Bush has nominated John Roberts to succeed William Rehnquist as Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court. I’m guessing Roberts’ confirmation has just been elevated from a contentious sure thing, to a real political drama.
Don’t be so sure about that….
Not everyone has a bloated ego and inflated sense of importance like YOU!!!
Thomas Trainwinderspews:
Brilliant move by Rove. Takes a popular choice and ensures he’ll get confirmed — you’re looking at our next Chief Justice for 30+ years.
Thomas Trainwinderspews:
By the way, was Rove AWOL during Katrina? Bush obviously wasn’t getting his orders in a timely fashion…
shit happens everyday, unless your last name is kennedy. Everythig in the beltway is a real political drama goldy.
headless lucyspews:
…..klake the flake………
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Goldy would like to believe that Scalia and Thomas read about Bush’s decision in the New York Times or heard about it on NPR or saw it on The Daily Show!!!
C’mon Goldy….making this decision somehow “contentious” is a stretch that doesn’t reach. It will be kind of fun to watch the LEFTIST PINHEADS (aka LENIN’S USEFUL IDIOTS) spin away trying to create the illusion that this is a huge wedge in the Conservative movement.
Bad Try Goldy====NO SALE!
Betcha Ralph Neas, Kate Michelman and the usual cast of Borkers is plenty agitated.
I’d imagine Bush had this possibility in mind, that is with REhnquist ill and a lenghty confirmation process, Roberts could go either as Associate or as Chief.
I’d rather have Scalia.
Come on Cynical (@6)… don’t you think Scalia has an ego? Of course he’s pissed, however he heard of it.
I suppose he’ll just have to be content to remain the Chief Justice of his own little court (him and Thomas.)
Mark The Redneckspews:
One of my favorite scenes of Ted The Swimmer was when he was drilling Clarence Thomas about his moral character. LMAO. The Swimmer is still a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and I’m hoping we get a chance to see him do it again. Priceless…
Mark The Redneckspews:
You asses have lost control of the last branch of gummint. You now have ZERO power. None. You’re done. Finished. You’re a nuisance, but not a threat. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Richard Popespews:
MoveOn Org and lots of other liberal groups decided to spend $100 million or so to prevent John Roberts from taking Sandra Day O’Connor’s seat on the U.S. Supreme Court.
Looks like this expensive advertising campaign will be successful. President Bush has now withdrawn John Robert’s nomination to replace Sandra Day O’Connor.
We need campaign finance reform for these stealth groups interrupting our judicial nomination process. The country could “move on” if only these special interest groups would limit their campaigns to a reasonable amount.
You pro finance law libs willing to step up and limit your own free speech?
Write a check to the Red Cross or the Salvation Army, they need the money and they are committed to the objective. There are more people willing to take in refugess than there are people willing to write a check – especially if there’s something in it for them, like cheap labor, publicity, or gosh, an opportunity to play middle man and suck of some the donations (churches). We live in an affluent, conservative “Christian” area. The trick to getting money or help out of them is to understand that many people won’t do anything that somehow doesn’t splash back on them in a prominent, self gratifying way -people here are very competitive about conspicuous generosity such as taking people in, they want something back: good cheap household help and garden help is SOO hard to find these days. The Disheartened Cynic
interesting. Since Roberts is probably slightly less of a wingnut than Rehnquist, this means to get much traction rightward for the Court, the nominee to replace O’Connor has to be someone out of the mainstream–which will be a harder sell.
If he’d left Roberts for O’Connor, he could have easily moved the court right. Now he has to find someone else.
Marilyn, not everyone is like that. Stop the generalizations of Christians. What are you doing?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Richard Pope@11–
That’s a good ‘un!!!!!
Perhaps they will spend several hundred million more in futility too! It’s nice having Howard Dean at the helm….if you are a Republican! tj@15–
Dream on!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Gimmee a break.
Churches have people “on the Ground”….especially as refugees are brought to Texas and other states for temporary housing. Money is flowing into various churches at an unbelieveable clip to help settle these folks more permanently than the Astrodome. The Red Cross & Salvation Army are tremendously important in dealing with the short-term, temporary needs. However the onus of the long-term solutions are being dealt with by generous individuals and Godly Churches that don’t aim for publicity like Gregoire. What is Gregoire doing “personally”?? She does have room in the Governor’s Mansion with her kids gone, doesn’t she??
All the moralizing from he wingnuts yesterday about percieved insensativity to the news of Rehnquist’s death, and now Rove (via Bush) makes a coldy Machavalian political move before the Rehnquist’s body is even cold.
Satanic Hypocricy at its worst.
My first thought about Renquist dying was a scene in Jim Henson’s “The Dark Crystal” – where the Skeksis emporer in his death bed, viciously guarding the royal sceptor croaking, “I AM STILL EMPORER!”, and, after his crumbling death, the challenge who would assume the position of emporer – John Roberts as the weaselish skeksis Chamberlin. I wonder which more militant skeksis will rise up to challenge Roberts for Chief Justice? Trial by stone!!
headless lucyspews:
re 10:I’m sure the Chinese and the Russians are watching events in this country with great interest. The Chinese used to call us “paper tigers” and thanks to the Bush administration, we are!
You’ll be bwa-haing out of the other side of your mouth when the “multi-nationals” decide to bail on us and “develop” China.
For some reason, MTR, you think you’re up there with the power-elite playing the big game, but you are sadly and pathetically mistaken.
“You laugh at what The Donald has done to me, but I tell you this truly: If he can do this to me, he can do this to anyone.”
I use the quote as a meeetaporical comparison.
I want to know for which public school lucy is the wrestling coach he/she/it claims to be. As a family closely associated with the wrestling program in our league, I want to make sure that he/she/it has absolutely no contact with our children.
I suspect it’s the S King county school that had to suspend most of it’s wrestlers last year for breaking, entering and stealing from another team in it’s own school. I suspect it’s that particular school further because they are known league and tournament wide as dirty wrestlers, cheats, mat crawlers and whiners… all of which would be learned at the knees of their COACH.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Moonbats – Can one of you help translate what loocy just said? Makes no fucking sense…
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Lucy bin smokin’ B.C. Bud agin Mark.
That’s how she celebrates Labor Day….and every day for that matter.
Her babbling @ 21 reads eerily as if she glued several completely random sentences together. Perhaps it’s in some LEFTIST PINHEAD (aka LENIN’S USEFUL IDIOTS) secret code or something.
Is that man lucky or what. He’s yet to be made a cardinal and already he’s on the fast track to pope.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“You asses have lost control of the last branch of gummint. You now have ZERO power. None. You’re done. Finished. You’re a nuisance, but not a threat. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA”
We lost control of the “gummint” some time ago. Since then …
1. 9/11 – 2800 dead
2. Iraq – 1900 dead
3. NOLA – ? dead
If the Republicans indeed are entrenching themselves in power for the next 30 years, you’d better up your life insurance policy, Mark! Who knows, you may be the next casualty of GOP incompetence, greed, or indifference. Better stock your basement with a 28-year supply of food and water in case the Big One hits Seattle because that’s how long you’ll have to wait to be rescued.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Too bad for you jerks that you didn’t support campaign reform when you had the chance.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Comment on 21
“For some reason, MTR, you think you’re up there with the power-elite playing the big game, but you are sadly and pathetically mistaken.”
MTR is, at the end of the day, a mere employee. And like all employees, he is expendable, a temp, subject to planned obsolesence. He sold his soul to the Devil for an SUV and a tank of gas, and doesn’t even know who he’s working for.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Time for a moonbat poll:
If you were (God forbid) President, who would you pick for the vacant position on the Supreme Court?
Mark The Redneckspews:
Wabbit – Your comment at 28 highlights a difference between producers and takers and between me and you. I have dedicated myself to the concept of “lifetime learning”. That’s why I have a whole alphabet full of letters after my name. I pay attention to trends in technology and business and continually reinvest in myself so I’m not an “expandable, temp subject to planned obsolescence”. Anybody who doesn’t continue to invest in themselves is a fucking idiot, and ends up being an embittered angry horses ass. Like you….
@ 30 MTRVI said “That’s why I have a whole alphabet full of letters after my name.”
Not to mention the 40 million dead since Roe V. Wade. A recent study showed that Kerry would have won by 3-5 million votes in 2004 if abortion had remained illegal.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’d try to find another William O. Douglas — someone who would protect individual liberties, because that’s what is most greatly endangered by the right wing red tide inundating America. Caution — drinking the red tide WILL be hazardous to your health & wealth!
Donna @ 31 – You are pathetic. If you weren’t such a beeeach, I’d feel sorry for you. I try to make a halfway serious point, and you put up one another one of your stupid fucking posts. It must be awful to live a life filled with anger and hate and envy. And the really sad part is that you’re so blinded by hate, that you can’t even see light when it’s put right in front of your eyes. So spend the rest of your miserable life in some shitty one room apartment and be mad at the world. Fuck you.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Typical fucking asses. No suggestions whatsoever who should be nominated for Supreme Court. But whoever GWB nominates that’s to the right of Stalin will be branded “extreme”. That’s why you asses are done. You have no ideas. Should be clear to you now that hate doesn’t sell.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey Mark, how do you like my “free market gas rationing” plan? Gas hogs like you can use all they want, as long as you pay a tax surcharge of $10 a gallon for consumption over 50 gallons per month. We’re at WAR, dummy! In wartime, we need rationing to keep prices affordable for the “little guy” who PRODUCES something! (Unlike useless bottom feeders like you, who just push money around in circles, skimming off the top as you go.)
Mark The Redneckspews:
Wabbit – I aksed earlier today to expand on your plan. Yours is a consumption tax, not a rationing plan. Which is it?
But don’t you worry your little bunny head over this. Invisible hand has already handled it. Dun.
RIP GOPspews:
MTR, you and your idiotic friends (fiends) that call your self the party of ‘life’ and show yourselves as the party of ‘death to anyone buy us’ are now officially short termers. The whole GOP party from the Chimp on down to your lowly position in life are ‘lame ducks’. Get over it and get over your bloated opinion of yourself
Mark The Redneckspews:
Go ahead and dream RIP. We’re in power, and nuthin you asses can do about it. Most people don’t think like you and the other kooks on this board. You guys are way out of the mainstream. I really didn’t think people like you existed before I came to HA. You’re just a nuisance, not a threat.
I just ask this one thing…. pleeeeeeeease nominate Her Highness in 08. Pleeeeeease….
I betcha that GWB, being a courteous man, called Thomas and Scalia and they agreed to have a strict constructionist as chief justice like Roberts. Smart move by Mr. Rove.
Consumption taxes: So Wabbit you support Steve Forbes? Part of his tax plan as around consumption taxes at one time. Luckily I work from home and when I travel my clients pay de billz. So a consumption tax is fine by de kid! Funny we’d find all those “Bill Clinton soccer moms” screaming bloody murder for this wonderful consumption tax!
All righties: Don*****Don admitted months ago he has balls. PacMan (where is he) got him to admit he be a guy. Then he appeard talking about trying to bed some blonde woman who had a few kids. Yeah all puff and hardly any stuff. Headlice Loocy is definity a girl in a guy’s body. I think Loocy shops a Victoria Secret for himself and get his panties in a torqued ball when he reads our fine responses, which traps his balls and he loses cohesive thought and writes gibberish.
I also think it’s funny that the moonbat donks refer to wikipedia for their gratification and reliance. Then it’s the Daily Kos for cross-linked moonbat donk thought. Don’t any of you lefties have any independent coordinated thought patterns?
What I like is those ho complain about 58+ milion be so wrong. I guess you all be speaking about those who voted for Kerry. 62,040,610 voted to have somone like John Roberts as a supreme court judge. So how could 59,028,111 people be so wrong!
Sorry for the missing letters. I have a new keyboard that needs additional typing pressure to register certain letters. So here is the post cleaned up:
I betcha that GWB, being a courteous man, called Thomas and Scalia and they agreed to have a strict constructionist as chief justice like Roberts. Smart move by Mr. Rove.
Consumption taxes: So Wabbit you support Steve Forbes? Part of his tax plan was around consumption taxes at one time. Luckily I work from home and when I travel my clients pay de billz. So a consumption tax is fine by de kid! Funny we’d find all those “Bill Clinton soccer moms” screaming bloody murder for this wonderful consumption tax!
All righties: Don*****Don admitted months ago he has balls. PacMan (where is he) got him to admit he be a guy. Then he appeared talking about trying to bed some blonde woman in the 90’s who had a few kids. Yeah all puff and hardly any stuff. Headlice Loocy is definitely a girl in a guy’s body. Why else wold they choose a feminine name on a lefty board. Seems to explain that wrestling fetish where he likes to look at young guys bodies straining for that elusive pinfall. I think Loocy shops a Victoria Secret for himself and get his panties in a torqued ball when he reads our fine responses, which traps his balls and he loses cohesive thought and writes gibberish.
I also think it’s funny that the moonbat donks refer to wikipedia for their gratification and reliance. Then it’s the Daily Kos for cross-linked moonbat donk thought. Don’t any of you lefties have any independent self-coordinated thought patterns?
What I like is those who complain about 58+ milion be so wrong. I guess you all be speaking about those who voted for Kerry. So I went to wikipedia for de vote totals. 62,040,610 voted to have someone like John Roberts as a supreme court judge. So how could 59,028,111 people be so wrong?
headless lucyspews:
Maybe the Roberts nomination is the needle we need to lance the boil of neo-con conservatism that infects the body politic at this point. It may be a mess of political puss, but we’ll all feel better with the pressure off.
headless lucy:44
You should probably come up with something besides neo-stupidity to replace “neo-con”.
headless lucyspews:
Note to other Progressives: When the word MOONBAT is dragged out, you know the morons have run out of talking points for the day. They think we get our ideas in the same way they do, but I ,for one, need no list of someone elses talking points to get through the blogging day. Only CHRISTO-FASCIST NAZI NEO-CONS do that!
headless lucyspews:
re 33: Abortion is not murder. That’s a fact and that’s the law. But if a family member of mine were killed by a anti-abortion fanatic you would all soon discover the real difference between abortion and murder. But don’t worry! I’ll steer clear of harming a fetus.
I want to know for which public school lucy is the wrestling coach he/she/it claims to be. As a family closely associated with the wrestling program in our league, I want to make sure that he/she/it has absolutely no contact with our children.
I suspect it’s the S King county public school that had to suspend most of it’s wrestlers last year for breaking, entering and stealing from another team in it’s own school. I suspect it’s that particular school further because they are known league and tournament wide as dirty wrestlers, cheats, mat crawlers and whiners… all of which would be learned at the knees of their COACH. -Comment by HowCanYouBePROUDtobeAnASS— 9/5/05 @ 2:01 pm
I’m still waiting, headless lucy/ballsless loony – time to step up to the plate brave boy/girl/thing and announce your team. Tell us, how much time does it take to teach your wrestlers to be mat crawlers looking for that out of bound line like an illegal immigrant looking for a whole in the border? Wouldn’t your time be a little better spent actually teaching them to wrestle instead of whine? Wasn’t it one of your punks that was ejected from league championship competition for biting his opponent a year or 2 ago? Be the man you claim (wish) to be, coach -Comment by HowCanYouBePROUDtobeAnASS— 9/5/05 @ 10:17 pm
headless lucy @ 47
‘That’s a fact and that’s the law’ is how slavery used to be viewed in the US. Being legal does not make it moral or the right thing to do. If it were legal to “abort” children up to age two would you classify it as murder, or at least wrong?
MTRVI @ 36 said :
Donna – You are pathetic. If you weren’t such a beeeach, I’d feel sorry for you. I try to make a halfway serious point, and you put up one another one of your stupid fucking posts.
Perhaps you should put an addendum on your serious posts saying *I know most of the crap I post is not serious, but the crap I posted above is serious.
Then other would be able to tell apart your nonserious crap, from your serious crap.
MTRVI goes on :
It must be awful to live a life filled with anger and hate and envy. And the really sad part is that you’re so blinded by hate, that you can’t even see light when it’s put right in front of your eyes.
My, but you do have a high opinion of your psychic powers! I am not filled with anger and hate. Oh I admit, I am certainly angry with the fascist Neo-Cons and their Symps. And true, I can begin to hate those who refuse to open their eyes to see the obvious facts around them, but “filled with anger and hate� Not even close, Markie. As for envy; now you have really put your foot in your mouth! I don’t envy anything you or any other person may have. I am so damn happy with my personal life, that I spend far too much time just reflecting on how damn happy I am. But a bitter, shriveled up old husk of a man like yourself would know anything about that, I imagine.
So spend the rest of your miserable life in some shitty one room apartment and be mad at the world. Fuck you.
Naw, I ain’t mad at the world, and as for “miserable life†see my comment above. I rather like my one bedroom apartment. But I am thinking of getting a travel trailer and getting some real freedom!
Ah, the life!
So how did Bush come up with him-was he the CEO of Walmart for 10 years or something?
Instead of headlice loocy let’s make it clueless loocy! YEAH, that’s the ticket.
Don*****don: 5th wheel, pusher or puller?
Now GWB can nominate Janice Rogers Brown and replace a white woman with a black woman. That would be a shrewd Rove move. How would Chucky Schumer rant about that now we hear all this racist talk about how GWB hates blacks? Now the NO people can see how the Dems would feel about they being shutout of the SCOTUS derby and a black woman could make history!!!! Goldy what do you tink about dem apples?
PuddyBud @ 55 George Bush doesn’t hate all blacks. He loves those who are wiling to sell their soul to the alter of EVIL.
But the poor ones? Cannon fodder at best. If they ain’t keeping their yaps shut and doing the menial work?
No use for them at all.
And that is Rove’s best trick yet.
Donnageddon: Looking nice. So you getting a Denali 5th Wheel 30 footer? Total weight and is the truck used to tow a single rear standard, single rear double flared or a double rear single? We were looking at pushers but with two about to enter college in 2006 -2007 we are delaying that purchase.
Don@57: Are you Black? Why do you equate conservative blacks to being evil? You have no idea about me or my walk. And now you are making this equation? No IT’S YOU WHO IS EVIL! Your kind makes me sick. Real sick. Who makes you the arbiter of black political thought. Find a new horse to ride out of here on because you are not welcome!
I think the Puddy suggestion is a great one. He kills two birds with one stone: A minority and a woman! A woman descended from sharecroppers.
Ah yes donk****don really stepped in it now. Go get him PacMan. Calling conservative blacks evil. Isn’t that racist thought donk****don? I thought liberal lefties are progressive. Looks like more liberal bullshit to me!
PacMan @ 59 And PuddyBud @ 60 “Why do you equate conservative blacks to being evil?”
“Calling conservative blacks evil”
It is interesting how the Neo-Con mind works. Even when the evidence that I said no such thing is just a few inches above your posts, you still think you can spin lies about what I said. Who do you think you are: Rove?
Nice try assholes. But your race baiting is both fascinating and hysterical.
WHat is most interesting is that neither of you qouted me, because doing so would have destroyed your little attempt at spinning my words.
He loves those who are wiling to sell their soul to the alter of EVIL. – Everyone who said this? Donk****don!!!
To sell your soul to the alter of EVIL means you become evil. You said that of conservative blacks. You said it, no one else
Hey IT-man, yes you donk****don (nice name Puddy), so I am evil because I don’t drink lefty kool-aid? I didn’t respond last night because I waited for your clarification. You are one sleasy person donk****don. Yes, you are EVIL. ANY athiest who doesn’t acknowledge our Creator or His Son is EVIL. Now it’s fully clarified!
You two are wonderful!
Yes, please keep spinning! You are so sad. And so unaware of the meaning of the words of Christ.
Don’t be so sure about that….
Not everyone has a bloated ego and inflated sense of importance like YOU!!!
Brilliant move by Rove. Takes a popular choice and ensures he’ll get confirmed — you’re looking at our next Chief Justice for 30+ years.
By the way, was Rove AWOL during Katrina? Bush obviously wasn’t getting his orders in a timely fashion…
shit happens everyday, unless your last name is kennedy. Everythig in the beltway is a real political drama goldy.
…..klake the flake………
Goldy would like to believe that Scalia and Thomas read about Bush’s decision in the New York Times or heard about it on NPR or saw it on The Daily Show!!!
C’mon Goldy….making this decision somehow “contentious” is a stretch that doesn’t reach. It will be kind of fun to watch the LEFTIST PINHEADS (aka LENIN’S USEFUL IDIOTS) spin away trying to create the illusion that this is a huge wedge in the Conservative movement.
Bad Try Goldy====NO SALE!
Betcha Ralph Neas, Kate Michelman and the usual cast of Borkers is plenty agitated.
I’d imagine Bush had this possibility in mind, that is with REhnquist ill and a lenghty confirmation process, Roberts could go either as Associate or as Chief.
I’d rather have Scalia.
Come on Cynical (@6)… don’t you think Scalia has an ego? Of course he’s pissed, however he heard of it.
I suppose he’ll just have to be content to remain the Chief Justice of his own little court (him and Thomas.)
One of my favorite scenes of Ted The Swimmer was when he was drilling Clarence Thomas about his moral character. LMAO. The Swimmer is still a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and I’m hoping we get a chance to see him do it again. Priceless…
You asses have lost control of the last branch of gummint. You now have ZERO power. None. You’re done. Finished. You’re a nuisance, but not a threat. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
MoveOn Org and lots of other liberal groups decided to spend $100 million or so to prevent John Roberts from taking Sandra Day O’Connor’s seat on the U.S. Supreme Court.
Looks like this expensive advertising campaign will be successful. President Bush has now withdrawn John Robert’s nomination to replace Sandra Day O’Connor.
We need campaign finance reform for these stealth groups interrupting our judicial nomination process. The country could “move on” if only these special interest groups would limit their campaigns to a reasonable amount.
You pro finance law libs willing to step up and limit your own free speech?
Write a check to the Red Cross or the Salvation Army, they need the money and they are committed to the objective. There are more people willing to take in refugess than there are people willing to write a check – especially if there’s something in it for them, like cheap labor, publicity, or gosh, an opportunity to play middle man and suck of some the donations (churches). We live in an affluent, conservative “Christian” area. The trick to getting money or help out of them is to understand that many people won’t do anything that somehow doesn’t splash back on them in a prominent, self gratifying way -people here are very competitive about conspicuous generosity such as taking people in, they want something back: good cheap household help and garden help is SOO hard to find these days. The Disheartened Cynic
I see I posted to the wrong thread. Sorry
interesting. Since Roberts is probably slightly less of a wingnut than Rehnquist, this means to get much traction rightward for the Court, the nominee to replace O’Connor has to be someone out of the mainstream–which will be a harder sell.
If he’d left Roberts for O’Connor, he could have easily moved the court right. Now he has to find someone else.
Marilyn, not everyone is like that. Stop the generalizations of Christians. What are you doing?
Richard Pope@11–
That’s a good ‘un!!!!!
Perhaps they will spend several hundred million more in futility too! It’s nice having Howard Dean at the helm….if you are a Republican!
Dream on!
Gimmee a break.
Churches have people “on the Ground”….especially as refugees are brought to Texas and other states for temporary housing. Money is flowing into various churches at an unbelieveable clip to help settle these folks more permanently than the Astrodome. The Red Cross & Salvation Army are tremendously important in dealing with the short-term, temporary needs. However the onus of the long-term solutions are being dealt with by generous individuals and Godly Churches that don’t aim for publicity like Gregoire. What is Gregoire doing “personally”?? She does have room in the Governor’s Mansion with her kids gone, doesn’t she??
All the moralizing from he wingnuts yesterday about percieved insensativity to the news of Rehnquist’s death, and now Rove (via Bush) makes a coldy Machavalian political move before the Rehnquist’s body is even cold.
Satanic Hypocricy at its worst.
My first thought about Renquist dying was a scene in Jim Henson’s “The Dark Crystal” – where the Skeksis emporer in his death bed, viciously guarding the royal sceptor croaking, “I AM STILL EMPORER!”, and, after his crumbling death, the challenge who would assume the position of emporer – John Roberts as the weaselish skeksis Chamberlin. I wonder which more militant skeksis will rise up to challenge Roberts for Chief Justice? Trial by stone!!
re 10:I’m sure the Chinese and the Russians are watching events in this country with great interest. The Chinese used to call us “paper tigers” and thanks to the Bush administration, we are!
You’ll be bwa-haing out of the other side of your mouth when the “multi-nationals” decide to bail on us and “develop” China.
For some reason, MTR, you think you’re up there with the power-elite playing the big game, but you are sadly and pathetically mistaken.
“You laugh at what The Donald has done to me, but I tell you this truly: If he can do this to me, he can do this to anyone.”
I use the quote as a meeetaporical comparison.
I want to know for which public school lucy is the wrestling coach he/she/it claims to be. As a family closely associated with the wrestling program in our league, I want to make sure that he/she/it has absolutely no contact with our children.
I suspect it’s the S King county school that had to suspend most of it’s wrestlers last year for breaking, entering and stealing from another team in it’s own school. I suspect it’s that particular school further because they are known league and tournament wide as dirty wrestlers, cheats, mat crawlers and whiners… all of which would be learned at the knees of their COACH.
Moonbats – Can one of you help translate what loocy just said? Makes no fucking sense…
Lucy bin smokin’ B.C. Bud agin Mark.
That’s how she celebrates Labor Day….and every day for that matter.
Her babbling @ 21 reads eerily as if she glued several completely random sentences together. Perhaps it’s in some LEFTIST PINHEAD (aka LENIN’S USEFUL IDIOTS) secret code or something.
Is that man lucky or what. He’s yet to be made a cardinal and already he’s on the fast track to pope.
“You asses have lost control of the last branch of gummint. You now have ZERO power. None. You’re done. Finished. You’re a nuisance, but not a threat. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA”
We lost control of the “gummint” some time ago. Since then …
1. 9/11 – 2800 dead
2. Iraq – 1900 dead
3. NOLA – ? dead
If the Republicans indeed are entrenching themselves in power for the next 30 years, you’d better up your life insurance policy, Mark! Who knows, you may be the next casualty of GOP incompetence, greed, or indifference. Better stock your basement with a 28-year supply of food and water in case the Big One hits Seattle because that’s how long you’ll have to wait to be rescued.
Too bad for you jerks that you didn’t support campaign reform when you had the chance.
Comment on 21
“For some reason, MTR, you think you’re up there with the power-elite playing the big game, but you are sadly and pathetically mistaken.”
MTR is, at the end of the day, a mere employee. And like all employees, he is expendable, a temp, subject to planned obsolesence. He sold his soul to the Devil for an SUV and a tank of gas, and doesn’t even know who he’s working for.
Time for a moonbat poll:
If you were (God forbid) President, who would you pick for the vacant position on the Supreme Court?
Wabbit – Your comment at 28 highlights a difference between producers and takers and between me and you. I have dedicated myself to the concept of “lifetime learning”. That’s why I have a whole alphabet full of letters after my name. I pay attention to trends in technology and business and continually reinvest in myself so I’m not an “expandable, temp subject to planned obsolescence”. Anybody who doesn’t continue to invest in themselves is a fucking idiot, and ends up being an embittered angry horses ass. Like you….
@ 30 MTRVI said “That’s why I have a whole alphabet full of letters after my name.”
Let me geuss: M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E
Sure as fuck wouldn’t be you, Redneck.
Roger Rabbit @ 26
Not to mention the 40 million dead since Roe V. Wade. A recent study showed that Kerry would have won by 3-5 million votes in 2004 if abortion had remained illegal.
I’d try to find another William O. Douglas — someone who would protect individual liberties, because that’s what is most greatly endangered by the right wing red tide inundating America. Caution — drinking the red tide WILL be hazardous to your health & wealth!
Here, frame this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Mooning.jpg and hang it with your other credentials.
Donna @ 31 – You are pathetic. If you weren’t such a beeeach, I’d feel sorry for you. I try to make a halfway serious point, and you put up one another one of your stupid fucking posts. It must be awful to live a life filled with anger and hate and envy. And the really sad part is that you’re so blinded by hate, that you can’t even see light when it’s put right in front of your eyes. So spend the rest of your miserable life in some shitty one room apartment and be mad at the world. Fuck you.
Typical fucking asses. No suggestions whatsoever who should be nominated for Supreme Court. But whoever GWB nominates that’s to the right of Stalin will be branded “extreme”. That’s why you asses are done. You have no ideas. Should be clear to you now that hate doesn’t sell.
Hey Mark, how do you like my “free market gas rationing” plan? Gas hogs like you can use all they want, as long as you pay a tax surcharge of $10 a gallon for consumption over 50 gallons per month. We’re at WAR, dummy! In wartime, we need rationing to keep prices affordable for the “little guy” who PRODUCES something! (Unlike useless bottom feeders like you, who just push money around in circles, skimming off the top as you go.)
Wabbit – I aksed earlier today to expand on your plan. Yours is a consumption tax, not a rationing plan. Which is it?
But don’t you worry your little bunny head over this. Invisible hand has already handled it. Dun.
MTR, you and your idiotic friends (fiends) that call your self the party of ‘life’ and show yourselves as the party of ‘death to anyone buy us’ are now officially short termers. The whole GOP party from the Chimp on down to your lowly position in life are ‘lame ducks’. Get over it and get over your bloated opinion of yourself
Go ahead and dream RIP. We’re in power, and nuthin you asses can do about it. Most people don’t think like you and the other kooks on this board. You guys are way out of the mainstream. I really didn’t think people like you existed before I came to HA. You’re just a nuisance, not a threat.
I just ask this one thing…. pleeeeeeeease nominate Her Highness in 08. Pleeeeeease….
I betcha that GWB, being a courteous man, called Thomas and Scalia and they agreed to have a strict constructionist as chief justice like Roberts. Smart move by Mr. Rove.
Consumption taxes: So Wabbit you support Steve Forbes? Part of his tax plan as around consumption taxes at one time. Luckily I work from home and when I travel my clients pay de billz. So a consumption tax is fine by de kid! Funny we’d find all those “Bill Clinton soccer moms” screaming bloody murder for this wonderful consumption tax!
All righties: Don*****Don admitted months ago he has balls. PacMan (where is he) got him to admit he be a guy. Then he appeard talking about trying to bed some blonde woman who had a few kids. Yeah all puff and hardly any stuff. Headlice Loocy is definity a girl in a guy’s body. I think Loocy shops a Victoria Secret for himself and get his panties in a torqued ball when he reads our fine responses, which traps his balls and he loses cohesive thought and writes gibberish.
I also think it’s funny that the moonbat donks refer to wikipedia for their gratification and reliance. Then it’s the Daily Kos for cross-linked moonbat donk thought. Don’t any of you lefties have any independent coordinated thought patterns?
What I like is those ho complain about 58+ milion be so wrong. I guess you all be speaking about those who voted for Kerry. 62,040,610 voted to have somone like John Roberts as a supreme court judge. So how could 59,028,111 people be so wrong!
Sorry for the missing letters. I have a new keyboard that needs additional typing pressure to register certain letters. So here is the post cleaned up:
I betcha that GWB, being a courteous man, called Thomas and Scalia and they agreed to have a strict constructionist as chief justice like Roberts. Smart move by Mr. Rove.
Consumption taxes: So Wabbit you support Steve Forbes? Part of his tax plan was around consumption taxes at one time. Luckily I work from home and when I travel my clients pay de billz. So a consumption tax is fine by de kid! Funny we’d find all those “Bill Clinton soccer moms” screaming bloody murder for this wonderful consumption tax!
All righties: Don*****Don admitted months ago he has balls. PacMan (where is he) got him to admit he be a guy. Then he appeared talking about trying to bed some blonde woman in the 90’s who had a few kids. Yeah all puff and hardly any stuff. Headlice Loocy is definitely a girl in a guy’s body. Why else wold they choose a feminine name on a lefty board. Seems to explain that wrestling fetish where he likes to look at young guys bodies straining for that elusive pinfall. I think Loocy shops a Victoria Secret for himself and get his panties in a torqued ball when he reads our fine responses, which traps his balls and he loses cohesive thought and writes gibberish.
I also think it’s funny that the moonbat donks refer to wikipedia for their gratification and reliance. Then it’s the Daily Kos for cross-linked moonbat donk thought. Don’t any of you lefties have any independent self-coordinated thought patterns?
What I like is those who complain about 58+ milion be so wrong. I guess you all be speaking about those who voted for Kerry. So I went to wikipedia for de vote totals. 62,040,610 voted to have someone like John Roberts as a supreme court judge. So how could 59,028,111 people be so wrong?
Maybe the Roberts nomination is the needle we need to lance the boil of neo-con conservatism that infects the body politic at this point. It may be a mess of political puss, but we’ll all feel better with the pressure off.
headless lucy:44
You should probably come up with something besides neo-stupidity to replace “neo-con”.
Note to other Progressives: When the word MOONBAT is dragged out, you know the morons have run out of talking points for the day. They think we get our ideas in the same way they do, but I ,for one, need no list of someone elses talking points to get through the blogging day. Only CHRISTO-FASCIST NAZI NEO-CONS do that!
re 33: Abortion is not murder. That’s a fact and that’s the law. But if a family member of mine were killed by a anti-abortion fanatic you would all soon discover the real difference between abortion and murder. But don’t worry! I’ll steer clear of harming a fetus.
I want to know for which public school lucy is the wrestling coach he/she/it claims to be. As a family closely associated with the wrestling program in our league, I want to make sure that he/she/it has absolutely no contact with our children.
I suspect it’s the S King county public school that had to suspend most of it’s wrestlers last year for breaking, entering and stealing from another team in it’s own school. I suspect it’s that particular school further because they are known league and tournament wide as dirty wrestlers, cheats, mat crawlers and whiners… all of which would be learned at the knees of their COACH. -Comment by HowCanYouBePROUDtobeAnASS— 9/5/05 @ 2:01 pm
I’m still waiting, headless lucy/ballsless loony – time to step up to the plate brave boy/girl/thing and announce your team. Tell us, how much time does it take to teach your wrestlers to be mat crawlers looking for that out of bound line like an illegal immigrant looking for a whole in the border? Wouldn’t your time be a little better spent actually teaching them to wrestle instead of whine? Wasn’t it one of your punks that was ejected from league championship competition for biting his opponent a year or 2 ago? Be the man you claim (wish) to be, coach -Comment by HowCanYouBePROUDtobeAnASS— 9/5/05 @ 10:17 pm
headless lucy @ 47
‘That’s a fact and that’s the law’ is how slavery used to be viewed in the US. Being legal does not make it moral or the right thing to do. If it were legal to “abort” children up to age two would you classify it as murder, or at least wrong?
MTRVI @ 36 said :
Donna – You are pathetic. If you weren’t such a beeeach, I’d feel sorry for you. I try to make a halfway serious point, and you put up one another one of your stupid fucking posts.
Perhaps you should put an addendum on your serious posts saying *I know most of the crap I post is not serious, but the crap I posted above is serious.
Then other would be able to tell apart your nonserious crap, from your serious crap.
MTRVI goes on :
It must be awful to live a life filled with anger and hate and envy. And the really sad part is that you’re so blinded by hate, that you can’t even see light when it’s put right in front of your eyes.
My, but you do have a high opinion of your psychic powers! I am not filled with anger and hate. Oh I admit, I am certainly angry with the fascist Neo-Cons and their Symps. And true, I can begin to hate those who refuse to open their eyes to see the obvious facts around them, but “filled with anger and hate� Not even close, Markie. As for envy; now you have really put your foot in your mouth! I don’t envy anything you or any other person may have. I am so damn happy with my personal life, that I spend far too much time just reflecting on how damn happy I am. But a bitter, shriveled up old husk of a man like yourself would know anything about that, I imagine.
So spend the rest of your miserable life in some shitty one room apartment and be mad at the world. Fuck you.
Naw, I ain’t mad at the world, and as for “miserable life†see my comment above. I rather like my one bedroom apartment. But I am thinking of getting a travel trailer and getting some real freedom!
Ah, the life!
So how did Bush come up with him-was he the CEO of Walmart for 10 years or something?
Instead of headlice loocy let’s make it clueless loocy! YEAH, that’s the ticket.
Don*****don: 5th wheel, pusher or puller?
Now GWB can nominate Janice Rogers Brown and replace a white woman with a black woman. That would be a shrewd Rove move. How would Chucky Schumer rant about that now we hear all this racist talk about how GWB hates blacks? Now the NO people can see how the Dems would feel about they being shutout of the SCOTUS derby and a black woman could make history!!!! Goldy what do you tink about dem apples?
PuddyBud @ 54
Travel Trailer Thor – Dutchmen Denali 30RL
PuddyBud @ 55 George Bush doesn’t hate all blacks. He loves those who are wiling to sell their soul to the alter of EVIL.
But the poor ones? Cannon fodder at best. If they ain’t keeping their yaps shut and doing the menial work?
No use for them at all.
And that is Rove’s best trick yet.
Donnageddon: Looking nice. So you getting a Denali 5th Wheel 30 footer? Total weight and is the truck used to tow a single rear standard, single rear double flared or a double rear single? We were looking at pushers but with two about to enter college in 2006 -2007 we are delaying that purchase.
Don@57: Are you Black? Why do you equate conservative blacks to being evil? You have no idea about me or my walk. And now you are making this equation? No IT’S YOU WHO IS EVIL! Your kind makes me sick. Real sick. Who makes you the arbiter of black political thought. Find a new horse to ride out of here on because you are not welcome!
I think the Puddy suggestion is a great one. He kills two birds with one stone: A minority and a woman! A woman descended from sharecroppers.
Ah yes donk****don really stepped in it now. Go get him PacMan. Calling conservative blacks evil. Isn’t that racist thought donk****don? I thought liberal lefties are progressive. Looks like more liberal bullshit to me!
PacMan @ 59 And PuddyBud @ 60 “Why do you equate conservative blacks to being evil?”
“Calling conservative blacks evil”
It is interesting how the Neo-Con mind works. Even when the evidence that I said no such thing is just a few inches above your posts, you still think you can spin lies about what I said. Who do you think you are: Rove?
Nice try assholes. But your race baiting is both fascinating and hysterical.
WHat is most interesting is that neither of you qouted me, because doing so would have destroyed your little attempt at spinning my words.
He loves those who are wiling to sell their soul to the alter of EVIL. – Everyone who said this? Donk****don!!!
To sell your soul to the alter of EVIL means you become evil. You said that of conservative blacks. You said it, no one else
Hey IT-man, yes you donk****don (nice name Puddy), so I am evil because I don’t drink lefty kool-aid? I didn’t respond last night because I waited for your clarification. You are one sleasy person donk****don. Yes, you are EVIL. ANY athiest who doesn’t acknowledge our Creator or His Son is EVIL. Now it’s fully clarified!
You two are wonderful!
Yes, please keep spinning! You are so sad. And so unaware of the meaning of the words of Christ.