly “civilized” country, we have right-wing motherfuckers wildly applauding agitators like Ann Coulter when she says liberals should be “executed.”
Liberals must arm! These motherfuckers aren’t joking when they say they want to kill us. And the only way to deal with that is to exercise our right to legally use deadly force in self-defense — or we will end up like 6 million Jews.
Better ‘violent reactions’ than rolling over, begging for mercy and playing dead liberal cowards.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/6/06@ 12:01 pm
Roger you support them by sticking your head in the sand. Remember Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin, and lets not forget Lenin whose statue is right out next to your sand pit.
The only cowards around here are right-wing wimps — all talk, no do.
Maybe Hoff is suggesting ethnic cleansing? Maybe he supports eugenics?
If they succeed in their goal of rigging elections and installing a fascist dictatorship in America, right-wing death squads won’t be far behind.
In liberal cities like Seattle, men wearing ski masks will come into our neighborhoods, leap out of unmarked vans, kick in our doors, pull us and our loved ones from their homes, and dump our bodies on the sidewalks — unless we shoot back and kill those motherfuckers.
Liberals must arm!
The only cowards around here are right-wing wimps – all talk, no do.
Maybe Hoff is suggesting ethnic cleansing? Maybe he supports eugenics?
Commentby antidote— 6/6/06@ 12:07 pm
antidote where were you when Bill was bombing Yugo?
My feathered friends in the animal kingdom piss on Lenin while I call my broker and buy more oil stocks! ha-ha-ha
klake — do you know how hard it is to piss up a rope? You should, because you try every day.
Before I forget — klake is a nazi
If they succeed in their goal of rigging elections and installing a fascist dictatorship in America, right-wing death squads won’t be far behind.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/6/06@ 12:08 pm
That is not what Dean Logan said the other day Roger?
My liberal friends, ask yourself this: How many countries under right-wing dictatorships have NOT had death squads, secret police, “disappearances,” and assassinations of regime opponents?
The universal human experience of the last century has been that ideologues who can’t win an honest election invariably use repression and violence to stay in power.
Taxes are to Democrat politicians as Crack is to the addict, they can never get enough, and they will hurt those who get in the way of their supply.
Dean Logan is an honest man who tries to run an honest election, but he inherited a troubled department and lacks the management ability and head-cracking temperament to straighten it out by himself. I’ve said all along that what King County Elections needs is a retired-Army-colonel type who doesn’t need to necessarily know anything about elections (he can hire staff experts to advise on technical issues) but knows how to get people to follow orders and get things done.
Roger is these chaps you are referencing to pulling little bunny’s out of their homes in Seattle.
Dean Logan has more integrity in the small knuckle of his little finger than 100,000 Ken Blackwells and 100,000 Katherine Harrises put together.
My liberal friends, ask yourself this: How many countries under right-wing dictatorships have NOT had death squads, secret police, “disappearances,” and assassinations of regime opponents?
Commentby Roger Rabbit [Er, RR, Stalin, PolPot, Mao, Uncle Ho, North Korea, Kamer Rouge, Cuba, Haiti,……………..all Hillary Villages of Liberal Love!!!!!! hehe, JCH]
William J Jefferson, DEMOCRAT, LA [hehe]
Goldy, what is your personal feeling on this “gene pool” issue?
Graham Hill has a Montessori program which 85% of white students are allowed into, and a “Regular” program which 83% of minority students have to attend. The WASL pass rates are considerably higher for Montessori students than for “Regular” students.
My personal beliefs is that this is racial discrimination against minority students at Graham Hill. Minority students are mostly forced into an inferior education program. “Regular” students are therfore less prepared for the WASL, and fail it at a much greater rate than Montessori students.
Goldy, on the other hand, doesn’t believe there is any racial discrimination at Graham Hill, especially not in the Montessori program.
My liberal friends, ask yourself this: How many countries under LEFT-WING dictatorships have NOT had death squads, secret police, “disappearances,” and assassinations of regime opponents?
The universal human experience of the last century has been that ideologues who can’t win an honest election invariably use repression and violence to stay in power.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/6/06@ 12:13 pm (one correction, in all-capital letters)
They’ve got a video training program coming in October.
This fall will see the roll out of a real-time strategy video game where the player’s character is a Christian warrior whose mission is to convert or kill Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, gays, and anyone who advocates the separation of church and state – especially moderate, mainstream Christians.
Get ready, liberals.
Oh poor dear.
howcanyoubePROUDtobeanEVILfuckingchristianistBITCH is just CRANKY ’cause her beloved “God Hates Homos and So Should You” initiative is DOA.
Booo Hoooo Hoooo.
We TOLD ya…ya CAN’T TRUST TIMMY…or hate.
A note to the developmentally disabled “klake”-
“Roger and Gang this is the other part of the world you all forget about.”
WTF are you talking about THIS time?
NOBODY can figure it out!